Ever see yourself in another's DVC photo?


"Have itch...MUST see Mouse!"
Aug 2, 2005
Just curious...

Like so many of us looking through posted photos on the
DIS...you have to wonder if you'll ever see a photo of yourself taken
with another's camera...

Anyone ever see yourself?
OMG Yes!!! My husband was looking through someone's photo's that they posted and saw someone that looked like me so he printed it out. The photo was taken at AK. The person posting the photo was there the same time we were. It was a picture of me from behind. I was walking on the bridge over the Kali river rapids ride. I was walking over to the bridge to take a picture of my husband and kids on the ride. It was kinda cool!!!
Although I haven't, I've often wondered about the reverse. I take lots of cute pictures of characters interacting with kids and I often wonder if, when I post them, anyone's going to see their child. Alas, I haven't taken pictures of any DISer's child with a character yet.
I saw a photo of Simba's Mom once; couldn't figure out why she looked so familiar. I knew that we had never met....

turns out that she looks very similar to my buddy who often travels to a Disney park with me!
We got one of the promotional video/DVDs from WDW. There was a scene shot in Chef Mickeys, during the section on resorts and restuarants. And there was a quick shot of the back of DH bald head. There he was in his denium shorts and sleeveless tank shirt (that I HATE). We even slowed it frame by frame to try and see the most we could of him. I was mostly blocked by another diner, by the angle.

It was interesting to see that shot in the promotional video for the following couple of years...... it was just a quick pan, it was just a blast to see it.
A few years ago, I ran across a picture of a woman that another DIS'r posted. That woman looked exactly like me!

It wasn't me, but it sure could have been - Unfortunately, I lost all track of it in a computer changover and have never been able to find it again.

Sure hope whoever that person was is an upstanding citizen!


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