Effect of 9/11 Tragedy on DVC...


DIS Veteran
Jan 26, 2000
I'm wondering if anyone thinks that this terrible tragedy will have a negative effect on DVC. Is it possible that attendance at WDW will decrease significantly due to problems with traveling? I notice that many of the members live quite a distance away, some even in other countries. I just wonder if the airline situation is going to make it difficult, or too expensive, for people to get there.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
Our next DVC trip is 5/31-6/9/02 and I've been monitoring airfare from Newark to MCO and was seeing prices in the $185 range for direct flights on Delta Express before last tuesday. Now, the prices are $291 for the same flights. It remains to be seen if this is a temporary situation. Prices could remain high due to increased security costs and decreased competition, but could also drop due to less people wanting to fly + a worsening of the economy.

We will try to not let last week's events affect our vacation plans, especially our DVC trips. At the very least, though, we will have to be prepared to pay more for air travel, and deal with the unavoidable inconvenience of increased security and fewer flight options.

I'd imagine that WDW attendence will continue to be soft for the foreseeable future, even with the 100 years celebration about to begin. Certainly there will be a percentage of folks who decide not to visit WDW due to fear of travel and/or increased cost, plus the economy is likely to remain weak. I hope I'm wrong of course.
We were planning on Vero next July/August. And of course fly - driving to HH is fine but not Vero. Well, all that has changed. There is no way I am putting my children on a plane. So we have decided to drive...make the trip a couple of days longer!
I'm sure a lot of people would just switch to driving instead of never going. And of course not everyone is afraid to fly like I am. So, some peoples travel plans will not change. DVC is strong and well.
Well, let me tell ya. I had my doubts when we purchased our BWV resale in February this year, and I still did even before last week...but, my doubts were coupled with the excitement of staying in a 2 BR with a kitchen and washer and dryer :D. Amazingly enough, it was my DH that was so gung ho on purchasing DVC...I'm far more of a Disney nut...but I was happy to go along with it, even with some concerns.

My major concerns were...and are, especially now... the additional expenses of a vacation to WDW...primarily airfare (there are 5 of us). And now I'm really wondering what we can expect in the future. I know we could drive, but...ugh. I know we could bank and borrow points, and just make a longer trip every few years. We could rent, but I really hate the thought of doing that, and...will the rental price remain up there if Disney lowers their hotel prices?

We'll see. In the whole scheme of things going on in the world, sometimes I just think..."who cares".
Especially now, we are looking forward to our January DVC vacation of 10 days at OKW. We are also eagerly anticipating our 2 week trip to Hawaii in April, 1 week of which is courtesy of DVC exchange. Now more than ever, we need our vacations to help us cope. Of course, I alread have my airfare paid for for those two trips, so maybe that will be a concern next time. I don't anticipate changing travel habits that much in the future though.
Quality family time, which is the best result of our DVC membershhip, seems so much more important now, in the wake of last weeks tragedy. I hope and pray that we continue to be able to enjoy DVC and all that it means to our family.
From LI, NY:
It seems as if we are in a slow motion living pace lately and all we live on are prayers and reading/hearing news events. The sadness of all that has happened will never leave...
I hope that each of you and your family are getting back to a normal sense of functioning. Part of the recovery will be to continue to do what we always have, with more appreciation for how lucky we are to have our freedom and with more reverance to God for all of His blessings.
As for me and mine, we are planning to arrive in Orlando 23 days from today to spend a week of laughing together, holding hands more than we normally do, and continuing to pray to God for our safety and that of our nation.
Keep the faith, as my Grandfather always said, and don't forget what we have learned from all of this; to enjoy our lives, every day, and to appreciate all the IMPORTANT things in life... God Bless..
The last 8 days have been horrible is an understatement. This "War on Terrorism" will last for many many years. The enemy could be our neighbor down the block. Look at Disney's stock and it will tell you what the thought process is in the financial world. I always say do not allow them to win, but if airlines raise prices dramatically then driving would be the alternative.

Since we do not like to fly, the increase in airfare will not change our plans. We are going next month and in January. We are cruising another line in April. We are driving to all destinations.
I will not be afraid to vacation. If something else is going to happen, it will happen no matter where I am.
There will be far less people going to WDW because of not wanting to fly; plus, the economy was going bad before the WTC attack, now it will be heading down even further. As to what that means to DVC I would think sales will be off but going down to stay at a DVC property if you can drive there or are willing to fly should be more enjoyable because there will be far less people there. What we may see in the future are far less attractions opened then there are now. So going to the parks will probably not improve that much once WDW adjusts to the new world we now live in. There should be searches of all bags going into the parks or perhaps just not allowing any bags at all except for those with young children who need to be changed, etc. Things will change at WDW and DVC that is for sure.
Originally posted by Pa@okw95
There should be searches of all bags going into the parks or perhaps just not allowing any bags at all except for those with young children who need to be changed, etc.
Searches make far more sense to me than NO bags. No video cameras? No still cameras? No clothes in a backpack to change into later when it cools off (we go in November)? No little backpack with my quidebook? I just don't see that happening...but then again, we don't know what's going to happen next. I'm sure we're going to see many changes in our lives.

It's nice to hear that everyone wants to go on as usual, and so do I. But I already paid $1300 just for airfare for my coming trip and if it goes up much...well, partriotism and family-time are real swell...I'm as caught up in it as the next person these days...but we've got other expenses in life and other considerations.

As far as the "fear factor", I'm a little concerned because of what happened last week and that WDW would be a good target, but I'm not going to stop living and that won't keep me away. Unless something happens between now and then, God help us.
Leaving in 4 days. I always drive. I don't like someone else being in charge of my time.

Hopefully attractions won't be closed. The rides and shows are supposed to "attract" people. That is impossible if they are closed.
Good Question, and one I have been pondering too. My conclusions?

We bought DVC for the LONG term. Will it be more difficult or expensive for us to go some years than others? Yes. Will we be getting more value from our investment in DVC some years than others compared to room rates which will fluctuate? Yes.* BUT * I am a firm believer in the strength of the American economy to rise, fall, then bounce back again. Look back in history and see the cycles our economy has taken. Did any one of us believe that over a 40+ year time period there wouldn't be some hard times? If we keep spending our money, and don't let fear cause us to hoard we will keep the economy from sinking any further. We must have faith in the brilliant government system our forefathers fought and died to establish...WE WILL PREVAIL!

Sitting here at my desk in lower Manhattan, just four blocks below the Twin Towers site, my thoughts are somber, my heart still heavy, and my reflexes jumpy at every loud noise or overhead plane. But, as a true WDW lover, every so often I think about our plans for next year (already booked) and can't wait to be in our DVC vacation home. The only difference this tragedy may make on our plans are that we may drive down from our New York home and possibly cut two days off our intended 13-night stay at OKW next summer to do it. Believe me, the need for these trips seems more important now and, even if we have to drive, we will be there!
We're in this for 40+ more years, right? We may have some rough times ahead and there may be a few missed trips but this is all about being assured that we and our families don't have to face these thoughts in the future. I think sales of DVC will be impacted for the time being and I wouldn't be suprised to see a delay in the new resort. But, we'll get through this and have a better world where DVC vacations will be terrific.

I also keep thinking back to when I first purchased at OKW (the only DVC at the time). My guide mentioned how one of the owners was the "man in charge" during the last terrorist bombing at WTC. I don't know if she meant a PA official or the director of the FBI in NY. She said he came to OKW to recover from the stress he had been under. Hopefully, no matter what's ahead we'll all get to take breaks at WDW to stop and re-charge to continue on with the fight.
There will be no breaks for the men and women serving our nation for many years to come. Let us not forget the feeling of unity that has occured. Keep that as this "war" is going to take many years. Enjoy your DVC memberships. Just think the parks will be less crowded in the near future.

Hang in there everybody, we shall prevail.
We had to cancel an OKW ressie for 10/21 because of medical reasons. We always drive so no problem with air. I called and rebooked for the week after T-giving and had no problem with getting a 1 BR at OKW. I asked the CM if they had had a lot of cancellations and she said YES.
After reading a lot of posts of observations since last Tues. I would like to point out some pre-Tues. observations I saw. Wed Sept 5th we checked into VWL at around 11am. We got our room, the cm said the resort was empty. Sun. Sept 9th after 3 day cruise we checked back into VWL at around 11am, we got our room, resort was still "empty" and we did not see lots of members checking in that day as expected. Our flight on Sept. 5th was an American 767 from Boston to MCO, it was "empty". We got a car from National at the airport on the 5th, there was NO line. The planes that were victim Sept. 11th were also "empty", Thank God! Today the radio also made that comment. The airlines was already suffering pre-Sept. 11th and after the last year of pilot/flight attendant strikes people were already a little distrusting of their service, reliability and dependablity. My point is, I think people are seeing a lot of what was already there and misinterpretting it. I think people are scared but I also think people are just waiting to see what's next. I don't think people are planning life long changes, and never to do's again, but are just cautiously waiting to see what is next and to see how THEIR world will be affected when the dust settles. Where one part of the economy falls apart another will make up for it. We are Americans, we will adapt! I hated flying before, in fact prior to 2 weeks ago(our last flight), I had told my DH I really wanted to drive, not like the unplanned 25+1/2 hrs straight it took us on Sept 12th to do, but now with the much needed security, the delays will further encourage driving for us. No big deal! Will the economy be hurt by our decision. NO! WE will stop to buy maps, take out food, gas, lodging, and who know what else, all over an airplane ticket. I never used a travel agent before, that changes nothing. People who use travel agents will now have them book motel stops, greyhound, or bus tours, or amtrak, or something else. Most people just haven't figured out what plan "b" is yet. That's all! We will adapt! Just because someone loses their job in one sector, doesn't mean they no longer possess the skills for another newly created job. America is strong, and Americans are strong! We will adapt and rebound if need be!
Good for you, Grace DVC. I am a fellow Manhattan worker and I know how very close this hits for New Yorkers. I applaud you for going back to work so soon and standing strong in these horrible times. I am in midtown now but downtown was where I worked up until one year ago (and for 9 years in 1WTC, 85th floor). It is the best part of the city to me and I feel so much for people like you who have to work right so close to the scene of the crime. I can see the gap in the skyline clearly from my office window and it is just horrible to say the least.

You have a great time when you go on your trip.

I just wanted to let you know that I admire you.
but not just about flying. I'd be more than willing to drive from MA to FL again, we've done it before and enjoyed it. But I keep thinking about my parents' stories about life during WWII. Gas was rationed, so you couldn't just make assumptions about where and when you'd go some place. Some of our choices may not be available to us next year or the year after that. We went 'home' for the first time last summer, but I fear that we may not ever have the chance to go back. DH is a school administrator and feels that his job is safe. I work on a state college campus, as a secretary, and I'm worried. No students will mean no job for me. And if we have to rethink our priorities, college may no longer be a given for a lot of our young people. Jobs are on the line here, a lot of them, and the domino effect hasn't really kicked in yet, but when it does it won't be pretty....


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