"ENCHANTED TALES with ROB" - A Birthday/Christmas DISer Celebration! **NEW TR LINK**

Awww, Rob, so sad to see your "intermission" end :hug: But, as you've so aptly named it "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Sometimes it's easier said than done though, right? But you'll be in DISNEY next week and I'm so excited for you!!! What a perfect way to end a TR... just get back to Disney so we can have another Rob TR in no time! :goodvibes
Thanks for the mini-trip updates, they were great. Niagara Falls is BEAUTIFUL!

Now thanks to you, every time I say/think of Canada, I think Canadia. :rotfl2: The new country to the north!

Not long before your next trip! Can't wait to hear all about that as well!
First, with regards to your upcoming trip - I can totally understand where you are coming from comparing it to your December trip ... but just think about how awesome all of your Disney trips have been and this one doesn't need to compete with the December trip. I am sure it will be it's own amazing entry into your Disney story book :goodvibes

Also, just think how unsure/nervous you were about initially meeting Carrie and Riley and how awesome that turned out to be in the end!


Sounds like you got on a couple of fun (if little) rides ... fully agree about, especially, Barnstormer that they should run it twice. Actually, our last trip my daughter Olivia said "wait, that's it? We don't go around again?" as we pulled into the station

great picture of you and the girls in front of the falls!

Nice that you were able to pull Riley aside and just have a few last minutes between the two of you. And their note they left you was very sweet - certainly sweeter than a parking ticket ;)
Good-byes are always so hard. So wonderful that you got to spend so much non-Disney time with them but so sad that it had to come to an end.

That is great that you are going to be able to video chat with Riley.

Wonderful pictures of Canada's Wonderland. I see so many similarities between Cedar Point and Canada's Wonderland but they are also so very different as well.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful, magical, pixie dust moments filled Disney Trip and Mini summer trip with us. pixiedust: So glad we got to see all your pictures and share in the moments that made this trip so especially wonderful for you.

I am hoping that your upcoming trip will be filled with more magical moments and maybe some really fun dis-meets with new friends. :goodvibes
Hey not 'almost finally over'. It's awww, it's almost over :(

Though, that does mean another TR is around the corner. So that's a plus.

Ooh, those out front pictures are all so pretty. Very nice.

COASTERS. Oh my goodness, the food in there is so good and it always smells so good. And fun fact, I did supervisor training in one of those.

Aww Brotp goodbyes :(

Amusement Parks are nice to look at. There's something about them. I like it.

The note <3 So sweet. You all are so sweet. Hits me right in the feels.

Aww Amber you're so sweet. :hug: It's weird in that it doesn't feel like 9 months and yet, it is.

Haha, well we'll see. I'll have to wait and see if the trip is TR worthy when it's over, lol. Should be though.

It is a lovely entrance with the mountain and the castle. I have to get them to change flowers from the old flag though.

Oooh so you've seen this rip off place before, lol? I guess these are common in the Cedar Fair parks? Interesting. I do like Mel's at Universal, so I'm sure this place would have been good too. That's too funny.

I hate whoever came up with goodbyes.

They are and this was really my first "Amusement Park". I look at the main Florida parks as Theme Parks (which I do prefer), but sometimes you just need to get your ride on.

So incredibly sweet and just a great way to end the trip. I was so worried it was something bad which made it even better.

Love the photos of "Disney" in the mall. LOl.

Ooh love the wine bottle holders.

Great pics at the zoo.

Love the llama parade. LOL.

I see black squirrels all over the place. Never seen one before till I moved into the city.

That milkshake looks huge.

The hotel looked pretty.

I like the orange shirt.

Hey it's Charlie.

Ooh! Dairy Queen is there. YUM!

That is really expensive for the fastpass.

That stinks that ride wasn't included.

The plans for the upcoming trip look great.

Glad you got on some rides with the pass.

Nice pics around the park.

Seems like a great mini trip.

Your tr is ending soon and mine will be done on Monday. Seems right being we were there at the same time. LOL.

Thanks Scott. It was just one after the other I swear.

Aren't they cool? Really clever.

Thank you!

Hehe, that was unexpected and even more fun since Carrie is NOT a fan.

Yes, apparently they are common in some places. This was a first for me though.

It was a good size to be sure and SOOOOO good.

It was a lovely little hotel. I'd have no problem staying there for an extended stay.

Aww thanks. I was so happy she loved it and actually wears it.

Totally!!! Their main meet and greet characters are Peanuts.

It's so funny with all the hoopla about Starbucks at Disney. Here there was "outside" food options everywhere.

Oh Lord don't I know it. But it was necessary.

That was only one that I was disappointed to miss. I got all the others though.


I got most of the rides I wanted with almost no wait, so hard to complain.

Thank you!

It was fantastic but just way too short.

Haha, now this is very true. I would have been done a month ago if I didn't add in this little Mini TR. But I wanted something to stretch it out until the next trip.

Awww, Rob, so sad to see your "intermission" end :hug: But, as you've so aptly named it "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Sometimes it's easier said than done though, right? But you'll be in DISNEY next week and I'm so excited for you!!! What a perfect way to end a TR... just get back to Disney so we can have another Rob TR in no time! :goodvibes

Thank you Tracy. Obviously I was more sad for the actual trip to end. :) But that quote really is so appropriate (although I may have cried a little). Yes, just over a week and back to Disney, so the timing of this one ending really is perfect. Almost like it was planned that way. :scratchin

Thanks for the mini-trip updates, they were great. Niagara Falls is BEAUTIFUL!

Now thanks to you, every time I say/think of Canada, I think Canadia. :rotfl2: The new country to the north!

Not long before your next trip! Can't wait to hear all about that as well!

It's my pleasure Jillian. Thanks for indulging me. Niagara Falls is amazing.

Hehe, that is a goal I have now. It's all Emily's fault, lol.

Just about a week to go. I hope it's a TR worthy trip.
If you run into Emily from Australia again, maybe you can tell her about the Canadia movement she started!

OMG that would be quite the story. She was on an International program, so there's a small possibility she's still there, though probably unlikely. But I do plan to keep an eye out just case to let her know what she caused.

First, with regards to your upcoming trip - I can totally understand where you are coming from comparing it to your December trip ... but just think about how awesome all of your Disney trips have been and this one doesn't need to compete with the December trip. I am sure it will be it's own amazing entry into your Disney story book :goodvibes

Also, just think how unsure/nervous you were about initially meeting Carrie and Riley and how awesome that turned out to be in the end!


Sounds like you got on a couple of fun (if little) rides ... fully agree about, especially, Barnstormer that they should run it twice. Actually, our last trip my daughter Olivia said "wait, that's it? We don't go around again?" as we pulled into the station

great picture of you and the girls in front of the falls!

Nice that you were able to pull Riley aside and just have a few last minutes between the two of you. And their note they left you was very sweet - certainly sweeter than a parking ticket ;)

Well said Phil. I am keeping an open mind as I usually do, and some things are coming together, so that helps a whole lot.

You could not be more correct. Thanks Phil.

Haha, absolutely. I understand RnRC due to the layout and the fact that you'd lose your head going around twice, but the Barnstormer would definitely benefit from this.

Thanks... and completely necessary.

Oh for sure. I miss that kid every single day so I just wanted to make sure she knew that. Oh goodness MUCH better than a parking ticket. I'm not sure why I thought it might be a parking ticket since you had to pay to get in, lol. But I really did consider it might be a "Oops, I just tore off your bumper!".

Good-byes are always so hard. So wonderful that you got to spend so much non-Disney time with them but so sad that it had to come to an end.

That is great that you are going to be able to video chat with Riley.

Wonderful pictures of Canada's Wonderland. I see so many similarities between Cedar Point and Canada's Wonderland but they are also so very different as well.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful, magical, pixie dust moments filled Disney Trip and Mini summer trip with us. pixiedust: So glad we got to see all your pictures and share in the moments that made this trip so especially wonderful for you.

I am hoping that your upcoming trip will be filled with more magical moments and maybe some really fun dis-meets with new friends. :goodvibes

They really are, but I wouldn't give up the time there for anything. It was such a lovely trip.

It should be fun if we ever get around to doing it, lol. We will I'm sure.

Thanks so much. I imagine all the Cedar Fair parks have a lot of similarities and then also some very unique things as well.

Aww gee, THANK YOU!!! It was such a memorable trip (well 2 trips) and I am so honoured people actually care enough to read it.

Thank you SO MUCH again. I'm hopeful the upcoming trip will bring new wonderful memories as well.

I'll be on the lookout.

Day 10 – December 12, 2013

The dreaded Triple D, Disney Departure Day, was upon me so I slept in a bit, then did my final bit of packing.



I had done express checkout, so there was no need to return to Classic Hall,
But I did return to Everything POP briefly for one last coffee and one final purchase,
Which I sent to Carrie after the trip since I remembered her mentioning always wanting one.


My flight wasn’t until 3:30pm,
So I had initially planned to just laze around the resort for the morning and leave for the Airport around 12 or 12:30.

Then I realized how absolutely stupid that idea was, so I instead went here.



This was not in any way a planned stop for this day, so I had not secured any FP’s whatsoever.
Nonetheless, I sauntered down Sunset and secured a FP+ with my Magic Band for maybe 20 minutes later.

Pretty cool.

I then went somewhere I had (shockingly) never gone before.


Yes, I am serious.

I took a few photos inside,



But there was only ONE thing that was going to do.



This was yet another thing I had never had before, so my last Disney breakfast was meant to be a Red Velvet Cupcake from Starring Rolls.

I took my purchases around the corner by the Derby and just relaxed as I enjoyed my first ever Disney Red Velvet Cupcake.
… And it was as amazing as everyone on the DIS claimed it was.

Oh… My… GOD!!!

As I savored this deliciousness, I soon realized that my Tower FP+ was already ready, so I headed back down Sunset for one last pre-departure ride.




As you can see, the wait time was showing 50 minutes, but my trusty FP+ allowed me to bypass all that.
And on my final day, I FINALLY got a green.

While I was in the line, the two girls in front of me (in the front row of the ride photo below) commented how much they loved my shirt,
So I ended up chatting with them as we waited.

Tower of Terror is always such a fun time, but if you get some good CM’s, it just hits a whole other level.
We were fortunate to have such a CM as our boarding guide.
She had one of those intentionally evil/shrill laughs that she used to perfection and had the one girl (with the blond/black hair) dying.

As any good CM would do, she quickly focused her attention on this one girl, leaning and laughing just inches from her face,
Which just sent this girl into hysterical laughter.

It may have been a good idea for the next guest to wipe that particular seat is what I'm saying.
Better safe than sorry.

The CM made the standard “If you wish to exit... Too late…” remark, continued her laugh as she closed the door…

…Then re-opened to door with her continued laughter and walked up to this poor girl again.
She went through this sequence a few times, and I swear I expected the girl to pass out.

It was just so entertaining, and such a great way to begin my final Tower of the trip.


What amazes me most is in the ride photo, the girl (again, the one on the left with blond/black hair), was completely stone faced.

Her friend on the other hand… :rotfl2:

I exited the Tower and figured it couldn’t hurt to check out the RnRC wait time, but it was far too long.
As I made my way back towards Sunset, I passed those same girls heading towards RnRC, and without saying even a word, high fives were exchanged.
Just one of those things that would only happen in Disney.

I still had a little bit of time before I had to leave, so I checked out Star Tours and sure enough, it had a short wait.


I was particularly happy with this decision as I finally got the Hoth sequence, which is one that I hadn’t yet seen.

Passing through the store, while I didn’t buy any, I just had to get a picture since I thought these were too cute not to.


By now it was indeed time to head to the airport and end this amazing trip, so I made one last stop for my final picture,

And frankly, it was the perfect and proper way to end my favourite Disney trip ever.





How do I even begin to summarize what was easily my favorite trip to WDW ever.
Oddly, I think I said the same thing last time for April, but as great as that first solo trip was, this one beat it by a mile.

This will be the trip by which all others will be judged, for better or for worse.

For the most part the sights and sounds remained the same, albeit with some extra amazing touches for Christmas.
But at its core, it was still the same Disney I know and love and contained more special moments than I rightfully deserve.

It was filled with birthday celebrations,





Wonderful, as always, Cast Members,







And most notably Emily,


Without whom there would be no Canadia movement.

But this trip will always and forever be defined and remembered as my first trip with DISmeets.
Way back on Post 1 I called this "a solo trip shared with many other people", and that is exactly what it was,




And it was really taken to another level when I was blessed with meeting Brenda and Emily.



There is never any way I could possibly repay the kindness and generosity Brenda gave to me, and continues to give to me.
To call her merely a wonderful person would be a great disservice to the word because it is just not enough.
I’m proud and honoured to call her, not just a fellow DISer, but also a friend.

Meeting her, the remarkable Emily, and the whole amazing DIS Dining group was beyond anything I could have imagined or hoped,



And the time shared is something I will never, ever forget, and that alone was easily more than enough to take this trip to the top.

But alas, there was still one more meet that truly cemented this trip as my absolute favourite.


My expectations were modest for what I expected to be a fun, but relatively quick DISmeet.
What actually happened was the genesis of a lifelong friendship with Carrie, whose love of Disney and kind and generous heart is a truly powerful combination,

And also the introduction of someone who will always hold a very special place in my heart, and will forever be my one true Disney Kid.



I wasn't so much sad to be leaving Disney this time... I was sad to be leaving all these magnificent people.

I never thought I’d quote Kid Rock when talking about Disney, but when it fits, it fits.

“If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If it's marketed right, you'll buy it.
But... If It’s Real, You'll Feel It.”

For me, the Disney experience is not what you see or what you do…
... It’s how it makes you feel.

I've experienced most of what Walt Disney World has to offer,
From the iconic rides and attractions, to the shows that take you to a completely different place and time,
And to the end of day extravaganzas that Disney does like no other.

But I have never experienced anything that gave me as much pure joy as being with all these people, and creating friendships that will last a lifetime.
If someone asked me to name a favourite moment, it won’t be riding Tower of Terror, Everest, Splash Mountain, or even watching my beloved Wishes.

It will be the people I met; people I laughed with, people I felt with, people I bonded with, to the point where a simple text of,

“Riley is asking for you”

Made me change my entire night’s plans and, without any regret or second thought, pass up my favourite single thing in WDW,
Because spending time and sharing moments with people you care about is far more important than any show or ride could ever be.

And in the end... Isn't that really the point?


To each and every single one of you,

Whether you followed along casually, popped in from time to time, or read every update without fail.
Whether you were here from Day 1 or joined in along the way.
Whether you posted a comment (and God bless you if you did) or followed along quietly.
It is my sincerest hope that at least something here touched you, made you laugh, made you think, or made you cry,

But mostly... just simply made you smile.

Please know that you always brightened my day and I am so deeply grateful for every single one of you.
I still find it hard to believe that so many of you chose to follow along with some random guy from Canada (now Canadia).

From the bottom of my heart...





But I have never experienced anything that gave me as much pure joy as being with all these people, and creating friendships that will last a lifetime.
If someone asked me to name a favourite moment, it won’t be riding Tower of Terror, Everest, Splash Mountain, or even watching my beloved Wishes.

It will be the people I met; people I laughed with, people I felt with, people I bonded with, to the point where a simple text of,

“Riley is asking for you”

Made me change my entire night’s plans and, without any regret or second thought, pass up my favourite single thing in WDW,
Because spending time and sharing moments with people you care about is far more important than any show or ride could ever be.

And in the end... Isn't that really the point? [/COLOR]


I think I just got a little misty eyed, but you are so right Rob! It's all about the people and my DIS friends are special to me on so many levels! It's really a special bond and once its made it can't be broken.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip, your wonderful commentary, your incredible CM and DIS meets, and your one of a kind T-shirts. I hope your next trip is simply amazing! And I hope that once of these days we have trips that overlap. Hey - it could happen! ::yes::
Hi Rob! That picture you got at the front of the Wonderland park is beautiful! And what a great place to get pics of all of you as well. Perfect!

Wonderland Groundhogs!! I have no idea why, but that totally cracks me up! :rotfl2:

What a truly wonderful DIS-ified trip you had. I’m so happy that you all were able to coordinate it - what a great experience! Thanks for sharing it.

Love the DHS pics - wish I was there now.

That dang red velvet cupcake always look so amazing!!!

Oh, yeah, I just LOVE getting a really good ToT CM - Willow does too. :laughing:

Perfect last-picture-of-the-trip picture! ::yes::

You truly had an incredibly special trip, Rob. I really enjoyed reading about it - thank you for sharing. Your next trip will be great - it may be different, but it will be great. Go have some fun and enjoy the Halloween decorations!!!
Well THAT made me cry! You write the BEST trip reports, Rob, and this is why - it's not just about what ride you are on or what you ate but how you felt (from the hilarious moments to the touching ones)! I have enjoyed every minute of this report (just as I did the last one!) and I can't wait to read about your next trip. I hope you always keep that Disney spirit.


Making me a little teary- eyed down here in the south!!! I loved this TR and of course, loved the other I read. Thank you for sharing & thanks for the advice/help you've given me! Though we have never met in real life, I feel like you're an old friend. I hope one day our paths cross at the World!! <3 Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust!
Already can't wait until the next one.. :)
Fabulous trip report-- can't wait to read about your next adventure! PS you have me planning a Niagara Falls trip now!


To each and every single one of you,

Whether you followed along casually, popped in from time to time, or read every update without fail.
Whether you were here from Day 1 or joined in along the way.
Whether you posted a comment (and God bless you if you did) or followed along quietly.
It is my sincerest hope that at least something here touched you, made you laugh, made you think, or made you cry,

But mostly... just simply made you smile.

Please know that you always brightened my day and I am so deeply grateful for every single one of you.
I still find it hard to believe that so many of you chose to follow along with some random guy from Canada (now Canadia).

From the bottom of my heart...

This is a very moving moment.

Yeah, I wish they'd move it to Pittsburgh --- er... Canadia?

Rob, I think most of your readers were left in tears with that closing. It has been an amazing rollercoaster ride to read your trip report.

And I think MaxRebo said it well that your awesome experiences last December were unexpected, so who knows what will happen on your next trip? It won't be identical to last year's, but it will be a whole new world! Hopefully to be filled with more new friends! Have a great time, and we're all looking forward to reading about your next adventure!
What a sweet wrap-up!!!

Yup, that's a tear. Definitely a tear. :sad1:

Great report! I loved following along and sharing in your fantastic meets and your enthusiasm for all things Disney! Seeing the pictures of you with all of the CMs made me realize how much you must have made their day when you stopped and made friends.


Day 10 – December 12, 2013

one final purchase, which I sent to Carrie after the trip since I remembered her mentioning always wanting one.


I don't go to the gift shops much and I didn't know they sold these! So cool! I remember when DISers would clear out the Alien Green paint sample from the Home Depot so they could make a tag with their user name so others of their own kind could spot them. Then HD stopped carrying the color. I have only seen a few of these- now the preferred way of recognizing a fellow DISer it from their face in a trip report.


Nice call visiting MGM on your final day. Those two girls sound like a riot and once again, what a hilarious ride photo!

Thanks again for the ride, definitely an E-ticket, and I have a FP+ for the next report.




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