Disney Visa.....Canadains not allowed


Aug 21, 1999
Is it just me or do other fellow Canadians feel the same way about how Disney seems to leave us out in the cold.
They are taking away the Disney Club Card which offered some discounts for us for lodging and now replacing it with the Disney Visa which we are not elligable to apply for.
It is really hard to continue being able to go to WDW when it is very hard for me to obtain special rates. If it wasn't for SwanDolphin I wouldn't be able to go at all.
I just wish that Disney would think Canada when they make changes such as these and realize that they are putting some people at a disadvantage by discontinuing what little special rates that they offered.
I'm just a bit upset by this.

I was just at a Disney Store and a CM said they just had a meeting regarding all this. It turns out that the Canadian Market is a large one but Disney refuses to acknowledge it! She said there was nothing in the works for us Canadians!:(

Oh, well maybe if we caused a big enough stink they would reconsider. I know for one when I am down there next I will talk with guest relations a put a bug in their ears!

I wrote a letter of complaint to Disney about this. My reply said that the Visa card was not replacing the Disney Club card, it was replacing the Disney credit card. They do not know yet what will replace Disney Club.

I do not believe them. I find any time I deal with Disney these days I get answers that make no sense at all. I am very frustrated by it all. You can never get the same answer twice and no one at the company knows what happens in any other department. They must really think people are stupid.
We loved the Dis club card to but only for shopping at the Disney Store we rarely ever used it at WDW other than for shopping at DTD. We figured out how much we had spent on lodging at WDW even with codes over the last 7 years and decided to finally get a DVC membership it was the best money we have ever spent. So we no longer have to wrry about the DCC with the exception of the shopping at the Dis Store as we now get DVC discounts on things at WDW even lodging if we have no points left for that use year we still get discounted rates at all the hotels
Originally posted by Dana
Is it just me or do other fellow Canadians feel the same way about how Disney seems to leave us out in the cold.
They are taking away the Disney Club Card which offered some discounts for us for lodging and now replacing it with the Disney Visa which we are not elligable to apply for.
It is really hard to continue being able to go to WDW when it is very hard for me to obtain special rates. If it wasn't for SwanDolphin I wouldn't be able to go at all.
I just wish that Disney would think Canada when they make changes such as these and realize that they are putting some people at a disadvantage by discontinuing what little special rates that they offered.
I'm just a bit upset by this.


I posted about this several months ago and I agree with you. I don't care if they say the Visa is not to replace the DC card. The fact is people in the U.S. can earn points toward their WDW vacation and we cannot. I have written them a letter too. I am not impressed with this at all. It couldn't be that difficult to set up a similar Visa offer here with a Canadian bank. Maybe the point system would be a little different. I wish they would respond with in a more satisfactory way.

I have to agree that I'm not very impressed either. I wouldn't think it would be that big of a deal to have a similar program for us Canadians. I'm hoping that they don't completely forget about us. I did appreciate the Cdn at par rates at the hotels last fall though as it allowed us to visit. I'm hoping that they will continue to make offers like that to make up for the lack of the Visa.

I really feel the same way! I've always wanted to get the Disney credit card, and when i saw that it would be now a VISA i thought hey now we will be able to get the card but no!
I really hope they start thinking about Canadians a little more,
i am sure that they would be a lot more of us going down to Disneyworld with things like the Disney visa card...
I agree and I think Disney are making a major mistake here. They are doing the exact same thing to the UK. OK, so we are further away, but our biggest vacation destination is still Florida, and we still have lots of Disney Stores.

I am sickened that they do this. I also posted a while back (on a different board) that I was annoyed when I purchased annual passes that Disney will not mail their annual pass newsletter overseas. For the amount of money that we spend on the pass, surely it is pittance to treat us the same as they treat US residents?

Has anyone actually written to one of the senior executives about this?

John :mad:
MMFan, I wrote to them a few months back and never had a reply.

They know very well that a trip to WDW is far more expensive for Canadians as the dollar here is not worth as much. I know they give the special passes and that is good. However, many of us including myself cannot travel during the time the passes are good for.

Taking away the DC and not offering us the Visa is nonsense. As I said it isn't that difficult to do. As for their explanation that the Visa isn't supposed to replace the DC card. It is interesting that they used wording to the effect that the Visa was being offered as a better alternative on their own website. I notice that statement has been removed.

I am obviously pretty miffed about this whole thing! I had planned a trip down this coming summer but I am rethinking it. In fact a British friend has invited me to the U.K. this summer and I may go see her instead!;)

Maybe, another letter to Disney would be a good idea. I would like to see if any of you get a satisfactory response.

Can anyone provide an address and contact
to write to please?
Just saw a posting on the cruise board asking about the Disney Visa. It included a link to a page where you could sign up for notification to get an application form. Thought that I would see what happened so I filled out the form and a notice came up that I couldn't qualify for the notification since you have to be a US citizen and over 18.

Not impressed with the removal of the Disney Club and no replacement that we can use.

Originally posted by cdnmickeylover
Just saw a posting on the cruise board asking about the Disney Visa. It included a link to a page where you could sign up for notification to get an application form. Thought that I would see what happened so I filled out the form and a notice came up that I couldn't qualify for the notification since you have to be a US citizen and over 18.

Not impressed with the removal of the Disney Club and no replacement that we can use.


You have to be a U.S. resident. I have dual citizenship U.S. and Canadian and lord knows I"m over 18! LOL! I still can't get the Visa because I am not a resident of the U.S. One more thing- I think they are forgetting how many times we cross the border for other reasons and shop. I also shop online and use a Visa. The Disney Visa could be used for a lot of things if they don't want to issue one on a Canadian bank. Many people have U.S. bank accounts. I"m just not getting their logic on this one!


P.S. I'm looking for address I used. I wrote to them at the end of summer. I'll post it as soon as I find the right one.
Here is the address I wrote to snail mail:

The Walt Disney Company
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, California

I hope this helps I am looking for a e-mail address too. I did hear that actual letters seem to get more attention but, I still haven't recieved a reply. Scratch, I think you are right! If enough people complain they will do something. This is too large a market to ignore.

Spend your vacation dollars else where.

I go down to Orlando once or twice a year. The last couple of years, we have not set foot on Disney property (with the exception of RFC at Downtown Disney).

I stay in other (nicer) hotels, spend my money at Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, Sea World and Busch Gardens ALL AT PAR!!!

Disney will not change, because people still go and drain their pocketbooks there.

I had to laugh reading some of these posts, they basically said, I will continue to spend all of my money on Disney Hotels, Disney Attractions, Disney Souveniers and Disney Food, but it will irk me.

Disney doesn't care if you're irked....Just as long as you keep spending your money on them.

The only way Disney will change, is if you send the strongest message you can to a business......don't patronize them.
Well like I had said prior we are not to worried about the visa as we still get the discounts via our DVC membership. Mind you I have not heard for certain but I think I had read it on here that Disney is not entirely discounting Canadian feelings here they are apparently looking at something for us in the way of a discount card. Unsubstantiated yet but I guess we can wait and see. The only reason we kept getting the Dis Club Card was for the shopping at the Dis store in Hamilton and because the pictures on them are terrific
well we can get american express cards but they have now given up with them as well. I used to like getting a couple of juices in Disneyland and unexpectedly getting a few cents off because I paid with Amex!

The best value I had the last couple of years was the free day coupon from Disney Club/national - used about 20 of them!


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