*Exchangers-Come and join us for the QOTD & Chat w/us* Part 2-Our New Thread

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In grade school, a friend gave me a basket for May Day once. I think, traditionally, it includes flowers, and maybe candy?

I've never celebrated May Day before, but this year (albeit a bit late), my DS will have a May Day celebration at his school. Should be fun! :)

What sort of celebration or preformance will they be doing?

My kids will have one as well. I think they are singing a song, and dancing hula.

Thank you cousinbb for posting the past QOTDs. leith78 will be doing the QOTDs for this week :)
I think they'll sing a song and dance around a May Pole. It's something they do every year at DS's school, and is something the kids look forward to.
Do you subscribe to Netflix? If so, what are some of the shows in your queue?

We do subscribe, but only do the streaming. We don't have cable anymore, so we really only watch the shows available on Netflix. One of my new favorites, is a reality show called "Flying Wild Alaska." It's about a family that runs an airline that goes to the small villages in remote Alaska.
We used to have Netflix but it slowed down our entire Internet line and the movies and shows would take forever to download so we got rid of it
I had joined in on two garage sales before, and had only gone to two since my cousin's daughter wanted to go to them. Just looked, and did not purchase anything.
Yeah I go to them when they are within walking distance. Never really found a gem at them tho lol
I've never hosted a garage sale, but I've recently started going to them. I can't say that I've found a gem, but I have found some good deals.
Three. California, Hawaii, and Las Vegas.

I am not fond of traveling. I get motion sick fast, and do not like to deal with airports. But, I do like to see what the other states/islands here in Hawai has to offer, and do enjoy my vacations when I am on them.

Favorites from them....it depends on what we are doing. But I do like Vegas. The lights, family and friends are there, shopping, fruit picking.....
How many of the 50 states have you been to in the US? Any favorites?

I have to think... (smell the smoke! Ha!) Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. This isn't easy. Though most of the northeastern states we just drove through. My first husband was an over-the-road truck driver (briefly) and I went with him to New Hampshire to deliver a load. Oh, California, Nevada and Hawaii.
hmm.... I've been too..... about 13 states. mostly just up and down the east coast.
I'm going to guess, and say that I've been to at least 30 states. I've lived on both coasts, and in the middle of the country. And, my family likes to take road trips. :) I think my one of my favorite states is Montana. Absolutely beautiful.
Have you ever tried the exercise program, Zumba? It's becoming so popular now, and I'm curious if anyone here done it.

I have not yet tried Zumba, although it looks pretty fun.
Have you ever been to a planetarium?

I used to go for field trips during grade school, but haven't been since then. It was always so neat. I'm going to have to take my DSs when they get a bit older.
Never, but would like to one of these days. The only one here is a 2 1/2 hour drive from where we live.
Have you ever tried the exercise program, Zumba? It's becoming so popular now, and I'm curious if anyone here done it.

I have not yet tried Zumba, although it looks pretty fun.

nope never tried it but it does look like it would be fun to :)

Have you ever been to a planetarium?

I used to go for field trips during grade school, but haven't been since then. It was always so neat. I'm going to have to take my DSs when they get a bit older.

Yes I have been to one. It was really cool!
Thank you very much leith78 for putting together this past weeks QOTDs. I enjoy reading yours, and cousinbb's QOTD. Will see if the both of you would like to be guest posters again soon.

Todays QOTD is-
When you are selecting a buffet, what type of foods do you look for? Ex. Seafood, prime rib, some type of Ethnic food, a good variety of desserts....?
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