Do you expect comments/compliments when you change your appearance?

Huh, you know, maybe he was worried about getting in trouble and that's why he phrased it that way. It was just such an odd way of putting first response was "okay??" But I'm pretty new to the civilian-ish corporate world, so maybe that's why I was confused.
At work? No. According to our HR seminars, offering comments or compliments on appearance are forbidden, especially when the recipient is of the opposite sex. You can be fired.
Now, truth be told, it still happens, but usually quietly and out of ear range of managers.
Same with a hug. A no no. Trust me, the hugs I got when I returned to work after my mom passed away we very comforting.
That sounds quite sad. I love my work I'm not a really huggy person but if I need one there's always someone there. Everyone is quite affectionate. Also if I make an effort I'll get complimented even if it's "oh I love your dress" or a "ooo you've straightened your hair". I do work in a student union which is very chill and could probably turn up in pjs and no one would really question it lol. Very relaxed :p
No, but if it's a big difference, I wonder why people haven't noticed, lol. Then I think that they DID notice and didn't say anything and I figure they think I look silly.:P But no, I don't "expect" comments/compliments if I change my appearance.
Hairstyle like how you have worn today, no
Hairstyle like cut long hair into a bob or a massive colour change, yes

Getting glasses for the first time or similar then yes
I only expect my husband to notice. Back when I was working outside the home, I got a lot of comments when I changed my appearance. I got into a mood and hacked off my waist length hair into a cute layered bob. I thought my company was going to riot. It was great fun. I get the sexual harassment issues, but what a pain. I try to sincerely compliment people.
I get the sexual harassment issues, but what a pain. I try to sincerely compliment people.

I was working at a place where it was super casual--t-shirts, jeans, shorts, flip-flops, as long as it was clean it was fine. We had a special event at work and I met a co-worker who was dressed considerably above the norm. I said "Wow you look terrific" and I was immediately terrified that I had said something inappropriate. All I really meant was "Gee you look nice in clothes that are nicer than what I usually see you wearing"--that's it. Fortunately I think she took the compliment in the spirit in which it was intended but I worried that I shouldn't have said anything at all. Nothing happened but it's kind of sad a person can't pay someone a compliment.
I never expect compliments. But it's nice to receive them. I don't get offended when men or women or children compliment me. It's kind of sad that other people do.
My life took a drastic turn when I started a relationship with the woman who would become my Wife. I went from a corporate engineering job to operating a business from our home. I've let my hair grow long, grew a chin beard and got colorful tattoos on my forearms. My friends all say we both look better and happier than ever, which is how we both feel. I like knowing that.

When we go to Key West and get mistaken for locals, I consider that a huge compliment!
My D is an engineer. She decided to go to the salon and have her hair dyed. A nice sedate red but I don't know what happened but the color was red, fire engine, like Wendy's in the restaurant red.

She got a few comments at work, the older men she works with didn't quite know what to say. I mean it was RED! One of the men said, oh your hair matches your pants!

She broke up with her boyfriend and now it's a nice brown again.
If it's people you see all the time, they won't really notice unless your appearance is their focal point. Those that you don't see that often, are probably afraid to mention anything for fear that you really haven't changed anything and would get embarrassed about it. I know that over the course of 6 years I lost 80 pounds. I never talked about it before or during the process, it was my project and my secret. No one acknowledged anything until I finally brought up the topic. It is something that humans do. We all strive to be liked or loved for who we are, and this is a classic example of that wish coming true. They don't really notice because it wasn't important to them.
Outside of family, no.
But my husband tickled my heart last week when I was leaving for my future daughter-in-laws bridal shower and he told me "you look hot".
Ater 30 years of marriage, children and grandchildren, he made my day!!!
Not only do I not want compliments, I don't even want anyone to notice!

I hate attention being drawn to myself, so even a haircut is something I will dread getting because I know it means 6 people coming up to me the next day asking if I did something different. lol In December, I cut off about 6 inches (LONG overdue!) and it was like the President came to town. I bought a new pair of shoes last month, and my boss noticed right away.

The WORST is coming in sunburned after being outside all weekend in the summer:

"Wow! You're sunburned!"
"Looks like you got a lot of sun this weekend!"
"Did you forget to put sunscreen on?"
"You are RED!!!"
"That looks like it hurts!"

OMG....I feel like I need to wear a sign:

"Yes, I'm sunburned,
no it doesn't hurt,
yes, it will go away in a day or two,
and no, I didn't forget sunscreen, I was just out longer than I thought I would be.
Thank you for your concern! Now can you please stop screaming all of this so everyone stops looking at me!!"


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