Disneyland Reopening Speculation Superthread

I'm trying to phrase this question in a way that won't invite or incite negative comments. I would simply like speculative thoughts/opinions on the second wave. I've currently got two bookings at PP, one mid-Sept, one early December. I don't care about masks or lack of parades etc. i.e. we'll take the "new" DL however it's presented. My main concern is the second wave. We can't ignore the fact that it's coming. A vaccine is also, hopefully coming. So - if you were me, a Canadian flying to DL from Vancouver - would you definitely go in September, un-vaccinated but probably pre-second wave or...would you hold out until December, probably mid-second wave, but also possibly, vaccinated? I know this is a completely personal choice and down to our comfort levels but, I really would appreciate hearing what others would do.
So much is unknown, but I would be concerned that September is too soon. Canada might even want you to quarantine for two weeks at home if you return from the US.
They might start off by requiring guests wear masks, but I am willing to wager that they will have to relax that and make it optional within a week. There will simply be no way to enforce it widely.

I've also noticed a phenomenon in our city where, once the city council decided to REQUIRE employees and patrons of essential businesses to wear masks, the physical distancing COMPLETELY disappeared. People think the masks make them invincible and so it's now impossible to go into Costco or a supermarket and stay 6 feet away from everyone.
I worry about such ignorant behavior. The fact that that kind of carelessness is obviously common here in the US is what makes me worry that openings (both of the parks AND other venues) will either not happen any time soon or will be followed by a new surge of infections. Opening right now (before there is a vaccine) relies on widespread acceptance of both masks AND distancing. Anything else is not backed by evidence, I believe, but an expression of wishful thinking, and is unfortunately likely to result in more deaths.

Maintaining mask and distancing compliance is probably easier in Shanghai and other Asian countries, where people seem better informed about the public health effects of not wearing masks and not distancing. Apparently there is far greater public consensus about judging somebody’s not wearing a mask (or getting too close to people, either with or without mask) as careless, rude, and selfish.

Here in the US, on the other hand, there are people who are turning mask wearing (or lack thereof) from a public health issue into a political statement, and that attitude and the behaviors it comes with worry me. I hope that the people who feel so strongly about masks being part of some conspiracy and seeing being ordered to wear them as an attack on their Constitutionally guaranteed liberties will decide to boycott the parks, if Disney remains strict about this. Problem solved...

I remember similar problems happening every once in a while in the past with the occasional pro-gun fanatic being outraged about their “2nd amendment rights being violated,” when told at security that they couldn’t bring a gun in.

As to people having delusions of invulnerability and getting (accidentally or deliberately) sloppy with distancing when wearing masks... one would hope that people will, over time, learn to change and be more mindful of which of their behaviors are risky and will then be motivated to do better. It would be very arrogant not to. This will probably take time, though.

Regardless of how mindful people are about distancing and how good they are about wearing masks, there will be a remainder of risk, especially in a theme park with lots of different people who traveled there from lots of different places and a disease that presents asymptomatically but still contagious in a relatively large number of people. It appears that aerosols are only one means of contagion. Surface transmission is a big problem, too, and there are limits as to how thoroughly cast members can wipe and disinfect any surface that is being touched by more than one person.

As to smaller kids... as far as I understand, most municipalities’ mask requirements are only for kids of age four years and older and for adults, and since kids can still transmit the virus, I would definitely avoid the parks and other places with large gatherings of people, if I were medically fragile or otherwise vulnerable to dangerous complications of the disease, until there is a widely available, safe, and effective vaccine.
Yeah, it’s weird to me that people are balking about masks. This has been standard practice since the SARS outbreaks in 2003, but I kind of get it, this is new for most Americans.

That’s why I have zero faith this will work in the US. It’ll be all for show, but at least Disney can check the box and blame the guest.
Exactly. Ultimately this is about covering their legal behind and keeping themselves from getting sued if they don’t show valiant efforts to get people to comply.
In the Shanghai video security no longer touches the bags and you have to show them what is inside. The video also states for the shops that you should not touch anything you don’t intend to buy...good luck with that part though, especially with kids!
I seem to recall that most bag checkers during our last visit (before COVID, in August) already did that. I don’t remember any of the checkers touching my stuff, just asking me to open all my bags compartments, shining in there with a flashlight, and asking me to take things out or move them them round if they felt they couldn’t see all the way down.
Sorry, I'm the germaphobe who would be happy if this happened. I always got a little squicked out by people putting on ears and hats for photos and putting them back on the shelf. I would love it if there were a sample for each item (including different sizes) on display and everything else was packaged.
Same here. I’ve always been the Mickey ears/hat grinch and told my kids early on that handling hats and ears in the stores is ok but trying them on isn’t, because I didn’t want them to catch head lice.
ETA: now my purchase of the cute Disney masks feels justified after reading this haha! I was like we better get some just in case masks are required when we go... My son is excited to have a baby Yoda mask so hopefully that’ll help him want to wear it. He had fun picking his out.
I am so in love with the designs. At first I thought, oh $19.99 per mask... pricey... but then I realized the price was for a set of 4! I ordered two sets of the one with the Mickey/Poo/Stitch/Marie mouths. I figure, this way my family of four has one set for the parks, while the other hangs washed and ready to dry in the hotel room!

I hope that, if lots of people preorder, they will reopen sooner rather than later, because they consider it a good sign that people will be ok about wearing masks.

Edited to add: I’m also planning to, once they come, wear them all the time here in SF to make up for not getting to go to the parks yet... we were planning to go end of July, but I’d be very pleasantly surprised if they’re open by then.
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Disneyland or any public place for that matter can’t be held liable for someone getting sick there.
I believe they can and will if they don’t manage to reign in people who violate state or county mandated mask rules. They are, after all, not a “public place” but a private company and thus responsible for understanding and following the law, even if some of their guests refuse to do so. The question is of course how to reinforce those rules with as little as possible disruption to other, more responsible guests...
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We were briefly excited about at that, only to be disappointed a few hours later when the Zoo announced that the County had pulled back its approval after being told by the state that zoos are not "outdoor museums" allowed to open as part of Phase 2: https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article242824141.html

Darn! I had gotten really excited yesterday at the possibility of doing something soon. Oh well.
Omg when did you get this?!

lol a generous Reddit user, apparently everyone who got it on DISboards didn’t want to share (or didn’t think to), haha.

It was an article on SF Gate and I dug into the primary source of that for these screenshots.

The WDW survey asked what closed rides would make you cancel a trip.


The WDW survey is linked in the SF Gate article.
That's kind of a poorly laid-out survey that requires a lot of reading over and over just to see what they're actually asking. They really should have just said "Here are all the things we plan to implement no matter what. Now for each of the following options, how likely would you be to visit. 1) Screen guest temperatures and encourage masks. 2) Encourage masks. 3) Screen guest temperatures and require masks.
Efteling in the Netherlands is reopening today, and pictures are appearing on Twitter with how it looks. In Shanghai research had shown to have marks to indicate where you CANNOT stand, with Efteling they have tried that as well, but it worked better here to indicate where you CAN stand.
At the moment they have removed the signs to indicate the waiting time. Getting in and out of rides takes longer due to the extra cleaning.
There are also signs at certain coasters to inform you that at the moment you cannot ask for a specific row in a ride.
People mention on Twitter that there are lots of desinfectants-stations and the queues are well organized.
There is some entertainment in the park, two small shows, the bigger shows are still cancelled.
At one of the rides they have turned off the music in the loading station, to make sure the guests can hear the instructions from the staff.
Mobile ordering at restaurants .
Playgrounds only for children till 11 years old.
Everything is made one-way and shops/restaurants/rides have now designated entrances and exits.

Biggest issue is when a ride breaks down, clearing the queue is more difficult with the social distancing.
For pictures and a Dutch article on themepark website Looopings: https://www.looopings.nl/weblog/144...n-de-Efteling-dit-zijn-alle-aanpassingen.html

Earlier in the week I tried to order tickets on the first day of release, and I ended up in a virtual queue with over 20K People :P and when it finally was my turn, after about 8 hours, I had missed on the first page the instruction that they only have tickets for the first 2 weeks (til June 2nd),while I was looking for tickets late June. Those should be released soon.
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would you hold out until December, probably mid-second wave, but also possibly, vaccinated? I know this is a completely personal choice and down to our comfort levels but, I really would appreciate hearing what others would do.
I would wait until December. I would prefer more time to see what all is going to happen and I'd expect everything to run smoother later rather than sooner.
Anyone want to shoot random theories/estimates on when masks will no longer be required (since I think it's all but confirmed that when the parks reopen it'll be with masks required)?
Anyone want to shoot random theories/estimates on when masks will no longer be required (since I think it's all but confirmed that when the parks reopen it'll be with masks required)?

I'm going to put 6 months out in the universe, after which it will become encouraged.

But I also said all US parks would open by May 18 in a previous post, so take that with a grain of salt :rolleyes1
We rebooked for November and plan that we’re going to have to wear masks so I’m trying to find the most comfortable ones to use for long periods of time...

This refers to Orlando’s Disney Springs opening, but I bet you that similar wording will appear on the Disneyland website and other forms of communication once they get closer to opening:

I’m happy they are putting this out there on the one hand but on the other it’s kind of sad they have to. Going anywhere with large groups of people opens up the risk of infection be it COVID, the flu, or a common cold.The bottom line is if you don’t feel comfortable then don’t go and if you do go then that’s on you if you get sick. Disney parks are not essential no matter how we DISer’s feel about it!


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