Disneyland Divas working out, getting healthy, and looking fine in '09!!

I wish I had read this before I ate the 3 slices of pie that I didn't have points for! Yup, you read right...3. Why can't I get a grip on this? I kept telling myself all the right things and yet I did the exact opposite! What is the matter with me?


That evil evil pie! :headache:
Small price to pay to learn before the holiday season that you can't have stuff like that in the house. The goodies tease and taunt until you can hold out no longer. Better to make WW friendly options and have them to enjoy.

Went to the gym tonight. Only did about 40 minutes.

I weighed myself and was relieved to find out that I've only gained four pounds from my beginning weight this past summer. I was terrified it was going to be a whole lot more.

If you do 40 minutes four or five times a week, you will feel big changes. That's a good amount of time to exercise! Really. It's the consistency of going regularly that's going to lead to changes.


I've been sick for that last two days with a cold/flu bug thing. Nothing horrible, but enough to keep me feeling "blah." And yesterday DS stayed home as he wasn't feeling well. The weather is grey and rainy and not conducive to outside exercise. I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and pay $1200 to join the gym. :eek: That's for the whole year, but still, I'm avoiding it as long as I possibly can.

And here's a QUOTE OF THE DAY
To want to be, that is not enough. To know how to be, that is too little. To want, to know how, to determine to be, that is the way of all successful men. Primary to all of these is self-honesty. You can cheat others, now and then. You can rarely cheat yourself. You can never cheat nature.
-- John B. Lust

I've been sick for that last two days with a cold/flu bug thing. Nothing horrible, but enough to keep me feeling "blah." And yesterday DS stayed home as he wasn't feeling well. The weather is grey and rainy and not conducive to outside exercise. I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and pay $1200 to join the gym. :eek: That's for the whole year, but still, I'm avoiding it as long as I possibly can.

Yes, congrats, Cristabel!

Jen - $1200!!!!! I gather it's the bad exchange rate that is making this amount so much higher than a gym in the states? :eek:
Morning WISHers!! :)

Today was my weigh in day. Well, I guess it's my new weigh in day replacing the previous Fridays. Anyway, last Wed. I was at 238.8. :sad2: This morning I am at 226.6 for a loss of 12.2 pounds!! :yay: :woohoo:

I was so happy to see that! Especially after my two mess ups this week, once with the dinner the other night and then last night I went grocery shopping hungry, bought and ate a bunch of sweets. :headache:

I still am kicking myself though because if I hadn't gained the weight back I wouldn't now be working my tush off just to get back to where I'd already been!!! :rolleyes: But oh well. At least I am back on track.
My goal for next weigh in is to lose another 4-5 pounds, but not sure it will happen. I want to be back in the teens again, but I know I have to be patient. This was the longest week ever!! LOL

Jen, I'm sorry you are sick! Feel better. :hug:

Cristabel, 40 minutes is a lot! Well, to me. I can only do 30, so be proud girl!!

Did we lose Wendy, Capri, Shirley and the others again?? :confused:

Have a good day everyone! :cheer2:
Beth: are you severing limbs again? 12.2 pounds in one week? Your body is clearly happy to be on track! That is a number to be proud of and THANKFUL for my friend!

I joined the gym today. Will need to sever and sell a vital organ to pay for the yearly membership. And it isn't the exchange rate that accounts for high prices...just the cost of living here.

So I soaked in warm pool and took a sauna today Exercise starts soon. Tomorrow I go back to Bern to pick up my new passport which is ready.
Morning WISHers!! :)

Today was my weigh in day. Well, I guess it's my new weigh in day replacing the previous Fridays. Anyway, last Wed. I was at 238.8. :sad2: This morning I am at 226.6 for a loss of 12.2 pounds!! :yay: :woohoo:


Yea, Beth!!!!! That is amazing. So you must have been really good the other days! And your body is responding well to the execise!!!

That is inspiring. I'm doing terribly... I have to rein in the eating. I will weigh in Friday this week and I'm so glad it's not today. Now much can I lose in two days??? :scared1:


I joined the gym today. Will need to sever and sell a vital organ to pay for the yearly membership. And it isn't the exchange rate that accounts for high prices...just the cost of living here.

So I soaked in warm pool and took a sauna today Exercise starts soon. Tomorrow I go back to Bern to pick up my new passport which is ready.

Ohh, we are lucky to be here I guess, in the land of cheap gyms! :lmao: Which I will hit today. Congrats on the membership, I know you will get a lot of use out of it.

Eager to hear about your Bern day.
Well, I am glad Beth had a great wi today because mine was awful! I gained 3.8! In the last 5 weeks I have lost a grand total of .2 lbs....not even a half a pound! I am so frustrated that I actually agreed to let my husband train me for 2 weeks on a trial run to see if we can each stand it. I need something to get me focused again and to get me back in the gym...It has been tough with my mom out of town for two weeks, my dh started a new job and the kids were sick so there weren't many opportunities to get to the gym and when I am at home with the kids it is all I can do just to stay afloat...I pigged out twice this week big time! GRRRRRRR.

Hoping you all are doing better than me!

Sarah, hang in there. Do you know I first started losing weight in May of 2008?
From May to October I worked hard and by Halloween '08 I was down 50 pounds. So I lost it fairly quickly, BUT ever since then, I've stayed pretty much the same!!! From October '08 until now, Nov. '09! That's over a year of not losing another pound.

I'd go up a few, then down a few, then up, then down. Always staying in the teens. :rolleyes: Until the last two months when I went hog wild and gained half my weight back! :rolleyes: So now I am just struggling to get back to where I'd already been. Ugh

My point is, we all have struggles, we all have periods of time where we don't lose for whatever reason. At least in this past five weeks you haven't gained! That's a good thing! You've done great so far. You've come a long ways. And you will keep it up and you will reach your goal. I know it!! :cheer2: :hug:
Beth: are you severing limbs again? 12.2 pounds in one week? Your body is clearly happy to be on track! That is a number to be proud of and THANKFUL for my friend!
LOL No. I have all my limbs. But after two months of no exercise and eating like 4,000 calories a day, it's no surprising to see a drop once I finally get back to doing the right thing. lol
Congrats on joining the gym!! Sorry it was so expensive! Dang, how do people live there??? Wages must be really high.

Donna, thanks for the congrats and keep up your great work!! :cheer2:
Made it to the gym and did the elliptical and weights. Also took a Finnish sauna and a Bio Sauna. At least there are lots of nice amenities at this new Swiss gym.

Don't know what my weight is. I saw a scale at the gym, but didn't dare get on it.

Also, I think they can do an fitness evaluation with a personal trainer at the gym - included in the membership fee. Feel like I need to get in shape before I do that, which is of course nonsense, but still...

I am very grateful to once again have gym membership.

Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.
~ Carol Welch
Went to the gym and did the eliptical with the arm things, whatever that's called, for 40 minutes last night. Am still on track with food and am meeting dh at the gym tonight to start my training. Hope everyone here is doing well. I am off to get another water!

LOL No. I have all my limbs. But after two months of no exercise and eating like 4,000 calories a day, it's no surprising to see a drop once I finally get back to doing the right thing. lol
Congrats on joining the gym!! Sorry it was so expensive! Dang, how do people live there??? Wages must be really high.

Donna, thanks for the congrats and keep up your great work!! :cheer2:

Thanks, Beth! Yeah, Switzerland - that's where the rich often retire. It's so clean there...

Made it to the gym and did the elliptical and weights. Also took a Finnish sauna and a Bio Sauna. At least there are lots of nice amenities at this new Swiss gym.

Don't know what my weight is. I saw a scale at the gym, but didn't dare get on it.

Also, I think they can do an fitness evaluation with a personal trainer at the gym - included in the membership fee. Feel like I need to get in shape before I do that, which is of course nonsense, but still...
~ Carol Welch

Yeah, that is like cleaning up for the housekeeper, :lmao: Put your ego aside and get the evaluation soon. Because otherwise, these things tend to just go by. (she says, she knows:headache:). Tell us what the difference is between a Finnish sauna and a bio?

Went to the gym and did the eliptical with the arm things, whatever that's called, for 40 minutes last night. Am still on track with food and am meeting dh at the gym tonight to start my training. Hope everyone here is doing well. I am off to get another water!


Yes, eliptical or cross-trainer. Good job!!! 40 min is wonderful! I don't do the arms because they tend to move too fast for my feet (and I have some old injuries). So you had quite a workout.
Remind DH not to overdo it for you at the start - if he's used to training guys or super fit young girls.
This is all good, Sarah.

I am going to weigh in today with my trainer with my tail between my legs. If I am lucky, I will not have gained since last week, but I may have. cardio daily but not good eating. I will be eating much better this week.

It looks like all of us are back on track again. That feels good.:cheer2:
Yeah, that is like cleaning up for the housekeeper, :lmao: Put your ego aside and get the evaluation soon. Because otherwise, these things tend to just go by. (she says, she knows:headache:). Tell us what the difference is between a Finnish sauna and a bio?

Ok, how did you know?? I used to clean up a little before the housecleaner came (back in the days when I had one). I will set up a meeting for a fitness evaluation next week. Promise.

Felt my arms today (SORE) from playing around with the weight machines yesterday. I hope I can get some sort of program from the gym to help me work on those Obama guns again. ;)

Didn't exercise today, but did walk four plus miles through Zurich. DS6 (max) and I went on an adventure to the Swiss History Museum (or something like that), a few churches, an excellent sausage stand and then to see the Michael Jackson movie. It is fascinating to watch my 6 year old awed by Michael Jackson, discovering him as if MJ just came on the seen. One, makes me feel real old. But also shows the universal talent of the man and the ability to reach people, generation after generation. So hard to answer Max's questions about why Michael Jackson died.

I think we're going to Paris next week. Kids have next Thursday and Friday off and if everyone can stay healthy (which seems to terribly hard lately...bug season :headache:), I think we're going. I'm keeping my expectations low for Disneyland Paris as the reviews I've read are so mixed. Also, not wasting the money to stay onsite, despite all the package deals now, as I've just read really not good things about the Disneyland hotels. I hope there's still some DL magic there. I'll let you know!

Oh, and re. the Finnish versus the bio sauna. Well, I'm familiar with the Finnish sauna (being 1/2 Finnish and all). It's a hotter sauna with less humidity where you throw water on the rocks to get the hot steam in the air. Bio sauna was new to me. It's less hot, with more humidity and some kind of aroma therapy going on and no ability to throw water on the rocks to adjust steam. There's more stuff in the fitness center like a co-ed "nacht zone" with THREE kinds of saunas. Plus there are meditation rooms and solarium rooms and lots of massage rooms. And a whole Hamam center which I have yet to learn about...eastern relaxation sort of place, I think. I'll keep you posted.

And now for the QUOTE OF THE DAY
All excesses are inimical to Nature. It is safer to proceed a little at a time, especially when changing from one regimen to another.
Hippocrates (c.460 - 400 BC)
:) Yea! Another reason to get the free evaluation is they should also show you the machines. Ask them for this, as it's typically part of this. The trainer can give you tips and help you avoid injuries. Sometimes they will do a better job of this because they hope you will sign up for training. You don't have to say up front that you'll never want training, kwim?

You'll have those OGs again. ;)

Lucky you, I will probably wait to see the MJ film on tv. He was so talented.

I am really excited for you to see DP! The Haunted Mansion is the one I most want a report of. I believe they kept more of the original scary storyline at Paris.

Okay, now I get why your gym is so much more than ours here. That is a SUPERGYM!!! It's really gymspa.

This is great how you're getting out and doing so much. Wonderful exercise to be walking that much!!!

I weighed in about .4 more than last week. It was only the exercise that helped so it wasn't higher. My trainer worked out my quads because those are large muscles that will eat up more energy. I'm now on a schedule where I do cardio daily. So I had better get to the gym soon!

Sarah, curious how your workout went with your DH? You are looking so good!

Everyone, have a moving weekend!:cheer2:

Ok, how did you know?? I used to clean up a little before the housecleaner came (back in the days when I had one). I will set up a meeting for a fitness evaluation next week. Promise.

Felt my arms today (SORE) from playing around with the weight machines yesterday. I hope I can get some sort of program from the gym to help me work on those Obama guns again. ;)

Didn't exercise today, but did walk four plus miles through Zurich. DS6 (max) and I went on an adventure to the Swiss History Museum (or something like that), a few churches, an excellent sausage stand and then to see the Michael Jackson movie. It is fascinating to watch my 6 year old awed by Michael Jackson, discovering him as if MJ just came on the seen. One, makes me feel real old. But also shows the universal talent of the man and the ability to reach people, generation after generation. So hard to answer Max's questions about why Michael Jackson died.

I think we're going to Paris next week. Kids have next Thursday and Friday off and if everyone can stay healthy (which seems to terribly hard lately...bug season :headache:), I think we're going. I'm keeping my expectations low for Disneyland Paris as the reviews I've read are so mixed. Also, not wasting the money to stay onsite, despite all the package deals now, as I've just read really not good things about the Disneyland hotels. I hope there's still some DL magic there. I'll let you know!

Oh, and re. the Finnish versus the bio sauna. Well, I'm familiar with the Finnish sauna (being 1/2 Finnish and all). It's a hotter sauna with less humidity where you throw water on the rocks to get the hot steam in the air. Bio sauna was new to me. It's less hot, with more humidity and some kind of aroma therapy going on and no ability to throw water on the rocks to adjust steam. There's more stuff in the fitness center like a co-ed "nacht zone" with THREE kinds of saunas. Plus there are meditation rooms and solarium rooms and lots of massage rooms. And a whole Hamam center which I have yet to learn about...eastern relaxation sort of place, I think. I'll keep you posted.

And now for the QUOTE OF THE DAY
All excesses are inimical to Nature. It is safer to proceed a little at a time, especially when changing from one regimen to another.
Hippocrates (c.460 - 400 BC)
My workout with dh went ok. I am soooooo sore though....especially in my thighs and peck areas. We went to the gym again today and did 35 minutes of cardio to just loosen up the muscles and will train with dh again tomorrow.

Tired, very tired.

My workout with dh went ok. I am soooooo sore though....especially in my thighs and peck areas. We went to the gym again today and did 35 minutes of cardio to just loosen up the muscles and will train with dh again tomorrow.

Tired, very tired.


Great job! :thumbsup2

I did 35 minutes cardio and a little weights tonight at the gym. One of the few places open on Sunday and it was pretty crowded. It rained today, so I didn't get my long run in. Oh well.

If we do not rise to the challenge of our unique capacity to shape our lives, to seek the kinds of growth that we find individually fulfilling, then we can have no security: we will live in a world of sham, in which our selves are determined by the will of others, in which we will be constantly buffeted and increasingly isolated by the changes round us.
Nena O'Neil
Not doing to great right now. I'm on track, and exercising, just not losing. :confused3 Maybe last week was too large of a loss and I won't lose anything this Wednesday. Who knows. It's frustrating. I want to see some progress for the work I'm doing otherwise I want to cheat!! lol Guess I have to be happy just knowing I'm doing the right thing.
Not doing to great right now. I'm on track, and exercising, just not losing. :confused3 Maybe last week was too large of a loss and I won't lose anything this Wednesday. Who knows. It's frustrating. I want to see some progress for the work I'm doing otherwise I want to cheat!! lol Guess I have to be happy just knowing I'm doing the right thing.

You ARE doing great! Go for the long term success not the instant gratification on the scale. If you have stayed on track then all is very very well!

I have to find the track here in Switzerland. I did find the scale at the gym. Anyone know pound to kilo conversion? I detest the scale. Somehow fooling myself that weight gain isn't actual if I don't weigh myself.
Not doing to great right now. I'm on track, and exercising, just not losing. :confused3 Maybe last week was too large of a loss and I won't lose anything this Wednesday. Who knows. It's frustrating. I want to see some progress for the work I'm doing otherwise I want to cheat!! lol Guess I have to be happy just knowing I'm doing the right thing.

I know how you feel! I am training with dh and hurting so bad that I really want a huge loss and I feel if I don't have one I will be soooo disappointed and wonder what the use of the excersize is. We need to stay the course for long term health and wellness, but darn it I want the numbers to go down by leaps and bounds! Ya know!?!?

That being said, I did the second "training session" with dh yesterday morning. I can barely walk but I think it is getting better. I have cardio today, a day off Tuesday for my ww meeting and weigh in and then another session with dh wednesday.

Good luck all!


I know how you feel! I am training with dh and hurting so bad that I really want a huge loss and I feel if I don't have one I will be soooo disappointed and wonder what the use of the excersize is. We need to stay the course for long term health and wellness, but darn it I want the numbers to go down by leaps and bounds! Ya know!?!?

That being said, I did the second "training session" with dh yesterday morning. I can barely walk but I think it is getting better. I have cardio today, a day off Tuesday for my ww meeting and weigh in and then another session with dh wednesday.

Good luck all!



Go Sarah! :woohoo:

That soreness is all goodness. I hope that you really start getting into the exercise as I believe it is THE key to long term weight loss. I can't remember where I read/heard it, but I think it is the number one indicator of long term weight loss maintenance. And it is SO good to have ways other than the scale to measure your success. I promise you the soreness will lessen, but it is good to always keep pushing yourself, as that is the way your body will change. I'm so excited for you! Go girl!!

I did breakfast right this morning. Had a boiled egg on high fiber cracker. Don't think lunch was too bad. But I did have a few cookies, which isn't as much as I've been having here in Switzerland. And only one cappucino. Unfortunately, I didn't get to exercise, as I was home with my DS. Of course I could have used my resistaband, but I didn't.

Tomorrow plan to hit the gym.

Keep on swimming ladies!


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