fairykin/Dawn "An angel in Heaven"

So very sad to read this today:sad1:
May God Bless her family and all her loved ones and friends.
My prayers will continue to go up for her family. I never met her but she was so very helpful here I can only imagine what she was like to have as a friend.

My prayers will also be with The Diva's too. Hugs to you all!
I'm so sorry to hear this. I didn't know Dawn but remember seeing many posts by her. I've read some of the memories others have of her and she sounds like she was such a great person.

I will continue to pray for her family.
I am so sorry to hear this about Dawn. She seemed to be such a genuine and heartfelt person who was loved by many. May the lord be with her and her family during these hard times. She will be greatly missed.
I'm in El Paso right now visiting family, and of course, I was talking about Dawn. They recognized her name as being in the paper, and gave me a copy.

They also said that there is a guestbook online for those who want to offer their sympathies to the family. Here is a link: Dawn Denise Field
I didn't know Dawn, but I hope that the peace and comfort of God will be with her friends and loved ones during such a trying time.

"At funerals our tears are genuine, but not because of termination-rather because of interruption. Though just as wet, our tears are not of despair, but are of appreciation and anticipation. . . the closing of a grave is but the closing of a door which later will be flung open with rejoicing."

Neal A. Maxwell
I'm in El Paso right now visiting family, and of course, I was talking about Dawn. They recognized her name as being in the paper, and gave me a copy.

They also said that there is a guestbook online for those who want to offer their sympathies to the family. Here is a link: Dawn Denise Field

Thank you for the link, Mary Jo. :hug:
Today I noticed in a Dis'ers signature mention of Dawn with an angel next to her name...I did a search and found the terribly sad news.

Although I am another who never had the joy of meeting Dawn in person, we did meet here on the Dis Diva thread and she was one of the kindest women anyone could hope to meet. Even knowing her through the Board has been a gift.

My love and prayer go to her friends and family, but most especially her parents. The passing of one's child, no matter their age, is devastating, even for those who find joy in their memories. May love be wrapped around them every moment.

Dawn passed on my birthday...without a doubt, she is an angel and will be looking over all those she loved, and many who need her help now.:grouphug:

I am one of the Diva's. I only knew Dawn for a short time, but she touched my heart. I am still so haunted by her death, but find keeping her in my thoughts helps.

SO, here is for putting our Dawn back at the top of the page.

Love and Light friend.

Amy Sue
Dawn will never be forgotten!! Not by the Diva's and not by anyone she touched here. :)
Thinking of Dawn's family as they prepare for their first Christmas without her - although she will most certainly be there in spirit - of course, it is not the same for her family.
I've been MIA from the DLR boards while planning for WDW and missed this entirely. I remember Dawn's postings; she will be missed. My prayers are with her family!

I too am very sad to hear of Dawns passing. I had not met her in person, but I have read I don't know how many posts by her, on this site. She was a very interesting, nice and beautiful person.
I am really late coming to this thread...I don't spend much time in the community board.

But, my heart is broken over this news.

May God be with Fairykin's family and friends to bring them peace and acceptance.
I found this getting close to the bottom and couldn't see our Dawn being booted to page 2. Not without a friend bringing her back to the top.

Love you Dawn, as the day of our third annual meet comes closer, I think of you more and more. I so wish you could be there in the flesh instead of just in spirit!!

Thanks for saving our friend from page 2 AS. I've been thinking of her a lot too. It really won't be the same without her love and light on this trip.


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