E.T. Fake Names


<font color = green>Zamp in the Lamp<br><font colo
Nov 11, 2001
Ok, who here gives fake names for ET??? What are your favorites and/or suggestions on what to try?

I have gone with Akbar, Igor, and a couple other crazy ones before. I've been thinking about trying the names "moo" and "meow" out just so I can hear the alien make are farm animal noise. I was also thinking of doing a Bart Simpson prank phone call name. Have one person say "Hugh" and the next be "Jazz". Get them in the ride combination and ET says bad word, lol:D . Is that too harsh?;)
I've been in a car that sounded like ET was a broken record, we were all Bob.
Rocketman!!! I'm shocked!!! LOL

Oh, I had never thought of being quite THAT silly! :eek: :eek:

I've gone in and told them my name was Wilma or something silly so my kids would get a chuckle...my brother likes to say he's Johann...or something silly.

I know MIB999999 told me the Bob one...where ET says thank you, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob....funny!!!

Half the time it doesn't work anyway, oh well! :rolleyes:

the ride operators will not allow you to use certain names and words, not so much for censorship as ET is just not programmed to say certain things. For instance my daughter's real name is Chrysan, as in the flower chrysanthemum. We've tried several times but ET just won't say what appears to be a 2-part name- he will say chris or ann but not together, so we settle on having him say her nickname- C.J.
Same with my son John-Henry, ET will only say John or Johnny.

So I would imagine the names you wrote on the attendance sheet for the substitute teacher in jr high would not make the cut...
The best thing is to say your name is DT: Drunken Terrestrial.

Then during the ride say "DT Fly's Better When He's Had a Few!".

If you've ever seen the former ABC and now on Comedy Central show The Critic, you know what I'm talking about.

I have a very simple name. Stephen. Not that hard right? ET has never said of all the times that I have been on. Stupid ride... grrrrr.....
WE rode it twice, and it didn't work either one... Guess I was deprived!
I thought we were the only daft ones who gave 'funny' names;)

Not very original though,as like Robert me,DH,DD and DS's all said.....Bob!
DH said it first I really don't know why:D

Maybe everyone could say "bye" is their name and then ET could do his N-SYNCH impression...



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