Doreen's New Way of Life (comments are welcome)

I went to the health club but experienced some nasty pain in the front outside section of my calves. I cut the workout short and came home to do some research.

For those who are running, has an excellent section on running injuries under its training area. My diagnosis - anterior shin splints. Turns out I did the right thing by cutting my workout short. I'll be icing the areas and will be doing strengthening exercises they recommend.
Sounds like a pretty good friday :flower: except for the shin splints, take it easy so you can workout this weekend. Looks like it may be too cold to walk outside - planning for the gym?

How much water do you drink? I'm trying to increase my intake. All I drink is water & coffee so I think I need to eliminate a couple of cups of coffee.

Have a wonderful weekend princess:
:sunny: Good morning, all!! :sunny:

I love Saturday morning - 2 whole days ahead of me with seemingly endless possibilities. :teeth:

Yesterday I earned smilies for devotions, pills, water and exercise. Food was pretty good but not low-carb - dinner was a grilled cheese sandwich & soup. :p The good news is that I didn't binge - just didn't eat low-carb.

I did go to the health club but cut my workout short due to calf pain. I did some research and came up with anterior shin splints. This is common in new runners. The back calf muscles get tight and it pulls the muscles in the front of the calf. This is an overuse injury, so I won't be working out for the next 3 days - well, at least no running. I will try to do some light strolling, just to keep things limber. There are some exercises that I'll be doing to stretch the muscles in the back of my calves and strengthening exercises for the muscles in the front of my calves. This should balance things out. Then I'll have to start running slowly again, to avoid overdoing it.

That's the technical cause of my pain, but the real causes are easy to see. I have not been warming up for 5 minutes, as they say to do. I'm always overanxious. :p I also have not been stretching properly after I exercise. These are two areas I must work on if I truly want to do any running in my workouts. Typical beginner's mistakes. :teeth:

Today, I'll be giving the dog a bath and working with my daughter to refinish her bunk bed. We're painting it white. Since it is metal, we have to rough up the surface and then spray paint it. Sounds like a good mom-daughter bonding project to me! :p She's a lot of fun to work with and we laugh together while we blare the music and talk. Of course, I also have miscellaneous errands and cleaning and laundry - typical Saturday.

Today: (edit 12 noon)
1. Devotions - We don't have to WORK for an attitude of joy, it is a gift from God. All we have to do is ask.
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - on my first mug.
4. Healthy eating - B = apple w/ PB & 2 dark chocolates w/ almonds :p
5. Exercise

I'll update later.
Good morning Doe!

You sound :sunny: and ready for a relaxing weekend ahead! Refinishing your DD's bed sounds like a great way to get some mother/daughter time in! Have a great time filled with love and laughter!

Please be sure and take it easy with those shin splints! I usually ended up with shin splints at the beginning of each gymnastics season because I was so eager to get started on new routines that I failed to warm up properly. And warming up properly is a must before beginning to flip and vault! :teeth: I did learn my lesson by my senior year though; only took 4 years to learn it!;)

Have a wonderful Saturday!
Yikes!!! I hope the pain goes away fast!!! I also hope you had a great time bonding with your DD! :flower: Have a great Sunday!
It's another fun day! :Pinkbounc The household is buzzing with activity.

The main focus is on refinishing DD's bed. It's a bunk bed type of arrangement with a twin mattress on top and a double-bed size futon on the bottom. The bottom can be laid flat for a bed or can be bent up to create more of a sofa - seating area. It's all in pieces in the garage to be cleaned, sanded, primed and then painted white. We're making progress but it takes time. :)

DS has a friend (female) visiting this afternoon with her father in tow. Seems she just moved in with him - used to live with Mom out of the area. He wants to meet her friends and their families so he knows who she's hanging out with. Sounds like a very smart man already! ::yes:: DS has cleaned while the rest of us worked on the bed project.

I've helped at Sunday School, worked on the bed and now am headed out for more primer and paint. Never a dull moment but we're accomplishing so much that I'm sure we'll all feel very good at the end of the day.

Healthy living has taken a back seat. The only thing I've done so far is devotions. It had to do with organizing and staying on top of the mountains of paper at home and how doing that will help give us a sense of peace - very true!

Best wishes to all! :grouphug: :grouphug:
Good morning, Doreen, and Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours! :love: I hope that this Monday morning is bright and sunny where you are. We're expected to get some yukky rain and sleet. . .but we can be :sunny: in our hearts, right? :)

It sounds like the Bed Project was fun for all of you. Why can't I get that charged up about doing the housework around here? Maybe once I start and see some results I'll be :Pinkbounc with enthusiasm like you guys!

How are those shin splints feeling today? I checked out cool running and read up on the Achilles heel stuff. Thanks for suggesting it. I think I'm ready to give it a go today.

Have a great day and treat yourself to a healthy day of living right!

Hi Sweetie pie! Happy Valentines Day! Be sure to pass that along to Todd as well for me, okay?

I hope you have a wonderful day today!

:love: Happy Valentine's Day to all!! :love:

It's grey and dreary outside, with snow and sleet, but in my heart it is :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: . I look around me today and see so many blessings in my life that it's hard to let the weather get me down. :cloud9: I truly am feeling an "attitude of gratitude" today.

Everything went well yesterday. DD's bed is still in process but DH and DD made great progress. Our visit with DS' friend and her parents was a lot of fun. We chatted for over 4 hours!

Today has gotten off to a bit of a rocky start. I realized that I forgot my meds yesterday, which explains the dizziness and queasy stomach I've been feeling. :rolleyes: I had half a bagel for breakfast and took my pill, so I'm sure I'll be feeling better within a few hours.

1. Devotions - Spend time looking to God for inspiration but don't forget to also spend time looking around you to see what you can do to help others.
2. Pills - took them.
3. Water - on my third mug. I'm also planning on a cup of decaf green tea today.
4. Healthy eating - B = 1/2 a bagel with butter, AM snack = cup of decaf green tea & a pack of crackers, L = a cup of chicken veggie soup and a muffin (I THOUGHT it was oatmeal raisin bran, but it turned out to be chocolate chip), PM snack = a can of Coke
5. Exercise - my workout gear is in the car and I'll stop at the health club on my way home after work. The training schedule calls for 40 minutes alternating 3 minutes of walking and 1 minute of running. I'll be sure to warm up for 5 minutes at a slow walk and do a proper cool down and stretches afterward. My shins are feeling good! UPDATE: I did 10 minutes on the recumbent bike to warm up, 40 minutes of walk 4 minutes at 3.5 mph and run 1 minute at 5 mph, then 10 minutes on the recumbent bike to cool down. No shin pain or any other pain!

I have an 11 AM meeting to prep for. I've got my cup of decaf green tea and I'm ready to focus. I'll be working to get around to journals all day so pardon me if I haven't gotten to yours yet. :grouphug:

EDIT: 1:15 PM
My meeting went well and of course I now have new stuff on my plate but its stuff I can handle. I'm still queazy and am eating whatever will sit well - definitely not low-carb, though. I'm busy but am handling the day well and am feeling pretty good about work, for a change! :p

EDIT: 6:15 PM
Got my workout in (see exercise above). It was a lesson in patience. I did my walking and running at a slower than usual pace. I also did more walking and limited my running to avoid another overuse injury like my shin splints from last week. It was hard to slow down but I felt great at the end and still worked up a sweat. This was a success!! :Pinkbounc
You are doing awesome girl! Thanks for the vote of confidence in my journal - I am needing that today. I'm on lunch at the moment and wanted to just let ya know that I appreciate the note!

Hi Doe!

I am glad to hear that you had a great weekend! You sound :sunny: and :teeth: today! I hope you have an awesome, wonderful, amazing day today! Take care! :grouphug:
Hi Doreen,

Sorry to hear you got dizzy/queazy today. You are doing great :)

Yesterday was a good day! I earned smilies for devotions, pills and exercise. I was way off plan for food but only 1 mug away from my water smilie. More importantly, the kids & DH & I got to spend some time together as a family, celebrating Valentine's Day.

Today will be a busy one at work but I'm feeling positive and focused and ready to take on the tasks at hand. I have a meeting this evening and must also fit in 40 minutes of cross-training exercise, hopefully a FIRM tape. I also MUST do a load of laundry. That won't leave much time for cooking or anything else.

1. Devotions - Speaking to God often in prayer and asking for His peace that passes all understanding is important. It is unrealistic to ask for peace through the resolution of all my problems. It is more important to ask for peace in the midst of my busy life as it is right now.
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - first mug is almost finished.
4. Healthy eating - B = a bagel with butter
5. Exercise - the schedule calls for 40 minutes of cross-training. I'm planning to do a FIRM tape when I get home.
Hi Doe,

I hope the dizzyness and nausea are a thing of the past. You are doing a great job! I am glad you managed to get some family time in on a weeknight. That can be a challenge.

Ewnjoy your FIRMing,
Oooh, thanks for sharing that devotion this morning. It's so true. . .I know that I'd like "instant peace," but that isn't what it's all about. Being able to share our burdens with Jesus and to keep trudging along in the midst of the storm is where we learn to find peace, I think. How 'bout we trudge on together? :goodvibes

Have a good Tuesday, Doreen. It sounds like you've got it all going on! :flower:



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