Disney tips everyone should know

I never give my cell phone number out to businesses, either. We used my husband's company cell phone (he always has it with him) for the credit card and indicated that we didn't want any automated calls or texts to that number and that it was only to be used for "emergencies" (that wasn't the term they used, but they implied that the cell phone would only be called for something like a fraud alert) and 4 years later, we've never received any type of call from Chase on that phone so I guess they meant it when they said they wouldn't use it for non-emergency phone calls. :-)

Awesome that you never got any "non-emergency" calls. I think Chase may be one of the better companies (in this regard) but some of the "Lesser" known issuers of credit cards are not as courteous. Since I don't know either way, I generally try to avoid giving them the number. I have succumbed a few times. If, however, I get their "Advertising" calls (or similar) I give them the polite (but firm) request to only use the number for emergencies otherwise they will lose me as a customer. So far I've done okay.
A general tip for avoiding heat exhaustion is to drink fluid with electrolytes in it. But rather than purchase Gatorade or Powerade, I use Nuun tablets. They come in a tube and you just drop one in a cup or bottle of water. No calories, tasty drink, and lots of good electrolytes. You can find them at most outdoor/sporting good stores and also on Amazon.
1 arrive early at park opening
2 have a plan
3. when your not having fun anymore go relax somewhere.. I prefer a nap in my room or by the pool.:thumbsup2
And since you arrive early, go straight to the popular rides (we rode Thunder Mountain 3 times in a row one July morning without even getting off!). Use your FP+ for the afternoon, when lines at your favorite rides are long.
Take pictures of your kids in their new clothes or hats and remember what park you got it from, my last trip my son left his hat in the hotel room the day we left, we called the hotel, they couldn't find it but we had a picture of him in it and knew what park we got it from and they mailed us one.
Be patient and tolerant with castmembers, especially when and if a problem arises. No, they're not perfect, but they try very hard to make sure you're having a wonderful (Magical) experience at WDW, and they put up with a LOT from rude, disrespectful guests (I know, I've seen it firsthand).

Besides, it's just easier being nice to people. :thumbsup2

Lol me & my mom were JUST talking about this literally an hour ago! I always make sure to be friendly and kind to the cast members, because they're human just like the rest of us. They try really hard to put a smile on people's faces, even if they're having a bad day themselves. I hate watching people be rude to them!
#2 If we are flying I UPS (much cheeper than a checked bag) all our toiletries, dry snacks, laundry detergent. (all disposable items too) This way It saves time at security with no liquids and I dispose of everything at the end of the week. No need for liquids on the fight home.
My apologies for addressing your post months out, but...this...is...genius! I would like to know more, such as (1) how do you address the package, and (2) would it work at a WDW resort (i.e. will they hold packages if you're not there yet), and (3) how do you time the delivery?
What is moleskin and where do you find it? How do you use it?
It's absolutely wonderful stuff if you have a blister. When you first get it you might think it's counter-intuitive to use, but trust me it works great. It's almost like an animals skin (let's say, a MOLE) that has a leathery consistency for strength and fur on one side. The other side is VERY sticky (more so than a band-aid). You cut a piece a little larger than your effected area and peel the backing off of the sticky side, you then put that supper sticky side on the blister or raw area (if blister has popped, clean it up a bit first). It then protects the area from rubbing. The "Furry" side helps anything rubbing to glide easily (so as not to wear through the mole skin) and the adhesive keeps the mole skin in place like a band-aid protecting the blister.

don't worry about pulling the moleskin off. After you shower or swim, it will come off much easier. If, however, it was well protected and didn't get wet, the adhesive is really good and if you yank it off you can pull the blistered skin off. At that point, it really doesn't hurt much (at least not more than the blister) so don't worry too much.

It's the best and I would recommend you have some with you in the parks just in case.
Five quick ones for the shutterbugs:

First, if you have an SLR, having a decent tiny compact is the only way you can hand your camera to another guest and get a decent photo! The number of times they've been staring blankly at the screen of my DSLR is more than I can count.

Second, turn your flash on for family snapshots outside in the bright sunlight, and off indoors (use a fast aperture instead, if you have it available). It'll make the people pop in them and lifts the shadows from the faces so you get a much better image.

Third, the photo shapshot sight lines were designed by Eastman Kodak (same spots now taken over by Nikon) for use with their inexpensive cameras, so there's nothing you'll find wider than about 35 mm or longer than 70 mm (35 mm equivalent, that's 24-45 on a DX or APS-C sensor) wanted for taking a picture with people in it and a landmark behind. Sure, wide angles and telephotos can be nice, especially on rides and at AK, respectively, but you don't need anything beyond a cheap zoom range for family pictures, and a bag of lenses weighs a lot, especially at the end of the day!

Fourth, bring a laptop and back up your photos daily two it and an external HDD. There's few more sure-fire ways to ruin a vacation than to lose all of your photos.

Fifth, take a label maker to all of your gear, and put your name and cell phone number on it. And I mean all of it ... lens caps, memory cards, batteries, straps, grips, you name it. I use blue labels to make it easier to identify for lost and found as well, but if you drop a lens hood, you can get it back.
If you think you want to purchase something but aren't ready, take a picture of the item and the upc. With the UPC code you can order the item from wow merchandise when you get home.
If you have kids you want to keep on a schedule and do not want to wait in line for lunch, pack your lunch into the park... much cheaper and no waiting in line to buy food!
Depending on if you've gone to the World many times or this is your first time:

First time visitors:
1. Be sure you have plenty of time to visit all of the parks without rushing around. Transportation between parks can sometimes be tricky especially for first-time visitors.
2. If you have the capacity to do so, try to stay in the parks as long as you can, from rope drop to close if possible. You can swim at home.
3. Wait until later in the trip to buy souvenirs. If you buy several things early on and you're on a tight budget, you may find other things later that you can't afford now.
4. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Cast members are there to help and aren't allowed to say "I don't know."
5. Enjoy yourself. Don't feel like you have to make this the perfect trip because its not going to be the perfect trip. Just go with the flow and don't force anything.

1. Take the time to see and do things you haven't seen or done before. This can be parades, tours, etc.
2. Ride some of the less popular attractions. They deserve more appreciation than they sometimes receive.
3. Look for the hidden things of Walt Disney World that many people look over. They are fun to look for and even more fun to find.
4. Take a day or two to visit the resorts. They are worth the time if you can spare it.
I have tons of tips/tricks I should probably make my own thread but here is the interesting ones (and it'll probably be a lot of them).

- When booking, only put down the deposit. Plan your trip, make your reservations, get your fast passes. Watch all the discounts and change your booking if you see something that saves you more money. The website is extremely friendly to this even showing you a side by side comparison without loosing your originals. If your happy with the changes, you can quickly submit then and pay off your balance at the same date you were originally given. I've never tried to change after paying off, it might still be possible but I like paying less than trying to get a refund.
- The above is also great if your on the fence about the meal plan or which meal plan. If you get lucky, suddenly a free meal plan discount will show up. But once you've planned your trip you can do some math and figure out if the meal plan or which one is worth it and adjust your booking for what saves you the most money.
- you might be able to trigger a better discount email by being logged in, try out a few resorts and alternative dates and wait. This trick also works for online stores where you'll start to buy something, stop and a few days later an email with a discount or coupon appears for it.
- Everyone gets different discount options emailed to them. Grandparent specials seem to be the best rates. Make sure you email and call anyone you know that has been to disney and ask what they have hiding in their email. A good example is right now, the free food offer pails in comparison to what some people got in email. We got a better resort, better free meal plan, better ticket prices with included extras for less money than the website advertised discount.

- If you find near the end of your trip you have extra meals on your plan your never going to use, look for a family when heading to a reservation that could use a nice dinner. It's usually easy to find those that saved for a lifetime for their 1 and only trip. Even if your reservation isn't for enough people, just say "sorry, we have more now".. I've never been turned away.
- You can adjust individual meals into other types, talk to concierge. Break up some tables for extra quick services or snacks instead of not using them.
- The extra food boths found during holidays or the food festival, everything is considered a snack, even if it's over $5. (not alcohol)

- You can request a new fastpass time from the app. After you use your first, try to move your others. Generally we can take 3 fast passes over 4 hours and do them all in 1 hour and start to get more from the kiosks (which we try to change the times on also). Extremely handy for that last day when you just want to hit a few specific rides 1 last time or your first day when you arrived later and just dont' have much time.
- Concierge can add a 4th fast pass in some situations. (although they generally need a reason, be nice to them)
- Any cast member in the parks with a tablet can add a 4th fast pass. (again they might need a reason).
- If you're going to check out the vacation club, when someone at one of their stands mentions the trip to talk and see the demo rooms. Make it sound like you don't have the time and they will throw 5 use almost anywhere at anytime fastpasses onto everyone that came with you magicbands. You get them after you do the visit to the demo rooms. They also have some free icecream and things there for the kids.
- when you hear a ride is broken, don't rush off too fast. Generally when the wait was long they will hand out use anywhere today paper fastpasses if they don't think the ride will be fixed fast. If your lucky, you'll get stuck in rain and they will give you a handfull.

- Most rides (except for the coasters) have 2 or more "tracks". When you hear something like tower of terror is being repaired, stay in line, let everyone else leave and you'll quickly find yourself in the 2 elevators that aren't broken enjoying the ride. Works for most rides except the coasters or outdoor ones you can see there is more than 1.
- Sometimes when a ride breaks or has to close for weather, the fastpass system stops checking what time your fastpass is (early days of the magic bands, not sure if this works anymore). If it was just raining and the ride is reopening or you know it was broken, just try to use your fastpass, worst case the castmember will tell you sorry your fastpass is at x:xx.

- Most rides will never say less than 10 minute wait. This means it's a walk on. some rides with a mini-show in line first will say 12 or 14 minutes minimum.
- As it gets later (after fireworks), some rides stop updating the wait time and stick to 30-40 minutes (less popular but a little crowded may say 20). This is to help parents who want to get their kids to leave. Ask the castmember if the time is accurate. They will always say yes but watch their body language and you should be able to tell if they are nudging you to just go in.
- Another trick to tell if the ride time is not accurate near the end of the evening, sit for a couple minutes and watch if they hand anyone the red "necklace". you'll see them hanging next to the castmember in the front. This is how the clocks get updated and someone waits in line, hands it off when they make it to the ride. If they aren't handing them out every few minutes, then the ride is most likely a short wait and the 'everyone go home' time is up.

- Any non-food shop that sells bottles of alcohol also has cigarettes, including in the parks. There is always 1 that has it. You won't see the cigarettes but ask the cashier closest to it and they have them in a drawer. btw, unless you live in nyc, your going to consider them stupid expensive.
- walt was a smoker if you didn't know, i've always heard that on main street a special only available there pack with his favorite tobacco is available. Again look for the store with liquor for sale. I plan to find out if this is just a rumor next trip but would love to know if anyone knows.
- Use plastic bags with zippers to protect anything you don't want wet from rain or a ride. Handy for smokers.

- I find it interesting most don't know you can have anything you buy in the park gift shops sent directly back to your room. There is no need to carry it around or skip that perfect gift for someone.
- about a month after you were in the park, you should get an email about how you get go into the park section of disney store online to order anything from the parks. If you don't get it, you can still go there.
- if there is something you forgot and you can't find it online. call customer service of the park you saw it in and they can sell/ship it to you. Works great for somethign you see on a blog for new merch that you "must get". I've done this several times for christmas presents when we didn't make it to disney for the holiday season.
- To stop your kids from non-stop saying buy me that, why can't I get that, but I really need that. Have a camera for them. When they see somethign they want, take a picture. The last night go over all the pictures and let them pick out the 1 thing they really want and your last day is going to get it and enjoying a few last things on the way. It really changes their mood and they enjoy being turned into expert window shoppers who are excited that they may end up with that at the end of the trip instead of cranky that you said no.

- the wifi will eventually not work, have a paper copy of your fastpass and food reservations.
- Just because you couldn't reserve a specific restaurant doesn't mean they don't have room for you. Walk up and ask if they can fit you.
- Using the bus to hollywood studios and switching to the boat is a great way to get to the back of epcot when you have a dinner reservation but not spending the day at epcot.
- One of our favorite breakfast buffets is at Ft Wilderness and it's not a character breakfast or a special event you need to reserve. It's one of the few buffets with a different variety of food than the others. (note, we haven't tried it in several years so I'm not sure if it's still there or which resturant/food court it was in). It might be worth heading over if your thinking of enjoying any of the only found at ft wilderness activities. Some good lazy day options, nice lake beach, easy to get to the bird sanctuary island (which you didn't know was there). It's a nice don't stay at the resort lazy day location within disney.

- If your in line for a ride when the park closes they do not ask you to leave until after you rode it. Same with dinner reservations. You can get some memorial night photos where your the only ones in the park with either of these tricks. Of course you'll need to walk directly from where you are to the exit and the entire park isn't yours so plan which ride around what pictures you want to get.
- Same as above, but use the early morning breakfasts to get into a park early and get some almost just you photos. Some tours are good for this also with start times and meeting locations inside the parks.
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- To stop your kids from non-stop saying buy me that, why can't I get that, but I really need that. Have a camera for them. When they see somethign they want, take a picture. The last night go over all the pictures and let them pick out the 1 thing they really want and your last day is going to get it and enjoying a few last things on the way. It really changes their mood and they enjoy being turned into expert window shoppers who are excited that they may end up with that at the end of the trip instead of cranky ...
This got my attention, especially for this trip. This time, I'm taking myself completely out of my DD's souvenir experience by giving her a Disney gift card, and when that's out, she's done. Together with this idea--she can take her own pictures on her own phone and make her own decisions and manage her own budget--it should be a slam-dunk. Thanks!
It's absolutely wonderful stuff if you have a blister. When you first get it you might think it's counter-intuitive to use, but trust me it works great. It's almost like an animals skin (let's say, a MOLE) that has a leathery consistency for strength and fur on one side. The other side is VERY sticky (more so than a band-aid). You cut a piece a little larger than your effected area and peel the backing off of the sticky side, you then put that supper sticky side on the blister or raw area (if blister has popped, clean it up a bit first). It then protects the area from rubbing. The "Furry" side helps anything rubbing to glide easily (so as not to wear through the mole skin) and the adhesive keeps the mole skin in place like a band-aid protecting the blister.

don't worry about pulling the moleskin off. After you shower or swim, it will come off much easier. If, however, it was well protected and didn't get wet, the adhesive is really good and if you yank it off you can pull the blistered skin off. At that point, it really doesn't hurt much (at least not more than the blister) so don't worry too much.

It's the best and I would recommend you have some with you in the parks just in case.

Wait, do you apply the moleskin directly onto your skin? I've applied it to the inside my of shoes but it doesn't stay put for too long. Have I been doing it wrong?


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