Ever see anything totally shocking and unexpected on a cruise?

It's still perfectly safe. What's so unsafe about assuming two women might be a couple? I know plenty of people who live and raise their children in Key West and the Conch life is a wonderful, rich upbringing for kids. Nothing like having a fully accepting, diverse society to teach kids that diversity isn't something to shun, be afraid of or ridicule.

Amen. It is attitudes like the poster you were responding to that make me request an individual table at dinner. I actually love the communal aspect of dining on ships, but after being made to feel very uncomfortable while dining this past summer on HAL (ironically by people in the group I was with), I will not put myself in the situation of having to keep quiet and be made uncomfortable that way or make other people uncomfortable - or worse be berated simply for being who I am...I'm not willing to have another uncomfortable dinner. I'd rather eat by myself.
Fast forward to my freshman year in college, circa 98 and my mom and I go back to KW for spring break. :scared1: um.... People thought she and I were a couple NOT mother and daughter. Yeah. I haven't been back to KW and don't plan on it. It's sad really because I remember when KW was a place I would have felt safe taking my child to visit but not anymore

I just took DS to KW in October and it was fine. It was even during fantasy fest, but I think all the participants were sleeping still as the most shocking thing we saw was an owner of a restaurant in slight drag. Which wasn't shocking. Reminded us of his uncle's partner's past, that's all.

I get that it's embarrassing to be thought to be your parent's partner. Or your sibling's! Got both of those in AZ because I was with my dad (29 years slider than me), my half brother (13 years younger than me), and my son. I was finally realizing that my dad's is a rotten parent and I just didn't care for his head games, and I had been crying. My brother, poor thing was raised by our dad (my mom had the sense to get out when I was 4 while his mom is still there), so he was having some torn loyalties there, was being both consoling and jerky. Then I had a kid who looked like neither of them. The server was trying to signal me that she cared and could help if I was in danger but couldn't figure it the dynamics at all.

Realizing that she was trying to guess which was my partner was icky but it was likely because she's seen it all before. A "oh that's my dad and brother" cleared it up immediately. Same with you. "She's my mom" or just calling her mom often and loudly would have cleared up the embarrassing misunderstandings.

I went there with two friends and my mom in '88 and it wasn't much different than it's rumored to be today. I think your younger trips were just lucky in your eyes that you didn't see whatever you saw in '98.
We were at Cabanas for breakfast on the Fantasy and as I'm walking around trying to decide what to put on my plate I notice a little child getting sick (vomiting) onto a plate that his mother was holding under his mouth. They were standing 2 feet away from the food stations. The plate was full, the floor was dirty but a cast member was standing nearby to assist them. I had no problem with what was actually happening, yes ok I lost my appetite a bit but of course kids can get sick...anywhere, they may not be able to hold it until they get to the bathroom. They did what they could. My shock came when that evening this same child and his mom were in the pool. I mean c'mon. This is how viruses spread like wild fire on ships! I thought that they isolate you for 24 hrs if this happens?
I would think she's referring more to the behavior that's been described in other posts (i.e., walking around naked or wearing a tube sock and nothing else, folks having sex on the street, etc) versus talking about issues with the diversity of the community :)

Been to Key West...Been to New Orleans...yeah, poor behavior isn't necessarily a diversity thing and more of a "let's see what a ton of alcohol will do to someone's inhibitions" type of thing :upsidedow

Yup. Exactly. Thank you.
We were at Cabanas for breakfast on the Fantasy and as I'm walking around trying to decide what to put on my plate I notice a little child getting sick (vomiting) onto a plate that his mother was holding under his mouth. They were standing 2 feet away from the food stations. The plate was full, the floor was dirty but a cast member was standing nearby to assist them. I had no problem with what was actually happening, yes ok I lost my appetite a bit but of course kids can get sick...anywhere, they may not be able to hold it until they get to the bathroom. They did what they could. My shock came when that evening this same child and his mom were in the pool. I mean c'mon. This is how viruses spread like wild fire on ships! I thought that they isolate you for 24 hrs if this happens?

This is the very reason I don't feel good about getting in a hot tub in the main area. There was lots of kids getting in and out. I think there was someone different in there every 3 minutes. It just seems like it would be a big tub of germs to me. Maybe I am wrong and the heat would kill everything - I hope.
We were at Cabanas for breakfast on the Fantasy and as I'm walking around trying to decide what to put on my plate I notice a little child getting sick (vomiting) onto a plate that his mother was holding under his mouth. They were standing 2 feet away from the food stations. The plate was full, the floor was dirty but a cast member was standing nearby to assist them. I had no problem with what was actually happening, yes ok I lost my appetite a bit but of course kids can get sick...anywhere, they may not be able to hold it until they get to the bathroom. They did what they could. My shock came when that evening this same child and his mom were in the pool. I mean c'mon. This is how viruses spread like wild fire on ships! I thought that they isolate you for 24 hrs if this happens?

This is the very reason I don't feel good about getting in a hot tub in the main area. There was lots of kids getting in and out. I think there was someone different in there every 3 minutes. It just seems like it would be a big tub of germs to me. Maybe I am wrong and the heat would kill everything - I hope.

Kids get upset tummies and throw up all the time and it's not always virus related - nerves, excitement, new foods, too much food, overtired, motion of the ship, too much sun - it is more likely NOT to be virus related.

Not all kids are walking bags of germs - sheesh! :sad2:
Amen. It is attitudes like the poster you were responding to that make me request an individual table at dinner. I actually love the communal aspect of dining on ships, but after being made to feel very uncomfortable while dining this past summer on HAL (ironically by people in the group I was with), I will not put myself in the situation of having to keep quiet and be made uncomfortable that way or make other people uncomfortable - or worse be berated simply for being who I am...I'm not willing to have another uncomfortable dinner. I'd rather eat by myself.

You can think how you like, and eat dinner with whomever you wish, but I'm not sure it's fair to put people who don't wish their children to see drunken behavior and/or graphic sexual activity on the streets in the same category as those who berate you simply for being who you are.
This is the very reason I don't feel good about getting in a hot tub in the main area. There was lots of kids getting in and out. I think there was someone different in there every 3 minutes. It just seems like it would be a big tub of germs to me. Maybe I am wrong and the heat would kill everything - I hope.

My son has thrown up twice on cruises, both due to big waves and getting sea sick.
The first time was on Disney after the evening show (a lot of people were throwing up), there was no quarantining.
The second time was on a Carnival ship and happened in the kids club. They wouldn't let him back into the club for a FULL 24hrs and he had to see the ship nurse first and get a paper saying he could come back. I was annoyed because it was obvious that it was sea sickness (the club was at the front of the ship and rocking like crazy). He was perfectly fine an hour later, but still had to way the 24hrs.

It's not always a virus that causes vomiting.....
Amen. It is attitudes like the poster you were responding to that make me request an individual table at dinner. I actually love the communal aspect of dining on ships, but after being made to feel very uncomfortable while dining this past summer on HAL (ironically by people in the group I was with), I will not put myself in the situation of having to keep quiet and be made uncomfortable that way or make other people uncomfortable - or worse be berated simply for being who I am...I'm not willing to have another uncomfortable dinner. I'd rather eat by myself.

Ah sweet diversity! Always cracks me up when people appear on one hand to be demanding that all people and views be respected, but then state they want nothing to do with people who think differently. :) Life is full of people masquerading a pumice stones! They will irritate and grate on your nerves...just as you will likely grate on others.
at ap on the last night of a 3 day cruise.
we were sitting at one of the tables for 8 right by the front door.
out walks a little girl maybe 9/10 with her hand over her mouth.
yep she was trying unsuccessfully to hold back throwing up.
she left a little trial of little droplets all the way out the door.
she hid it so well that i had to quietly get up and tell one of the cm at the door that the aisle needed cleaning, people were walking in it.
the mom followed her out and a little while latter she was back seemed to be ok.
all of us at our table all have had kids and it was like been there done that.
kids get sick and most of the time there is NO warning.
we all chalked it up to the all day self serve ice cream station.
Ah sweet diversity! Always cracks me up when people appear on one hand to be demanding that all people and views be respected, but then state they want nothing to do with people who think differently. :) Life is full of people masquerading a pumice stones! They will irritate and grate on your nerves...just as you will likely grate on others.

There is a big difference between irritating and grating on nerves and making someone feel unwelcome because of who they were created to be.
You can think how you like, and eat dinner with whomever you wish, but I'm not sure it's fair to put people who don't wish their children to see drunken behavior and/or graphic sexual activity on the streets in the same category as those who berate you simply for being who you are.

I may have misread the post, but it certainly read like the offense was her and her mother being mistaken for lovers.
There is a big difference between irritating and grating on nerves and making someone feel unwelcome because of who they were created to be.

No, it is the same process of an individual holding their individual sincere belief and demanding that their individual definition of correct thinking is the only way. Or put another way, nearly everyone can define their own point of view as "acceptable." A person openly proclaiming that everyone should be tolerated seems a bit hypocritical to state in the next breath "except" that guy. If in as a general premise there can be value judgements made about opinions, beliefs or practices then we are merely quibbling about which ones we like or dislike...there is no true moral highground to claim. Besides noone can may a person feel inferior without permission. Each individual has to decide whether to own the opinions of others.... we all get to choose whether to take to heart the opinion of some else......
No, it is the same process of an individual holding their individual sincere belief and demanding that their individual definition of correct thinking is the only way. Or put another way, nearly everyone can define their own point of view as "acceptable." A person openly proclaiming that everyone should be tolerated seems a bit hypocritical to state in the next breath "except" that guy. If in as a general premise there can be value judgements made about opinions, beliefs or practices then we are merely quibbling about which ones we like or dislike...there is no true moral highground to claim. Besides noone can may a person feel inferior without permission. Each individual has to decide whether to own the opinions of others.... we all get to choose whether to take to heart the opinion of some else......

Sorry, but those who are bullied do NOT give the bully permission.

If bullying and purposely making people feel inferior was ok, we would not be forced to take 6-hour "training" (torture for those of us who have lived the bullying nightmare) on preventing it.
There is a big difference between irritating and grating on nerves and making someone feel unwelcome because of who they were created to be.

When in a casino when I was younger in PR (yes, sometimes they're pretty loose with checking IDs...especially a long time ago - I was 17), I was there with my dad. I'd hit a very small jackpot at a slot machine and gave my dad a hug.

Drunk guy next to him asked my dad how the heck he got so lucky to bang such a "hot young chick", and then proceeded to ask how I was in bed and let my dad know in no uncertain and extremely graphic terms what he'd do if I was with him.

Dad punched him and knocked him out cold. :cool1: Needless to say he was insulted on several grounds.

In other words...nothing to do with orientation or anything else, and everything to do with some drunk _____ who picked the wrong guy to mess with.

I'm sure this can all be debated on another thread, since like the whole breasftfeeding thing a plethora of pages back it's starting to veer towards more serious ground...so back to the fun and crazy stories :hippie:
When in a casino when I was younger in PR (yes, sometimes they're pretty loose with checking IDs...especially a long time ago - I was 17), I was there with my dad. I'd hit a very small jackpot at a slot machine and gave my dad a hug.

Drunk guy next to him asked my dad how the heck he got so lucky to bang such a "hot young chick", and then proceeded to ask how I was in bed and let my dad know in no uncertain and extremely graphic terms what he'd do if I was with him.

Dad punched him and knocked him out cold. :cool1: Needless to say he was insulted on several grounds.

In other words...nothing to do with orientation or anything else, and everything to do with some drunk _____ who picked the wrong guy to mess with.

I'm sure this can all be debated on another thread, since like the whole breasftfeeding thing a plethora of pages back it's starting to veer towards more serious ground...so back to the fun and crazy stories :hippie:

It's fine. Hopefully I'll get my individual table - and if not I'll do Cabanas or room service on the nights I'm not in Palo so as not to disrupt anyone's "perfect" little hetero- and CIS-gender-normative world pretending that people just like them are the only people who exist in the world.
It's fine. Hopefully I'll get my individual table - and if not I'll do Cabanas or room service on the nights I'm not in Palo so as not to disrupt anyone's "perfect" little hetero- and CIS-gender-normative world pretending that people just like them are the only people who exist in the world.

Hetero, gay, bi, trans, etc - have plenty of friends and acquaintances who fit all the above and most of them have made plenty of comments about "geez get a room" or "knock it off we're trying to eat" when someone's gone past "that point."

Some folks are tolerant. Some are intolerant. That's obviously has nothing to do with orientation.
You can think how you like, and eat dinner with whomever you wish, but I'm not sure it's fair to put people who don't wish their children to see drunken behavior and/or graphic sexual activity on the streets in the same category as those who berate you simply for being who you are.

I've been traveling to Key West for 20 years and I have *yet* to see "graphic sexual activity on the streets". I guess I'm visiting the wrong Key West. :confused3

If you're there during Fantasy Fest that's your own fault. The rock is crowded that week and no fun anyway.
on a somber note...hate to bring this down, but curious as to how others would have handled it. We were on a cruise..that first hour you board and people are getting plates of food from the pizza place by the pool. I was sitting at a table watching my kids ride the Aquadunk or rather holding their shoes and such...when this pair of adorable, I mean Adorable sisters were struggling to carry their plates to their table...possibly 3 and 5 years old. WHY you would give a 3 year old a plate and have her walk all that distance is annoying...but the 3 year old's pizza slipped off the plate and fell flat on the cheese side. The horror that went across her eyes when this happened will forever be in my mind...I thought it odd until I heard the most abrasive/shouting/pretty much evil voice come towards her and grabbed her forcefully by the arm screaming at her, "What did you do that for?" Then a whole tirade. The 5 year old was trying to calm her sister and tell her it would be okay...every fiber (except one) in my body wanted to go and have a talk with the father...but that one fiber sensed that he was about to lose it and could get violent. So, I tried to get eye contact with the 3 year old and smiled at her reassuringly, that it's not a big deal...she's going to be okay...the father continued to run back and forth from the pizza place to the table and he was HOT...I hoped to see the mother so I could explain how her husband does not need to be near her children for the rest of the day...it still haunts me today to see a father on the first hour of the cruise being so incredibly evil and mean to two precious adorable children. Words can not describe his fury. :(
on a somber note...hate to bring this down, but curious as to how others would have handled it. We were on a cruise..that first hour you board and people are getting plates of food from the pizza place by the pool. I was sitting at a table watching my kids ride the Aquadunk or rather holding their shoes and such...when this pair of adorable, I mean Adorable sisters were struggling to carry their plates to their table...possibly 3 and 5 years old. WHY you would give a 3 year old a plate and have her walk all that distance is annoying...but the 3 year old's pizza slipped off the plate and fell flat on the cheese side. The horror that went across her eyes when this happened will forever be in my mind...I thought it odd until I heard the most abrasive/shouting/pretty much evil voice come towards her and grabbed her forcefully by the arm screaming at her, "What did you do that for?" Then a whole tirade. The 5 year old was trying to calm her sister and tell her it would be okay...every fiber (except one) in my body wanted to go and have a talk with the father...but that one fiber sensed that he was about to lose it and could get violent. So, I tried to get eye contact with the 3 year old and smiled at her reassuringly, that it's not a big deal...she's going to be okay...the father continued to run back and forth from the pizza place to the table and he was HOT...I hoped to see the mother so I could explain how her husband does not need to be near her children for the rest of the day...it still haunts me today to see a father on the first hour of the cruise being so incredibly evil and mean to two precious adorable children. Words can not describe his fury. :(

Some fathers shouldn't procreate. They just weren't meant to be a father.


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