Does it get old arguing with the "Onsite Only" crowd?

Nahhhhh I don't mind. It's such a subjective answer! Most of us are not dual parent with 2.5 children! ;)

I swear though, there ought to be some kind of silly little webgame to click you through the options on ONE of these planner websites... like, "Do you consider doing dishes, cooking, prepping food, doing laundry, etc. a relaxing part of your vacation? Do you want to NOT think about these things on your vacation?" My DH and I had a HUGE conversation about this last night and it wasn't even actually the on-site versus off-site argument, it was the split stay argument! I want to see the other resorts but some of them come with amenities that my DH doesn't consider such.

Example: I was all like, "ooooh let's try the Cabins at WL" and DH was like, "we will buy Dining Plan. Why do you want a stove and a freezer? So you can spend extra time and money creating options that interfere with 'go down to food court, bring food back to hotel room'?"

I personally don't mind handwashing the limited amount of laundry we generate each day, after the day at the parks. That's what I do while DH is sipping his drink and the DD is watching cartoons before bed. We each have two Park Outfits, I wash the one and we switch into the other if it's not dry by morning! But I know that for some people, if they have to look at the dirty undies they just kicked under the bed, it's not a vacation.

I think with off-site, it's a lot more micro-managing of your resources and time. Some people are just in love with this! Some people don't want a plan at all!

For my family, it's on-site because we are coming from Western Canada and therefore, driving is out. As I said, my DH likes the Dining Plan idea, so no ordering groceries or planning meal prep, aside from ADR's! We aren't interested in anything Universal or SeaWorld so there's no reason to Lyft or Uber. Even souvenir shopping, it might be cheaper outside the Bubble, but anytime I mentioned going off-property, DH simply did the math breakdown on how much money we were wasting by NOT being in a Park. Hourly, or by the minute, that's how he keeps us on track. "Okay guys, this MK ticket cost $178* today- that means $17.80 if we spend TEN hours in the Park. If we leave to take a hotel break, if we are only being in the Park for 7 hours, that now costs us $25 an hour... Do you seriously NEED to throw $7.20 out the window? That's like a Snack Credit..." Okay, yeah... no hotel break, we crash in a TS or a shady QS spot and let the DD rest/nap while we people-watch and eat.

*totally making this number up!

But I totally understand a lot of familes cannot manage without a double stroller, three bags of stuff,child/ren who will not nap if there is any noise, three changes of clothes for everyone, multiple cell phones, charger cords, battery packs, medications, first aid, and a bag of stuff to occupy their kids. If that's how you roll... you're not a minimalist, and you probably micro-manage the dust specks in your life, then off-site probably helps your budget! :D Not me though...
But your offsite option is the Four Seasons, obviously for your family it's not a matter of being able to afford to go at all. Not everyone is in such a cozy financial position.

We were very, very, very lucky to inherit my parents' hand me down travel trailer when they bought a new one after retiring. My kids camped at Ft Wilderness every year 1989-2000 so we were onsite. If we hadn't camped we would have certainly stayed offsite.

Their dad (the tow driver of campers) bailed on Disney once they became teens and we began combining offsite with stays at the Values. I found the Values pretty uncomfortable with two teens and wasn't crazy about losing my fridge and kitchen but did like the freedom it gave the kids to come and go without me along. I don't do 2:00 AM!

Now that I'm mostly solo and can please myself I'll stay on or off depending on the circumstances.

So, I really don't have a foothold in either camp. I just find it frustrating that so many on the DIS have so little understanding or compassion for those of more modest means. A lot of folks truly don't have the choice.

Sorry you took it as a judgement issue on where I said I would like to stay offsite. I was raised on pretty modest means so do understand thus my if your offsite choice is what works for you and saves you the money you need then go for it! I grew up dirty stinking poor and worked for where I am so not going to feel guilty one dang bit that I said my off site choice that I've been looking to stay at is the Four Seasons but haven't been able to justify the price difference. I have friends that stayed at a lovely off site hotel to take their kids to Universal for 4 days and they had a fantastic time. It made it where they could afford to go and not once did I say they were doing it wrong. I've have also chosen to stay at Pop Century so I could afford a week onsite because I didn't want to have to drive or deal with a shuttle when I know I could have rented a house off site for cheaper. I use to just rent a car and crash on a friends couch when I was going on my own as a seasonal CM and yes did the parks like a local and not someone on vacation. Again the decision is up to each individual family and no one should be made to feel bad for the choice that is right for them as long as it is a safe clean option. Now I will tell people the 30 dollar a night hotels on Orange Blossom Trail are not where they should be staying for an Orlando vacation. That is due to safety though not because they are offsite. So maybe you should step back from the judgement of other posters and see that not every statement is an attack.
I'm seeing this thread as a way to vent about a certain type of poster (BTW, not anyone in particular) that makes me nuts. It does no good to tell a single mom with a job in, say, social work that her 3 little ones will only enjoy a WDW vacation if she maxes out her Visa. So many people work in underpaid professions that make my life super swell. (Teachers, police officers and the lovely young lady who puts the guacamole on my Chipoltle bowl all come to mind.) I love to help them afford a trip to see Mickey. It is extremely frustrating when so many of those better off financially are so willing to naysay economies they've never tried or even had the need to try.

Again, why? All of the smilies and "I would never..."s and (my personal favorite) "Well, we own DVC"s in the world don't negate the fact that they joined a thread about which they have no experience and no help to offer just to spread negativity.
"Okay guys, this MK ticket cost $178* today- that means $17.80 if we spend TEN hours in the Park. If we leave to take a hotel break, if we are only being in the Park for 7 hours, that now costs us $25 an hour... Do you seriously NEED to throw $7.20 out the window? That's like a Snack Credit..." Okay, yeah... no hotel break, we crash in a TS or a shady QS spot and let the DD rest/nap while we people-watch and eat.
I can see how your husband's mind works and I have seen people break down the cost per hour at WDW though not in regards to what you are talking about moreso about the extra paid event stuff (i.e. for $129 that gets you 3 hrs, etc); the only breaking down I have done is how much my discounted tickets cost me per day in relation to the ones bought directly from Disney.

For me personally even as $ conscious I am I could not and will not focus on how much per hour my ticket is costing me. THAT would suck the fun out of it. I could see my dad doing stuff like that to me as a kid and making me feel guilty for taking too long on this or that and now we're wasting $, etc.

It works for you from what you posted but I can see where many people would end up going nuts over that and meltdowns ensuing within families if worrying about dollar per hour value. "we're standing in line for this ride and it's costing us $X amount to do that" "oh great look at this line for this place..that'll be $X amount standing in line just to get food", etc you get the picture.

Obviously my comment could be considered an extreme but I've seen plenty of threads related to stresses being at WDW or USO (for this context) can create.
Technically that's not exactly true. You can get transportation from the airport to your hotel and stay at a hotel off-site that has shuttles that take you to WDW and Universal. Honestly we always get rental car because we like to but if you saw my earlier comment on this thread, in 2011 we stayed off-site but the hotel had shuttle transportation to both WDW and USO. We could have easily taken transportation from the airport to the hotel and then only relied on the shuttles. Plus around the hotel was touristy shops plus a few places to eat like McDonald's, etc within walking distance and breakfast was included at the hotel.

That's true but it's so much more hassle than using Disney transportation or having your own car. In my opinion of course
Unless you can't drive it's not a matter of no other option. It's a matter of personal preference. I don't like to drive but I'd rather drive at WDW than not drive at home.

For a great number of visitors onsite is simply not affordable no matter how much Disney math one employs. I sometimes wonder how many families have cancelled or run into debt because they were so thoroughly convinced that offsite is just too awful to contemplate.

I said "want to drive" ???

Some people don't want to drive on vacation, some people can't drive, some people can drive but don't want to, some people can't drive but would like to. I think my point was pretty clear but now I should have all of the bases covered :)
I can see how your husband's mind works and I have seen people break down the cost per hour at WDW though not in regards to what you are talking about moreso about the extra paid event stuff (i.e. for $129 that gets you 3 hrs, etc); the only breaking down I have done is how much my discounted tickets cost me per day in relation to the ones bought directly from Disney.

Obviously my comment could be considered an extreme but I've seen plenty of threads related to stresses being at WDW or USO (for this context) can create.

Oh totally! That is how things FUNCTION in our relationship - I present most of the options, he chooses, I pull out extra options if the first pick falls through. Too many options and he freaks out. He really fell in love with the Disney Bubble of "Pre-Pay Inclusively For Nearly Everything". I think he is going to dance a little jig when he finds out about being available to pre-order at some WDW restaurants now! He was so excited that "scan the Band" was the answer to everything - well, nearly, we tipped everywhere we could... or Cast Complimented! ;)

But... obviously... not for everyone so I like to have the discussion with people! Maybe I am not burned out on it yet. I can see the OP's point... ;)
Sorry you took it as a judgement issue on where I said I would like to stay offsite. I was raised on pretty modest means so do understand thus my if your offsite choice is what works for you and saves you the money you need then go for it! I grew up dirty stinking poor and worked for where I am so not going to feel guilty one dang bit that I said my off site choice that I've been looking to stay at is the Four Seasons but haven't been able to justify the price difference. I have friends that stayed at a lovely off site hotel to take their kids to Universal for 4 days and they had a fantastic time. It made it where they could afford to go and not once did I say they were doing it wrong. I've have also chosen to stay at Pop Century so I could afford a week onsite because I didn't want to have to drive or deal with a shuttle when I know I could have rented a house off site for cheaper. I use to just rent a car and crash on a friends couch when I was going on my own as a seasonal CM and yes did the parks like a local and not someone on vacation. Again the decision is up to each individual family and no one should be made to feel bad for the choice that is right for them as long as it is a safe clean option. Now I will tell people the 30 dollar a night hotels on Orange Blossom Trail are not where they should be staying for an Orlando vacation. That is due to safety though not because they are offsite. So maybe you should step back from the judgement of other posters and see that not every statement is an attack.

******None of this is directed at anyone here on this thread!**********

Sorry if you misread my post as a defense in the face of judgement. I'm afraid it never occurred to me. If I had read your post as judgey I would simply have ignored it. This topic is only personal to me because it's so discouraging to have the "Onsite or Bust" crowd drop into a budget travel thread when they can't offer anything in the way of real help. I quoted your post, not in attack, but to point out that the comparison of a Four Seasons vs onsite is immaterial if you only have $50/night to spend.

Nobody's talking about staying on OBT. I'm talking about a perfectly respectable condo in Kissimmee or Lake Buena Vista, the kind of place where most people would be happy to stay if not at Disney. It's the kind of leap from onsite to a roach motel as if those are the only options that I find frustrating. (

I don't feel that this thread was meant to be about onsite vs offsite or justifying your personal choices, not for me anyway. I truly wish everyone a magical vacation whether they stay club level at the Grand Floridian or at the Baymont Inn in Kissimmee. It just gets really old dealing with the negativity of posters who have plenty of criticism to offer but nothing in the way of constructive advice.

There are lots of wonderful onsite folks who have fabulous budget advice to give and I'm sure they're far more numerous than the few I'm referencing. It's just that those few make me :mad:
That's true but it's so much more hassle than using Disney transportation or having your own car.
Yes and no. I found it cumbersome at times as my post indicated on the first page but we still used it.

I was responding to your comment of "Some people do not want to drive around Orlando. Then onsite is the only choice."...which isn't the case really.

If your opinion is possible inconveniences caused by using hotel shuttles AND you don't want to drive well you still have uber and taxis and whatnot you can use as well (even though that can come with it's own inconveniences).

Truth is you actually have options available it's just a personal preference or weighing possible pros and cons. One thing I can see is people weighing is cost for taxis, for ubers, rental car, etc and using that to compare apples to apples on the cost on staying onsite if cost is more the determining factor.
I said "want to drive" ???

Some people don't want to drive on vacation, some people can't drive, some people can drive but don't want to, some people can't drive but would like to. I think my point was pretty clear but now I should have all of the bases covered :)

I didn't find you unclear at all. My point is that not everyone has the option to pay for airfare, a Disney resort and Disney dining no matter what they may "want" to do. They have to drive and stay and eat offsite to make the trip possible at all.

I'd rather eat halibut every night but I can't afford it so I have salmon. Do I prefer halibut? Heck, yeah, but I also know I have other needs and responsibilities that are more important. I'd rather have salmon than no fish at all.
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Here is simply my theory. Is what ever floats your boat. Who cares what people want to do and the way they spend their money. You can say have you considered this option sure but doesn't mean they will do it. I am looking into bonnet creek right now cause its a villa for things we need and it helps save a little more money compared to my original plan right now. But I think both are great in their own ways. But to argue with someone is just pointless.
I feel for all the people who have never been before who post looking for a place to stay, and the on-site crowd comes on and acts like on-site is the only way to go. There are more than one kind of trip you can take and still have a great time.

We have been going since the 70's, so we have a good idea of what we like and don't like. We have always been an off-site family. Last year I found a really great price on a room at all-star movies so we cancelled our off-site condo and stayed on-site. It was just DH and I so I know how much room we need. I figured we could use both the buses and a rental car. One time riding the buses and DH said never again. We drove back and forth to the parks.

Dh was a grouch the whole week. When I was planning our trip for this year, DH said he was staying home if he had to stay on-site again. OK, I haven't cancelled the trip listed below yet because I haven't made new reservations yet, but you can bet they will be off-site again, renting a car and staying in a condo or a house.
I didn't find you unclear at all. My point is that not everyone has the option to pay for airfare, a Disney resort and Disney dining no matter what they may "want" to do. They have to drive and stay and eat offsite to make the trip possible at all.

I'd rather eat halibut every night but I can't afford it so I have salmon. Do I prefer halibut? Heck, yeah, but I also know I have other needs and responsibilities that are more important. I'd rather have salmon than no fish at all.

I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say in relation to my comment. My only point was that a big draw of onsite, IMO, is that Disney provides the transportation from the airport to the resort and all around the resort. For those who don't want to drive around Orlando, or can't drive around Orlando, that is very appealing.
Yes and no. I found it cumbersome at times as my post indicated on the first page but we still used it.

I was responding to your comment of "Some people do not want to drive around Orlando. Then onsite is the only choice."...which isn't the case really.

If your opinion is possible inconveniences caused by using hotel shuttles AND you don't want to drive well you still have uber and taxis and whatnot you can use as well (even though that can come with it's own inconveniences).

Truth is you actually have options available it's just a personal preference or weighing possible pros and cons. One thing I can see is people weighing is cost for taxis, for ubers, rental car, etc and using that to compare apples to apples on the cost on staying onsite if cost is more the determining factor.

Yes, and I agreed with you. I should have added that I find the hassle of offsite without a car not worth it, but certainly for some folks it is still very much worth it
This sort of thing is inevitably followed by a barrage of posts telling the OP all about how crappy it will be if they head down such a crazy path. Often there will be replies insinuating that this family has no business going to Disney at all if onsite is not in the budget. This family should wait and skimp on every other aspect of their lives to save until they can afford a Disney resort and 3 meals a day in a WDW restaurant. Forget that the oldest is now 32, you got to stay at Riverside!
... and once they give in and announce that they are staying at a Value resort all the "Deluxe or bust!" people will chime in and go on and on about how they could never stay at a *sniff* Value resort. It simply does not have the right amenities! There is no sit down restaurant, there is no hot tub, they only have smaller double beds, they have exterior doors and (worst of of all) they have thin walls and turbo toilets. So that same family that started out with a condo at $75 per night gets upsold here on the DIS to a $300+ per night hotel room.
FTR, I just came back from a quickie 4 day trip and we stayed *gasp* offsite at the Home2 Suites near the outlet mall. The only problem we had was getting home sometimes because we didn't want to follow Disney's suggestion to go all the way to 192 on World Drive and then double back up I-4 to 535. I had to remember to cut over to Epcot Center Drive when I left the MK. It was probably a 15-20 minute drive each way to the parks instead of a 10-15 minute drive from an onsite resort.
I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say in relation to my comment. My only point was that a big draw of onsite, IMO, is that Disney provides the transportation from the airport to the resort and all around the resort. For those who don't want to drive around Orlando, or can't drive around Orlando, that is very appealing.

I'm not debating the advantages/drawbacks of on and off site and my understanding was that was not what the thread is about. I'm questioning the motives of those who pop up on a budget (i.e., the OP absolutely cannot afford onsite no matter how convenient or magical it may be or how they may feel about driving) related query simply to go on and on about how awful staying offsite is when they admittedly have never done so.

Why do they do this?
... I was definitely like that. But some of them are so adamant, that they will argue no matter how wrong they are.

Never said either was right. Just that whenever I do get in a discussion, turns to argument, that the only fact they can provide is "It's Disney". Just gets extremely old.

But to each their own. I am at the point of just saying as I always do "Enjoy your trip".

I'm sorry. I guess I misread/misunderstood/misinterpreted that part where you stated "they will argue no matter how wrong they are." It sounded to me like you were saying the people who stay on site are wrong about any benefits/advantages they feel an onsite stay provides.

And it doesn't need to turn into an argument -- just simply don't discuss it. Everyone does Disney the way that's best for them. It's great that there are so many options available in regards to price, convenience, location, etc. And no one needs anyone else's approval to do what's right for *their* family. I hear from plenty of people (in real life -- not message boards) "Oh my gosh, I don't know how you can stand to stay in a Value Resort at Disney -- those rooms are so small!" or "I would never do Disney without the Dining plan. Food is so expensive there!" We always stay at a Value Resort and pay out of pocket for food. We don't lug drinks and snacks (or entire picnic lunches) or 3 changes of clothing for each person around the parks. We go bagless and buy drinks and snacks and meals when and where we want them. Because that's what works *FOR US*. I wouldn't ever presume that the way our family does Disney is the right way for anyone else -- in fact, I know our way wouldn't work for a lot of people. For some people, we don't have enough of a schedule for our trip and for others we have too much structure. If someone asks for my advice about a Disney trip, I just give them the tools and information that they need to figure out what will work best for their family on all levels (budget, location, length of stay, etc.). I don't tell them they have to stay onsite to have a good trip nor do I say that staying offsite will ruin their vacation. People need to weigh all the factors and determine what works best for them and stop worrying about what other people think (which might mean not taking the bait and clicking on threads like this). If I listened to other people's opinions about how our family does Disney, I'd be convinced we had a horrible experience every time we went there even though I know that every trip has been awesome *for us*. :)
I'm not debating the advantages/drawbacks of on and off site and my understanding was that was not what the thread is about. I'm questioning the motives of those who pop up on a budget (i.e., the OP absolutely cannot afford onsite no matter how convenient or magical it may be or how they may feel about driving) related query simply to go on and on about how awful staying offsite is when they admittedly have never done so.

Why do they do this?

You do know you aren't on the budget boards right now right. I didn't take the budget board aspect to it because this is the Orlando Hotels and Attraction section of the boards. It is just the offsite vs onsite factor and not all about the budget. I agree it is wrong for someone who has a very set budget and trying to make it work to get talked into an onsite deluxe stay on the budget boards when offsite or value would have been a better suggestion for their budget. Now if someone says I'm on a budget and can spend XXXX amount and people are telling them well the off site hotel doesn't actually cost less because you said you'll have to rent a car and then pay the $20 a day to park at a Disney hotel so you can actually save by staying onsite if you forgo the rental car then I don't see that as bad advice. If the person says they want the car then I leave it alone and say then offsite is a great option.


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