Disney addict needs advice


dis veteran/disney addict
Aug 10, 2000
We dont leave for disney for 31 more days, and I still cant get enough of this board!!
I sit on here nearly 3 - 4 hours at a time, when i should be cleaning my house!!!

Is any one else this addicted to this board?? I need advice on what I can do beside read this
board all day, I am going crazy and my husband cant stand me this way for 31 more days!!!

I have read 2 disney books, made "tenative" park plans on paper, compiled list of not too miss rides for my
family, shopped for clothes, little snacks, glow sticks, etc....

NOw what, I need some way to pass the days w/o going insane and being tired of talking/seeing disney.
(i have looked at nearly every website w/photos of parks!!!)

sorry to go on and on.......:eek:
OMG..... I thought it was just me.......LOL

I, too, stumbled on these boards while planning a trip for December & can't go a day without checking for new info to help me plan. I'm so glad it's not just me. I've just spent two hours here today...LOL!

Anyway, I've learned lots which will hopefully maximize our family's vacation. I just want to take advantage of all there is to offer in Orlando while not wasting time or money.

Thanks to all those who post.:)
Yup, Ive been addicted since Jan 01. Our 9 night stay at Wilderness Lodge was Oct 5-14. I found a way to feed my addiction. We joined Disney vacation club and will be vacationing for the next 41 years!
Disnee Dad Says...................................................... I feel your pain. Lucky for me I have a drug that keeps me pretty normal, except when I send 10 e-mails to Eisner about the cutbacks!!! Your main problem is easy to fix. Why bother cleaning your house when it's just going to get messy again!! Let it build up till it's really bad, then you have a project for 2-3 days to get it "clean". Thats time away from the boards!! My favorite plan , as we are leaving in 11 days, is to try to help as many people as possible before I go. I'm still on the board, but not looking for tips,hints, advice. I look for people who ask "Can we walk to MK from All Stars?"
"Can we do all three parks in three days?". "Should I bring $2000 cash with me, is that enough?". These are clueless people, but I give them much credit, because they went to the source for information, and we should help them. And we do. Here are some plans to help YOU. Is DH going out to pick up some fast food? Hit the boards. Do you get up before or after he does? Hit the boards when he's gone. Does DH ever play golf or softball etc., if so hit the boards while he's gone. When he mows the lawn, thats good for a ten minute fix! And my personal favorite, stay up really, really, late and sleep 4 hours a night, 4 1/2 on weekends!!
Whew! I'm SOOOO glad I'm not the only one obsessed with this board. I've been on it for at least 2 weeks day and night until 2:00 am. I'm sure I've read every post twice. I've gotten LOTS of helpful tips.
I am also guilty. My husband laughs at me now when he sees me on these boards. He asked me what am I going to do with my time after our trip in November. But he has no real complaints because I have saved us alot of money with the tips, advise and discounts from these boards. Not to mention I was able to get Cinderella's breakfast which my girls will love when I tell them (it will be a surprise) even my husband is excited about eating in the castle and is looking forward to that meal. To everyone out there thanks for all the help in planning our trip.
I think we'll be there at the same time, HelloKitty! I, too, must read these boards daily~ usually 2-3 times a day. I've planned, PS'd, shopped, etc. I've got ponchos, moleskin, and fanny packs ready to go. I've even got my shopping list for my 30 min. stop with Tiffany's. I've learned so much here!! It's my DS (7) and my DD(4) first visit. My husband complained until I saved over $400 on our hotel. Even he was amzed we got Cindy's on our first try! As I told my sister about these boards, she jokingly called it "my Disney support group." I guess it is! Don't know what to do for the next 32 days!

Disnee Dad....I want to tell you how much I enjoy your posts, you give great advice, thanks!

Also, my house is a mess, too!
Disnee Dad Says................................................................... Thank you so much M&C's Mom.
While I love to inject levity and humour into my posts, it is mainly to grab your attention. The most important part is to give good advice to help everyone have a special trip. I've had many replies that say LOL, or "I'm so funny", BUT YOU ARE THE FIRST TO SAY I GIVE GREAT ADVICE!!! That is the best compliment I have ever gotten here, you almost make it sound like you look for my posts! I gotta go, my head is so big, part of its out in the hall way!!
Sorry - hellokitty - didn't mean to confuse things :) :) :)

Guess we are all a little too addicted to the DIS :D :D :D
Yep - you just described me perfectly! I've been addicted since January!

23 more days 'til we're there!!!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

My husband thinks I am completely nuts. I've been to Disney a few times - last one being 11/95 SWAN - he has NEVER been.

SO - we leave in 37 days and 20 hours....

I am so excited - it's all I can talk about..... he doesn't understand this craziness having never been.........

JUST WAIT til we get there and he is overcome by the MAGIC.

I CANNNNNNNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Claudine, I got back from my trip a week and a half ago, and I think I spend more time on the boards now than before we went!:rolleyes: I think I'm trying to live vicariously through everyone else - I can pretend that I'm planning another trip!

NOW is when my husband really thinks I'm crazy!:D
OK hellokitty heres what you do, make a list of what needs to be doen at your house. Do one thing on the list and reward yourself with soem DIS time. When your time is up do another chore from the list and have some more DIs time.

LOL I'm an addict too!
Disnee Dad Says......................................................................Last night my wife hid my disney medicine!! In just one day I have changed. I had to call today to see about turning our six day pass into an annuall pass!! With AP you can see the Osborne lights at MGM on November 16 and 17!!! Must see the lights!! Must get AP!! Must change my name to Walt!! HELP ME!!! :crazy: :bounce:
whenever I'm sitting here my DH walks by and says"Disney Dork". 9 more days!!!
Just to give you a perspective that you are within the norm (or I should say more of a perspective) and that would be norm in terms of the average Disneyphile. I have 83 days and 2 minutes (tee hee) until we pull into the AS resort and I *already* am making lists. Here are mine:

1. List of holiday gifts to give kids that are Disney enspired
2. See Harry Potter (OK, not Disney, but it's on the list)
3. 2 different lists of clothes for each person
4. List of clothes that we may want to invest in before the trip
5. coordinating with my parents what colors to wear on what days (So far we have Red, Blue, Purple, Orange, and Tie Dye - if we can talk Grandpa into it)
6. List of things to do to the car before we go (remember 83 days and 1 minute to go)
7. List of people to send post cards to

Yep and I still have................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... exactly 82 days to go!




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