Do you ever see alligators on WDW property?

I'm just glad to know they are around! I never thought they would be on Disney property. So that's why we can't go in the lakes! It's good to know so the kids can be warned just in case.

I think the only thing we saw last year were geckos. I think that's what they were anyway. My daughter was horrified b/c she was walking and stepped on one. We told her she killed our car insurance agent. She is the Geico Gecko killer.

My kids' doctor talked about a place you can get alligator to eat and said we should try it. I smiled, nodded, and then told the kids I would not be eating alligator, thank you very much.
My kids' doctor talked about a place you can get alligator to eat and said we should try it. I smiled, nodded, and then told the kids I would not be eating alligator, thank you very much.

One of the highlights of the annual Coconut Grove arts festival down here in Miami for me is the food booth with the fried gator,I had it like 4-5 years in a row and the first couple of years I had it I liked it,the last year I tried it the meat was too chewy,but all in all except for last year it seems that if cooked right it's "Fine Eatin".
In 2009 when we were at CSR saw two one morning in the lake there. Neither we large but they weren't babies either.
At Shades of Green:


Saw this little fella too. Hope they did not meet up!

Okay. This is freakin' me out!! Are they just roaming free??? What stops them from walkin' on up to the resort??? Yes, I know they are more afraid of us than we are of them. But I also know they gotta eat!!! YIKES!!!:scared1:

The whole area where WDW is located was a swamp only 40 years ago, so yes there will always be gators in the area. Personally, I'd really like to see one up close and maybe have a chance to rassle with it like those gentlemen on the tv show Swamp People.
yep saw one at MK in one of the swamps - it was small and had no way to really get on land. But I couldn't believe it was their everyone was pointing and looking.
We saw a baby in the water at CSR. The CM said it is not uncommon and they dont ususally "relocate" them until they get too big or bothersome.

We also saw one on the side of the highway when we were on the ME going to the resort. There wasnt much traffic so the drive stopped so we could all get a good look.

We have never heard of any "issues" with gators at WDW though they seem to be seen quite frequently.
We saw one in the MK parking lot a year or so ago. We actually had to sit in our car and wait for a minute while it crossed the "street" between 2 waterways.
see signature:

Also I had 120 people on a full boat leaving FW, backed out and saw a gator. I got on the mic and turned the boat so everyone could clearly see YES THERE ARE GATORS and appropriately spread that information among other guests.

They are also all over the golf course, the Palm/Magnolia in particular. They just sunbathe by the creeks.
I have never seen one down there.

I know OP didn't ask who hasn't seen one, but they were wondering what the chances were of seeing one.
We did Gatorland a couple of years ago. Kids still have their pictures "wresting" the gators. This was one of the best days of our trip. Alligator sampler platter at the food place there was real good too.

Alligator sampler platter at Gatorland? That just doesn't seem right. :rotfl:
We saw quite a bit of wild life in 09 while staying at Shades of Green.

We saw an alligator on the grass in front of the main sign where the waterfall is at SOG.

We were on our balcony and saw a big bird dive down from the top of the building trying to grab a fish from the pond. It was raining and he ended up flopping in the water to the edge and then flew back up to the building. We thought to try again, but never saw him do it.

We also saw rabbits, many lizards, wild turkeys, and the biggest grasshoppers we have ever seen.
HOWEVER, we did see some on that two-lane highway you take to get to Cape Canaveral. The road has canals on both sides and we saw several there. :scared1:

That is the Merritt Island Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, one of the places that alligators were relocated to during the era when they were endangered. NASA actually encouraged their presence as extra security for Cape Canaveral. (OK, go ahead and TRY to sneak in from the swamp to sabotage the moon rocket.)

I think the only thing we saw last year were geckos. I think that's what they were anyway. My daughter was horrified b/c she was walking and stepped on one. We told her she killed our car insurance agent. She is the Geico Gecko killer.

Not geckos. Those are anoles (pron. uh'no-lee). The native anoles are green and can change color like chameleons, but they are being driven to extinction by the brown anoles, which have moved in from Cuba and the Caribbean islands. When I was a kid pulling the tales off anoles was a favorite playground pastime of mean boys; anoles can shed their tails as an escape mechanism, and they then regrow them.

My kids' doctor talked about a place you can get alligator to eat and said we should try it. I smiled, nodded, and then told the kids I would not be eating alligator, thank you very much.

Tastes like chicken ... only chewier. ;)
we saw one from the bus near a pond as we were leaving Animal KIngdom

Hey, me too! It was Monday 03/21/11.

The driver announced it over the loudspeaker.

People on the bus were more excited about that alligator than they were about anything at Animal Kingdom!
One of the highlights of the annual Coconut Grove arts festival down here in Miami for me is the food booth with the fried gator,I had it like 4-5 years in a row and the first couple of years I had it I liked it,the last year I tried it the meat was too chewy,but all in all except for last year it seems that if cooked right it's "Fine Eatin".
Ew! I have eaten buffalo on purpose, deer by accident, but I draw the line at gator!

Not geckos. Those are anoles (pron. uh'no-lee). The native anoles are green and can change color like chameleons, but they are being driven to extinction by the brown anoles, which have moved in from Cuba and the Caribbean islands. When I was a kid pulling the tales off anoles was a favorite playground pastime of mean boys; anoles can shed their tails as an escape mechanism, and they then regrow them.

Tastes like chicken ... only chewier. ;)
Figured someone would correct me on what it actually was! In our family they will always be known as geckos b/c we wouldn't be able to tease our daughter about killing the car insurance gecko!
We saw one swimming in the water near the pool at CBR on our last trip. It was about 6 ft long and the CM said it was just a baby. Yikes! It didn't do anything and people were taking pictures and video of it. Not to worry, the water it was in was the lake and that is below the walkways/bridges for people to walk on...


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