Every-ONE is coming up DAISY!!! WDW & WWoHP w/ LOTS of pics - FINISHED 10/13, p 24

Sounds like you're having a great Spring - baseball, little boys and puppies!:yay: I hope the storms stop hitting you.

Too bad That Splash and Space were a no-go, but at least you could take Seth on the train! I love the punzel bathroom! I haven't noticed the hair on the logo before - too funny! :rotfl2:

Sounds like your next post will have quite a story. :popcorn:
Seth is such a little doll! There isn't anything better than Disney tired!! :thumbsup2

We love Ohana! Even on all adult trips my DH requests we go there.
Such a shame you weren't able to ride Space but how great you remembered the train for Seth :)

I love all your PP photos, Seth is such a cutie :goodvibes
Boone is adorable! And Seth's t-ball pictures are too cute. Watching little kids play t-ball is one of the funniest/cutest things ever!

Sounds like your last full day at Disney was going great so far! I'm glad Seth finally got to ride the train! Woo! Too bad he wasn't tall enough for Splash, but that just means you HAVE to go back soon! :goodvibes
All caught up! If you can believe it, it took me going back to work (off maternity leave) to catch up. 2 kids (toddler and newborn) are no joke! I barely had time to eat and shower while I was on leave! :)

Great updates! I keep trying to talk my parents into going back. AJ watched the Disney Parks DVD the other day (he picked it out to watch, I really and truly did NOT influence him in any way). He said, "I've been there and I want to go back!" He went at 9.5 months old so I don't think he remembers but I showed him the photos the other day so he remembered that! LOL. Anyway, I had to tell my parents! :) I'm breaking them down, slowly but surely!

Baby Will is 2 months old so they want to wait until he is older. They did mention Thanksgiving Day week. He'd be about 8.5 months old then, but geez, the crowds.

Anyway, I'm living vicariously through your TR! :) And thanks again for the clothes you gave me a few years ago. Now I've got another kid wearing them!! :)
It's me. No, I didn't fall off the face off the earth. Please accept my apologies. Life and work and Disney travel (not for me, unfortunately) have been kicking my hiney, but in a good way. Just haven't had time to update! I'm off today and after lunch with a friend don't have a ton to do, so I'm hoping to finish this off today. Keep your fingers crossed! And thanks for your patience. :)
Okay, let's see if I can knock this baby out!

When I had last left you (a few months ago :blush:) we had decided to take an afternoon break. We headed back to Magic Kingdom after Seth took a good nap. I don't know if I mentioned this before but on our way out earlier I had noticed the return time for FPs to meet the princesses was around the time we planned on returning to MK, so I grabbed one. Seth isn't huge into princesses but he LOVED Rapunzel ("Punzel") at that time so I knew he'd love meeting her.

Entering the princess meet area in Town Square Theater.....

The wait was pretty quick and first up was Aurora. Seth had no idea who she was. :rotfl: He's since gotten more into the movie he calls "Maleficent" but at that point I don't think he remembered this princess at all!

Next was Seth's favorite girl, Punzel!!!! He loved (and still loves) Tangled!

Wait....is that....PUNZEL????

Here he's just looking at me like, "Mom, I don't know what to do with myself.....it's Punzel!!"

Pretty sure he was smitten. :lovestruc

Next was Cinderella. Seth kinda knew who she was. He was cheesing it up by that point!

Continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=52446419&postcount=349
Back out to Main Street we go. The time was.....

Saying hi to Cinderella Castle as we pass by....

The next goal for the evening was to meet one of Seth's all-time favorites, Buzz Lightyear. We rounded the corner in Tomorrowland and, bingo, there he was! So we hopped in line. Seth was pretty stoked.....

Our view as we waited.....

The main....or space ranger.....himself.....

When it was our turn and we walked up to him, Seth became a shy ball of nerves. He was star struck. It was really cute!

Granny had to get a picture with Buzz too!

One more look from Seth....it really IS Buzz Lightyear!!

Next it was time to ride Buzz's ride! The wait was no more than 10 minutes or so.

My score. I stink at this ride.

Granny's score. She got lucky.


I think he liked Zurg!

Again, I can't remember the exact order here but at some point I went to ride Space Mountain while Mom and Seth rode the People Mover (this could have happened earlier in the day....not sure). Only the single rider line that I swore existed at Space Mountain didn't exist, and the standby was 60 minutes, so I nixed it. I was super disappointed because I love Space. But oh well. I decided to ride the People Mover with Mom and Seth again.

We went by the Barnstormer and the wait was about 20 minutes, so we hopped in line. Seth was doing great with waiting and then just before we got to the loading area the ride broke down. We waited another 10 minutes or so and then a nearby CM said it was going to be awhile. :( By that point it was time to go get a spot for MSEP, so we didn't get to ride Barnstormer. I was SO disappointed! :worried:

Continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=52446450&postcount=350

We got a spot for MSEP right near the hub. He could sit and stare at that castle all afternoon!

After we got settled in our spot Mom saved it for us while Seth and I headed back to Fantasyland for another ride.

Time to ride the horsies!

Had to get this shot. :)

We swung by the Barnstormer again just to check and still broken down.

We got back to our seats and had another 20 minutes or so until the parade started. I decided to run to Casey's to get some food to snack on. It was madness there. The line was out the door. Here's where it gets interesting!

So I'm waiting in THE ONE LINE that was out the door. There was one line. It was clear there was one line. A man walks by me and all the people in front of me and sort of forms his own line. I remember it clearly. He was wearing an orange shirt with a corvette on the back. I'm the type of person who will politely point out to someone where the back of the line is, but I was so tired at that point I didn't say a word. Probably should've said something.....

As we get inside the line sort of breaks up into a few lines. There was really no organization to it....you just sort of hop in whatever line looks best. Here's a picture to give you an idea...

As the mass of people moved forward, somehow I ended up standing next to orange corvette t-shirt line breaker guy. So we are standing side by side in adjacent lines and the guy in front of us that just finished ordering happens to move in the direction which allows the cashier to ask me what I'd like before the line breaker (karma's a you-know-what). I start to give her my order, and the line breaker interrupts me and loudly says, "Excuse me, but since she broke line I'd like (insert his order here)."

My mouth fell open.....:faint:

And then this happened....

Me - Are you serious?

Rude Line Breaker Jerk (RLBJ) - Yes, I am. You broke line.

Me - Dude, I was standing in line 10 minutes ago and watched you walk right past me and about 5 other people to break in. I remember it because I saw your orange corvette shirt walk right by me. But I didn't say a word because I'm a grownup.

RLBJ - No, you're a b*tch.

Me - Really? At Disney World???

RLBJ - Yes.

Me - Okay, have a great evening.

RLBJ - Eff you. (Only he didn't say eff.)

Me - :eek:

Nice Young Man Behind Us (NYM) - Hey, man, watch your language.

RLBJ - Eff you too. (Only he didn't say eff again.)

NYM - Really? You're gonna go there? How bout we take this outside????

Me - Seriously, ignore him. He's not worth getting thrown out of the park for.

At this point the testosterone had kicked in and they were in each other's faces, doing the chest bowing thing. The poor cashiers were just standing there like deer in headlights, so I just ordered what I wanted while the situation diffused itself behind me.

I didn't see the rude guy again after that. I don't know if he left or what. I did see the guy that was behind me that stepped in. He was standing near the condiments with a woman who I think was his wife or girlfriend and he was still fuming.

So, after that pleasant experience, I headed back to our spot with a hot dog to split with Granny, some fries to split among everyone and some cotton candy for Seth (his favorite).

This view always helps calm my nerves....

Time for a parade!!!

Seth liked the Tink float. Right after this trip is when his Tink obsession started. Wish I would've known how into her he was going to be, I would have made sure he met her!

My favorite girl!

Continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=52446458&postcount=351
Love the stepsisters!

We just kept our spot for Wishes. Seth did great with waiting. There was a nice family nearby and their kids entertained him. My mom decided she was the sidewalk police and every time someone would try to break through where we were sitting she'd say loudly "There's a sidewalk right over there!!!!!" :lmao: I think she was getting a little tired.

Time for some fireworks!!

Of course after that it was the sad walk down Main Street to leave the park.

Bye, Magic Kingdom. I love you!!

We took the boat back to the Polynesian. It was a pretty ride!

We met up with Terrie and Joshua there and went back to the condo. We hit the road the next morning. Seth was ready to head back home with all his Disney friends!

So that's it, folks! To sum it up....

My second trip with my little guy was a blast, and I can't wait to go back with him soon!

I loved going to Disney World with my mom. She had a blast and was so thankful she got to experience it with Seth.

I LOOOOOVED the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Can't wait until Seth is old enough to read the books with me and we will return to see it and Diagon Alley!

I will never again go in late May. The crowds and heat were horrid. In fact, pretty sure I won't go any time after very early May or before first week of October. I like the milder weather!

Thanks again for reading! And again, sorry this took so long. I enjoyed sharing it with you guys! :goodvibes
Yay, I'm so glad you came back and finished! Seth is a cutie patootie. Glad you had a great trip. I agree with you about the weather. Nothing after 5/15 and before 10/15!

That dude at Casey's was scary! I'm glad you got away form it before it escalated any more.

Jill in CO
So glad you came back to finish your report!

The pics with the princesses and Buzz were cute. Sorry you had to deal with the rude guy.

We just came back from a trip 9/25 to 10/2 and it was pretty hot then too. I like it in the Winter time, that's my goal for next time to go early December or January/February.

Hope you get back there soon and write about it
Great finish to the report. I love your saying at the end....I love you Magic Kingdom!:)
Sorry about the rude guy, too bad that is a memory of the night. Seth is adorable, I'm sure he is looking forward to Halloween and trick or treat.
Boy - You saved the best for last!!! ;)

A really wonderful afternoon/evening at MK and then you went into Casey's.:scared1:

Glad the NYM stepped up but that guy was a eff. :lmao:

Worth the wait for the finale. :goodvibes I totally get the busy.... I am right there with you.

Thanks for finishing this one up.


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