Do you leave any items in a stroller?


May 26, 2021
Hello! Do you generally empty out your stroller before leaving it in stroller parking? I plan on leaving the stroller rain cover in the under-the-seat storage area and bringing everything else with me when I'm on rides or dining, but I am curious to hear about your experiences.

I will be using a stroller at the parks next week as this is my first time visiting with children. =]
Back in the day we’d leave things, now, not so much. Yes, leave the rain cover. When my DGS was young I had a quick change pack with diapers, wipes, and ointment that I’d grab instead of fighting him and a backpack and no one ever touched it but I had backups in the backpack. DO NOT leave any snacks because the birds and squirrels WILL get in them!
I think generally things are Okay but there are always a handful of untrustworthy people. A few years ago I accidentally left my phone in the cup holder in fantasyland and we ended up in Adventureland before I realized it! It was still there so I got lucky!
We would leave our bag in the bottom of the stroller but keep anything of value on us like phones, wallet etc. I would typically wear a small crossbody to hold my phone and wallet and then everything else stayed in the bag under the stroller.
I second this!! We would leave all the diaper bag stuff in the stroller but alway kept phones, wallet, money etc on us. No body wants to rummage through my diaper bag and if they need a diaper or clothes that bad take it. That being said, I have never had anyone touch anything we have left in a stroller with my kids, my grandkids or nieces/ nephews
Hello! Do you generally empty out your stroller before leaving it in stroller parking? I plan on leaving the stroller rain cover in the under-the-seat storage area and bringing everything else with me when I'm on rides or dining, but I am curious to hear about your experiences.

I will be using a stroller at the parks next week as this is my first time visiting with children. =]
I would be more worried about squirrels than human thieves. do not leave snacks as I have seen squirrels go from stroller to stroller. have even seen them licking tops of sippy cups left on tray. if looks anything/calling for showers I would put cover over, nothing worse than to be inside and come out to wet stroller seat
Many trips and have always left diaper bag, water bottles, other items in the stroller with no issues. Grab the valuables and go, so much easier than lugging belonging into ride lines, etc... (if there in summer doesn’t hurt to put a rain cover over if happen to get a passing shower while you are in line/on a ride/in a show)
I wouldn’t leave something of value like wallet or phone. But we leave toys, drinks, umbrella, etc.
Ironically, the most common thing I see mentioned that’s stolen is rain gear. Now, I think this is mostly if it’s already out and easy to grab, but crappy people forget to bring their own so they apparently swipe other people’s when it starts to rain. We always left ours folded up in the bottom, but we never really go during rainy season, so I never worried much. I once saw a tip where someone says they just use a cheap shower curtain, some clips, and they write their name all over it. I brought one last time just in case!!
We've left the diaper bag with extra clothes, water bottles, snacks, and stroller cover in the stroller. We always take our backpacks with us.
We've been very lucky because in over twenty five years nothing has ever been taken from our stroller. We took a wheelchair for my father in law on a few trips and he would put his belongings under his hat on the seat of the chair. We used to tell him its a bad idea but he would not listen. I do remember many years ago I bought a black and white micky stroller for our daughter. We got off a ride, jumped on the stroller and took off. Only problem, I grabbed the wrong one. We didn't notice until our little one was drinking a juice box that was not hers. I was so upset at the time. We doubled back and found a couple looking for their stroller. We had a good laugh!!! As a new mom I was afraid of the germs from the juice box but she survived. Funny how you grow as a parent, years later when our youngest ate a cracker from a table at a zoo I didn't worry, figured she'd survive. Have a great trip.
We've been very lucky because in over twenty five years nothing has ever been taken from our stroller. We took a wheelchair for my father in law on a few trips and he would put his belongings under his hat on the seat of the chair. We used to tell him its a bad idea but he would not listen. I do remember many years ago I bought a black and white micky stroller for our daughter. We got off a ride, jumped on the stroller and took off. Only problem, I grabbed the wrong one. We didn't notice until our little one was drinking a juice box that was not hers. I was so upset at the time. We doubled back and found a couple looking for their stroller. We had a good laugh!!! As a new mom I was afraid of the germs from the juice box but she survived. Funny how you grow as a parent, years later when our youngest ate a cracker from a table at a zoo I didn't worry, figured she'd survive. Have a great trip.
OP this could serve as a good reminder to make your stroller stand out in some way! 😂 we have a stroller sign that says “This is not the stroller you are looking for.” And our family name beside R2D2 and C3PO. A lot of people tie a scarf around their’s or a balloon or something.
OP this could serve as a good reminder to make your stroller stand out in some way! 😂 we have a stroller sign that says “This is not the stroller you are looking for.” And our family name beside R2D2 and C3PO. A lot of people tie a scarf around their’s or a balloon or something.

We have a blue stroller. Or a family trip with some big kids went on X and little kids went on Y, and we all meet at Z.........DS grabbed A blue stroller. I see this stroller and wonder why someone parked their stroller there, next to my DH who is in a wheelchair and not going on the rides. Went on a another ride, stroller is still there. Someone asks for water.....hmmmm they notice all the drinks are gone. What???? DS grabbed wrong blue stroller. DD runs it back to where he took it. Other women is talking to CM ready to call police over her missing stroller (it was a $50 stroller, not a fancy $500 one). DD said we've sorry, offered to buy her a coffee or something. On OUR stroller I had added several strips of decorated duct tape, but DS didn't notice the tape.
OP this could serve as a good reminder to make your stroller stand out in some way! 😂 we have a stroller sign that says “This is not the stroller you are looking for.” And our family name beside R2D2 and C3PO. A lot of people tie a scarf around their’s or a balloon or something.
This is genius! I will think about this all day and I will smile every time! The Unofficial Guide to WDW used to have a suggestion about keeping people away from your stroller. Something about tying a diaper around the handle and dabbing a little root beer on it. :scratchin
I actually had my husbands bandana tied on it but at the time forgot. At least we had a nice encounter and the family whose stroller we had handled it like an adult!!!
The ONLY people to ever touch ours was CM.
It is always awesome when you park it, they move it and you can’t find it.
I am not saying parked it somewhere it shouldn’t be either, they just like to rearrange/consolidate at some rides.

we never left valuables though
During our stroller years from 1997 through about 2012 we would leave all kinds of stuff in the stroller, including bags containing souvenirs, and nothing was ever touched.
We did have an unfortunate experience of having a bag of souvenirs taken from under the stroller.

Annoying yes, but would have been a minor inconvenience had I not put my wallet in said bag after checking out and forgetting about it.

Also this was the morning of our flight home and now I had no ID.

It all worked out, but we never leave anything anymore except maybe water bottles.

We have been to WDW dozens of times and have left varying degrees of valuables prior to this with no other incident.
I leave the diaper bag, you want diapers/wipes/diaper cream, have at it.
I think we'd leave some souvenirs, but our stroller storage is a pain to get things in and out of....if someone REALLY wants to spend time getting down on their hands and knees to root through what's in there....


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