Even with Blisters and Bad Hair, Disney is Still Magical! A Sept. 2014 TR -Updated 5/13

Hey there!!! I am BACK! Sorry i missed some stuff but was only 2 pages behind! YAY ME!
OK i love all the pictures LOVE the telephone booth one. Yes How can you only pick ONE favorite picture?!?! NO! they are all great!!! ohh coral Reef.. Never been. but wanna... Yes you had some dark dark skies my friend! I am surprised it didn't pour! Oh wait.. That was MY TRIP not yours! HA HA HA HA
nice score on the soarin FP!!! way to go!!!
oh and good job on yet another stuffy!!!!

Welcome back! I've been awful with updates and Dising lately. AWFUL! I have an update coming tomorrow. I almost promise. Jason has been a huge computer hog lately! I also have to upload some pics, and of course I'm avoiding "L" day.

Yes, the phone booth pics were great! I love them so much.

Coral Reef, yum. We'll definitely be back.

Oh yes, always the stuffies! They each got a new one for Valentine's day!
went last night and the kids just upped their tsum tsum collection... INSANE. yet i am the one buying them so i guess i have to blame myself! HA HA
No L day... take your TIME on your L day
Good Lord have mercy! This new Dis threw me for a dang loop! I am finally getting notifications again so I'm slowly but surely getting caught up. Those two girls of your's are so very cute in every single picture that you take. (and if you are trying to test me on whether or not I really read....yes, I am still following along on the report despite the fact that you took ONLY two pictures of the girls playing in the fountains). :)
Better late than never. I am loving this trip report, your girls are so cute! Awesome job on the autograph books. I love MNSSHP. :maleficen I couldn't believe how long you stayed in the hub at the beginning of the party, but it sure paid off in the end, what luck with rides you had in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. :thumbsup2

I am from MKE too, well a suburb actually, but I am so ready to get rid of the cold, and white stuff!
Just checking in on you.

I'm still here in all my slacking glory. Stupid work has been so busy and I'm so busy in the evenings, but I am going to try REALLY hard to update tonight. My pictures are uploaded!

Good Lord have mercy! This new Dis threw me for a dang loop! I am finally getting notifications again so I'm slowly but surely getting caught up. Those two girls of your's are so very cute in every single picture that you take. (and if you are trying to test me on whether or not I really read....yes, I am still following along on the report despite the fact that you took ONLY two pictures of the girls playing in the fountains). :)

The new Dis is confusing. I'm still trying to figure it out. I know you're really reading! And I know, only 2 fountain pictures. What the heck was I thinking? And thank you, they are pretty cute, aren't they? My girls, I mean. :)

Better late than never. I am loving this trip report, your girls are so cute! Awesome job on the autograph books. I love MNSSHP. :maleficen I couldn't believe how long you stayed in the hub at the beginning of the party, but it sure paid off in the end, what luck with rides you had in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. :thumbsup2

I am from MKE too, well a suburb actually, but I am so ready to get rid of the cold, and white stuff!

Thank you and welcome!!!! A fellow Wisconsinite basking in the awfulness that is winter. The last few days have been glorious, but now it's sloppy gross. I am technically in a suburb too. But we're about 1 1/2 blocks north of Milwaukee.

MNSSHP was amazing. We love it so much. It was totally worth the waiting. The payoff was huge.

The autograph books were so fun to make! We'll definitely do it again.

And thanks for saying my girls are cute. I kind of like them. ;)
OMG, I'm finally back with an update! Can you believe it? If only life would slow down a little. Work is crazy, and my kids have some sort of lesson almost every night of the week it seems. Finally a down night and Jason is in the bathtub, so I don't have to worry about him kicking me off of here. Oh Lord I'm a slacker. But, since I still have a few of you with me, and even a few newbies at this late stage of the game (but I welcome you all!!!!!), I have to finish this. I want to finish this. I just don't want to report to be over just like the trip.

But I digress. Where were we? We had just finished riding Soarin' for the second time. The kids wanted to do some night swimming again and I had to start getting things packed up for the morning.

We walked by Spaceship Earth and the kids wanted one more ride on it. Who am I to say no? Lucy especially wanted to get a good face in for her "future." So away we rode with Dame Judi Dench. Lucy and I were together so here is our future. I tried to look as deer-in-the-headlights as possible. My hair by this time, I don't even want to talk about it.

And with that, we said goodbye to Epcot until our next visit. We took one last picture of The Ball as we walked out.

Once arriving back at CBR, we saw our animal friends were up to no good again!

I guess Bird is the boss.

Clearly Minnie was trying to stay away from the trouble makers.

Even though they were all staring at her.

A quick trip down to the pirate pool and one last look in the gift shop, where we purchased a cool hand painted cat statue, and we were off to bed. Sad to have our last night in our pirate room, but excited for our last, very full day at Magic Kingdom.

(continued in next post)
Up bright and early the next morning, Jason and I started packing the car while the kids got showered and dressed. I also had a little business I had to attend to that had to be done in secret. Jason and I had talked about it over the last few days and had decided to book the bounce back offer, which was free dining, for next August. Not only did we want to come back, but some friends of ours from home would be in Orlando the week of August 20th. Karyn, our friend would be there for a convention for work. Her husband Bill and oldest daughter, Indy, would be coming down for the weekend to do Disney. They had mentioned this to us before we left saying "We can't think of better people to do Disney with than the K-G family!" So, we thought about that and since the bounce back fit into those dates, we figured we at least had to book it. We could always decide later if we needed to cancel.

As of right now, the trip is on! ADRs are made! Our friends will be there with us the first 2 days and we'll do Magic Kingdom and Epcot with them, and then be on our own for the last 3 days. Their daughter Indy will be almost 4 and it will be fun to do "newbie" stuff with them and show them all our favorites. Our girls have absolutely NO idea and we can't wait to surprise them. We think we will wait until right before. They talk about going back every day, so it will be a very joyful surprise! I'll fill in some of the details at the end of this TR.

SO, while we were packing up, I made the reso for the bounce back. We got things all set and packed, sadly said goodbye to our beloved CBR and pirate room. We know we'll be back! We headed off to our 9:05 ADR at a must-do for the girls, O'hana. Stitch is a huge family favorite and we were all excited to see him again, and his other friends. Jason was of course excited to eat.

We arrived a tad late due to a line at the gate for MK, but when we explained that, it was no problem. We got our buzzer and sat down. It wasn't a long wait, but the girls were being silly so I took a few pictures.

After only about 5 minutes we were seated and very quickly our food started arriving. It's served family style here, so you get a little bit of everything. We started with the POG juice which is so incredibly good. Then we got this platter of goodness.

Sausage, bacon, potatoes, and scrambled eggs. They also come around with trays of little Mickey waffles. The girls were happily eating, and as you can see, the parade was about to start because they have their maracas in hand!

They do a little parade with the characters every 45 minutes or so, and my kids made sure to get right behind a character!

The parade ended, and right away the characters started coming around. Mickey was first, and even though this was like time #5 or so for the week, Lucy and Maura were still just as excited to see him!

While waiting for Lilo to get to our table, we were doing party tricks with the little magnetic Stitch we had gotten a few days earlier. I was surprised he stuck to the silverware, but he sure did!

We love this little Stitch. You never know where he'll end up at our house. He's currently residing on a metal candle holder that is hanging close to the ceiling. I have no idea who put him there. He pops up all over the place!

Lilo was next. The girls were very excited to see her and show her their stuffed Stitches.

They had to get Stitch and Angel in there (Angel is from a sequel), and you can see Stitch's face in the background!

Before Stitch came over, they brought the girls ANOTHER birthday cupcake. They of course loved it. Again.

Finally Stitch made his way to our table. He was treated to major celebrity status by the girls. They adore him. Jason and I both dig him too. I know some folks aren't fans, but he's just so funny and always "on." We hold a soft spot for him especially, as he was the first character meet Lucy ever had and he was so great then and continues to up the ante every time we see him. He's also so darn cute.

Well, he immediately went for the stuffed animals and tried to walk off with them. The girls love this and were so looking forward to it again, hoping for a repeat performance. They got it.

You can just see the joy in their faces, even though you can't see them from the front.

He's eating my kid!!!!

(continued in next post)
Looking at these makes me so happy. I love seeing the pure joy and innocence in my girls.

They have a PP that goes around with only Stitch now at this meal, so Jason and I got in on a few too! Not sure when or why that started, but I'm not one to complain!

Bad hair. Already. And Bucky had to get in too.

After a great visit with Stitch (I'm telling you, he is the best! He must have spent 5 minutes at our table. No rushing!) Pluto made his way over, signing in his usual Pluto style!

And then guess what? There was another parade! And you can bet your butt my kids were in it. As you'll see, it looks eerily similar to the first parade!

I was hoping they'd get near another character, but Mickey it was!

Dang it! Of course I found 2 more PP with Stitch out of order, so here you go. Stupid Photobucket.

It looks like he's squeezing Lucy to death, and you can't even see Maura!

After the second parade, we were stuffed and ready to start walking some of our breakfast off. So, we settled our bill and headed out. On the way down the stairs we saw, HIDDEN MICKEYS! A whole slew of them.

Maura spotted those and was so very proud of herself!

It was about 11am when we headed into MK. Marie the cat was right in the front gate and we love her, so had to stop. Her line wasn't awful, so in we went!

After Marie, they were taking Halloween PP with the castle in the far background. You know we love Halloween, so we had to get in on that!

Don't talk about my hair.

Now. Let me preface this one by saying this PP was so patient and wonderful. He was trying to get the girls to look cute, but putting their heads on their folded hands. They just couldn't grasp the concept, no matter what any of us told them, so this is what we got.

Yep. Fake sleeping. They just couldn't keep their eyes open and smile while they did it. My kids. They are nuts.

OMG, the only pics of just Jason and I together! These are so rare these days.

We stopped into the Fire House to get some Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom cards hoping to get to try them later, then we headed over towards Frontierland as we had FP+ for BTMRR.

You'll have to wait until the next installment to hear about that, but I PROMISE to not be such a slacker and will be back soon! Very soon! I still have a ton to go in this day.

Hey there! Big update out of you!!!! LOVE IT ALL! Especially the stick interaction!!!! Did SE give you pony tails in your picture?!?! RIOT!!

Love the fact mousekeepers play as much as they do!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT ALL

ANOTHER TRIP?!?!? your ADR'S ARE DONE?!?!? and i was feeling bad about keep my trip s secret! this is awesome!!! i am so so happy for you!!!

YES Ohana! our love. oh how i love... last day... But i get to rad about MK! YAY!
You're back! :cool1: If there is ever a good reason to be off the boards planning another WDW vacation is definitely it! Especially if said vacation is with good friends!

Those stuffies of your sure had a ball while you guys were in the parks. I love that.:lovestruc

Last day, le sad. But it's so great that you booked the BB! I'm already scheming booking it in September so I can take DD for her second birthday!

I went back and forth on 'Ohana but it looks like such fun at breakfast! All the pictures of you guys with Stitch are great! He's my favorite little alien. I'm glad they have a PP with him, it's nice when everyone is in the photo.

I adore the sleeping pictures in front of Main Street!! That is just too cute! And I'm glad there is a couple good ones of Jason and you, that is rare once the kiddos come around!:love2:

I'm so psyched you guys have. ADRs done already! We will be missing you guys by a month but how exciting to be going back! I hope you'll share some plans with us, maybe even another TR?!:goodvibes
Great updagte.

A final ride on Spaceship Earth before hitting up the pool...can't beat that.

Love how the staff set up the animals.

I was never a Stitch fan...but after the last two years, the little blue guy has started to grow on me. I will skip Ohana though...I HATE scrambled eggs so it would be a waste on me (prefer buffets for that reason).

The pictures of the kids with the characters at Ohana and then with Marie are priceless.

Great job, Maura, on the hidden mickey's.

And :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for booking the bounceback.
Hey there! Big update out of you!!!! LOVE IT ALL! Especially the stick interaction!!!! Did SE give you pony tails in your picture?!?! RIOT!!

Thanks! Yes, Stitch was great. And yes, I believe SE did give me ponies! Hah! I hadn't noticed that. I have to point that out to Jason.

Love the fact mousekeepers play as much as they do!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT ALL

They were so great. It was so fun to listen to the girls anticipate what their animals had been up to each day.

ANOTHER TRIP?!?!? your ADR'S ARE DONE?!?!? and i was feeling bad about keep my trip s secret! this is awesome!!! i am so so happy for you!!!

Yes yes yes! We are 95% sure we are going. Our tax return wasn't quite as big as we had hoped, but we still think we can do it. I'll get a second job if I have too! And our friends who we are going with are so happy they don't have to plan anything. :)

YES Ohana! our love. oh how i love... last day... But i get to rad about MK! YAY!

O'hana. We're going again this year. The kids would kill us if we didn't. Last day is so sad, but it was really a great day!

You're back! :cool1: If there is ever a good reason to be off the boards planning another WDW vacation is definitely it! Especially if said vacation is with good friends!

I'm back! And well, I wasnt' really gone planning another vacation. It was mostly work and being the Cookie Mom for Lucy's Brownie troop. That took up a TON of my time. But yes, let's go with I was planning our next trip! We're so excited, especially to go with our friends. Jason almost spilled the beans last night. When I gave him a dirty look he said "I'll never be able to keep it a secret."

Those stuffies of your sure had a ball while you guys were in the parks. I love that.:lovestruc

It was awesome. We're staying at a different resort this time, so I'll be curious to see if the do something similar.

Last day, le sad. But it's so great that you booked the BB! I'm already scheming booking it in September so I can take DD for her second birthday!

I know! It didn't take much convincing, either! And do it. It will probably be for free dining in September!

I went back and forth on 'Ohana but it looks like such fun at breakfast! All the pictures of you guys with Stitch are great! He's my favorite little alien. I'm glad they have a PP with him, it's nice when everyone is in the photo.

Breakfast was so much fun. We're doing it again in August! I really want to do O'hana for dinner sometime, but STitch isn't there, so we have to keep doing breakfast for a while.

I adore the sleeping pictures in front of Main Street!! That is just too cute! And I'm glad there is a couple good ones of Jason and you, that is rare once the kiddos come around!:love2:

So rare are the photos of just Jason and I. I was happy to get those! And my kids are such nerds. They just couldn't grasp the concept!:sad2:

I'm so psyched you guys have. ADRs done already! We will be missing you guys by a month but how exciting to be going back! I hope you'll share some plans with us, maybe even another TR?!:goodvibes

I will definitely share plans! Another TR for sure! Sorry we'll miss you, though. :( I hope you do a TR too!

I may do a PTR. We aren't big planners though, except for ADRs and FP+, so we'll see. I guess I can at least share restaurants and stuff.

Great updagte.


A final ride on Spaceship Earth before hitting up the pool...can't beat that.

It had to be done! And I actually forgot that Jason and Lucy rode Mission Space, Green (is that the tamer one?) too. Jason like it, Lucy not so much. I won't ride that one. I'd :crazy2:.

Love how the staff set up the animals.

We loved it, all of us. So much fun!

I was never a Stitch fan...but after the last two years, the little blue guy has started to grow on me. I will skip Ohana though...I HATE scrambled eggs so it would be a waste on me (prefer buffets for that reason).

I'm glad Stitch has grown on you! He's so cute and fun. I totally get skipping O'hana for breakfast. The food is good, but pretty typical breakfast food, though that juice is to die for!

The pictures of the kids with the characters at Ohana and then with Marie are priceless.

Thanks! They turned out really well!

Great job, Maura, on the hidden mickey's.

She was so proud!

And :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for booking the bounceback.

I know! We are so excited! Jason is way more excited than he's letting on, though he may be most excited about doing Epcot with his best friend. I have a feeling there will be a lot of beer consumption by them that day.

More updates coming soon!
Alright, I have 1 kid in the bathtub, the other kid and the husband playing Mario Bros, and dinner cooking so I thought I'd take a moment out of this lazy Sunday to try and pop out an update. When I last left, we were headed over to Frontierland to use our first FP+ of the day for BTMRR. Unbelievably this was the first ride on it this trip, and Maura's first time ever riding it. She was nervous but excited and off we went! I got a few scenic shots on the ride, but none of people.

Maura really enjoyed it! She wasn't scared at all after going up the hill and liked to see all the stuff on the ride. I think she'll end up being a daredevil like her sister, which is a good thing!

Our next FP+ for Peter Pan wasn't up for a while, so we thought about what we might like to do. The kids had seen Aladdin and Jasmine out before and thought they wanted to meet them, so we headed over to Adventureland to see how the line was. Before checking though, we had to take Lucy's picture with something. On her first visit she remembers in 2011, we were walking through Frontierland and she saw this and said in her little 4 year old voice, "Hey, take my picture by this guy." So, we did and it's become a tradition.

So, here is March 2011. Look at that pudge face.

September 2012. Still a baby face.

September 2014. Where has my little girl gone. :(

We will continue to take her picture here every visit. It's a tradition she started on her own!

We got over to the line for Aladdin and Jasmine, and they were on their break, but the line wasn't too long, so we got in it! Jason decided he was ready for a snack and he wanted to hit up something we'd never tried before. He was gone a while. Aladdin and Jasmine got back from their break while he was gone, but he didn't miss it. What did we try? Dole Whips, of course!

He got 2. The original flavor, and one with orange ice cream. We all loved them. Both flavors. That was probably the longest line any of us waited in all week, but it was worth it. I know they are either love 'em or hate 'em, but we loved em! And though the line wasn't too long for A & J, it was moving slowly as they were spending a lot of time with people (which is awesome), so we had plenty of time to eat them.

Once the Dole Whips were gone, the girls started to notice some of the detail on the ground in Adventureland. I'm not sure who saw it first, but they started pointing out all the jewels, gems, and shiny things embedded in the ground. I had to take their pictures with many of the pieces. So, here they are!

Getting bunny eared by her sister.

I believe a couple of those even had Hidden Mickey's in them, but they were really small and hard to capture on film. Finally it was our turn to see Aladdin and Jasmine. They were great. Acted like my kids were the most important people they had seen all day. They oohed and aahed over their autograph books and never rushed us. And Aladdin was so dreamy! :)

They also talked about Lucy's stuffed lion, Fuzzy and how Raja might like to play with him.

(continued in next post)
More fun with Aladdin and Jasmine.

Look at how the girls are looking at him! I think they were smitten. Well, either that or they were afraid he'd really walk off with Fuzzy.

After and outstanding M&G with the Prince and Princess of Agrabah, what better ride to ride next than The Magic Carpets of Aladdin! This is a family favorite, and totally under-rated. In my opinion, it's better than Dumbo because the carpets move up and down and tilt! The wait was short. Only 1 round in front of us. Soon we were loading into our carpets headed onto a magical ride. The kids were really hoping to get spit on.

The ride was fun, the kids got hit somewhat with the camel. Enough to make them happy! We decided to start heading over to Fantasyland as our FP+ time was coming up for Peter Pan.

Oooh! Here's the Hidden Mickey in the jewels! I knew I had one somewhere!

It was sometime between 12:15-1:15, as that was what time our FP+ was for. We'd already gotten a lot done in the less than 2 hours we'd been there already! We got up to Peter Pan, scanned our bands, and we were in. I didn't take any pictures this time. My camera doesn't do well on this ride, but I got one before and one after.

We love Tick-Tock.

After Peter Pan, it was time for a costume change. Our FP+ was up for what the girls had been waiting more than 6 months for. The meet and greet of all meet and greets. That's right, we were headed over to see none other than Anna and Elsa. But, because I'm a big meanie, I'm going to make you wait for that one. Baths are suddenly over and it's time to get ready for bed. Also, remember, I'm procrastinating on dragging out L-Day as long as possible. Still lots more to come!
Had a great time reading your report! We are also from the Milwaukee area and have driven to Florida several times, the last being in August, so it was fun seeing the same sites along your way to DW. I love driving through the mountains! I look forward to reading the end of your report. :)
LOOK HOW LITTLE!!!! i adore the Indian pictures!!! Your right they grow way too dang fast. while i stay young.... Yeah i am sticking with that one..
What a great meet and greet with Jasmine and Aladdin! LOVE when the characters take their time with kids, sounds like a blast! especially with Fuzzy!!! I also spy you in the PP pictures too!!
Yes peter pan ride is difficult to get pictures on.. I HOPE to get something this trip!
I'm with you. we love the carpet ride too! the first time we ever rode it Jasmine and Aladdin were on it too! it was awesome. I want to be there now.. Not looking at the snow outside.
Your girls are such pretty girl Claire; they both have this mischievous little grin, I love it!

And the photos of Lucy with the chief are priceless! It's extra special cause she chose it herself. They grow too fast is right; DD is six months old but I feel like she was just born. :sad1:

We like the carts a lot too, highly underrated ride; happily that means there is rarely a line!

Dole whip!! My favorite (second only to Mickey ice cream bars, of course), I'm glad you guys enjoyed them. Are you pineapple or orange people? We are a house divided!

I like that you're dragging out the last day; just means I have more to read!:thumbsup2
Joining in!

Ok, so I'm REALLY late, and I have a HORRIBLE history of not reading other people's TRs to completion...but hey, I'm here.

For now.

Now, where were we?

Oh yeah - I have to read your TR! I'll get back to you...
How did I almost miss the whole thing??

Clare your TR is fabulous, and I humbly insist that you write them for all of your trips. We'll miss you on our August trip by 2 weeks!

So much to comment on that I cannot possibly remember it all, but I am looking forward to more adventures of your beautiful family, and of course your hair!


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