Donald's Defiant Dashers 2012

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I got my first full done in 5:55:07. I am thrilled!

Augie, Tanya, Joe, Karin it was so great to see you all again. :goodvibes
Colleen and Carolynn it was so great to meet you. :thumbsup2

Jeni I'm sorry we didn't get to meet! Did you go to the Outer Rim? I got there at maybe 3:40 and I was the first one there. It took me forever to get there from OKW thanks to a bus not coming forever.

I will definitely be back for Marathon Weekend 2014. Carissa and Robyn that's awesome you're going to do the half!
I got my first full done in 5:55:07. I am thrilled!

Augie, Tanya, Joe, Karin it was so great to see you all again. :goodvibes
Colleen and Carolynn it was so great to meet you. :thumbsup2

Jeni I'm sorry we didn't get to meet! Did you go to the Outer Rim? I got there at maybe 3:40 and I was the first one there. It took me forever to get there from OKW thanks to a bus not coming forever.

I will definitely be back for Marathon Weekend 2014. Carissa and Robyn that's awesome you're going to do the half!

Congratulations! You did brilliantly :) Hope your shin didnt give you too much trouble:goodvibes
Great weekend, Ducks! Dopey treated me well. ;) Finished the full 17 minutes better than my last one with 5:50. Thrilled! I'm an odd duck in that I rather liked the sun and warm weather. It beats running with a 20 degree windchill!

No more Full's for me. The training is too much and my knee doesn't particularly care for that much running anymore. I'm hoping for Dumbo, we shall see. In another 2 years my DD will be 12 and ready for ToT 10 miler! Other than that, I'm not sure if I'll run in January again for awhile. Never say never though...

Congratulations to everyone who took part in all of the races over the weekend! I am so happy for you all and more than just a little bit jealous! I saw a bit of the half live on WDW so that was pretty cool. Looks and sounds like everyone down there had a blast even though the weather was pretty warm.

Thanks to my extremely patient wife I am just getting back into running again. I'm not able to get outside but we did move our treadmill to our newly finished Disney inspired home theater, which is pretty awesome! My long run on Saturday was just 3.5 miles and then I had two screaming 3 month olds and a sad 2 year old to go attend to! Have to start p again somewhere though...Goofy 2014 here I come!
Hi Carissa :) Its been a while! Love that you are commiting to doing the half next year! I spent yesterday trying to convince my eldest son that he really wanted to do it with me but so far no luck:( He keeps telling me 2015 is better for him which I suppose would give me more time to actually get fit:yay: You never know I might actually get him there sooner :goodvibes

Is there a reason why he wants to wait until 2015? I hope you can convince him to go sooner! :)
I woke up yesterday and all I could think of was, "gosh I am glad I am in my bed and not out running the marathon like yesterday at this time!" :rotfl: Glad to have it under my belt, and glad to be DONE. I had so much pre-race anxiety. Doing Goofy was reaching real high for me, but I DID IT! My times were truly tortoise-like, but I finished 39.3 miles just the same!

I really enjoyed meeting Joe and his wife, Augie, Liz, Tanya, Colleen and her co-worker! Dinner was great and it was good to be with so many positive people as it surely saved me from being super nervous, for a little while at least.

DH and I have signed up for DDD - and I think a bunch of gals I know at home will be doing Princess in 2014. I'm not sure I will be back for marathon weekend next year - I think I would like to try the other events and do them all over time (and in budget!). Marathon weekend was a blast and I am so glad I came!
Congratulations! You did brilliantly :) Hope your shin didnt give you too much trouble:goodvibes

Hi Moira! Thank you for the good luck and congrats. :) Thankfully even though my shin was sore starting the full, it actually felt better as I went on. Weird! It is a tiny bit sore now, nothing like I expected it to be. I don't understand it, but I'll take it!

I hope you're able to get to WDW sooner than later and do a half! :)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in all of the races over the weekend! I am so happy for you all and more than just a little bit jealous! I saw a bit of the half live on WDW so that was pretty cool. Looks and sounds like everyone down there had a blast even though the weather was pretty warm.

Thanks to my extremely patient wife I am just getting back into running again. I'm not able to get outside but we did move our treadmill to our newly finished Disney inspired home theater, which is pretty awesome! My long run on Saturday was just 3.5 miles and then I had two screaming 3 month olds and a sad 2 year old to go attend to! Have to start p again somewhere though...Goofy 2014 here I come!

Thanks Phil! That's great you're getting back into it. Yay for Goofy 2014! :)

I woke up yesterday and all I could think of was, "gosh I am glad I am in my bed and not out running the marathon like yesterday at this time!" :rotfl: Glad to have it under my belt, and glad to be DONE. I had so much pre-race anxiety. Doing Goofy was reaching real high for me, but I DID IT! My times were truly tortoise-like, but I finished 39.3 miles just the same!

I really enjoyed meeting Joe and his wife, Augie, Liz, Tanya, Colleen and her co-worker! Dinner was great and it was good to be with so many positive people as it surely saved me from being super nervous, for a little while at least.

DH and I have signed up for DDD - and I think a bunch of gals I know at home will be doing Princess in 2014. I'm not sure I will be back for marathon weekend next year - I think I would like to try the other events and do them all over time (and in budget!). Marathon weekend was a blast and I am so glad I came!

Can you believe it's behind us?! I sort of feel surreal about it all now. I can't believe I did it and it's over.

You did awesome, I'm so happy for you!

I am CONSIDERING Dumbo now.....thinking I could make this my blowout year and get Coast to Coast. Hey, where did you hear about them changing the time for one of the races so that people could do both the 5k and 10k?
Well Duckies! I completed my first full marathon Sunday! Due to fantastic cramps at mile 16 until pretty much the rest of the way, I finished an hour behind my goal pace, but I truly did enjoy the experience, well except the cramping. I am proud to say I am a marathoner! I saw a few W.I.S.H.ers cheering on the course and tried to make a point of yelling I'm a too when passing them. I opted for a hat over my W.I.S.H. bondiband.
Hello Ducks! And congrats to all who ran this weekend! Especially to the newest Goofys! You have given me inspiration to consider it for next year. I had a great weekend, good to meet Vic at wish meet, and the two dinners were great! Also the walk to the start was so much better than taking the bus, it took me 23 minutes to walk from my room to the corner where I met Liz, Joe, and Tanya. And the corral was literally across the street. I am sort of in the same situation as Brandon, was going well until around mile 18, somewhere inside WWoS, and started getting leg cramps. I had to stop running about 6 times to walk through it. And starting the run again was hard. But the important thing is we all finished. Funny, still having trouble walking and stairs, yet easily rode to work with no pain.

Congrats to all, and see you next year!
Is there a reason why he wants to wait until 2015? I hope you can convince him to go sooner! :)

I think he is worried he would miss school (seriously must inherit that from his dad:rotfl:). He's probably being more sensible than me! I tend to live by the "you're a long time dead!" way of thinking :) The way our school system is he has gcse exams in june 2014 but there may be some coursework to be handed in at the end of January and he said he is worried that he would miss vital info regarding this. I'm hoping that the christmas holidays would cover the race days too or that I could persuade everyone to go for the holidays and I travel home later but finances will probably dictate if that is doable or not. Too early to tell at this stage but fingers crossed:)

Just noticed your ticker! Not long til your road trip. Are you going to do a trip report? I hope so :)
Hello Ducks! Hoping everyone is doing, and recuperating well. What a great weekend. I finished the marathon at 6:36. 26 minutes faster than 2008. So, I'll take that as a victory. Man was it hot! Besides a blister on the bottom of one foot, the probability of losing a couple of toenails, and my aching knee, I made it through ok. :lmao:

Augie - it was nice meeting you.

Everyone - Great job!

I think he is worried he would miss school (seriously must inherit that from his dad:rotfl:). He's probably being more sensible than me! I tend to live by the "you're a long time dead!" way of thinking :) The way our school system is he has gcse exams in june 2014 but there may be some coursework to be handed in at the end of January and he said he is worried that he would miss vital info regarding this. I'm hoping that the christmas holidays would cover the race days too or that I could persuade everyone to go for the holidays and I travel home later but finances will probably dictate if that is doable or not. Too early to tell at this stage but fingers crossed:)

Just noticed your ticker! Not long til your road trip. Are you going to do a trip report? I hope so :)

Sounds like a smart, focused young man. :thumbsup2 But I hope you can work something out. :)

I don't really have time for a trip report these days. I'm finishing my degree and our trip coincides with my week off between classes. So basically I'll have my finals and classes finish on Sunday and we leave Monday morning.

Hello Ducks! Hoping everyone is doing, and recuperating well. What a great weekend. I finished the marathon at 6:36. 26 minutes faster than 2008. So, I'll take that as a victory. Man was it hot! Besides a blister on the bottom of one foot, the probability of losing a couple of toenails, and my aching knee, I made it through ok. :lmao:

Augie - it was nice meeting you.

Everyone - Great job!


Cutting 26 minutes off your time is awesome! :woohoo: I've come to realize that losing toenails is pretty much a given for me with long races.
Sounds like a smart, focused young man. :thumbsup2 But I hope you can work something out. :)

I don't really have time for a trip report these days. I'm finishing my degree and our trip coincides with my week off between classes. So basically I'll have my finals and classes finish on Sunday and we leave Monday morning.

Busy girl :) What are you studying? I know my boy is right but I would just love to do it :lmao: I always said I wanted to complete a half marathon by the time I'm 50 so I still have a year or 2 (just);)

Cutting 26 minutes off your time is awesome! :woohoo: I've come to realize that losing toenails is pretty much a given for me with long races.

Ok hope this isn't a stupid question but does everyone lose a toenail or two when they do a long race? As you can tell I havent run far enough to find out for myself:rolleyes1
Cutting 26 minutes off your time is awesome! :woohoo: I've come to realize that losing toenails is pretty much a given for me with long races.

Thanks, Carissa. Yep, they grow back, but sure do look ugly for a while. :lmao:

Liz - How's the knees?
Ok hope this isn't a stupid question but does everyone lose a toenail or two when they do a long race? As you can tell I havent run far enough to find out for myself:rolleyes1

Not everyone, but it's a pretty common occurence. One of mine (that I've lost a couple of times) will never be the same, I'm afraid.

Oh--I'm getting my Bachelors in Social Sciences. I'll have it by this July. :)
Not everyone, but it's a pretty common occurence. One of mine (that I've lost a couple of times) will never be the same, I'm afraid.
Oh ok :scared1: I remember reading about yours in your TR. That was during my potty training of child number 3 which felt like a marathon without ever leaving the house-EVER!!
Oh--I'm getting my Bachelors in Social Sciences. I'll have it by this July. :)

Wow well done to you:worship: Good luck with your studies. I hope it all goes well:goodvibes
Hello Ducks! And congrats to all who ran this weekend! Especially to the newest Goofys! You have given me inspiration to consider it for next year. I had a great weekend, good to meet Vic at wish meet, and the two dinners were great! Also the walk to the start was so much better than taking the bus, it took me 23 minutes to walk from my room to the corner where I met Liz, Joe, and Tanya. And the corral was literally across the street. I am sort of in the same situation as Brandon, was going well until around mile 18, somewhere inside WWoS, and started getting leg cramps. I had to stop running about 6 times to walk through it. And starting the run again was hard. But the important thing is we all finished. Funny, still having trouble walking and stairs, yet easily rode to work with no pain.

Congrats to all, and see you next year!

You are SO going Goofy Augie... lol ;)

Hello Ducks! Hoping everyone is doing, and recuperating well. What a great weekend. I finished the marathon at 6:36. 26 minutes faster than 2008. So, I'll take that as a victory. Man was it hot! Besides a blister on the bottom of one foot, the probability of losing a couple of toenails, and my aching knee, I made it through ok. :lmao:

Augie - it was nice meeting you.

Everyone - Great job!


Wow 26 mins faster, that must feel great! WTG! :cool1:

Ok hope this isn't a stupid question but does everyone lose a toenail or two when they do a long race? As you can tell I havent run far enough to find out for myself:rolleyes1

I used to get bruised toenails, and I guess I sort of lost part of one. But I don't have those issues anymore. My toenails look fine. I guess they got used to it?! :confused3

Thanks, Carissa. Yep, they grow back, but sure do look ugly for a while. :lmao:

Liz - How's the knees?

Just like with the shin, they are fine! I guess the sleeves really did their job. I am surprised and happy, of course! :)
I am ready for a new Duck thread for 2013! Does anyone want to start it this year? I am happy to continue but wanted to put it out there in case someone wants to do it! :)

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