**Faith and Max's 12.22.12 Swan/Garden Grove/ADH Wedding!!** UPDATED 16!!

Just caught up on your PJ after falling very, very behind. Let's see. That is absolutely amazing that you completed the race with your broken foot, I'm totally amazed.

The plans for your bridal shower look fantastic, so many fun colours, flowers and of course the theme!

I'm looving all your DIY projects! I was feeling a little unmotivated with my own DIY ideas, but after seeing all those things you've picked up/are starting I kinda want to go make something now too. :goodvibes

I love Zelda too, so those shoe clips are totally fabulous! Weddings with "geek" touches (subtle or not so subtle) are my favourite! It is also so cool that your engagement photos were featured on a geek wedding site. I don't think I've ever seen that site, but it's now been bookmarked. Love it.

And I know there was more I was going to comment on but I am drawing a blank. Can't wait to read more!
~ I LOVE those bridal shower invites! Where did you get them again??
~I was just thinking today how I wish we had done the sand ceremony in the picture frame thing. We have our vase sitting out, but its just kinda there, ya know. The picture frame will be so pretty!
~I don't know anything about Zelda, but I do know that I LOVE those heart clips..so cute!
Everything looks wonderful :) I am so excited for more updates, love the newsletter (most people are looking TOO hard for mistakes if they were to find that one!). Again, so excited to see another December bride, let's cross our fingers we get some good weather!
First of all I LOVE the shoes, I think they are beyond adorable with the heart on it!!

I wish I could make the shower, it looks so fun!! the flowers are beautiful!

I like the idea of the shadow box for the sand, very cool!! I hope you ran from the frame you broke and blamed a small child :lmao:

I didnt even notice the typo in the newsletter, I knew what you meant :thumbsup2

I cannot wait to hear about your trip to Teresa's wedding! I am so sad I won't be there, but take tons of pictures!

you are SOOO lucky to go see Brave today, can't wait to hear what you think!
Good morning friends!

This past weekend I was a bridesmaid in Teresa’s {icecoldpenguin} wedding! We had such a good time and her wedding was absolutely beautiful!

I’ll do a little TR of her day and then do some wedding updates at the end. I’ve already uploaded a bunch of pictures I took to FB {I’ll post a few here too} so here is the link to that- friend me if you need to!: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.335579436524729.78348.100002180263440&type=1

My mom and I got up at 6, grabbed some breakfast, and hit the road at 7:40ish to make it to Disney in time for Teresa’s rehearsal which was at 11. The trip up was pretty uneventful but we got there with plenty of time!

Teresa had sent me boxes so we unloaded those and then met up with everyone! It was so great to finally meet Teresa in person! Her family was really sweet and welcoming. I absolutely LOVED her MOH, Salina! We had fun together the whole weekend!

We headed out to Crescent Terrace for the rehearsal which went smoothly. I also met DISbride Michelle when I was there! Absolutely loved her!!:

After we rehearsed we headed over to Portobello’s for lunch! The food was delicious! We ordered these mozzarella cheese rice balls which were to die for! MMMM!! Wish I had food porn to share but I was too hungry to even think about it!

After, we all split up and my mom and I went to check into OKW. I’ll be honest. OKW does not thrill me. I’m not too impressed by the FL theming, I guess, since I’ve lived in Florida my whole life. PS. Key West is not nearly as nice as OKW makes it seem. Add in a bunch of drunken homeless people and cats and then you’ve maybe got a better idea of what it’s like.

That night my mom and I decided to hit the Boardwalk. We ate at Big River which we always like and then walked around until Jellyrolls opened at 7.
I confronted my fears and went to the Clown pool. We figured that I might as well go see it before I had to see it at the wedding. I think this picture sums up my feelings pretty well:

After I faced the demon we hit Jellyrolls. Honestly, we didn’t have a great time. Maybe it’s because it wasn’t super busy or maybe it was just because we weren’t feeling it? Either way, we left, got some dessert, and walked around until Atlantic Dance Hall opened. We LOVED it there!! Didn’t stay too long because we had to be up at 6 the next morning.

Sunday- Wedding Day!:
We got up at 6 and started getting ready. In honor of Teresa’s love for Star Wars, I decided to do a Leia/Padme inspired do:


We got to the S/D around 8:15 and headed up to the Sandpiper room. Beaute Speciale was already there {they were amazing, as usual} and the ball was already rolling!

We took pictures and hung out till about 10:15 when we went to get ready for the ceremony.

Honestly, the ceremony was just beautiful! Everything went smoothly {well, minus a few minor things but Teresa will tell you all about that, lol!}.
Here’s a few shots:




After the ceremony, we headed over to Fulton’s! The room looked great and the food was fantastic!! We danced, took pictures, and pin traded! So fun!


By the time the reception was over at 4, I was exhausted. I had been sick the whole week before the wedding and didn’t sleep too well. We headed back to OKW where I basically laid either in bed or in the bathtub :laughing:

We went to Panera for dinner and hit the outlet malls for about an hour. Then it was time for the DP at GF! I don’t know what happened but I have no pictures of the DP. I did steal 6 Mickey Head Rice Krispie treats so maybe that’s what happened…

We went with everyone to breakfast at Ohana’s! The food was delicious! I’m in love with that juice!



At 10 we said our goodbyes and made our way to the Garden Grove to do my own wedding stuff!

Overall, Teresa’s day was absolutely wonderful and she looked gorgeous! I had a blast and loved meeting Michelle, Mandi, and Teresa in “real life”- such great girls! I love how the DIS brings us all together!

Now… onto my own wedding updates!
1. I ordered customized hangers for my bridesmaids and they came in yesterday! I absolutely love them! I ordered them from a friend of mine who does amazing work and has great prices! http://www.etsy.com/shop/EricaMayMade

Here is a crappy phone picture of mine:

2. I decided on favors! Well, actually, I stole Teresa’s idea… :rotfl:. She gave everyone two pins and a lanyard. Honestly, we had so much fun trading and talking about the pins that I decided I’d just bit the bullet and do the same. I ordered a big bag of 100 off of Ebay last night! Now, we just need to order the lanyards. I’m so glad the favors are DONE. They’ve been stressing me out!

3. We met with the restaurant manager of the Garden Grove, Simone, who was absolutely wonderful! She answered all our questions, reviewed our contract, and was just all around amazing. We wound up pushing back our reception time from 5:30 to 5:45 just to give ourselves some wiggle room from our 5pm ceremony start time.

4. We are changing our officiant! Teresa hired Teresa Knox to officiate and I was smitten. She did an AMAZING job and I immediately told my planner that I wanted either her or Kevin Knox to officiate our ceremony. I just emailed our planner to inquire if they have any dates available.

5. I *think* we’ve decided on a rehearsal dinner plan! We are probably going to do the Wagon Ride at Ft. Wilderness at 9:30pm and have a pizza party before. Max and I wanted to keep it affordable for his parents while also offering our guests a new experience that they probably wouldn’t have stumbled across on their own. I’m excited!

6. We decided to NOT go to Jellyrolls after the wedding. It felt a little too much like a college bar for my tastes. We instead are going to hit ADH! Even though we will have to wait longer, I think our guests will enjoy walking the Boardwalk!!

I think that's all I have for today! We are going to keep working on our DIYs but until then adieu adieu my friends! :grouphug:
Teresa's wedding looks amazing! I especially love those flowers. She looked beautiful, you looked beautiful, it was all... well, beautiful! :love:

You look great with Donald, by the way.

I absolutely love that hanger! By far the best "handwriting" I've seen available. I'll definitely be ordering from her, thanks!

Your rehearsal dinner sounds great. It's hard to have anything but a great time when there's pizza involved! :banana::banana::banana:
Aww I love all your updates! (sorry it's been a while). Your sneak peak of Teresa's wedding was AWESOME! It makes me so excited!

And your craft projects are great!
Wow, Teresa's wedding looks amazing! That is so awesome that you were able to go and be a part of it.

Your newsletter looks great. I just sent out my third one. So happy that another one is done. I contemplated sending another before we go, but highly doubtful that it will get done. It will be waiting for everyone when they get there :)

Love the Alice invites. Very cool! Hope you have a fabulous shower! :banana:
Hi Faith!!
Just finished catching up on all your plans! You're going to have an amazing wedding. I love your venues--especially Garden Grove. Gorgeous!

It was so neat that you went to Teresa's wedding! How fun!! It looks like she had a beautiful day. Hehe, love your tribute to the theming with your Leia-esque hair :)

Your shower invites are SO cute!! I'm a huge Alice in Wonderland fan, so I adore your shower theme! Can't wait to see photos from it!

Oh, and thank you for posting your wedding dress hanger! It is definitely the prettiest one I've seen, so I'm placing an order with Erica as we speak.

Thanks for sharing your plans, and I look forward to following along! :goodvibes
•A bit behind, but I love all the updates! Your bridal shower invites and plans all sound so much fun.
•LOVE the heart clips for your shoes. It's great that you get to wear them more than once!
•Teresa's wedding looked great! I love the pictures with all the DISbrides together. :thumbsup2
•I am ADDICTED to that juice from 'Ohana's. YUM!
•Hmm, I still haven't tried Jellyrolls yet. Glad you enjoyed ADH, though. I'm still in love with that venue. :bride:
Hey Faith! You are so fricken cute, your clown picture cracks me up! It looks like Teresa's wedding was a lot of fun, can't wait to hear more about it from her.

How cool that you got to make some changes from attending Teresa's wedding. I really love the favor idea a lot.

You're under the 6 month mark...Woohoo!!!
im sorry i am joining so late in the game but i just finished reading through you PJ and LOVE all of your plans so far! I love how you guys do staycations at Disney as well, as we do these all the time (gotta love DVC)! I just subscribed and I cant wait to read more!
I'm playing super-catch-up on this, so I can't remember what I've commented on and what I haven't... sooo forgive me if I've already said some of this.

I loooove your Indy engagement pictures! I've never heard of whengeekswed, but I've definitely bookmarked it!

Congratulations on deciding to get your MLIS! I just graduated with mine in May. My advice to you is if you don't have any library experience, GET SOME. Even if it's just volunteering, it looks way better on your resume than if you only have your practicum site listed, which is something I'm learning the hard way. In any case, it's a lot of fun, and with a teaching background, you could easily transition into school librarianship. :thumbsup2

That hanger is so cute! I never would have even thought of doing something like that!
I was in between jelly rolls and ADH... And well...you just made my mind up for me haha thanks!! :)

That clown is uber freaky...my parents along with my brother will be staying there for my wedding. I'm quite sure that my 23 year old brother will shudder just seeing it!

Love your PJ!
Hi faith i'm loving ur planning journal so far! i'm onto page 24 but need to go to work in a few minutes so thought i'd leave a wee reply before i go!

(ps wee is a scottish word for little. i loved readin the bit were u all discussed english/american sayings its funny what people think we say an vice versa. did u come across any more words or saying we do/dont use?)
on that note i'm also wondering if anyone has seen brave yet? i know its set in scotland but came out in america first, its only been out a week here an i'v not had a chance to go see it yet.

i love that u get to go on so many mini trips to disney but i'm so jealous at the same time, you look like u'v had so much fun. last time i visited WDW was july 2011 an i wont get to go bck till may/june 2014 for the wedding :(
must b pretty convenient being able to go bck an forward to visit the site an meet ur planner an taste cakes etc

i love your engagement pictures!!!!!!!! they look like so much fun an came out sooooo well! we werent plannin on doin engagement pics *** its any extra expense for us that we dnt really need, but since neither of us has ever done professional photos b4 we might as a friend of ours who does photography 2 do a wee shoot wi us to get i used 2 bein infront of a camera b4 our wedding.

also what a nightmare with the hair! so glad it was jus a trial an not the final thing for the day an u have plenty time 2 rethink an try other stylists. i'm havin my sister doin mine as its gonna b pretty simple along wi my make up (plus it'l save more money) so we have lots of time 2 practise an perfect :)

gotta go will read the rest of the pj later, lookin forward to it already :D

all caught up :) i love reading planning journals can only read a page or too at a time tho it gets too much 4 my eyes an head after a full day of children screamin at me lol.

i love that u do all the disney races (even with ur foot boot thing on!) i'm not much of a runner bar on the treadmill at the gym, i think i look stupid when i run an i'm not too fit or good at it. If somethin like tht happened 2 my foot i think i would'v used it as an excuse not to run so i could b lazy lol Way to go Faith for having the determination 2 do it an finish!!!

i know i'v said before but that was a really nice thing u did for teresa! another perk of living so close! have i mentioned how jealous i am of all ur mini trips lol

i saw the sand ceremony thing on a wedding channel programme that focused on florida altho it was only mention an u didnt really see much bar them pourin 2 different colours of sand together. I like the idea of the two colours of sand representin bride an groom an how they'l never b seperated like the sand grains cant ever b completely seperated. Was thinkin of doin it for my wedding but into somethin quite small mayb a love heart shaped glass vase or vial which we could use as an ornament in our home. Must look into this further (an look forward to seein how urs turns out if u do it ;))

didnt realise they do charater breakfasts at ohano's! i'm lookin for character dining possibly for the wedding meal so we can have pics wi the characters on our wedding day without the expense of havin a reception jus to hire characters. obv we wont do character breakfast on the wedding day *** we'l b 2 busy gettin ready but its good to hav another character dining place to look in2 :)

i love the alice in wonderland shower theme! the invites look great as do the dress an shoes! :thumbsup2 ! i'v jus completed a game on the xbox 360 which is based on alice in wonderland but makes the story kinda twisted. the storyline is shockin/scary :eek: an its all a bit complicated an confusing :confused: an would take a long time to explain but its gave me a bit of an obsession wi alice (even tho its a film/book i'v never really bothered about before)

popcorn:: waitin for the next update as ur wedding gets closer an closer popcorn::
Hi Faith! just finished reading ur PJ and love it! Maybe someday I'll be a swan bride too :love:
Wish I had some more fun, updates but my life has been taken over by Student Teaching! 3 months and 25 days!
I just read through your PJ. I love your engagement pictures, they are great! It's fun to see pictures that aren't the standard poses that show your personality. I also really like that you are going to Garden Grove for your reception. It is one of my favorite places. Good luck with the rest of your planning. I can't wait to read more.


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