Does anyone out there have Combi Strollers that can answer a ?


DIS Veteran
Aug 30, 2000
My son is 42" tall and 42 pounds and I am really stressing over this stroller thing. If you have either the Sub V or the Travel Savvy, do you think he will fit comfortably in either one of them? No way? I just don't want to waste $50-80 if he's too big!
I'm assuming you don't already own this stroller. My friend and I both had the Savvy and while we liked it at first, once our kids got over about 20 lbs they were soooo hard to push. Both of us ditched those Combis and got Maclarens. Those things are a dream! If you're just looking for a stroller for this trip, I would probably go with a cheap-o umbrella stroller. If you're looking for a stroller to use a while, you might want to give the Maclarens a look. Strollers4less has some at good prices. Hope this helps!
My friend had a lot of trouble with her combi stroller, although it seemed great at first it began to fall apart... and customer service was no help.

We have a lightweight jogging stroller we will bring for our next trip and will probably rent this time. The jogging stroller holds a combined 100 pounds for the two kids and they say it is for age 2 months to 6 years. I just couldn't justify spending money on a stroller my 3 yo will outgrow in a few months.
I have a 3 year old son who is 42" tall and 39 pounds... he no longer fits in our Combi Savvy. :( His legs are too long to fit on the footrest, and his feet are too big. Also it's very hard to push because he's too heavy. Oh, and his hips don't really fit either.

My 16 month old fits in it perfectly, but most of the time I use my big Graco double for both of them. Graco strollers are bigger, taller, and can be used by bigger toddlers.

I heard Disney raised the price to rent strollers, so if I were you I'd buy a full sized Graco single. They are big and pretty cheap new, or you could get a used one even cheaper. Or just get a cheapy umbrella stroller.
We have a combi SUBV and DD is 38 lbs and 42 inches. We love our stroller. They are made to go over rought uneven surfaces so the fame is not stiff. That is the reason many people feel like they are falling apart. Don't worry the feel is normal for this stroller. It takes a little getting use to (and makes it hard but not impossible to jump up on a curb). It folds so small that on the WDW busses I could sit in a seat and place the stroller between my knees and the seat in front of me.
Originally posted by dmonroe
I'm assuming you don't already own this stroller. My friend and I both had the Savvy and while we liked it at first, once our kids got over about 20 lbs they were soooo hard to push. Both of us ditched those Combis and got Maclarens. Those things are a dream!

This is so funny! I did the same thing! I bought a Combi Travel Savvy and it broke twice on me at WDW in under 8 months and my daughter was well under 30 pounds. Not only that, but it's a bear to push and "jumps" out of your hands. In addition, my (then) 18 month old daughter could "drag" her feet on the wheels!

My Maclaren is a year and a half old, has been WDW many times and France and still drives like a dream! Plus, it has a pretty high resale value ... keep the box!
I have the savvy and while I still use it for my three year old in a pinch (I have to take off the front bar for him to fit) it is not ideal. This is really best for infants. Also, the wheel is broken again. I have to call for a replacement. My DH, who is tall, clipped it with his foot while pushing. It should not have been enough to break the wheel.
Thanks for all the interesting responses on this thread. My DD is is 19 months old now and 19 pounds. Our next trip to WDW is in March and she will be 23 months old. We have this great stroller that also is a back back, but I fear she will out grow it by our next trip and have been looking into the combi travel savey. My husband really doesn't like the undsteady feel of it and it does seem a little small. I love how light it is and how well it folds up.

I haven't heard of the Maclarens before. Does anyone have more info on them? How many pounds does it go up to, do they fold well and do they have good canapy and baskets?

Thanks so much
Here's the company website for Maclaren:

I have a 2000 Techno. It's an "umbrella-type" strollers that folds up easily and is fairly lightweight. The canopy is good, but the baskets on Maclarens are usually quite small. I carry a backpack and hang it off the back of the stroller (until my DD climbs out!). Ours also came with a specialized rain cover which works great!The stroller reclines, but that makes the basket totally inaccessible.

I bought it in July 2001 when my daughter was 23 months old. I do not regret buying such an expensive stroller so late in my daughter's strolling career since it has been everywhere with us (WDW 5 times, France, Chicago, Syracuse NY, Colorado) and it still handles like a dream.
Maclaren has made special needs strollers for many years for children (and even adults) with disabilities. The special needs type strollers are sort of like giant umbrella strollers and can hold up to (I think) 140 pounds. Anyway, the points I wanted to make were that the company has been around for a long time snd is known for their lightweight strollers that can take a lot of punishment.
Originally posted by dmonroe
If you're looking for a stroller to use a while, you might want to give the Maclarens a look. Strollers4less has some at good prices. Hope this helps!

I second this. I was looking at Combis (SUBV and Travel Savvy) vs. a Maclaren Daytripper. I tested them both out in the store, and the Mac definitely seemed like it would have a longer lifespan as the child grows (it also seemed sturdier to me and I liked the fold better). I ended up buying a brand new Maclaren Daytripper on eBay (for $90), and I couldn't be happier.
I've had several strollers; and this is by far the best investment I've ever made! I have the Vogue and love it! This one does fully recline (though it does make the basket impossible to get to!). It had a large sun canopy and nice tall handles (which by 6 ft. dh appreciates!) Also, I can hold my almost 40 lb ds on my hip and still fold this one up with one hand! Two years ago I didn't know any better and paid full price for this one online! Now I know there are much better deals to be had out there! Good luck in your stroller search!
My older son is 4 years old, about 40 pounds and approx 42 inches. He outgrew our Combi Savvy IV (probably about the same size as the Travel Savvy) about a year ago. He still can sit in it, but his feet drag on the ground and he can place them on the wheels to stop the stroller which drives me nuts! I got a Maclaren Volo and he fits in it fine. It is the cheapest Maclaren (retail price) but I would probably go with a Daytripper or Vogue on sale if I had to do it all over again. I miss the sunshade and recline that the Volo does not have. It is a cool looking stroller though. We were at USA Baby the other week and I had my 4 year old sit in the COMBI SUBV. I was impressed that he fit in it well and still had some room. It seemed good for the price but didn't seem that sturdy and didn't fold that compactly. But if you are just looking to use it for this one trip and aren't looking for something for longtime, hard use, it should do fine.
I forgot to mention my favorite feature of the Combi SUBV... the shoulder strap.
I just got my son ( 3 yrs old, 39 lbs, 39 ") a new Combi SUV just for our Disney Trip next week. We've been using it in our living room and I like it so far. It's very lightweight, reclines and has a hood. The basket is small, but that's ok. My son's feet do not touch the wheels unless he really makes a big effort. It only cost $50 with shipping which is just about $8 more than the cost of renting one for our vacation so it's worth trying it. It might even still fit him next year too, depending upon how much he grows.

I was concerned that it wouldn't be wide enough in the hips, but it's fine. (and he is not a skinny boy)

I've decided to go with the Maclaren Daytripper. Even though he is 41-42 lbs I think we will be fine if this stroller is as great as everyone raves it is. I found one on ebay and it's on it's way. I will do a followup post in a week or so to let everyone know how he fits and how I like it. Thanks again!
Just a silly comment about weight & Maclarens - the manager of a local store will sit in/on a Maclaren double stroller to show how much it can handle! These strollers are fabulous :)

I really really love my maclaren. But I brought a century (like graco) to WDW & it was great! The parks & busses were empty though, and I'm not sure how it would have worked at a busier time.


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