Everything I touch turns to broken. A fantastic Festival of the Arts Trip – January 2023 (Updated 6/22!!)

Day 3, Part 4: Takumi-Tei!

After a nice break back at the room, I made my way back to Epcot at 5:10. I had dinner reservations this evening at Takumi-Tei!!!!

I was so excited about this. I’ve been wanting to eat here since they opened in 2019!

On the way into Epcot I saw this fancy pants boat that I’ve never seen in the Epcot area before. I think it was for the convention that was there this week, there was a big, I think energy, conference that was at the YC while I was there.

I arrived at the check-in about 30 minutes before my reservation, but they were more than happy to accommodate me. They did however show me the price of the meal before guiding me in, I guess they want to make sure people are aware of the high price tag before they sit down!

The host guided me inside and spent a moment explaining the different elements in the main hall (Earth, water, paper, wood…I think there was another, I failed at writing it down), before leading me to my table.

This evening I was in the Earth room and was at a four top table in the corner. They oddly had the place setting on the outside of the table so I would be facing the wall while I ate, which at first I wasn’t a fan of, but in the end it worked out well that I wasn’t facing the room/onlookers (more on that in a minute).

Shortly after I was seated the waitress came over to explain the menu to me. As she is going over the menu, I feel my nose running, so grab a tissue from my bag to dab it, only to look down and see the tissue covered in blood! NOOOOO!!!!!

What awful timing. The waitress looked absolutely horrified that I was bleeding at the table (and I don’t blame her!)

I assured her that this was (unfortunately) a normal thing that happens to me in the winter when it’s really dry, and I guess with the winds there the past few days (it had been super windy that week) my nose had really dried up! But omg, how embarrassing!

The waitress ran to get me some cocktail napkins since I only had two tissues with me. Fortunately, the nose bleed stopped really quickly and I didn’t need to use them! Yikes, how embarrassing.

Once the nosebleed stopped, the waitress got back to explaining the menu.

It is an omakase menu, which is basically the chefs choice, however you can select an entrée and the dessert.

For the entrée I ended up selecting the A5 Wagyu from Japan (one of the main reasons I wanted to eat here), and for dessert I asked the waitress what her favorite was, which was the strawberry sorbet so ordered that. I also order the Sakurajima as my drink.

Shortly after ordering they brought out a warm towel to clean up, and soon after my drink arrived.

This was a great presentation, and an absolutely delicious drink!

While admiring the drink, my first course was brought out, the appetizers!

This evening the appetizers consisted of: a chilled crab salad, a sea urchin with seaweed in a vinegar base, wilted spinach with fish roe, tofu with wasabi, and edamame.

My favorite of the appetizers was the sea urchin, which was a surprise! I was surprised I enjoyed the fish roe as much as I did as well. It had a very mild flavor with a hint of saltiness.

The next course was the sushi course. This included a tuna roll, red snapper, scallops, and eel.

I was expecting the roll to be my favorite, however I was once again surprised that the eel ended up being my fave! The server did note when she brought the dish that the chef had already seasoned the sushi, and I must say they did a phenomenal job. I have never had sushi this flavorful! Usually I very generously dip my sushi in soy sauce, but with these they were perfect just as the chef seasoned them, they didn’t need anything else!

The roll was a bit oversized and ended up being a mess to eat since it was too big for a single bite. Fortunately I was facing the wall, so no one saw my struggle! :rotfl:

The next course was the lobster tempura. This was the first warm dish of the evening and I was ready for some hot food at that point! The batter was lightly applied so didn’t overwhelm the lobster and was perfectly crispy. I was impressed at the size of the lobster pieces, they certainly did not skimp!

This came with a yuzu salt to sprinkle on top and a ponzu sauce. The salt was really good, I loved the way it enhanced the dish! I preferred the salt to the sauce, the sauce while good, I just liked the flavor of the salt better.

After the lobster tempura, the next dish was the sashimi. This came with three fish, two types of tuna and a snapper. The snapper ended up being my favorite of the three, it had a very earthy, umami, flavor that hit at the back of the mouth and was just amazingly delicious. Once again, the sashimi was already seasoned by the chef, and was seasoned perfectly!

Finally it was the course I was the most excited about, the main course with A5 Wagyu!

This came with three sauces, pearl onions, potatoes, and mushrooms.

I absolutely loved this dish. The steak was so tender it practically melted in my mouth. The sauces were good, but the one I enjoyed the most was the white potato sauce. I took my time with this course, savoring every bite, it was just so delicious!

After the main course was the seasonal broth course, which this day was a miso soup.

This was so comforting and flavorful. I took my time sipping it and contemplating what an amazing meal it had already been.

It was finally time for the dessert course. I had ordered the strawberry yuzu sorbet at my server’s recommendation, and I’m so glad I did.

The sorbet was just the right amount of sweetness, and there were these tiny mint sugar balls scattered about the plate that had this great crunch and explosion of mint flavor when you bit into them that paired perfectly with the sorbet.

Once I finished with the dessert the tea service was brought out. They prepare it for you at the table and then explain why they prepared it the way they do. Now I’m not the biggest tea drinker, so I was very impressed at how good this tea was!

The dinner service wrapped up with a parting “gift” of an origami Mickey with a thank you note for dining with them.

While this meal was very expensive, I’m so glad I did it! I do have to say though, even though my mom is quite the foodie, I’m glad I did it without her. This meal is very heavy on raw fish, so for people who aren’t a huge fan of that, this is a huge price to pay for a meal that only half the courses would appeal to them. This is why I’m glad my mom didn’t do this one with me, she has never had sushi before so I have no idea if she even likes it, and $250 is a lot of money to test out ones liking of sushi!

I would definitely eat here again though, it was a great experience, and every single item on the menu was delicious!

After wrapping up dinner I considered heading to do some night time photopass pictures, but on my way over I was hit by this wave of exhaustion, so decided it would be best to head back to the YC to rest and call it a day.

NEXT UP: I Guess I Should go to the Magic Kingdom at Least Once this Trip!

Day 3 Stats:

Steps: 24,422

Miles: 10.81

Broken Things: My nose (ish)
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On the way into Epcot I saw this fancy pants boat that I’ve never seen in the Epcot area before. I think it was for the convention that was there this week, there was a big, I think energy, conference that was at the YC while I was there.
We've seen this fancy boat in Crescent Lake. It usually has food and a bar and looks like it is used for entertaining special people.
I would definitely eat here again though, it was a great experience, and every single item on the menu was delicious!
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. :)
while I’m not a fan of sushi, I do hope to one day love reading about Taskumi Tei. Always seems like an epic meal and atmosphere.

And incase anyone is stuck in a position like VA Tink with a bloody nose, do the old Girl Scout trick (it’s actually a well known first aid truck as well, but more common in Girl Scouts and you’ll find out why very soon): if you have a tampon, you can use that for bloody noses! Oddly enough how they are trained in the military for certain wounds.
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We've seen this fancy boat in Crescent Lake. It usually has food and a bar and looks like it is used for entertaining special people.
Oh cool! I wish they would invite me to go on, it looked really nice!
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. :)
It was so good, I want to go back, although I wish they would bring back the a la carte menu as well so I could save some money!
while I’m not a fan of sushi, I do hope to one day love reading about Taskumi Tei. Always seems like an epic meal and atmosphere.
It's such a beautiful restaurant, I definitely want to go back. It's too bad they do have the a la carte menu anymore so you could get stuff other than sushi. I wonder if they'll bring that back at some point.
And incase anyone is stuck in a position like VA Tink with a bloody nose, do the old Girl Scout trick (it’s actually a well known first aid truck as well, but more common in Girl Scours and you’ll find out why very soon): if you have a tampon, you can use that for bloody noses! Oddly enough how they are trained in the military for certain wounds.
HA! If only I had one with me! Although I'm not sure what the poor waitress would think if I had a tampon hanging out of my nose :rotfl:
It's such a beautiful restaurant, I definitely want to go back. It's too bad they do have the a la carte menu anymore so you could get stuff other than sushi. I wonder if they'll bring that back at some point.

HA! If only I had one with me! Although I'm not sure what the poor waitress would think if I had a tampon hanging out of my nose :rotfl:
I feel like I would’ve really liked it in the ala cart menu.

And yes I’ve witnessed weirder but it happens lololololol
And incase anyone is stuck in a position like VA Tink with a bloody nose, do the old Girl Scout trick (it’s actually a well known first aid truck as well, but more common in Girl Scours and you’ll find out why very soon): if you have a tampon, you can use that for bloody noses! Oddly enough how they are trained in the military for certain wounds.

This is what I have been doing when DS (he is 17) gets a nose bleed. He just started getting them a lot recently and they have been pretty bad. It was the only thing I could think when he got a really bad one and it wouldn't stop bleeding. It does keep you from checking frequently to see if it stopped bleeding.

Day 4, Part 1: I guess I Should go to the Magic Kingdom at Least Once this Trip!

Finally after too many sleepless night I slept the night before my MK day!!!!

I wish I could have slept in to make up for the lack of sleep, but I had to get ready and get to the buses.

This morning I planned on buying G+ again, so shortly after waking around 6:15 I tried to book it, but once again it showed I wasn’t eligible. Now since I already had gone through this two days earlier, I just sent them a message through the app and figured they would get it worked out like they had before.

Well this time a different CM responded and basically said tough luck, nothing I can do.

Seriously? :oops:

She did give me a phone number to call, and even though it said they wouldn’t answer until 7, she noted they were there now and would answer.

So I called and sure enough they answered. I explained the situation and how it had already happened earlier in the week. The CM on the phone also had no idea what to do and just told me to use the leftover tickets from September.

Um, no. Seriously, why would I use leftover tickets for this day when I already had a ticket for this day? That’s basically like you’re stealing my money Disney!

So I pressed the issue until she finally put me on hold and went to get a supervisor.

This was taking a really long time, and I really wanted to hop in the shower and get ready so I could be on the first bus. So I got the shower started and figured I could leave my phone on speakerphone while I got in and just hop out when the CM came back.

Well, I was about to get in the shower when the CM came back and admitted that she was wrong and that they had fixed it and I should be able to book G+ with my tickets for that week now.


So after hanging up I quickly booked G+ then took a quick shower.

At 7 I booked a LL for Thunder with a return time of 10:15. My plan for the morning was to rope drop Buzz, then do Peoplemover, Pirates, HM, then use my LL for Thunder before heading out for my mid day break. I also planned to book LL return times for other rides for later in the evening for when I’d be back.

I quickly got ready, while watching the bus times. It was about the 4th time I checked the bus times that I suddenly realized that I was looking at the bus times for the BC, not the YC! NOOOOO!!!!!

So the app has updated so if you’re staying at the BC or YC, the bus arrival time is kind of combined when you open it, and opens to show BC arrival times, you have to switch to the YC tab at the top of the screen to see the YC arrival times! Eek!

Of course once I switch I see a bus is supposed to arrive in 5 minutes. HA!

I ended up rushing to finish getting ready then booked it downstairs. Fortunately my room was right across from the elevators so it was a short walk!

I made it out of the lobby at 7:13, just as the MK bus was pulling up! Phew!

It was a quick ride to the MK, thankfully the MK bus does not share with the BC in the morning like the AK one does!

Once at the MK I headed through security, but once again was pulled aside for additional screening. I seriously cannot figure out what is setting off the scanner. Is it my credit card? Chapstick? I had nothing large/metallic in my bag! It’s so confusing!

Although it was actually a good thing I was pulled aside for additional security this morning since it gave the CMs at the tapstiles to get in position to open the ones on the far right side. So all the people on my bus who breezed through security ended up in the back of the line at the far left tapstiles, meanwhile I was second in line at the far right ones since I had to wait for security! Score!

They let us in at 7:45, and I rushed down Main Street to find a photopass photographer with no line! It seems everyone had this same idea, so I didn't get to an empty one until just in front of the castle. But I did get the pictures with no one in them! Wahoo!

I then headed back the way I came stopping at the photopass photographers I had passed earlier to get more pictures.

Once I had enough of photopass I strolled through the stores a bit. It was nice going inside, it was COLD this morning (apparently 48 degrees according to a text I sent my mom!).

I didn’t see anything I liked in the Emporium, but I did find a ring across the street in the jewelry (I think it’s a Pandora) store that I loved, so of course bought it.

After purchasing the ring it was 8:20 and early entry was supposed to start at 8:30, so I went to join the crowd gathered on the bridge to Tomorrowland.

Next up: Back to Breaking Everything!
I then headed back the way I came stopping at the photopass photographers I had passed earlier to get more pictures.
I see that it didn't take long for the crowd to show up in the background. :)
It was nice going inside, it was COLD this morning (apparently 48 degrees according to a text I sent my mom!).
We've had some pretty cold weather in January and early February. I hope it warmed up for you later.

Have you been able to solve the problem of Genie+ so that it doesn't keep happening?
I'm sure people would object to Genie+ regardless but goodness all the tech issues do NOT help! Great photopass pictures and what a cute ring!
Once at the MK I headed through security, but once again was pulled aside for additional screening. I seriously cannot figure out what is setting off the scanner. Is it my credit card? Chapstick? I had nothing large/metallic in my bag! It’s so confusing!
Did you have sunglasses in your bag? I heard this sets it off. We just got back and the first day DH got pulled aside. Then I remembered someone mentioned the glasses so I puled them out each time after that and never got stopped.
I see that it didn't take long for the crowd to show up in the background. :)
Haha, they came in quick! It was actually complete madness at rope drop, people were sprinting down the street to get to the photopass photographers before anyone else. I've never seen it so bad! Guess everyone wants that *perfect* shot these days!
We've had some pretty cold weather in January and early February. I hope it warmed up for you later.
It got nice as the day went on, but yeah, first thing in the morning it was cold! We had a very mild winter in DC, so this was actually a bit shocking!
Have you been able to solve the problem of Genie+ so that it doesn't keep happening?
Um.....hopefully! The CMs said they got it fixed without using my leftover tickets, but I guess we'll see in September when I try to use those tickets. Fingers crossed everything works out!
I'm sure people would object to Genie+ regardless but goodness all the tech issues do NOT help! Great photopass pictures and what a cute ring!
Right? What a pain to deal with, especially that early in the morning. Just hoping this whole thing didn't mess up the leftover tickets for our September trip!
Did you have sunglasses in your bag? I heard this sets it off. We just got back and the first day DH got pulled aside. Then I remembered someone mentioned the glasses so I puled them out each time after that and never got stopped.
Nope, had them on my head. I think it's something with the bag, it's always given me trouble at security. I can have the same items in a different bag and never get pulled for additional screening, but every time I use the Dug back I do. Maybe there's some metal in there I'm just not aware of? :confused3


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