Disney Magic Kingdoms

After The 4 hour Doc and Sneezy mission “After Update the Cottage” a new mission “By the Water” pops up and it consists of 3 individual, 2 hour characters missions, “Search for the Water” for Bashful, Doc and Sneezy.

We must be at the same stage, mine are also at the water. While Dopey and Grumpy search for Bashfuls items for level 3. I am loving the dialogue so far. Also for those who are still waiting for Bashful you will get some gems once the first Snow White collection is complete cant remember total as I forgot about this and clicked too fast to get on with the game. Was thinking gems for the collection with Grumpy would be higher also, the premium character set is 20.
There is no doubt in my paranoia mind if I hadnt sent Cheshire Cat to level that I'd still be waiting on Bashful items.

It isnt paranoia it does work. What are we going to do we are running out of non event characters to level up, this strategy wont be able to continue for much longer.
Oh wait Shere Khan is only level 5 phew he is good for the next few events it will probably take the time between each to get his items for each level:rotfl:
Nope. The worst that could happen I think is that I would lose the gems I attempted to buy the chest with because they will both still have local data. That's happened to me before once or twice, (like, when trying to get something from a platinum chest). So I'm only buying three chests at a time just in case.

I guess I'm afraid to erase my game on my phone. I never thought it was worth the effort. Until now. But I'm still not likely to do it.

It isnt paranoia it does work. What are we going to do we are running out of non event characters to level up, this strategy wont be able to continue for much longer.
Oh wait Shere Khan is only level 5 phew he is good for the next few events it will probably take the time between each to get his items for each level:rotfl:

I agree. This totally works. I have tried it a few times. And with Shere Khan in the mix the only real concern is having him ready to level up when you need to try this. ;)
I guess I'm afraid to erase my game on my phone. I never thought it was worth the effort. Until now. Maybe. If I knew how to do it safely. Because I'm really not a fan of those gameloft interns and I'd like to annoy them the way they are annoying us.
Yeah, I keep reading all of these posts from people about their easy 45-step cheat process to open chests. Maybe I'm just too busy with life, but honestly, it's just really not worth my time.
I really wish I kept track of how many chests I've opened in the last hour of my life.

Completely close the game on all devices...swipe it away. Open it on the most recent device you played on. Wherever it's at when you opened it is where it is saved. Open a chest or do whatever. If you don't get what you want close it completely....swipe it away...and open on your second device from the cloud version. Repeat.
Santa: Who is this Gameloft, we are getting alot of requests from kids who play their game and want Grumpy for Christmas and a new computer?

Mrs Claus: Can you get him for me too. Oh and we might need a new computer too. I opened todays Magical chest and it really wasnt that magical at all it didnt have Grumpy in it.

Santa: thats it Gameloft interns are now on the naughty list.
I was lucky enough to start welcoming Bashful when I woke up!

Once he’s completed he has a mission called Snow Where?, which consists of 2 missions. Search for the Princess which is a 2 hour Bashful mission and Update the Cottage which is a 4 hour Doc and Sneezy Mission.

When Bashful gets to level 2 he has a 1 hour, non-event (yellow) mission.

I usually wait on, or do non-event missions over night, but since it was only an hour figured why not.

After The 4 hour Doc and Sneezy mission “After Update the Cottage” a new mission “By the Water” pops up and it consists of 3 individual, 2 hour characters missions, “Search for the Water” for Bashful, Doc and Sneezy.

Not sure if this is the best way to do it, or if it’s against any forum rules (quoting yourself), but wanted to get all the post welcoming Bashful missions together. Hope people find it useful.

After the 3 2 hour “Search for Water” Missions those same 3 have individual missions. Sneezy and Bashful both have 2 hour “An Eye our for Snow White” mission and Doc has an 8 hour “Washing Up with Doc” mission.

I’ll have the first two done tonight, but gonna do Docs overnight.
Yeah, I keep reading all of these posts from people about their easy 45-step cheat process to open chests. Maybe I'm just too busy with life, but honestly, it's just really not worth my time.

I really do agree with you, but it was fun to think about for a moment. I think I'd rather quit altogether than have to go through stuff like that. I do like the idea of annoying them though.
Nice work you are keeping up nicely with your busy schedule
Sending a ton of characters home has helped me be in and out of the game as fast as I can. Had today partially off so that gave me some time but tomorrow starts back up the chaos. My boyfriend said he'd play for me on Thursday and Friday so you might see him on here asking for help on my account lol. I am going to give him some info on playing beforehand as well.
Sending a ton of characters home has helped me be in and out of the game as fast as I can. Had today partially off so that gave me some time but tomorrow starts back up the chaos. My boyfriend said he'd play for me on Thursday and Friday so you might see him on here asking for help on my account lol. I am going to give him some info on playing beforehand as well.

he sounds like a keeper, haha!
Just had a thought... And all you math geeks, crunch the numbers for us, will ya? Trophy events... Take us away from the main play. Dangle a carrot of a prize generally too low to really matter. And if you notice, for most of the characters, they are 60 minutes. So... Send out Sarge for a nice 8-hour task and a lot of event currency while I sleep? or have him get me a trophy and a pittance of EC? Just saying. Maybe trophies during waking hours and forget about them at night? Seems another event within an event designed to distract. And a way to keep our EC from turning into gems at the end (maybe... it's to make up the massive number of gems we will have to spend to have a character who is angry, obstinate, surly, and if course, Grumpy!) Oh my!

PS no snow in Santa Cruz or San Jose, CA today. I checked. lol
Joining in the thread. I started DMK way back when it first released, but had a loooooong break. Joined back in a month ago and have been enjoying the game again. Lots of catch up, but given I am missing a ton of characters I’m not bothered by Grumpy, and aren’t even trying to get tokens.

Right now I’m introducing Bashful. It would have been a few hours earlier but when I needed only one set of ears, I had a whole set of tasks completed that dropped not a single thing!

Weather contribution, I’m in New Zealand so it’s summer, dinner was BBQ lamb eaten outside though it was slightly cool at around 20C/70F... almost needed a sweater...
Will be able to level Bashful to level2 in about 15 min as he is on a task then I have 5 characters ready to click to get more ears for him while level up process happens
Hottest day since Feb here in Melbourne Australia 37c/99F


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