Dremwvr's Planning Journal - Canceled.

You can have the portrait session anytime in your life if you have a DFTW.

Ooooh! I so want that! They started offering the DL castle shoot a week before my wedding but at that point we couldn't budget it in. Maybe I'll have to call and inquire about this as we really wanted to have the pics.
Abby, JoDee, Allie and Michelle thanks. its good to know other people read I was really starting to feel alone. But from your warm wishes, I am more energized to plan some more.

Kim, ( My name too!) I love my red shoes, I am just worried that they are a bit high in such a big dress. I will definitly need to practice as I don't wear heels often.

Keri, they have a DL portrait session? I was informed they did not. The information I have is from WDW. I am planning a trip down there for my first anniversary to do the photo shoot. While it is in the budget for me (since my photographer came in extremely under budget) it is not best for my time frame from work. I can only have so much time off this year.

Update on planning
Yesterday I was sent my first draft of the BEO, Entertainment Package, and IHO (estimated expense sheet) came in and for the entire wedding including the harpest, the Ne Orleans Jazz Trio, the Cinderella Coach, Mickey and Minnie, flowers, food ect (everything minus photography) came in at just below 16K. I am so excited!
Invitations are still not done, I am just putting them off now and finding ANYTHING I can do to get out of them.
Crystal Mickey Ears I ran into some trouble with getting the patch off and then my mom suggested reinforcing the hat so it doesn't collapse. So I sent the hat to her for her to get the patch off and reinforce it. Hopefully it should be back Tuesday and I will get working on adding rhinestones.
MIL is coming on Monday to help out some more. Hopefully by the time she leaves again in two weeks we will be pretty much finished on all of the crafts we are working on. Ok lets be realistic, by the time I finish what I have started, I will have about 8 more projects in the works.
DF fell at work on Thursday, ripped several muscles in his sholder, cracked two ribs, and has alot of deep tissue brusies. I hope he feels better soon, please keep him in your thoughts.

Thats all I have right now but I am sure there will be plenty to share in the next few days.
they used to offer the DL photo session. right around our wedding they stopped doing it. it was $800 for pics ONLY in front of the castle anyway...they weren't allowing you to go anywhere else...btw we didn't do it b/c of the price, but also b/c DH would have preferred Cinderella's castle...
The DL photos were offered for a very short time 2003-2006 (I believe). At the time it cost $400, I can't believe they jumped so much in price. And you provided your own photographer. But a I recall Disney becmae strict about the locations used later on and would only let ouples be in the vacinity of the castle rather than through out the park...well if you ad the right escort.

But doing a shoot at WDW sounds wonderful. DH and I have toyed with the idea of doing a WDW VR just so we can have the MK photos :rotfl: )
[My niece is our flower girl and wants to wear ruby slippers but we've not found any. Can you point me in the right direction?

We consistently found ruby red glitter mary janes at wal-mart, several summers in a row ! My daughter was hooked on them so we had to keep up with her growing feet. Good luck !
Dremwvr - I love you shoes!!! My wedding shoes are red high heels...I figured since it'll be December and I LOVE red, then there wasn't any other choice!!!

My niece is our flower girl and wants to wear ruby slippers but we've not found any. Can you point me in the right direction?

[My niece is our flower girl and wants to wear ruby slippers but we've not found any. Can you point me in the right direction?

We consistently found ruby red glitter mary janes at wal-mart, several summers in a row ! My daughter was hooked on them so we had to keep up with her growing feet. Good luck !

My FSIL found them at walmart or Target. Here is the link for the target pair.
Ruby red Slippers at Target

The walmart pair aren't online but I have seen them several times. I would check there.
hey Kim, just caught up - sorry to hear about your DF - hope he gets better soon! sounds seriously painful :sad2:

Michelle :cloud9:
Kim, I read too, sorry I haven't posted before now, things have been a bit stressful lately:scared:

So sorry to hear about your DF, sounds like it was a nasty fall, I hope he gets better soon.

Yay for your BEO, that sounds like you got a great deal, I'm jealous of the Cinderella Coach:guilty:
Sorry to hear about DF. I hope he's feeling better soon.

I hear you on the invitations. I was doing everything else but them. You have plenty of time!
I'm reading too, I'm just more passive than active on the boards. Anywho, I think all of your plans are coming together wonderfully...and I'm green with envy that you're able to afford the coach! Lucky duck.
Quite often I think you two are the only people who read my planning journal anymore.

I read it too ... but I've never posted :-) I'm more of a lurker than anything, but wanted to post and say hi!!!

ETA: One of these days I'll learn to read to the end of a thread before posting! So I'm not the only lurker ... I feel better :-)

I hope DF is feeling better. :-(
Happy 4 months to me!

Invitations - DONE DONE DONE I am so DOOONNNEEE!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Here is the invtiations. The final of what I am sending out. they are all done. All licked sticked and ready to send.


Personalized Stamp (that is Disneyland castle in the picture)

Back Of envelope and seal

When opening the envelope this is what my guests see next

Top Overview

Close up of front page

Insert Cards listed from smallest to largest)







Hope you all enjoy my invitations as much as I do!

Here is the pile waiting to be mailed.

There are a few more that need to be assembled, well the invitations are all assembled, But I need addresses to be printed on the envelopes of the last minute invites. Is anyone else having issues with your parents inviting people after you say enough is enough? I know my guest list has grown at least 10 people. Maybe when the invitations go out I can give her the excuse, I don't have anymore invitations...so NO more invitees!

DF - is healing but the doctor says it will be at least a month of pain and at least six months to heal. GREAT. Did you see we are only 4 months from wedding day? Yikes.

Bridesmaid Dresses - I ordered them yesterday. They are due in around the first of October (cross fingers for sooner)

Bridesmaid/groomsmen drama - I am having a little issue with one of my bridesmaid and my groomsman. I can't get a hold of either one. I have left a few messages for them to call me (or DF) because I would like to speak with them and see how things are going. I am getting no answers and no call backs. Its been about 2 months now. At first I thought well maybe they are just busy...but both of them (who never met) for 2 months !?!? :scared1: Thanks I needed that vitural scream.

Rehersal Dinner - It is a brides worst nightmare to hear anything about her wedding plans being "Cheap and Tacky" These are the excate words used by my FFIL used regarding the rehersal dinner. Orginally I was planning just doing pizza or something quick because I am spending so much for the wedding, to pay for a rehersal and ..and.. and.... its just more than I want to do and planning more than I want. Well needless to say my feelings were hurt when those two poisonous words flowed so freely from his mouth. I know he didn't mean it to hurt.. but..it did. This entire converstation came up when I was talking about how the place I orgnially was planning was just not going to work. I came to this conclusion when they said they have a main table seating a max of 24 people and I am going to have around 30 (give or take). This would mean they would be seating 6 people at a entire other table. I don't want anyone to feel left out so plans are changing.

We are looking at these possible new venues. Tortilla Joes, Naples, Jazz Kitchen, Napa Rose, Steakhouse 55, and Catal. If you have eaten in any of these places and have an opinion, Please let me know. I have never eaten at any of them. So any review is welcome. Hopefully over the next few trips to disneyland I will get a chance to try them.

My other issue with the rehersal dinner is opposing parents. DF's family feels we should have a seperate room. This would allow people to get up and share stories of us (please don't) and wonderful memories. My mom feels that we should NOT have a seperate room because she doesn't want the reception to be over shadowed by the rehersal. She doesn't want people to say "Wow, the rehersal was so much better than the reception" Partly, I feel like she thinks my reception will be, as my FFIL so eloquently put it "Cheap and Tacky".

This is where I am this week. Next week I won't have such a big update since its my birthday on Sunday. Hopefully I will have the rehersal place chosen and reserved.

First off, great work on the invites. I love them. And go ahead and tell your mom that anyone she invites after today (or whenever you mail them out), she'll have to either call and "un-invite" them, or pay for them herself.

And as far as the rehearsal dinner goes. Well, tell your DFIL-to-be that traditionally the groom's parents pay for it, and if he'd like something different than what you have planned, he's welcome to plan and pay for it. Boom. It doesn't have to be fancy, you're absolutely right in not wanting it to overshadow your reception. Go casual. Have fun. There's plenty of time for dressing up the next day!
Laura and Cryssi,

Thanks for your comments. Quite often I think you two are the only people who read my planning journal anymore.


I lurk much more often than I post, but I wanted you to know that I am reading your planning journal faithfully. I actually told my DH about your card box and we are stealing the idea for our 10th anniversary party. So please keep writing about all of your wonderful plans and DIY projects.

Your invites turned out great! Was it a lot of work? If it was, it sure paid off. The personalized stamps are very cute!

And to your FFIL, If he thinks it's "Cheap and Tacky", then he can pay for something else. I personally like the idea of getting pizza and hanging out. It seems more intimate than being in a big restaurant where you are stuck in seats talking to only a couple people.
I love your invites!! When my DF buys me a new camera (hint hint DF if you are reading this!!!) I will post mine. I like the colors you used...and I love the pocketfolds. Great planning so far! I haven't updated my journal in forever...I'm waiting on that camera ;)
I've been doing some lurking too. Your invites are beautiful.

You get married the day after me :goodvibes , congratulations and your pj looks great. I'm sure your day will be magical
Your invites are fantastic! I really do like them... it's making me 2nd guess my own! I love the pocket and having all the information right there along with the invite.

As for FFIL, I agree, if he thinks it is cheap and tacky, allow him to find a new venue and pay for it! I've not had my FILs say anything to me... yet! I know it hurts when people make statements like that not considering your logic for making the decision. I hope that you find a place that fits your budget and FFIL will find acceptable. I totally understand decreasing the rehearsal dinner-- we are tenatively moving from 'Ohana to Olive Garden as I get closer to going over our original budget.

Congratulations on all your planning! As another December bride, best of luck with what is to come in the next 4 months!! :goodvibes

I want to start by saying....Happy Birthday on Sunday!!!

How are the rhinestone mickey ears coming....i think you just game me a craft idea to do for my DD!!

I think FFIL was "tacky" to be so blunt....is he paying for the dinner? if not he should zip it!!
Do what you want & if tis pizza...its pizza....i had pizza after my DDs bapism..no big party...went over fine...beggers cant be chosers, right?

As for the missing BM & GM....i would have a talk with DF & come up with a plan in case they dont show...its better to have a backup just in case

I hope DF feels better....wow it sounds like he REALLY got beat up...tell him we hope he gets well soon & to take it easy!!

The invitations turned out GREAT!!

cant wait for more...im still with ya!!

First off, great work on the invites. I love them. And go ahead and tell your mom that anyone she invites after today (or whenever you mail them out), she'll have to either call and "un-invite" them, or pay for them herself.

And as far as the rehearsal dinner goes. Well, tell your DFIL-to-be that traditionally the groom's parents pay for it, and if he'd like something different than what you have planned, he's welcome to plan and pay for it. Boom. It doesn't have to be fancy, you're absolutely right in not wanting it to overshadow your reception. Go casual. Have fun. There's plenty of time for dressing up the next day!

LoL, I will have to tell my mom that! He is willing to pay for it...but only about $750. Now, for 30 people only spending about $750 would be ....pizza. :rotfl2: He is coming over Friday and hopefully I have talked to the right person who knows how to speak his language (figuratively speaking) to get what I want. Now I have to wait and hope for the best.


I lurk much more often than I post, but I wanted you to know that I am reading your planning journal faithfully. I actually told my DH about your card box and we are stealing the idea for our 10th anniversary party. So please keep writing about all of your wonderful plans and DIY projects.


Wow, I feel special!! I love knowing others are enjoying my plans. And its not just my sick sense of humor on keeping myself overly busy. I love the card boxes, but Chantelle found them professionally made at WDW. They are much nicer than mine, but I personnally don't like how they don't have a slit to insert cards, the box must remain open to insert cards.

Your invites turned out great! Was it a lot of work? If it was, it sure paid off. The personalized stamps are very cute!

And to your FFIL, If he thinks it's "Cheap and Tacky", then he can pay for something else. I personally like the idea of getting pizza and hanging out. It seems more intimate than being in a big restaurant where you are stuck in seats talking to only a couple people.

Yes the invites were alot of work. However, when I look at the invites I see all the people who spent hours and hours of helping make them what they have become. It also boosts my ego, that I can take and idea and explain it well enough that others can follow my idea direction. But believe me there were PLENTY trial and error before we got to that point.

I love your invites!! When my DF buys me a new camera (hint hint DF if you are reading this!!!) I will post mine. I like the colors you used...and I love the pocketfolds. Great planning so far! I haven't updated my journal in forever...I'm waiting on that camera ;)

Good luck to getting your camera. One thing that always works for me is cutting out pictures of the camera I want and placing it in his book (as a book marker, or magazine. LOL :lmao: I consider it suggestive gifting.

I've been doing some lurking too. Your invites are beautiful.

You get married the day after me :goodvibes , congratulations and your pj looks great. I'm sure your day will be magical

Yay! You chose a GREAT weekend!

Your invites are fantastic! I really do like them... it's making me 2nd guess my own! I love the pocket and having all the information right there along with the invite.

As for FFIL, I agree, if he thinks it is cheap and tacky, allow him to find a new venue and pay for it! I've not had my FILs say anything to me... yet! I know it hurts when people make statements like that not considering your logic for making the decision. I hope that you find a place that fits your budget and FFIL will find acceptable. I totally understand decreasing the rehearsal dinner-- we are tenatively moving from 'Ohana to Olive Garden as I get closer to going over our original budget.

Congratulations on all your planning! As another December bride, best of luck with what is to come in the next 4 months!! :goodvibes

Budget is a major concern. Going over is not always the best way. Hopefully Friday (when he comes and visits) more things will be decided and we will have a definite rehersal plan. I hope I am not leaving things to be last minute.

Yay for the December Brides.

Minor addition to update - I mailed my first invitation today. I only wanted to send one at first to make sure the postage was the right amount for the weight. Orginally I was going to send it FMIL but she is down visiting me for 2 weeks. Then was thinking my mom. but she checks her mailbox once a month...so the person who gets the first invite is my MOH.

Here is me mailing it! Mark this Joyous occasion.


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