Disneyland Divas working out, getting healthy, and looking fine in '09!!

Good idea! It makes it so much easier to keep healthy items on hand. :thumbsup2

Hey, I say your post. . .after school starts would be a great time to begin a "walking" club of sorts. . .I don't care where you are located. . .I am originally from California so driving 20 miles can take an hour. . .I am too busy at the moment planning my WDW vacations and a DLR vacation so after school starts would be the perfect time for this single mom to get together. . .
Hi everyone!! Busy day here!!! The kids were decorating cupcakes and I had to fight to resist taking one.

And we are going to the movies tomorrow. I'm hoping I can resist eating too much popcorn.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing good!!!! :cheer2:
Happy Monday ladies!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.

I took the day off from exercise yesterday, still recovering from my 5 mile run. Hoping that the long runs are easier this week :woohoo:
Here's to a great week :thumbsup2
Four mile run complete. :woohoo:

Still pain in running that started my last 10 minutes of the run -- some tendon kind of thing. I've got to figure this out as I don't want to get injured.
Good Monday morning everyone.:cool1:

All this fruit I've been eating is really "cleaning" out my system.:goodvibes

Friday evening, my friend Cathy (you met her on our ladies trip) and I went and picked a bunch of fresh cherries, and boy are they good! I filled two large containers so I could bring some over to my parents. I also brought them some fresh crooked-neck squash from my garden.

So you can imagine with all the blueberries, stawberries, pea pods, and now cherries, that I've been eating lately, my system is lookin' cleansed!:laughing:
Four mile run complete. :woohoo:

Still pain in running that started my last 10 minutes of the run -- some tendon kind of thing. I've got to figure this out as I don't want to get injured.

WoooHoooo! You're doing awesome with your exercise!:woohoo:

I'm feeling inspired. Maybe I'll go for a walk in a bit.:thumbsup2

Definitely make sure to watch that pain. You don't want to injure yourself. It might be a good idea to ice it for 10 minutes, and also do a little (mild) stretching.
Would it be ok if I joined you gals? Even if I'm not going on the trip in Oct?

I had a baby in March and I need to get back in shape for our Disney trip which is under two months away. I've been soooooo tired and not motivated to do any exersizing but I've got to start moving or the Disney trip will be just to tiring and who wants that?!

I've been distracted by the fact that we will be moving sometime next month and it seems like any extra time is spent making arrangements for that (and spending "in denial time" on the internet, lol) and of course we will have to start packing soon.

So anyway, this would be a great place for some accountability for eating well and getting exercise! I've been having insomnia for the last couple weeks and honestly, I think it's because I'm hardly moving all day long. I just want to start at least walking at least a little bit every day. For me this isn't about my weight (which is ok) but about my aerobic health and eating well since I'm BF'ing the baby exclusively until she's at least 6 mo's old.

Soooo... can I hang out here for some fun and cheerleading? :cheer2:


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
GREAT quote! :)

Four mile run complete. :woohoo:

Still pain in running that started my last 10 minutes of the run -- some tendon kind of thing. I've got to figure this out as I don't want to get injured.
:worship: Way to go!!! :cheer2:
Be careful not to push too hard though. We don't want you permanently injured. After all, it's not very hot if you have to limp around in the string bikini your going to wear. ;)

Good Monday morning everyone.:cool1:

All this fruit I've been eating is really "cleaning" out my system.:goodvibes

Friday evening, my friend Cathy (you met her on our ladies trip) and I went and picked a bunch of fresh cherries, and boy are they good! I filled two large containers so I could bring some over to my parents. I also brought them some fresh crooked-neck squash from my garden.

So you can imagine with all the blueberries, stawberries, pea pods, and now cherries, that I've been eating lately, my system is lookin' cleansed!:laughing:
That is really good. I'm impressed that you are eating so healthy! I may be able to cut down on the calories but honestly the food I'm eating still isn't the best. Lots of Lean Cuisines which are frozen.

I'm trying to stick with what my kids are eating but in way that has less calories. For example, if the family has pizza then I'll grab a Lean Cuisine or South Beach pizza so I can feel like I am still part of the group, kwim?

But I do need to up my salads, veges and fruits. So you are inspiring me to do that. :)
Would it be ok if I joined you gals? Even if I'm not going on the trip in Oct?

I had a baby in March and I need to get back in shape for our Disney trip which is under two months away. I've been soooooo tired and not motivated to do any exersizing but I've got to start moving or the Disney trip will be just to tiring and who wants that?!

I've been distracted by the fact that we will be moving sometime next month and it seems like any extra time is spent making arrangements for that (and spending "in denial time" on the internet, lol) and of course we will have to start packing soon.

So anyway, this would be a great place for some accountability for eating well and getting exercise! I've been having insomnia for the last couple weeks and honestly, I think it's because I'm hardly moving all day long. I just want to start at least walking at least a little bit every day. For me this isn't about my weight (which is ok) but about my aerobic health and eating well since I'm BF'ing the baby exclusively until she's at least 6 mo's old.

Soooo... can I hang out here for some fun and cheerleading? :cheer2:
Of course you can!!! We'd love to have you join us. :)

Congratulations to you on your new little one. :goodvibes :cutie:

We moved last summer so I know what a hassle that can be and I didn't have a new baby to care for!!
That's exciting you've got a Disney trip coming up because that can be a great motivator! :thumbsup2

Feel free to hang out with us as long as you need to. We can all cheer each other on!!! :dance3: :cheer2:
Cheryl, nursedarcy, Billy Fan!! Hey ladies, I hope you all are doing alright!!!

It's Monday again. I brought us all some lowfat fruit smoothies. Here's to a GREAT and healthy week for us all. Cheers! ;)

Welcome MommyLove! :cheer2:

Please join us for some eating well and exercising! :yay: :yay: Time to put the baby in a stroller and hit the road! :woohoo:

So can I sign you up for a Kick the Couch 5k in October? All you have to do is walk/stroll with baby a 5k course (or you can train up for a 10k!) of your choice in your own neck of the woods (which can even be a treadmill in a gym if that's most desireable for you) on the same day as the rest of us in October. I'm looking for more recruits!!:thumbsup2

Capri: Sounds like you're getting niced and flushed out on your high fiber diet! I struggle to get my 5-6 fruits and veggies in and to drink my water. Thanks for the tips on my running pains. I am icing and stretching to keep my aches at a minimum. I think I may need to invest in some shoe inserts.

Beth: Yummy smoothie! :drinking1 And virtually no calories. Thanks! And I'm really trying not to push too hard with my running. Actually got a personal trainer to do a running plan for me, building in rest days, etc. I'm trying to be very sensible here, while still pushing myself a bit to get in better shape and build up to that half marathon next Feb. This is a true challenge for me, but I'm doing it! :woohoo:
Beth & grizbuzz, thank you for the warm welcome! :lovestruc

Today I am going to do something active.

About the 5K... I did see that before and read a little about it. If I get my rear in gear and get some consistency by the end of August, I think I will commit to that. I just don't want to commit and then disappoint - and I mean disappointing both you and me. ;)

Last night I called WalMart to see if they have the Wii Fit (we already have a Wii). They didn't, but I'm going to keep looking. Seems like it would be a fun way to start getting active again. There's still a lot of smoke up here from the fires and it makes me not want to be outside with the baby. But either way... the Wii Fit just sounds like FUN and I like how it will keep track too.

Now if I could just get my hands on one of those yummy banana strawberry smoothies! :tongue:
Happy Tuesday Ladies :cool1:

The distance is nothing; it's only the first step which is difficult.
-Marquise du Deffand

And with that I encourage everyone to jump into exercise today! :jumping1:
OK, I'm finally joining in!

My story:
I've always been overweight. My parents had very weird schedules, my mom worked all night and my dad worked all day. Since my mom worked nights she didn't cook for us very often, so we had fast food pretty much everyday, and sometimes we had it twice a day. The house was also always filled with snack foods and sodas. I wasn't very active as a child and chose to play video games instead of playing outside. By the time I graduated high school I was about 235 lbs. That was when I decided I wanted to get serious about losing weight. By the time I turned 22 I was down to 160 lbs. Then I fell in love, and now here I am at 23 weighing 212 lbs. Anybody care to tell me how I gained over 50 lbs in a year :scared1: I guess that's what love will do to you. Now that that relationship is over I'm ready to get serious and hopefully never lose sight of my weight lose goals again.

I just started exercising again. I go for a walk in the morning and then after work I go swimming. I'm trying to watch what I eat also. I've started cooking for myself so I'm not tempted to get fast food or order a pizza when I get home after a long day. I'm also trying to cut my sugar intake. :scared: That is going to be hard for me, but I believe I can do it, I'm already taking small steps toward doing this.

In a ideal world I would love to get down to 130 (since I haven't been that weight since the 6th grade :lmao:), but I will be more realistic for the time being and say I want to get back to 160 lbs.

Congratulations to everyone who has lost weight so far and for all of you that are trying!

When I first got serious about losing weight I used this site to help me: http://www.thedailyplate.com/
It was a great way to chart what I was doing and how much I was losing/gaining.

I'm also somebody who wants a WiiFit. I've been looking EVERYWHERE and nobody has it! One day it will be mine! :rotfl:

It will be nice to have a support group this time around. :goodvibes
Beth & grizbuzz, thank you for the warm welcome! :lovestruc

Today I am going to do something active.

About the 5K... I did see that before and read a little about it. If I get my rear in gear and get some consistency by the end of August, I think I will commit to that. I just don't want to commit and then disappoint - and I mean disappointing both you and me. ;)

Last night I called WalMart to see if they have the Wii Fit (we already have a Wii). They didn't, but I'm going to keep looking. Seems like it would be a fun way to start getting active again. There's still a lot of smoke up here from the fires and it makes me not want to be outside with the baby. But either way... the Wii Fit just sounds like FUN and I like how it will keep track too.

Now if I could just get my hands on one of those yummy banana strawberry smoothies! :tongue:
Good luck finding the Wii Fit. :wizard: I've heard good things about it. I bet that would really help. We don't have a Wii or else I'd look into it too.

Good for you on setting the goal to do something active today!! That's what I need to try and do everyday too. Just get up and move, even if it's dancing to a Disney sing along with my kids! :banana:

Happy Tuesday Ladies :cool1:

The distance is nothing; it's only the first step which is difficult.
-Marquise du Deffand

And with that I encourage everyone to jump into exercise today! :jumping1:
That is so true!!! Just taking that first step to get started is hard, but together I know we can all reach our goals!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Ok ladies--here is my story--I also have been overweight all my life. I have a picture of me about age 3 where I am a "normal" size--otherwise all of my childhood memories are of not being like the other kids, being teased and avoiding sports and exercise because I felt like an outsider when I did all those activities. I also hate to sweat! Luckily, I always had great friends through grade school and college, so never wanted for company, but boyfriends were few and far between until later in life. I have been on many many diets over the years--the most I lost was 75 pounds in law school (and when I was in "love") eating basically no carbs. Of course, every time I lost I gained back even more. I was 211 pounds at junior high school. (and short).

In 2000 I had two very bad knees (I believe from a combination of being overweight and family genes), ulcers and gallstones. Consulting with a leading bariatric surgeon I came to the conclusion that my only "hope" at age 43 was to have gastric bypass surgery. So, In September of 2001 I went "under the knife"-had the bypass, gallbladder removed, appendix removed and some other minor tune-ups-that night my alarms and beepers kept going off. I kept telling the nurse something was wrong--I needed to urinate but couldn't, even with the catheter. The doctor--God of the world that he was--didn't come in and told the nurses that the catheter must be in wrong. So the next morning he showed up to show them how it was supposed to be done. And it didn't work. The next thing I remember was being whisked from the surgery floor to ICU. The next few hours were a blur. I swear that the only reason I am alive today is a nurse in ICU who kept talking to me to keep me awake. At one point my blood pressure was 60 over 30. I remember that because she was shouting it in my face. They were bringing in specialists from all over the hospital. Finally the nurse convinced my addle-headed doctor to let the head of emergency services look at me. He was convinced I was bleeding internally and they started fluids. Within a few hours things returned to normal. It was close.

So, not to make ultimate excuses, but my relationship with my bariatric doctor was not good after this, especially when I asked him what had happened and he pretended not to know what I was talking about. (Uhhh--when I almost died?) I did do well for the first year or so--lost 150 pounds to just around 200 from a high of 350. The other issue I had with my doctor was his physician's assistant. now, you would think that you would have someone who was positive and upbeat helping patients on this path. no . . . . every time I went in she was sure to lower my expectations on how much weight I could lose and when I got close to the 200 mark she made a big deal about how "maybe" I could lose to 180 but shouldn't expect more. Add to this several situations where I had an appt. with the doctor (because I just couldn't stomach this PA anymore) and he would cancel at the last minute (usually AFTER I got to this office) and I stopped going, and left a message for him to call me so I could express my unhappiness with his office and attitude. He did call--four months later. LIterally four months it took him to call me. That was the end of him.

I did ok for several years . . . in 2003 had both knees replaced and my weight stayed pretty steady until three years ago or so when I (i) started my own business and (ii) met Steve. At that point the stress eating and fun eating got the best of me and I've gained about 50 pounds from my lowest weight. I've unfortunately never had the reaction that many people with gastric bypass have when they get incredibly sick from eating sugar or fatty foods--just had never been an issue for me at all. Sigh. I wish it was.

So, I am taking baby steps and starting to eat healthier things. Next step will be to start some water aerobics or other "cool" exercises (there's a gym with a pool literally across the street from my office). In the past few months I've been rediagnosed with fibromyalgia and there is some indication that I may have rheumatoid arthritis too (I am taking another test later today.) So light exercise will help those too. And Losing weight.

That's my story--glad to be on the same path with you gals.
Wow Cheryl, thank you for sharing your story. IT sounds like you have been through so much. :hug:

I know you can do this though. I just know it! We are all here for you and how great would it feel to lose this weight and be able to just walk all over DL and to feel healthy?! :yay:

The pool aerobics sounds like a great idea. I hope you are able to do that. :cheer2:
Welcome wendylady26! :cheer2:

Thanks for sharing your story Cheryl :grouphug:

So glad to be on this path to health and living our best lives with you all! :goodvibes
I just started exercising again. I go for a walk in the morning and then after work I go swimming. I'm trying to watch what I eat also. I've started cooking for myself so I'm not tempted to get fast food or order a pizza when I get home after a long day. I'm also trying to cut my sugar intake. :scared: That is going to be hard for me, but I believe I can do it, I'm already taking small steps toward doing this.

In a ideal world I would love to get down to 130 (since I haven't been that weight since the 6th grade :lmao:), but I will be more realistic for the time being and say I want to get back to 160 lbs.

Congratulations to everyone who has lost weight so far and for all of you that are trying!

When I first got serious about losing weight I used this site to help me: http://www.thedailyplate.com/
It was a great way to chart what I was doing and how much I was losing/gaining.
Hey Wendy!! I'm glad you joined us!! Thanks for sharing your story. I think I posted right after you this morning so I missed it earlier. Sorry about that.

My goal is around 150-160 as well. I just think for my age and what this old bod has been through it's more realistic then the 125 I was in HS. :rotfl:

Thanks for posting that link as well.

Good for you on cooking for yourself!! I found that when I am craving something that is "bad" for you like a pizza or taco salad you can make your own and they aren't as bad as ordering out.

My favorite thing now is the taco salad just with baked chips, some light cheese and lots of lettuce, and I just started adding corn, green peppers, tomatoes and onions. Oh, and a small dollop of light sour cream. That really does the trick for me when I am craving something from Taco Bell.

And the other day when my kids wanted hot dogs, I really had a craving for one, which is unusual since I'm not a big hot dog person, so I bought the Hebrew National fat free hot dogs and only used half a bun. I used mustard, dill relish and only a little ketchup. Skipped the mayo and cheese, and had apple slices instead of chips.
I felt like I was able to splurge on basically the same thing they were having without blowing it you know?

Anyway, it sounds like you are off to a fabulous start!! Especially with the exercising! Good luck on finding the Wii Fit. :wizard:

I know this is hard but we can all do this!!!!!!!! :cheer2:
Welcome to our group Wendy! :cheer2:

Welcome to our group MommyLove!:yay:

Cheryl, WOW you've been through so much! How scary! I mean.......can I just say that I'm really happy you're still with us.:hug:

Beth, you're doing a GREAT job getting creative with alternatives and sticking to your diet.:thumbsup2

Grizbuzz, I look forward to reading a new quote from you everyday. Those are cool!:cool1:

I've been falling off the other side of the health/diet issue and not eating enough. I don't mean to do it, but it happens everytime I go on a diet. I slip down this slope everytime! UGH!:headache:

I try to find something to eat, but then nothing looks good or sounds good, and then I end up eating nothing.

Does this happen to anyone else?:confused3


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