Does anyone Cry when arriving as opposed to departing WDW?

Ditto on those commercials......"I'm too excited too sleep" ºOº

I LOVE that commerical. i cry every time I see it lol

Last year I took my two DS to WDW for their birthdays. My oldest turned 18 and my youngest turned 13.

I warned them that I might start crying when we entered the MK. Sure enough, as soon as I turned onto Main Street and saw the castle, tears of joy started streaming down my face.

The MK is truly the happiest place on earth!!!
Heck, I'm sitting here sniffling as I'm reading this darn thread! :sad:

ME TOO! Gosh! Good thing all my co-workers know I have allergies...I can attribute all of the sniffling to that!

Last time I went was 2001 with my parents and brother. I didn't cry when we got there, but I BURST into tears on HM because I was riding it with my mom and all of the sudden I could remember riding it with my parents 20 years earlier as a four-year-old and I could remember seeing everything in the ride that I was seeing right then and there (does that make sense?) was all coming back to me and I just started crying and my mom was really concerned..."Beth are you OK?" and I just turned to her and said, "I remember." Then of course SHE starts crying. I think we both bawled the entire length of the ride. We got off and my dad and brother (who were ahead of us on the ride) asked why my mom's mascara was streaked. Needless to say, they got a good laugh after hearing our story, but I think I saw a tear in my dad's eye, too.
And to think,,,One man and a Mouse could bring us all to tears.

Thankyou WALT and MICKEY (and the rest of the Disney family) for making "MAGICAL" moments for all of the fellow DISers and their families. ºOº
OMG, I love this thread! I have many teary moments (tears of joy) at WDW. I'd have to say Festival of the Lion King at AK is definitely one of them! Something about that music just gets to me. My tears of sorrow are always when leaving. Usually I start crying about a day and a half before we leave. :sad1: It's so hard to leave and go back to "the real world". I also have the same exact reaction on Disney Cruise Line, especially during that final show "Remeber the Magic". I swear, they design that thing just to make grown adults bawl their eyes out! :sad1:

Like others on this thread, my DP was never able to visit WDW as a child. So the first time I took her there (age 24 I think) she totally started crying when she entered magic kingdom for the first time! She was incredulous!
My mother always wanted to take my DS to WDW, then she got sick and couldn't, she wanted to give us money to go but I couldn't go that far with her sick. She passed away May 2006. Last Thanksgiving we went and used some of the money she left us to pay for it, as my DH, DS and I stood in front of the castle during Wishes I cried like a baby. I could feel my mom smiling down on us. I'm sure I'll cry again this year when we go back.
oh boy can i relate to you!!! I was lived in Orlando when I was little (1973-1976) and my parents always said someday we would go... when we moved I held on to that dream and had several of the Disney Record books and some of the travel pamphlets... i read them all till theypractically fell apart. I never got to go with my parents.... my mother died when I was 13...

Let me tellyou... everysingle time we go and i get to watch that in my kids eyes I totally fall apart!! my 16 year old has been every year since he was 5... and it never gets old for me!! I like to think my mom goes with us every year... I know that she would of if she could of...

Now that story made me cry....I WISH you the best trip ever!!!!!:tink:
I hadn't been there since I was a little girl and last yr was my first trip back to MK boy has it changed. so my answer is YES you couldn't get me to stop crying.

Please read my thread below my siggie and you can read the whole story as to why I cried so much and this year when we come back will be the same way.

i read your story and just want to say thank you for sharing such an emotional time in your life with us, i hope that you will have your dream come true one day..

many thanks pixiedust: to you and yours.

My mother always wanted to take my DS to WDW, then she got sick and couldn't, she wanted to give us money to go but I couldn't go that far with her sick. She passed away May 2006. Last Thanksgiving we went and used some of the money she left us to pay for it, as my DH, DS and I stood in front of the castle during Wishes I cried like a baby. I could feel my mom smiling down on us. I'm sure I'll cry again this year when we go back.

Oh my I feel so bad for you and I understand your pain more so than maybe others can. I have a written a thank you to Cinderella that explains my story also. please click on the link if you would like and read through to see just how much we have in common.

I hope that your pain has eased a bit from your mom's passing and it sounds like she was a wonderful wonderful woman and she raised such a beatiful woman.

Just know that she is your :angel: now and is watching over you and your family.
Thank you Poohbear, I read you letter, I think it was so wonderful of you to write it. I wonder if the people that play these characters know how much they mean to some people.

I am doing much better, I know my mom is in a better place and free of pain. I know she is so happy to know that we went to WDW.
And to think,,,One man and a Mouse could bring us all to tears.

Thankyou WALT and MICKEY (and the rest of the Disney family) for making "MAGICAL" moments for all of the fellow DISers and their families. ºOº

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

I need some tissues please!! I start weeping every time I read a new post on this thread! This does not bode well for the hope of any dry eyes when I arrive there in two weeks!! :rotfl:

Poohbear67 - I read your original post (and, in fact, responded on that thread) thanks for sharing.

"I'm too excited to sleep" is one of my favorite commercials, too - I well up every time it's on - even more so now that my trip is only 2 weeks away!!

I hope I can survive without 2 weeks' sleep because I'm already too excited to sleep!! :lmao:
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

I need some tissues please!! I start weeping every time I read a new post on this thread! This does not bode well for the hope of any dry eyes when I arrive there in two weeks!! :rotfl:

Poohbear67 - I read your original post (and, in fact, responded on that thread) thanks for sharing.

"I'm too excited to sleep" is one of my favorite commercials, too - I well up every time it's on - even more so now that my trip is only 2 weeks away!!

I hope I can survive without 2 weeks' sleep because I'm already too excited to sleep!! :lmao:

Yes I saw that and thank you so much. Sorry I haven't responded, I have 2 funerals this week and my mind is really not working well. so i am very sorry for not thanking you earlier.
No apology or thank you needed - I only mentioned it to be sure you had seen it - I know that thread is a little older. :)

I'm so sorry to hear you have funerals to deal with - I'm sending you many cyberhugs :hug: :hug: and an angel :angel: to sit on your shoulder and help you through them. I'll be thinking of you over the next few days.

No apology or thank you needed - I only mentioned it to be sure you had seen it - I know that thread is a little older. :)

I'm so sorry to hear you have funerals to deal with - I'm sending you many cyberhugs :hug: :hug: and an angel :angel: to sit on your shoulder and help you through them. I'll be thinking of you over the next few days.


Thank you so much:goodvibes
I actually get teary-eyed every time I get there. God only knows how I will be when I make the move there permanently in October. ºOº

Well, if you are anything like me, about the same.......
We are Annual Passholders, who go often, and after 2-1/2 years here, I still catch my eyes filling up on almost every visit. Especially when watching my son light up over things.

Poohbear, Your post was lovely, of course, it made me cry too (so have several of the posts on this thread). I am so sorry to hear about your losses, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. {{{{{hugs}}}}}]
jamesmommy, thanks for posting about being annual passholders. I will be moving to FL in the next couple of months (Tampa) and I often wonder if WDW will lose it's magic for me after I become an AP. I mean I don't see how it could because it is so full of magic! :love: But I definitely think about it. Glad to hear that the magic hasn't diminished for you!
oh boy can i relate to you!!! I was lived in Orlando when I was little (1973-1976) and my parents always said someday we would go... when we moved I held on to that dream and had several of the Disney Record books and some of the travel pamphlets... i read them all till theypractically fell apart. I never got to go with my parents.... my mother died when I was 13...

Let me tellyou... everysingle time we go and i get to watch that in my kids eyes I totally fall apart!! my 16 year old has been every year since he was 5... and it never gets old for me!! I like to think my mom goes with us every year... I know that she would of if she could of...

:sad1: Oh my goodness. You made me cry more. And I can so relate also. When I seen the look in my kids eyes. It seems the same everytime we go. My DS10 has been at lease once every year since he was 1 and my DD6 went 3 times before she was 1.
It use to happen when we left, but since they started charging you for the entire room bill at check in, I start crying then.:faint:

LOL!!!!:rotfl: I totally agree with that! But, I don't start crying until I get my credit card statement in the mail a month later. :rotfl2:
oh boy can i relate to you!!! I was lived in Orlando when I was little (1973-1976) and my parents always said someday we would go... when we moved I held on to that dream and had several of the Disney Record books and some of the travel pamphlets... i read them all till theypractically fell apart. I never got to go with my parents.... my mother died when I was 13...

Let me tellyou... everysingle time we go and i get to watch that in my kids eyes I totally fall apart!! my 16 year old has been every year since he was 5... and it never gets old for me!! I like to think my mom goes with us every year... I know that she would of if she could of...

:) :sad1: :) Here's to the memories we are making for our children :thumbsup2 We are creating a tradition. My wish is that my DS's own DVC's and take their children.

OMG!!! you are SO dead meat! when you walk into the lobby, have a box of tissues handy!:lmao:

we listen to illuminations on the way down, and I am always afraid hubby nebo won't be able to see to drive through his tears!!!

I know. I've warned my DH of what to expect. I keep thinking I'll be bawling and wiping my nose on the new wilderness lodge tee shirts we are making to arrive in :rotfl2:

Mickey's angel, We have exactly two weeks too!!!! See ya there and don't forget the tissue.
Every time I go I think that I won't be so emotional,,,,but gawrsh darn it always seems to get worse each trip! I guess it just seems something about every trip is kids' first trip, then taking a child whose mom has cancer and seeing his face light up at an opportunity he may never otherwise have, sharing it with my previously 'long lost' step many reasons to get teary-eyed!! I get choked up going under the welcome sign, at all the shows (especially darn that FOTLK!!!), in Peter Pan's flight, etc..etc.. infinity!!!

This next trip I think is going to be the WORST!!! I am taking 19 of my middle school students...the whole thing started with a casual 'Mrs. M we'd love to skip down Main St with you singing Zip a dee doo dah", well, here we are a few months later and I will be sharing just that with my wonderful students (and the OP I might I'll have someone else who will be crying with me!!)!! So if you see a bawling blond woman with 19 kids skipping and singing down Main St on Aug 28th..say hi to a fellow DISer!!! Oh, and take lots of pics of us for me and I'll get them when I get back please!!! LOL (btw, we will be wearing yellow shirts with logos made by a wonderful fellow diser!!


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