Dive Quest/New Diver


Earning My Ears
May 31, 2001
I am considering doing Dive Quest at the Living Seas in May. I am newly certified and this will be my first post-certification dive. I have read a number of other threads on Dive Quest and understand generally what it is like. However, I was wondering whether this dive is advisable for a rank novice? Has anyone done this as a newly minted OW diver? Are the Disney folks patient with the usual newbie problems (weighting/buoyancy/equalization)?

Thanks in advance!
Its a great experience, but you should probably feel comfortable in the water if youre going to do it. Its not like you look out and see into the infinite blue water, but more like glass all around and people watching you! There were some newbies in my group and you could tell since they werent as smooth/comfortable as others who have been diving awhile. You first go through an info session where they tell you about everything. Then you get changed in the locker rooms, and meet up top where they will give you all the gear (I think the only thing you can bring is a mask-I wore my dive computer which is a watch). A guide first led us around the tank, swimming through the "coral" tunnels, etc. We were allowed to one at a time pop up into the diving bell and remove our regulator to talk. Too bad no one could hear you, but if you buy the video you can see your mouth moving! After that is when you and your buddy can take off and explore on your own. They told us to swim over to the windows to find our loved ones, "introduce" them and the videographer will get us all on the video. That was pretty cool since my family has never seen my dive once I was underwater. Plus I have footage of my mom who passed away a few years later. You do need to be able to control your buoyancy, but dont worry about smashing into the coral as its not real. If youre not too good at it yet, just pull yourself through the tunnels. I hovered over the bottom and some of the sharks came pretty close to me which was cool. Theyre well fed so dont worry about being attacked! Afterwards you get out, and are allowed to go to the locker rooms to shower and dress. They had towels, shampoo, etc available so you dont have to haul all that. You might want to bring a brush, and I dont recall there being a hair dryer (that may have changed now). Then you go back upstairs where you watch the video, buy it, have your log book stamped, and talk. Be sure to bring your c-card too.

I'm still a fairly rookie diver (about 16 total dives under my belt, 12 of which were for courses), but I did OK when I did DiveQuest. The more you dive, the better you get at controlling buoyancy and stuff, and I'm starting to be able to do that a bit better.

It's not a challenging dive, there's virtually no current, no tide, and excellent visibility.

The DiveQuest folks take care of all your equipment. I'm pretty sure the BC had integrated weights in it, but I didn't have to wear a weight belt, and I didn't have to do any adjustment of the amount of weight I was wearing.
Tick-tock -

I bought this as a birthday surprise for DH - we'll be doing it mid-November. We aren't newbies, but I promise that I will pay special attention for you and report back. I have heard that it is easy in terms of lack of current, perfect vis, etc...but I also recall reading somewhere that you should have decent buoyancy control.

I read several reviews of the Divequest tour on scubaboard.com under the Florida divers' club - you can search for Divequest to read a bit more about it.

Glad to hear about your certification!!


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