Extreme Makeover: TAGLIARCHY Edition

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My baby has a series of tests tomorrow - we are seeing a geneticist for her numerous tiny issues to see if, taken together, they mean anything more serious. So I will be out all day.

Take care everyone, and please do not get ice cream on the rugs in the media room - I have grown very fond of it.
Hey everyone....

I actually like having the threads together. It may take a few days for everyone to let the conversations get together, but I agree with the all knowing Tag Fairy...I think we are all better back together...JMHO...

OK, I am a bachelor tonight!!! DW is visiting her sister!!!! What should I do???

OH, I forgot, I have to fold laundry tonight (No More Clean Underpants in my drawer... )

See you all later...

Hello all - hey ohanafamily, I'm folding laundry to tonight :) . I gotta say though, I do have clean underpants in my drawer (you know, us woman have a different color of underwear per every outfit we own :rotfl: ) I'll be folding my laundry in front of the TV after the girls are in bed.

DHSsenior007 - sorry you are feeling under the weather. I hope you are feeling better soon. Here's some PD coming your way!! :wizard:

castlegazer - good luck tomorrow with your babies tests. PD to you too!! :wizard: How old is your baby? Please let us know how everything goes.

Danauk - it's good to hear that you had another good day at school. I hope all continues to go well.

Okay, I have a question for you guys. I was wondering if I could have an artifact for being operator of the M&M pool here at our wonderful castle. I do believe that diving into a pool of M&M's will attract the Tag Fairy, especially now that she/he has their own room here at the castle. Please talk it over amoungst yourselves and let me know what you think. Thanks!!!

Alright, I gotta go and throw BabyKate in the tub, which is always a challenge, and then put her to bed. Talk to you all later

slo :wave:
Thanks for all the PD everyone, I'm starting to feel better, but not a 100%...

Slo, I like your idea for your artifact. I'm all for it... I don't know if there is an electing committee or anything or people who say, okay, you can get an artifact. Anywho... you have my vote! ;)
slo, an M&M pool sounds like a good Idea to me, but the question is, is an M&M pool too close to a hot tub (Kismetdreams artifact) I mean we must debate a little before bestowing an artifact...

(Oh, and RRBB is at her suster's house this week, so she can't make the image...)

DHSsenior007, Glad you are feeling better...

Danauk, :wave2:

I skived off the laundry until tomorrow night. The Dishwasher has been husband-proofed ;) so I may not be able to get it open...:confused3
Oh, what an excuse...:rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I went to see Fantastic 4, it was OK, I was a little let down by some of the changes that they made from the relationships in the original comic books, but it was a fun movie (I needed a break)

Oh well, it is off to go to bed. WITHOUT TAKING OFF MY SOCKS or BRUSHING MY TEETH!!!!!

Chocolate Dreams...

Hello everyone, I had a long 6 hour trip to San Antonio. I was good (most of the time) but am very tired now. We hope to have a fun time here this week!!!

Oh, Daddy, Mommy has a message for you.....I am not sure what some of the words she is saying means, but I think there is a
"NO YOU WON'T" implied.
If anyone can spare some more prayers and pd...

Our oldest nephew, Andrew--age 16, has just been diagnosed with a genetic degenerative eye disease and will soon be seeing an eye surgeon at John Hopkins (top notch eye center is there). He was prescribed glasses last year (20/25) and now he is at 20/1200. I was worried on Sunday when NC Beast's mom mentioned that Andrew had white spots on his retinas. Andrew had stopped wearing his glasses back during the winter and never mentioned how bad his vision was becoming. His grades were bad during the past term (I don't know why his mom (BIL's 1st wife) didn't do anything sooner.. oh well..a lot of whys and what ifs).
Thank you for the Starbucks coffee, mmmmmmmmmmmmm good. Good morning everyone. It's another beautiful day in Massachusetts.

OH my just read about your nephew. Please take care and I'm sending positive thoughts your way.
NC Belle said:
If anyone can spare some more prayers and pd...

Our oldest nephew, Andrew--age 16, has just been diagnosed with a genetic degenerative eye disease and will soon be seeing an eye surgeon at John Hopkins (top notch eye center is there). He was prescribed glasses last year (20/25) and now he is at 20/1200. I was worried on Sunday when NC Beast's mom mentioned that Andrew had white spots on his retinas. Andrew had stopped wearing his glasses back during the winter and never mentioned how bad his vision was becoming. His grades were bad during the past term (I don't know why his mom (BIL's 1st wife) didn't do anything sooner.. oh well..a lot of whys and what ifs).

Prayers and PD going straight to your nephew Andrew. Please keep us filled in on his health and tell him you have many friends that are thinking for him.
ohanafamily said:
slo, an M&M pool sounds like a good Idea to me, but the question is, is an M&M pool too close to a hot tub (Kismetdreams artifact) I mean we must debate a little before bestowing an artifact...

(Oh, and RRBB is at her suster's house this week, so she can't make the image...)

Thanks ohanafamily - I look forward to what you all decide will be a good artifact.

Oh.....I hoped you enjoyed sleeping with your socks on and not brushing your teeth :rotfl:
Hey everyone!!!!!

NC Belle, I have been having lots of eye problems of late, it is no fun. lot of PD to your DN..

slo, I didn't sleep very well last night, I am stressed from work; I have battles to fight today, and an office to clean....BTW, I posted on your "Hate it" thread...

BTW, RRBB stepped on a carpet tack last night and it took a chunk out of her toe. She was thinking about getting a tetanus shot, I don't know if it will effect TagBabyIan's milk... Any of you mommies know???

OK, I also made my cruise decision... I can't book an Oct 2006 cruise until 11 months out. So I have until December to decide. I will wait until early September to see what DVC has to offer...

Just a quick check in.

NCBelle, tons of PD towards your nephew and family! I can't even imagine what that would be like...
Did someone mention Chocolate chip pancakes?

And whos the guy without socks and the bad breath?
Hey edcrbnsoul, We hired a baby proofing service for our house, I wonder whether there is a Daddy-proofing service... They can Daddy-proof the washer and dryer...The Vacuum Cleaner, Dishwasher...Laundry hamper... make sure that the TV WON'T TURN OFF, and selects between the current game and the x-rated satellite channels...Hmmm whaddya think?

BTW, are we on for Monday 10/24, and for how many?????


OK, I admit it, I am a techno-geek; I was playing with my e-mail on my cell phone and wound up sort of...dis-ing...I SOOO need a life...
Ding Alert for CADBURYSMOM:

Raleigh/Durham to Orlando for $35! purchase by 5pm central for travel between 9/1 and Oct. 28!!!

Here I am. The kids are watching a WDW special on the travel channel. gotta make sure they have that well rounded education.
ohanafamily said:
Where Is Everybody??


HERE I AM!!!! :Pinkbounc

HERE I AM!!!! :bounce:

How's everybody doing? For anybody that is interested I had a Dunkin Donut Tropicana Coolata today and it was really really tasty. They are expensive, my medium coolata was a little over $3, but it was tasty. You gotta drink it slow though because I took a big swig of it right after I got it and I got a brain freeze so bad that I thought I was going to pass out. So....I would recommend it to everyone!!

ohanafamily - I did see that you posted on my "Doesn't it annoy you when...." thread. I can't believe that your boss said what he said to that girl/lady you talked about it. UNBELIEVABLE!! I started that thread because a customer of mine thinks its so funny to ask me about when I'm going to have a boy - and it's really starting to annoy me. I know it's a harmless question, but I didn't have my children with the goal of a certain gender. I'm so grateful for my girls and if I had another child, it would be because I want another child and not because I have to have a boy. Anyway.....thanks for posting on my thread, it was good to see you!!

I hope everyone else here is doing great - and I'll check back in later.

slo :wave:
Hey guys - just stopping by at a totally wierd hour for me to be DIS'ing, but I am trying to do some work - and well, that means I must DIS.

Everything is fine after today, but more follow ups are needed. She had blood drawn to do some chromosomal workups - see she has numerous little things wrong, and I mean little, but when taken together they get worrisome. Everything obvious has been ruled out, but they want to see if they can target stuff we can't see - i.e. not behavioral. On the related matter of her positional plagio, she needs to have some follow up visits rapidly to see if we get some more progress, and then in the next couple of weeks, we will determine whether she needs a helmet or not. She will be getting physical therapy for her tilt she now has in the way she holds her head - again caused by the way she lays her head.

It seems bad when written out, but really, nothing really is going on with her - its all cosmetic. They found her to be a totally pleasant baby beyond belief - she smiled within a minute of them drawing blood, she cooed at every doctor, med student, and PA she saw and gave them huge smiles, and she basically is above normal for all developmental indicators.

So essentially what lays ahead of us is all good - if she needs a helmet I guess I am OK with it, but I don't think she will - if they find anything in the chromosome test, I say, Thank God they did it and we had a proactive doctor. So in my mind its all really fine stuff.

Oh, they did find that even though everyone says she will be a piano player because she has the longest fingers anyone has ever seen, she will not be one. She has some fusion in her bones of her two ring fingers that no one had ever noticed - but that will now be added to her list of little "things". So I guess I am a little sad about that, but come on - she's going to be a Supreme Court Justice anyways so its neither here not there and I hated piano lessons anyways.
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