Disney Magic Kingdoms

I didn't get to babysit the game last week for different reasons, but I think I'm on track.

Tier 148 to get Dug, so not really worried about that.

Three ear hats away for Mei. I have everyone out running her tasks (and I keep checking the shop as a "just in case"). I only have one character ready to level (Abuelita at 16 hours), but I'm going to wait to do that until I'm done with Mei and Dug. I don't want to run into any potential conflict.
Ya know….after checking this morning, it does seem like I’ll be okay too. We still have some weekly tasks coming, so that should tip me over the edge into level 150. I’m at the same level as you….148, and 5 ear hats needed for Mei. I think I can, I think I can…..

Just wish it was a little more fun and a little less stressful, but it is what it is
Just wish it was a little more fun and a little less stressful, but it is what it is

This, for sure. I'm the guy who gets to a movie theater a half hour before the trailers start "just in case." I don't like running anything down to the wire.

A few days of dailies, but the leftover weeklies I haven't finished yet plus the tons of happiness for Mei and Turning Red...I don't forsee a problem. I just have to be diligent about sending folks out to on tasks.
Three ear hats away for Mei. I have everyone out running her tasks (and I keep checking the shop as a "just in case"). I only have one character ready to level (Abuelita at 16 hours), but I'm going to wait to do that until I'm done with Mei and Dug. I don't want to run into any potential conflict.

If you're playing on an Android phone, just buy the remaining tokens. I mean, what else are you going to do with your elixirs at this point?
Got to Mei and Dug last night, so I'm to the end of the season and event now. I still have a lot of token harvesting and leveling to do which will keep me busy until Hocus Pocus starts.
Level 149 and 1 more stupid ear hat for Mei as of this morning. Hoping to get that hat today, and not have to spend gems like I did with Carl. At least it would only be purchasing one token instead of three this time. Trying to let patience take the wheel here
Okay, update from someone who didn't buy the Kingdom Pass

IOS - 3 ear hats for Mei. *sigh*. So then I am obviously behind for Dug. Only level 138. I could spend 200 gems to get her, but I also don't have Ming Lee. So that's 700 gems to get all the happiness, and still no guarantee that I will be close enough to get Dug. I have 1,157 gems, so I could do it. But if I am leaving the game after I get my Christmas gift, I would prefer to buy gem characters that I like and know.

Windows - I just got Mei. And I do have Ming Lee. So with all the Event, and Weekly tasks done, I am at level 142. I have a dreadful feeling that I will get a bunch of Weekly tasks next week that will take all week to complete and won't be able to reroll all of them. Like find 20 Hidden Chests (we can only find 21 in a week). So then will not have that happiness award to get to Dug. Since weeks are 7 days, and we only will have 5 days before the season ends.

Hocus Pocus is the next event, and that's another who cares for me. But you know it will have another character that will 500 gems....
Okay, update from someone who didn't buy the Kingdom Pass

IOS - 3 ear hats for Mei. *sigh*. So then I am obviously behind for Dug. Only level 138. I could spend 200 gems to get her, but I also don't have Ming Lee. So that's 700 gems to get all the happiness, and still no guarantee that I will be close enough to get Dug. I have 1,157 gems, so I could do it. But if I am leaving the game after I get my Christmas gift, I would prefer to buy gem characters that I like and know.

Windows - I just got Mei. And I do have Ming Lee. So with all the Event, and Weekly tasks done, I am at level 142. I have a dreadful feeling that I will get a bunch of Weekly tasks next week that will take all week to complete and won't be able to reroll all of them. Like find 20 Hidden Chests (we can only find 21 in a week). So then will not have that happiness award to get to Dug. Since weeks are 7 days, and we only will have 5 days before the season ends.

Hocus Pocus is the next event, and that's another who cares for me. But you know it will have another character that will 500 gems....
Thanks for the update. I was wondering how those without the Kingdom Pass were faring. It takes boatloads of happiness in those last couple of levels, so it sounds like it would be a definite challenge for you to get Dug at all. Spending gems on a “maybe” is a tough thing to do. And yeah….I get the “better character” thing. I coughed up the gems for Ming Lee and am still waiting for my final stupid ear hat. Probably will end up just coughing up the gems for that too. Just a bummer😕
TL; DR: It's possible to get Dug without the Kingdom Pass, but takes constant work at the game.

I'm another player who did not purchase the Kingdom Pass, and at least as far as it appears on Reddit I must be one of the very few who was able to get Dug without buying the Kingdom Pass. I'm probably up to about level 154 right now after completing the event. I completed every single happiness-producing task during the course of the season (daily, weekly, event, collection leaderboard, etc.) I did buy each premium character with gems, I don't recall there being any premium buildings (outside of the Kingdom Pass), but I bought it with gems if there was one I am not remembering. But, I otherwise spent no gems other than maybe 8 per week swapping out 1-2 weekly tasks per week, nor used any of the time-skipping things that I find mostly useless and have I think like 2,000 of.

My goal with this season was to find out if it was possible to get Dug without the Kingdom Pass, and I can say that it was, at least for me; and also to determine if that is something I wish to continue doing. I've always played this game more than I should, so I didn't have to alter my playing style very much for the season, other than swapping out weekly tasks Thursday mornings and starting a ton of 6-hour tasks and whatever. I pretty much can't stand Thursday mornings under the season system. But, since I didn't alter my style all that much, I will probably continue and hope the next season doesn't get any worse, and just continue to decide on an each season basis. For me, Charles and Paradise Falls and whatever else weren't worth $20 to me (same as the one Star Wars attraction I don't have, a shuttle or something, when that was made available for purchase a few months ago). Those are the only items I don't have in the game.

On the other hand, there are tons of people on Reddit asserting it's impossible to complete the season without the Kingdom Pass; that they completed every happiness task during the season "except for 1 or 2 weekly tasks", and they are only level 139 or 140 or so, or worse, and won't be able to get Dug. My experience does not reflect that, I was able to complete the season with over a week left, spending no money or gems other than premium character purchases. I suspect nearly all of them are likely understating the amount of happiness tasks, in whatever form, that they didn't complete, based on my own experience, but I guess there's no way of knowing. Many people seem to think there must be a bug with the happiness system, which I suppose I wouldn't be surprised with Gameloft if that were the case, but I saw no indication of that myself and happiness seemed to add up correctly each day for me.

Sorry this is so long, but it's a non-Kingdom Pass perspective for whoever cares.
Generally not in love with the game right now, as it has been for some time. I play *a lot*. I do not work due to a rare headache disease (a headache 24/7 since 1994 that is not touched by any medications or treatments, period). I suppose some headache flares caused me to not complete a couple of weekly happiness tasks, but not more than 2 or 3. OK, enough about my life problems lol. The point is I have time on my hands. I have been collecting for Mei since a couple of hours after the timewall came down, and I still have only 2 ears hats. I have not seen one drop in days now, and the idea that I had that much time to collect for Mei and there is a huge chance that I won't get her really frustrates me.

I did not buy the Kingdom Pass, wanting to see how this new game feature would go before I gave them $20. I am currently working on Level 131, so there's no way I will get Dug. And the fact that this game has turned us all into Thursday morning haters says something. For a little game that used to spark some joy for those of us here, they sure have managed to suck the magic out of it. I used to throw a few bucks at the game here and there (nothing big), but the tweaks that they have made to the game (Kingdom Pass, obvious drop rate manipulation for the last character in an event) are doing the opposite of what they intended with me. It just makes me determined to not give them a dime.

I do like Hocus Pocus. It has sentimental value to me, so I will be here for that. But I am really feeling disappointment with this game once again.
Not sure what the season pass has to do with Dug, though. I do not recall seeing any happiness to be earned through the season pass, so unless I'm missing something, having the pass would only get you the dog and the costume. But everyone should be able to complete the dog with enough effort.
The Kingdom Pass gave a 10% happiness bonus, which is a significant difference in this event. By far the majority of people getting Dug so far that I’ve seen did pay for the Kingdom Pass.
TL; DR: It's possible to get Dug without the Kingdom Pass, but takes constant work at the game.
But, I otherwise spent no gems other than maybe 8 per week swapping out 1-2 weekly tasks per week, nor used any of the time-skipping things that I find mostly useless and have I think like 2,000 of.
I have never wasted gems on speeding up tasks, but I finally started to use some of my time-skip thingies when it came down to needing just one or two of a token for a character. The way I saw it, if I could start welcoming someone, that would clear out the full tokens and then next round of collections would go to the next level, if that makes sense. I have hundreds of those things now, so why not just use them? Otherwise, they are just going to sit around. No sense in hoarding.
TL; DR: It's possible to get Dug without the Kingdom Pass, but takes constant work at the game.

I'm another player who did not purchase the Kingdom Pass, and at least as far as it appears on Reddit I must be one of the very few who was able to get Dug without buying the Kingdom Pass. I'm probably up to about level 154 right now after completing the event. I completed every single happiness-producing task during the course of the season (daily, weekly, event, collection leaderboard, etc.) I did buy each premium character with gems, I don't recall there being any premium buildings (outside of the Kingdom Pass), but I bought it with gems if there was one I am not remembering. But, I otherwise spent no gems other than maybe 8 per week swapping out 1-2 weekly tasks per week, nor used any of the time-skipping things that I find mostly useless and have I think like 2,000 of.

My goal with this season was to find out if it was possible to get Dug without the Kingdom Pass, and I can say that it was, at least for me; and also to determine if that is something I wish to continue doing. I've always played this game more than I should, so I didn't have to alter my playing style very much for the season, other than swapping out weekly tasks Thursday mornings and starting a ton of 6-hour tasks and whatever. I pretty much can't stand Thursday mornings under the season system. But, since I didn't alter my style all that much, I will probably continue and hope the next season doesn't get any worse, and just continue to decide on an each season basis. For me, Charles and Paradise Falls and whatever else weren't worth $20 to me (same as the one Star Wars attraction I don't have, a shuttle or something, when that was made available for purchase a few months ago). Those are the only items I don't have in the game.

On the other hand, there are tons of people on Reddit asserting it's impossible to complete the season without the Kingdom Pass; that they completed every happiness task during the season "except for 1 or 2 weekly tasks", and they are only level 139 or 140 or so, or worse, and won't be able to get Dug. My experience does not reflect that, I was able to complete the season with over a week left, spending no money or gems other than premium character purchases. I suspect nearly all of them are likely understating the amount of happiness tasks, in whatever form, that they didn't complete, based on my own experience, but I guess there's no way of knowing. Many people seem to think there must be a bug with the happiness system, which I suppose I wouldn't be surprised with Gameloft if that were the case, but I saw no indication of that myself and happiness seemed to add up correctly each day for me.

Sorry this is so long, but it's a non-Kingdom Pass perspective for whoever cares.

One thing I noticed about the Reddit thread regarding this is that most of them underestimated the value of still completing the wishes in the park. There was roughly 50 happiness per day in there, which over the course of an 89-day season is about 4500 happiness (about 9 tiers) in total. Which is about as much short as most of those folks are.
The Wiki lists the Happiness available, and I still don't understand how non-Kingdom pass people are close.

Tomorrow is day 84, and the end of Week 12.

140 Happiness/day x 84 days = 11,760
2000 Happiness /week x 12 weeks = 24,000
Lion King TC Event = 5400
Up Event = 4100
Turning Red Event = 7000
Cascading Critters = 2200
Gifts = 750
Calendar Rewards = 875

Total: 56,085

Adding up all the happiness required to get to level 131 = 55,640.

So what have I missed?

I figured all the wishes would be necessary, so I tried to do them as fast as possible, but sometimes you just can't check in, or you get a Mickey wish, when he's out collecting Abby Ears *sigh*. The person above estimated 4500 more happiness is obtainable from wishes. 132 to 141 is 4655.

I'm at 142 in my Windows game, so I must have collected more wishes, or I'm missing something. I know I missed 3 Weekly tasks (1 the first week, 2 more when we went to Universal for 3 days). I missed two full dailies when we went to Universal. I estimate that at about 1100 in missed Happiness, which at these high levels is about 2 levels. So I get how people could be around 145. I don't understand how anyone could have gotten to 154 or 148 without the 10% bonus.

Going from 145 to 150 is another 2625 happiness. Which is an additional 31 character wishes per day, every day for 84 days. Which seems like a lot, when you've already estimated people can collect 50 per day. So 80+ wishes per day? Is that what some of you are collecting?

EDIT: I did remember something, calendar rewards.
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Also, Remaining Happiness:

5 x 140 = 700
1 x 2000 = 2000 (if you can get all your weekly tasks done early)
Calendar = 100
=2800 + wishes,

Which is about 5 levels worth. So if you are 145, you should be able to make it. The rest of us will need to use some gems. Which are 53 per level at those final levels.

I've also decided in my IOS game not to go for the 850 happiness by Welcoming Ming Lee (500 gems). I'll just spend the 106 gems to make up the 2 levels. I probably will buy Mei for 200 gems, to get to 4/5 characters + 30 tasks which is 1600 happiness.
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The Wiki lists the Happiness available, and I still don't understand how non-Kingdom pass people are close.

Tomorrow is day 84, and the end of Week 12.

140 Happiness/day x 84 days = 11,760
2000 Happiness /week x 12 weeks = 24,000
Lion King TC Event = 5400
Up Event = 4100
Turning Red Event = 7000
Cascading Critters = 2200
Gifts = 750
Calendar Rewards = 875

Total: 56,085

Adding up all the happiness required to get to level 131 = 55,640.

So what have I missed?

I figured all the wishes would be necessary, so I tried to do them as fast as possible, but sometimes you just can't check in, or you get a Mickey wish, when he's out collecting Abby Ears *sigh*. The person above estimated 4500 more happiness is obtainable from wishes. 132 to 141 is 4655.

I'm at 142 in my Windows game, so I must have collected more wishes, or I'm missing something. I know I missed 3 Weekly tasks (1 the first week, 2 more when we went to Universal for 3 days). I missed two full dailies when we went to Universal. I estimate that at about 1100 in missed Happiness, which at these high levels is about 2 levels. So I get how people could be around 145. I don't understand how anyone could have gotten to 154 or 148 without the 10% bonus.

Going from 145 to 150 is another 2625 happiness. Which is an additional 31 character wishes per day, every day for 84 days. Which seems like a lot, when you've already estimated people can collect 50 per day. So 80+ wishes per day? Is that what some of you are collecting?

EDIT: I did remember something, calendar rewards.
There have been some other tappers outside the events you listed that had some happiness, too (and one this coming week that should have some).


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