Disney, The Mouse Betrayed - reviewed by Dave Pruiksma


What Would Walt Do?
Jul 21, 2000
Hey all!

I caught this on the DisneyBlues e-mail group. I even left Parrothead’s intro in it. (sorry John, but I’m getting lazy in my old age.) Anyway, I don’t think he’d mind that I pasted here so…

… Here ya go!!!

As many of you know, recently-retired Disney animator Dave Pruiksma is no fan of the way the Company is being run. And for those of you who don't know... Well, you may not recognize Dave's name--but you've seen his work. For instance, Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast. She was his.

Anyhow, here's something he recently wrote that I thought might interest the folks on this list...

Dear Friends of Disney,

I recently read a book that I feel compelled to tell people about. The book is entitled "Disney, The Mouse Betrayed" a well written, well documented and enlightening comparison of the Disney we all grew up with and a "New Disney", created by the people now running that same company, (apparently right into the ground).

When the book originally came to my attention I thought that it might be a book containing a good deal of hype, sensationalism and unsubstantiated rumor, so I let it sit on my shelf for over a year as I am not interested in that type of thing. But, after opening the book recently to scan the contents, I was happily surprised to find it intelligent, straightforward, thoroughly researched and extremely well documented. The text of the book was prepared by the husband and wife team of Peter and Rochelle Schweizer in the mid-to-late 1990s and it gives a sobering look at the subtle and not so subtle changes to the Disney Corporation in the last 20 or so years.

Please note that this book is not for the faint of heart. There are several chapters that are most disturbing, particularly those involved with the Pedophile problems at the Disney theme parks and also those describing the twisted and brutal "hazing" among the workers at the Disney Fire House which serves the parks in Orlando, Florida. In fact, much of the time I was reading the text I found myself thinking, "How could this be so?" But, as a 20-year veteran of the company who actually experienced many of these changes first hand, (the very changes that lead me to make the difficult decision to leave my beloved vocation of full Disney character animation) I then asked myself, "How could this NOT be so?"

The book contains fair and level headed information supported by excellent documentation and actual reprints of enlightening confidential internal Disney reports that were never intended to be seen by the general public. There are also interviews with employees or "cast members", (both current and those having left the company) and artists, (many of whom I know and have worked closely with) regarding appalling policies and practices held and supported by the "New Disney" right up to the highest level.

After reading this book, I thought about how much worse the company has gotten in the 4 or 5 years since "Disney, The Mouse Betrayed" was published. I pondered how, even now, the company is quickly and quietly, (and I understand without the knowledge or approval of Roy Disney) chipping away at it's very foundation, the Disney animated feature film. The "New Disney", in the name of greed and short term profit, is at this very moment in the process of unceremoniously laying-off most of the artists who have actually helped to make all of the successful classic Disney animated feature films in recent years. These foolish, unimaginative and greedy "leaders" with a recent track record of destroying virtually everything they touch, (witness the startlingly rapid demise of ABC) have actually begun tampering with the very department that has fed and sustained their apparent poor judgement and irresponsible spending for some time. This "Corporate Disney" is, in it's typical fashion, foolishly undermining the good name of Disney Feature Animation by coldly and calculatedly dismantling, it's unique and unparalleled artistry and replacing it with cheap, foreign made product that is in every way derivative of and inferior to the classic Disney animated product.

In the light of these realizations, I found myself compelled to stay away from the unsafe parks, to sell my stock in the company, (if it ever rises to the point where I don't loose my shirt on my investments) and run, screaming, from The Magic Kingdom, never to return. But, please, don't take my word for all of this. I encourage anyone interested in learning what is REALLY going on behind the smiling mask of Mickey Mouse, (in Burbank, CA and around the world) to get his or her hands on a copy of this book, "Disney, The Mouse Betrayed" published by Regnery Publishing in 1998. It is still in print and is widely available. Check the Internet for where to purchase it. I think it will change the way you view corporate Disney forever.

Dave Pruiksma

Retired 20 year veteran of Disney Feature Animation


I don’t know about you, but I’m going to get a copy real soon!!! Should make nice reading right before my three weeks in Disney this summer.
Sounds very interesting and worth reading!!!
One quote from the post

"There are several chapters that are most disturbing, particularly those involved with the Pedophile problems at the Disney theme parks"

In this day when priests are being dismissed left and right over this issue and the Catholic Church under attack for hiding it, someone tell me how this little tidbit has remained under the rug for so long. With so many wishing to find anything wrong with Disney and its current management something like this would have gotten out by now.

While I now agree with that Eisner better days are gone, I do find this quote hard to believe. So Landbaron, read the book soon for all of us and give your review.
Regnery Publishing has a history of being a publishing company with an agenda. I'm big into reading history and political stuff (or used to be). The "Conservative Book Club" used to be a great source of books, especially American history and political history. They focus a lot on Regnery's books. A few years ago they started pushing a number of books about Disney from the angle that Disney is evil, immoral, and otherwise not it keeping with their chosen philosophy. It seemed to me that most of these books were multi-chapter opinion pieces based upon two paragraphs of hearsay. And it's not just the business side (the watering down of animation or using cheap materials). They get into some pretty outrageous accusations. It's like those "exposé’s" of prominent Democrats by conservative operatives or prominent Republicans by liberal operatives. Generally not worth the paper they are printed on. Nothing is all bad. If a book would be written that traced the Disney company over the past 20 years that put the successes in context of the failures and vice versa rather than painting a one dimensional picture of a company that is a house of cards.....now that would be really worth reading.
I agree DisDuck, I'd like to know what the evidence for that claim is. And the sooner the better. That's a crushing accusation that should not be tossed around unexplained nor unsubstantiated.
If most people knew how many 'good' companies were run they would "run screaming.....never to return". Bottom line, families need to evaluate whether a WDW vacation provides their family with a meaningful, quality vacation experience. If it does, you go. If it doesn't, you don't. Perhaps the 'changes' would prompt some not to go, but not us. Likewise, while Disney's latest animated features are no Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast, they are decent entertainment for our family and we go see them. In my book, the Disney experience is still a quality one. Tarnished a bit by recent decisions perhaps, but it is a business afterall. I don't need to know Disney's dirty laundry. Every company has business practices others wouldn't condone. Is Mr. Pruiksma going to boycot every company that does something he may not approve of? He might not get out of the house much.
A lot of the accusations in the book I'm not so sure are true or not, but then there are multiple pages of copied court records and legal documents and stuff in the back that are absolutely indisuputable, and pretty scary too.
I’ve never been accused of carrying pompoms for Eisner and his ilk, but I found absolutely nothing of value in the book. I read it when it first came out but quickly tossed it into the archives, so I’ll have to speak from memory here.

All of the “accusations” in the book have been public for quite a while and all of them follow the typical “Hollywood is out to ruin your child’s soul” party line that’s been around forever. There is no business analysis in the book, just a rehash of the old news, old gossip and urban legends. A lot of talk about the corrupting cover art of ‘The Little Mermaid’, single frame images in animated films that will somehow register and warp minds, the immorality of giving “those people” health care benefits for their “partners”, and the absolute sin of showing a woman’s breasts on the silver screen. The evidence here seems to be nothing but opinion and an occasional quoted newspaper article.

On the parks, about the only thing I really remember is the insistence that WDW was filled with peeping toms. The evidence here is a police report about some employee looking through windows at the Caribbean Beach Resort and one or two employees that had criminal records (again, public well before the book was published). Frankly with 50,000 employees not all of them are going to good people. There is the “Gay Day” stuff with the implication that somehow Disney condones the event. The company is never one that will discourage any group from dropping a lot of money on property – even to the point of sponsoring evangelical music nights on both coasts (which is left unmentioned).

There is no discussion of Disney’s business practices, the quality of their work, or the real social impact of what The Company does. The book simple comes off as one more screeching testimonial by people still not comfortable with the twentieth century. The book pushes forward a political agenda for the people who already believe.

And misses the complete irony that their message is broadcast twice daily on a cable network now owned by Disney. The Mouse’s immorality may taint the movie, but fortunately it seems to leave the cash alone.
that the Walt Disney Corporation is out to lead children astray with Miramax films and "Gay Day" at Disney World, have a look at Disney: The Mouse Betrayed, by Peter and Rochelle Schweizer

that American higher education is overrun by radical feminists and licentious left-wingers? Pick up the late George Roche's The Fall of the Ivory Tower: Government Funding, Corruption, and the Bankrupting of American Higher Education

that the American family is in its death throes? Read Maggie Gallagher's The Abolition of Marriage: How We Destroy Lasting Love

that corrupt teachers' unions are the bane of the American education system? Read G. Gregory Moo's Power Grab: How the National Education Association is Betraying Our Children

All these quotes were taken from a magazine article discussing Regnery Publishing. Basically the article points out that everything published by these folks has an extremely vitrolic, right-wing bent (as opposed to conservative - I consider myself conservative...). Regnery refused to publish a book by Linda Tripp about the Lewinsky/Clinton scandal because it lacked 'punch'.

Regnery Publishing would appear to be the National Enquirer of book publishing - make it lurid and wildly accusational and it will sell... Even if they published the truth - how could you tell?
By the skepticisim shown here. I too have read this book and while I encourage everybody to read everything (including this), I believe practically everyone will be able to spot a 'hidden agenda' in these pages...
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Well said AV!!
I also read the book, it makes Disney look like the Taliban. I can't believe how angry
this former animator is. There's got to be more to his story. I can't wait for his book.
On second thought, yes I can.
Actually, a former animator may have a worthy axe to grind nowadays but this book is just nonsense IMO. I personally think that we could write a better book than this that would deal with the real issues facing Disney and their fans. :)
Please note that the animator mentioned at the start of this thread is NOT the author of 'Disney, the Mouse Betrayed'. He simply mentioned it on his website.

The animator has written several excellent commentaries on the current state of Disney and on Disney Animation.
I read a post by Mr. Voice, and I agree with it 100%!!!!
I have read parts of said "book", and most of it is unvarifyable to say the least. There is no evidence presented to support many of the accusations, and many are down-right ridiculous. The "authors" contend that the company allows men to dress as female characters because all of the CMs in those positions get some sort of enjoyment from flirting with (and thereby somehow corrupting) normal healthy heterosexual male guests.
It's really beyond stupid.

Stupidity, Ignorance, Slander, lies, rumor, and innuendo... This book has it all!!!
Originally posted by Safari Steve

Stupidity, Ignorance, Slander, lies, rumor, and innuendo... This book has it all!!!

Ummm...with Disney's cash and history for suit...you think they would have taken care of such a dastardly book. Maybe the book was a little more truthfull then we all think?

I have the book also and found many of the evil doings by Disney just a by-product of being a successful large company. There were a few issues that stuck a cord...Disney history of trying to clean up "the accident" before the police or investigators get to the scene. Which I think they have stopped at least from what I read about the last two deaths on Disney property. The other issues were with the Fire Department hazing that just sent a chill up my back and according to the book was not stopped. The peeping-tom incidents included a peephole to a ladies dressing room in which they caught a CM filming but refused to fire. Along with many other CM's they caught taking advantage of the view. If I remember correctly they never fixed the hole either.
… As cars #1 thru #3 merge into the “Disney, The Mouse Betrayed” thread!!

WOW!! The cars are so close together on this one, we might get a ticket for tailgating!!

So Landbaron, read the book soon for all of us and give your review.
Nah! I think I’ll pass!! If AV and Scoop can agree that’s its trash… well… ah… I think that says it all, doesn’t it? ;)
I will read the book. Im sure some of the things in the book are BS but im sure some is true too. A company as big as disney will have employee's that act improperly, that cant be avoided and cant be blamed on disney unless they act as the church has where they see a problem and dont act upon it.
My agreement with AV and SS here.
These are those books people who hate books complane about. And the reason why Disney didn't sue the authors is for two reasons:

a.) Why make yourself look bad? If it is around, people will think, what trash. If you pull it and they sue, they'll think, what are they hideing.

b.) Is it in the top ten? No. It won't hurt anybody. It's like the national enquierer, so little people read it and beleave it that there is no reason to do it. So if you sue, then they call 1st, and if they win, then more people will read it (think "Life of Brian")
Agree to that we all would be shocked and mortified at some of the things that go on inside the Disney Corp -- as we would with any major corporation whose products we have sitting all around us and whose services we use daily.:rolleyes:
I use to work for a Fortune 500 company whose products you probably use every day. True moral horror stories about the Elite sitting in Gold Coast Row and even among the minions? You bet. Money and power hungry? Yes on count two.
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