Fall/Fall Advantage Roomate/Suitemate Surveys

Hi Everyone,
My friend and I are looking for 4 other girls Non Wellness for Patterson or Chatham. I am going to post my Roommate Survey and hers. Were both looking forward to exploring all Orlando has to offer, and would like some girls who don't mind a night in with some wine and hanging out. My role is Lifeguard, and hers is QSFB. Feel free to message me here or on one of the many other Social media sites.
Were Fall Advantage and Move in May 12th.

I know this is long but if you really want a fun group of girls think about being our suitemates!!:cool1:

Ah you guys sound really cool and we have a lot of things in common! I also live near where your friend is from (I live in Miami)

However, I arrive in August so we won't be able to be suitemates :( Lame.
hey guys, Im chris (21) and will be arriving May 19th. Im looking for 4 roommates and will be in the non-wellness rooms. I've left my survey too. let me know. :wave2:
Here's my room mate survey!! I'm fairly flexible on things such as number of room mates and which apartment complex. :)

Name: Erin Earley

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Birthday/Age: September 13, 1991, so I will turn 23 on the program

Hometown: Colorado Springs, Co

School: Pikes Peak Community college

Major: Baking/pastry

Year in School: Junior

Religion: Lutheran, though not overly religious

Are you allergic to anything? animals, dust, smoke

Where do you work? Build a Bear and a local pizza joint

Do you have any siblings? a younger brother

Do you have any pets? Two dogs that I love so much that it doesn't really matter that they make me sneeze

Who do you live with? My parental units


Are you applying for WDW or DL? Walt Disney World

What roles did you accept: QSFB which wasn't my first or second or...third choice, but it's all about what you make of it right?

What program are you applying for? Fall advantage

When do you arrive?: May 19th!

Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? Non Wellness preferably, just for security purposes. I'm not a fan of getting in trouble for things other people do.

How many people do you want to live with? I’d prefer 2-3 bedrooms but will go up to 4

Which housing complex would you like to live in? The commons is my first choice, then Chatham and Patterson.


Do you party? How often? I'm not a party-goer, unless it's like...game night or something. haha.

Do you drink? not typically, but I have and do occasionally. I'm a great DD :)

Do you smoke? Nope

Do you like to cook? I do! It is my major after all.

Are you a night person or morning person? A night person typically, but can an will get up early when needed.

Do you snore? I've been told I don't and I'm a rather light sleeper.

What does your bedroom normally look like? Honestly not always the tidiest, but I know I will keep things cleaned up in the apartment.

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? Prefer cold, easier to adjust that way i.e with blankets or hoodies.

Would you rather go out or stay in? I typically stay in, but plan on using Disney as a way to broaden my horizons and get out there, have fun.

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? I want to go to the parks and Universal, maybe go to the beach. Just explore Florida!!

Do you workout a lot? I want to get into a better routine/habit of working out. IT's just hard to find the time.


Three words that describe you: Nerdy, caring, fun

One good quality: I love people and making people happy. It makes me a fairly easy-going and flexible person.

One bad quality: Once you've done something to make me dislike you (which can be hard to do) it's hard to make me like you again.

Are you outgoing or quiet? Quiet until I get to know someone!

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? I like to hang out with people, but being an introvert I need some alone time to recharge every one in awhile.

What would you want in a roommate? Easy to get along with, somewhat tidy, wants to get out, Fun, and trustworthy.

What are your biggest pet peeves? People trying to parent me or acting superior when they are not.

Are you messy or organized? organized as much as possible!

How do you feel about sharing? Sharing is caring! To an extent. Rules need to be in place and followed/respected by everyone involved.

Do you like having people over a lot? Not large amounts of people at one time, but one or two people occasionally

Favorite thing to do: I'm fairly attached to my computer, but I'm excited to go out and play at the parks and other things in Florida

Favorite Music: I listen to pretty much anything and everything.

Favorite TV Shows: Dr. Who, Glee, Law and Order, I'm pretty willing and happy to watch anything.

Favorite Movies: Harry Potter and any Disney movie really

Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent, anything John Green wrote.

Favorite Food: I'm always willing to try anything, but I would have to say Asian food in general is my favorite.

Favorite Candy: Twizzlers and Starbursts

Favorite Drink: Sprite, Orange soda

Favorite Color: Green!


Favorite Character: Mulan

Favorite Movie: Mulan, Monsters Inc and Monsters University

Favorite Prince: Flynn Rider

Favorite Princess: Mulan

Favorite Villain: Ursula

Favorite Park: Either Epcot or Hollywood Studios.

Favorite Disney Channel Show: That's a hard one. Definitely 90's Disney Channel was the best, but I don't think I have one favorite show.

Favorite Ride: Tower of Terror, but Splash Mountain is a close second

Favorite Animal Kingdom Ride: Everest

Favorite Hollywood Studios Ride: Tower of Terror

Favorite Epcot Ride: Test Track

Favorite MK ride: Splash Mountain

Number of times to WDW: A lot, mostly when I was younger but quite a few in the past few years since my best friend started working down there.

If you have any questions let me know!!!! :)
Hey!! I'm looking for roommates, let me know :)

Name: Megan Folberg

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday/Age: March 2nd, 1991 (23)

Hometown: Wausau, WI

School: University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Major: Bachelors in History/Minor in English

Religion: Assemblies of God

Allergies: N/A

Job: Old Navy 4 years

Siblings: 1 older sister

Pet: Dog, Bailey :)


Going to WDW or DLR: Walt Disney World

Role: Main Entrance Operations

What program: Fall Advantage

When are you arriving: June 9th

Wellness or non-wellness: Wellness

How many people do you want to live with: Really only want 4 including myself but willing to do 6

Which housing complex would you like to live in? (Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, The Commons): First preference would be Chatham Square, second Commons, Patterson Court, then Vista Way


Do you party- I love hanging out with my friends but I don't really like parties

Do you drink: I probably have like two beers a month, so not really

Do you smoke: No

Do you like to cook: Yes, but I'm not very good at it :(

Night person or morning person: Morning! I love waking up early and starting my day :)

Do you snore: Only when I'm sick

Bedroom look: Very clean

Do you like the room hot or cold: Neither but I'd prefer cold because I'd rather sleep with a blanket than no blanket

Go out or stay in: Go out to explore and experience new things but not to bars or parties.

Days off/weekends: Exploring WDW or relaxing

Work out a lot: Usually go to the yoga studio 3-4 times a week


Three words to describe you: Responsible, kind, funny

One good quality: I'm very patient

One bad quality: I've been told I'm standoffish but I really don't mean to be :/

Outgoing or quiet: Outgoing, usually

Do you like hanging out with people or being by yourself: Both! I love people but I love alone time too

What do you want in a roommate: Someone who is respectful of space and time but also really nice and friendly. I want to have fun with my roommates with no alcohol problems

Pet peeves: Someone who lies, is messy, mean, or bossy.

Messy or organized: I'm one of the most organized people I know lol

How do you feel about sharing: Sharing is important which is why it's nice to have roommates you can trust but people should still always ask too :)

Do you like having people over: Yep, just so long as they respect everyone in the apartment with different schedules.

Favorite music: Pretty much everything expect country

Favorite TV shows: I usually only have time to watch my shows online so; Downton Abbey, New Girl, Girls, and the Mindy Project

Favorite Movies:
Disney: Totally cheesy but I don't think I could even narrow it down, all of them are so awesome

Other: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Historical movies, comedies

Favorite Books: Harry Potter, suspense books

Favorite Food: Fruit, salads, cheese burgers, poptarts, pretty much everything actually lol

Favorite Candy: Snickers, Milky Way, 100 Grand, I love candy :)

Favorite Drink: Water and coffee


Favorite Character: Tinkerbell

Favorite Movie: 101 Dalmatians, Peter Pan, Hercules, Mary Poppins, literally any of them :)

Favorite Prince: Aladdin, Eric, or Flynn

Favorite Princess: Belle, Meg (if you consider her a princess), and Rapunzel

Favorite Villain: Hades

Favorite Park: Hollywood Studies

Favorite Ride From Park: The Great Movie Ride

Favorite Show: The old Tarzan show and Fantasmic

Number of times to Disney World: 13!
Hey!! I'm looking for roommates, let me know :)

Name: Megan Folberg

What program: Fall Advantage

When are you arriving: June 9th

Wellness or non-wellness: Wellness

How many people do you want to live with: Really only want 4 including myself but willing to do 6

Which housing complex would you like to live in? (Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, The Commons): First preference would be Chatham Square, second Commons, Patterson Court, then Vista Way


Do you party- I love hanging out with my friends but I don't really like parties

Do you drink: I probably have like two beers a month, so not really

Do you smoke: No

Go out or stay in: Go out to explore and experience new things but not to bars or parties.

Days off/weekends: Exploring WDW or relaxing


Three words to describe you: Responsible, kind, funny

Outgoing or quiet: Outgoing, usually

Do you like hanging out with people or being by yourself: Both! I love people but I love alone time too

What do you want in a roommate: Someone who is respectful of space and time but also really nice and friendly. I want to have fun with my roommates with no alcohol problems

Do you like having people over: Yep, just so long as they respect everyone in the apartment with different schedules.

Hi Megan!

You seem nice and we seem to have a lot in common. I also really like the part that you don't want any alcohol problems!:thumbsup2

Oh and your apartment living complex order is the same as me...(my preferences on where I would prefer to live). Since we move in on the same day and we will both be wellness, maybe we will see each other!

Congrats on being accepted!
Name: Sarah Turner

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday/Age: July 31, 1992-21 turning 22 during my program

Hometown: Houston, TX

School: Sam Houston State University

Major: Theatre/Education minor

Religion: Christian, raised Assemblies of God

Are you allergic to anything?: Nothing besides the common seasonal allergies

Where do you work? Club Rewind, it’s a before and after school program

Do you have any siblings? A younger sister and a younger brother

Do you have any pets? Two dogs and a fish


Are you going to WDW or DL? Walt Disney World!

What role did you accept? Merchandise but fingers crossed for Character preformer

What program are you attending? Fall Advantage 2014

What is your arrival date? June 9th

Wellness or non-wellness? Wellness

How many people do you want to live with? Would prefer 4-6, but open

Which housing complex would you like to live in? (Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, The Commons): The commons first choice for sure. Laundry in the apartment is like a must, but after that Chatham then Patterson.


Do you party? No

Do you drink? No

Do you smoke? No.

Do you like to cook? Yes, I really enjoy cooking and baking, it’s cleaning up the kitchen afterword I don’t care for very much.

Are you a night person or morning person? A night person for sure, but I can get up early in the mornings if I have too

Do you snore? When I have seasonal allergies or a cold.

What does your bedroom normally look like? The busier I am the more cluttered it gets, but I usually clean it up at least once a week. I am better about it with roommates.

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? Comfortable….but I would rather it be hot than cold…I hate freezing

Would you rather go out or stay in? Go out! We are at Disney World

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Go to the parks, shopping, the beach, Universal, Sea World…I want to get out and do things.

Do you work out a lot? I want too…if I had a workout buddy I’d be better about it.


Three words that describe you: Fun, Dramatic (In the fun Drama Person sort of way) and witty

One good quality: I get along with almost everyone. People like to hang around me.

One bad quality: I’m no fun when I’m upset, but I usually get over it quickly and apologize

Are you outgoing or quiet? I’m more outgoing than quiet, but I have my moments when I need to be quiet.

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? Hanging out with people, but there are moments when I just want to be alone to recharge.

What would you want in a roommate? I want someone who is fun and up for going out. Who is easy to get along with.

What are your biggest pet peeves? Stupid people…I hate when people are judging people about religion or personal choices before they get to know them.

Are you messy or organized? I know where things are, and I try to stay organized, but sometimes things get a little messy.

How do you feel about sharing? I’m all up for having a plan for sharing the cooking or the milk or the toilet paper as long as it works out fair. I am also up for sharing things like coffee makers and toasters as long as it goes both ways.

Do you like having people over? Yes, but I’m always respectful of my roommates and try to give notice.

Favorite Music: Showtunes!

Favorite TV Shows: Criminal Minds, The Middle I watch them every week. I don’t miss an episode.

Favorite Movies: Oh…we are going to open that can of worms I can’t pick…I have a large collection of movies that I love. Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, almost anything Disney….

Favorite Books: Oh no….not again….my books are almost as extensive as my movies…I love Philippa Gregory and Gone with the Wind!

Favorite Food: MEXICAN!!!

Favorite Candy: Kit Kats

Favorite Drink: Dt. Coke and Tea

Favorite Color: Pink…in the words of Elle Woods, it’s my signature color


Favorite Character: Anastasia Tremaine

Favorite Movie: Pirates, Tangled, Frozen

Favorite Prince: umm….Flynn Rider I mean Eugene Fitzherbert, Kristoff, Prince Eric…

Favorite Princess: Elsa (well….kind of) Rupenzel, and Ariel

Favorite Villain: Anastasia Tremaine

Favorite Park: EPCOT

Favorite Ride from the following parks:

Magic Kingdom: Pirates of the Caribbean

Epcot: Test Track/Mission Space

Animal Kingdom: Expedition Everest

Hollywood Studios: Rock n Roller Coaster

Disney Channel Show: ohh…the old stuff….Kim Possible and Phil of the Future

Favorite Show: Beauty and the Beast at Disney World

Number of times at Walt Disney World/Disneyland: Once at Disney World
Hey!! I can't e-mail you back through the boards because I haven't posted enough lol but you're message sounds awesome!! I'd love to get in contact with everyone over facebook too :) Megan Folberg/Wauau Wi on facebook :)
Name: Kaity Kuo

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single :X

Birthday/Age: July 25, 1992/ Age 21

Hometown: Woodhaven, New York

School: New York City College of Technology

Major: Hospitality Management

Religion: Christian

Are you allergic to anything?: Nope.

Where do you work? Currently not working right now. But I use to work at my College library for 2 years.

Do you have any siblings? Only child.

Do you have any pets? One doggy. :)


Are you going to WDW or DL? Walt Disney World!

What role did you accept? Housekeeping

What program are you attending? Fall 2014

What is your arrival date? August 11

Wellness or non-wellness? non-wellness

How many people do you want to live with? I prefer having a small group. Maybe having 4 people at most? I guess I am fine with having 6. But the smaller the better. :thumbsup2

Which housing complex would you like to live in? Probably Chatham since the bus stop is near by.


Do you party? I like parties but I usually feel awkward being in one only because I can be shy at talking to people sometimes.

Do you drink? Only on special occasion or with friends. Although I don't like chugging down a lot of alcohol in my system. Drinking is best paired with food. :goodvibes

Do you smoke? No.

Do you like to cook? I LOVE to cook! However since I heard that housekeeping is a very tiring task, I might be too exhausted to cook. I can't guarantee that my food will taste great all the time. And I hope you are open enough to eat Asian food because that's what I mostly cook. :o

Are you a night person or morning person? Definitely a night person! I can stay up all night because I love to go on the computer a lot and play video games ^_^

Do you snore? Nope.

What does your bedroom normally look like? I am lazy to make my bed in the morning. And my stuff might be a little bit cluttered. I don't mind if you are messy though. Messy and messy is O.K. by me! ;)

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? It depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes when the weather outside is super cold, I might have this strange feeling of sleeping in the cold too. :O

Would you rather go out or stay in? Since I struggle from anxiety and depression, I often shut myself in because of fear. I want to fix that though and I would really be happy if I had a roommate who is very understanding and patient with me. I like going outside if I feel comfortable enough.

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Staying home. But sometimes I really want to go outside and explore new things.

Do you work out a lot? I want to work out! It'd be great if I have an exercise buddy! :cool1:


Three words that describe you: When I'm happy, I have VERY VERY VERY high energy! I can be crazy and loud (in a good way!) When I feel scared and uncomfortable, I fidget, become shy and shut down.

One good quality: I am open to listening to your struggles because when people struggle it makes me sad too. I may not be the best in giving advises, but I can sympathize with you. I am also okay with loud noises at night. It doesn't bother me.

One bad quality: I worry toooooooooooooooooo much. :scared:

Are you outgoing or quiet? Both.

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? When I'm happy I like hanging out with people. But most of the time I keep things to myself.

What would you want in a roommate? Someone who is patient and understanding. Someone who doesn't mind me using the bathroom late at night or uses the bathroom constantly because I also have bladder problems. Sorry about that. >.<

What are your biggest pet peeves? Someone who isn't very understanding and only thinks of themselves. Someone with a very nasty personality and likes to put others down.

Are you messy or organized? I am more messy than organized. XD

How do you feel about sharing? I am absolutely okay with sharing. The bathroom might be a problem because sometimes one person might need to use the bathroom really badly too. Usually in this scenario, I usually let my roommate use it first and I bravely hold it in for a couple of minute.

Do you like having people over? Depends. I have to get use to them of course. I want to try my best to talk to as many people as possible.

Favorite Music: I listen to A LOT of K-POP. Other than that, occasionally I would listen to alternative rock and some mainstream music that's popular on the radio.

Favorite TV Shows: Fairly OddParents, Spongebob Squarepants, and really old cartoon network shows or old disney shows.

Favorite Movies: Tangled, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas, Frozen, etc...:O

Favorite Books: I don't like to read. :C

Favorite Food: Mexican, Italian, Japanese, LOVE KOREAN FOOD. I am pretty much open to all types.

Favorite Candy: Gushers and smarties.

Favorite Drink: Don't have one.

Favorite Color: Red. :3


Favorite Character: Queen Elsa, Rapunzel, and Mulan

Favorite Movie: I have too many!

Favorite Prince: Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid, The Beast in human form, John Rolfe from Pocahontas 2, and Flynn Rider.

Favorite Princess: Rapunzel or Elsa.

Favorite Villain: Don't have one.

Disney Channel Show: Lizzie McGuire and Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

Number of times at Walt Disney World/Disneyland: I've never been to any Disney parks. This will be my first time going! :O

I know that some of my health issue might be a bummer to you but I hope there will be someone who would be my roommate. Thank you. ^_^
Hey everybody!!!!! I am very new to this disboard thing but hopefully I will get the hang of it.
So here I am, asking for some roommates hahaha!!!! Here's a little bio about myself.

Name: Ariel (yes like the Little Mermaid)
Birthday: Jan 25 1993, age 21
Gender: female
Hometown: Lompoc California
Relationship status: taken since Nov 2, 2011 <3
Religion: I dont have a religion, I dont go to church, But I am whole heartedly a believer.
School: Allan Hancock College
Major: Nursing
Allergies: Some kind of pink colored soap.....long story
Siblings: :[ none.... I'm the baby, middle, oldest, and only child.
Pets: 1 fat beagle and 1 very old goldfish (18 years to be exact)

DCP Details

Location: Walt Disney World baby!!!! Woo hooo!!!
Role: Quick Service Food and Beverage
Program: Fall advantage
Move- in date: JUNE 9th
Wellness or non: Non-wellness
Preferred Complex: In order from preferred to least preferred, Chatham, Patterson, Vista
How many roomies: I would like up to four, but I don't really care.


Do you party? Unfortunately I don't party much because I work full time and go to school full time, therefore I am a busy body.
Do I drink? Yes of course, but not so much that I don't know who I am and act a fool.
Smoke? Ew no
Cook? From time to time, I know a couple of dishes. I more so like to bake :)
Night or morning person? Ehhh I'm a bit of both, it really just depends on how my body is feeling. Sometimes I stay up super late, and then sometimes I wake up early.
Do you Snore? NOOOOOO
Health Issues: Nope
What does your room look like? It's for the most part pretty clean, every now and then it can be a little messy (usually on laundry days or when I'm stressed out and haven't had the time to pick up). You won't have to worry about me being messy though.
Room hot or cold: I like a warm room, but not hot. Just average I guess.
Do you stay in or go out? I do both. I think when I'm down there though, I'm gonna want to go out more just because I want to soak up this whole experience as much as I can.
What do you want to do on days off/ weekends? Obviously I want to go to the parks, but a couple major points I want to hit up in Florida are Cape Canaveral, Universal, and a white sandy beach.
Do you workout? ...............no.......but......I kinda want to get back into it.....wanna be my workout buddie too?.. Lol


3 words that describe you. Fun Trustworthy and as always Supercalifradralisticexpialadosious :))))
Good quality about you. I am a mature person, people say that I am wiser beyond my years, which is a good thing.
Bad quality about you. I tend to shut people out when I'm upset at something.
Are you outgoing or quiet? Shy at first, then outgoing......watch out cause it'll hit you like a train.
Hangout with friends, or keep to self? For the most part I'm gonna want to be around friends, but yes alone time is needed when necessary.
Messy or organized? I'm not a neat freak, but I do keep things organized, and clean.
People over or go out with friends? Like I said earlier, I'm gonna want to go out just because of being away and soaking in all the Magic!!!
Thoughts on sharing. Ok.....I'm ok with sharing food, AS LONG AS YOU COME UP TO ME AND ASK, that's all. I would rage if I just opened up the package of Oreos to see them halfway gone because somebody ate them. So please ask :))
Favorite Music: I love oldies such as 50s-80s, but I really do listen to everything.
Favorite Movie: This is impossible to answer considering the fact I love a lot of movies.
Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones, anything with Rob Dyrdeck, Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, Bar Rescue, Property Brothers, Judge Judy, and many many more guys.....
Favorite food: Spaghetti :)) easy to make and feeds tons
Favorite candy: Sour gummy worms and Hershey's Milk chocolate..............I'm hungry
Favorite drink: Cherry Coke
Favorite color: my current favorite colors are the colors of Elsa's coronation dress. ( most beautiful dress Disney has ever made)
Favorite book: I am the Messenger


Favorite characters: once again this is really impossible to answer considering the amount of characters I really do like. Mickey, Ariel, Elsa, Rapunzel, pascal, Ray, Quasimodo, Beast, Wall-e......the list could go on for days.
Favorite movie: seriously............... Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tangled, Frozen, Little Mermaid, Wall-e, Beauty and the Beast.
Favorite Princess: -____- Rapunzel, Ariel, and this girl is not a princess she is a queen, Elsa :)
Favorite Princes: Flynn Rider ( I know he's not a prince, but he eventually gets married and becomes a prince so HAH!!)
Favorite Disney Couple: Mickey and Minnie duh :)
Favorite Villain: Judge Claude Frollo
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Attraction at MK: Haunted Mansion
Favorite Attraction at Epcot: The Seas
Favorite Attraction at DHS: Fantasmic
Favorite Attraction at AK: Everest

So that's pretty much me all summed up there. Please help me find some roomies!!!! I'm looking for girls who are gonna be my best friends for life, my D-fam.

Hey Sarah,
My name is Ariel and I too am looking for some roommates. I think this a very great and exciting opportunity to meet some awesome friends. As I was reading your roommate survey post, I couldn't help but laugh at some of the things you said. We actually have a lot in common. You seem like a really fun person, and I definitely need that kind of personality around me when I'm at the parks!!! I really hope to hear back from you soon. Take care :)

Roommate SURVEY:
Name: Aliyah Marie McKenzie (Leah)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: single
Name: Noel Nowak

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Birthday/Age: May 16th, 1990 (23)

Hometown: Lancaster (Buffalo), New York

School: Niagara University

Major: Hospitality & Tourism Management

Religion: Catholic

Are you allergic to anything?: Pollen

Where do you work? Currently at a spa and a carwash

Do you have any siblings? Older brother

Do you have any pets? Dog & a cat


Are you going to WDW or DL? Walt Disney World

What role did you accept? Hospitality (Front Desk)

What program are you attending? Fall 2014

What is your arrival date? September 2nd

Wellness or non-wellness? Non-Wellness

How many people do you want to live with? Would prefer 4-6, but open

Which housing complex would you like to live in? (Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, The Commons): I heard Patterson and Chatham are nicer than vista. So those two would be preferable.


Do you party? I like going out with friends and having drinks yes.

Do you drink? Yes

Do you smoke? no

Do you like to cook? i try to cook when i can, and like to go out to eat

Are you a night person or morning person? I like to stay up late and like to sleep in, if i dont have to be up early.

Do you snore? NO i am the most QUIETEST sleeper ever! and snoring drives me crazy honestly.

What does your bedroom normally look like? I am always picking up after myself. always clean except when i'm in a rush to get ready, but when i come home i pick up.

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? im always cold so i prefer when its warm.

Would you rather go out or stay in? i always am up to going out and doing things. i never like staying in.

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? going out with friends, doing outdoor things and new things. always up to doing new and exciting things on my spare time.

Do you work out a lot? i try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week.


Three words that describe you: Outgoing, Honest, Optimistic

One good quality: everyone always tells me im positive in any given situation. always lighten up the mood.

One bad quality: i care too much about things sometimes, when something is really bugging me i wont let it go until its resolved.

Are you outgoing or quiet? outgoing!

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? I like being around people. i can be alone but prefer to have company over being alone.

What would you want in a roommate? Someone who is easy to get along with, obviously friendly and can respect my space and belongings. Someone that can have open communication and genuinely wants to be friends and get to know me. open to doing things and have fun ! :)

What are your biggest pet peeves? When it comes to roommates, People who do not clean up after themselves, do not pitch in to buying household items, and doesnt respect other peoples belongings.

Are you messy or organized? Organized!

How do you feel about sharing? sharing is okay, like condiments in the fridge and whatnot, but willing to pitch in for those items. If we dont want to share, mark your name on your things. Doesnt matter to me.

Do you like having people over? Yes, but i would make sure it was okay with my roommates of course.

Favorite Music: COUNTRYYYYYYY. if you like country i will love you :):):):):):) and todays hits.

Favorite TV Shows: Pretty little liars, amazing race, the real world or other reality tv.

Favorite Movies: Dont really have a favorite, im a huge movie buff though. romantic comedys and comedys in general are my favorite to watch.

Favorite Books: honestly, i dont really read recreational.

Favorite Food: I LOVE ALL FOODS. the least picky eater ever.

Favorite Candy: like every kind of candy lol

Favorite Drink: dont really have a favorite drink, love soda though but i try to drink more water because of how terrible soda is for you lol

Favorite Color: Pink

(not really going to answer these since i love disney in general, dont really have favorites)
Favorite Character:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Prince:
Favorite Princess:
Favorite Villain:
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Ride from the following parks: love alll the ridessss !
Magic Kingdom:
Animal Kingdom:
Hollywood Studios:

Disney Channel Show: its been so long since i watched disney channel! lol

Favorite Show:

Number of times at Walt Disney World/Disneyland: I used to dance in Disney world with my dance team every other year, went about 4 times total in my life. havent been there since i was 15 years old (almost 9 years ago)[/FONT]
Name: Kelly
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Birthday/Age: August 31...19
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
School: Johnson and Wales
Major: Baking and Pastry Arts and Food Service Management
Religion: Catholic
Are you allergic to anything?: Nope!
Where do you work? I did the Disney Culinary Program last winter!
Do you have any siblings? yes, one younger sister
Do you have any pets? No :(


Are you going to WDW or DL? Walt Disney World
What role did you accept? Hospitality
What program are you attending? Fall Advantage 2014
What is your arrival date? May 27!
Wellness or non-wellness? Wellness
How many people do you want to live with? Either 4 or 6
Which housing complex would you like to live in? (Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, The Commons): I'd prefer Commons, but I'm ok with any except for Vista Way

Do you party? No, not at all.
Do you drink? No.
Do you smoke? No.
Do you like to cook? Kind of.. I like it but I also don't always want to cook. I do love to bake though!
Are you a night person or morning person? I can be both depending on when I have work
Do you snore? No
What does your bedroom normally look like? I am very organized and neat!
Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? Either is ok with me
Would you rather go out or stay in? I will be in the parks whenever I can but besides that, I'll probably stay in.
What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Going to the parks! :cool1:
Do you work out a lot? No, I don't work out ( even though I should!)


Three words that describe you: Quiet, Nice, Organized
One good quality: I can usually get along with almost anyone.
One bad quality: I am very shy sometimes.
Are you outgoing or quiet? Definitely quiet, but once warm up to people I become more outgoing!
Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? Im ok with hanging out with a small group of people but Im also ok with being by myself
What would you want in a roommate? Someone I can be friends with and who I can hang out with!
What are your biggest pet peeves? A messy kitchen and when people are inconsiderate.
Are you messy or organized? Organized
How do you feel about sharing? Depends on the item, Im ok with sharing as long as people ask first!
Do you like having people over? I'd like to have my boyfriend over (he will also be a cp), but only during appropriate hours
Favorite Music: I like listening to Disney Park music ( I know, I'm a complete Disney geek!)
Favorite TV Shows: I dont watch much tv!
Favorite Movies: Frozen, Peter Pan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight series
Favorite Books: Twilight series
Favorite Food: Pasta, Chicken nuggets
Favorite Candy: Chocolate
Favorite Drink: lime sparkling water
Favorite Color: Red and black

Favorite Character: Peter Pan
Favorite Movie: Frozen or Peter Pan
Favorite Prince: Flynn
Favorite Princess: Elsa!!
Favorite Villain: Maleficent
Favorite Park: Epcot!
Favorite Ride from the following parks:
Magic Kingdom: Splash Mountain
Epcot: Test Track
Animal Kingdom: Everest
Hollywood Studios: Rockin Roller Coaster
Disney Channel Show: Lizzie McGuire
Favorite Show: Iluminations
Number of times at Walt Disney World/Disneyland: Disneyland once, Walt Disney World over 30 times

My last college program I didn't make many friends so I'm excited to meet some of you! :)
Name: Kelly

What program are you attending? Fall Advantage 2014
What is your arrival date? May 27!
Wellness or non-wellness? Wellness
Which housing complex would you like to live in? (Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, The Commons): I'd prefer Commons, but I'm ok with any except for Vista Way

Favorite Music: I like listening to Disney Park music ( I know, I'm a complete Disney geek!)

Favorite Movies: Frozen, Peter Pan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight series
Favorite Books: Twilight series

My last college program I didn't make many friends so I'm excited to meet some of you! :)

Oh my gosh...why can't you be moving in on June9th...you seem so nice! Also, Twilight and Pirates are great and I thought I was the only one who listened to Disney Park music sometimes...wow!:thumbsup2
Oh my gosh...why can't you be moving in on June9th...you seem so nice! Also, Twilight and Pirates are great and I thought I was the only one who listened to Disney Park music sometimes...wow!:thumbsup2

Aww that would of been prefect! We should still meet up though because you seem really cool! :)
Aww that would of been prefect! We should still meet up though because you seem really cool! :)

Yes we should meet up!:wave2:

Oh and your major sounds really yummy, lol. Now I want to bake something!!
Congrats on getting accepted again for a DCP! How long ago did you do your first one and what role did you have?

You can PM me if you want!
Hey, everyone! I'm looking for 3 non-wellness roommates with arrival dates for May 12 who are looking to live in Patterson. I'm excited to have accepted by role for QSFB and can't wait to meet everyone. Here is my roommate matching form:

Name: Gabby
Gender: Female
Birthday/Age: April 7th/21 years old
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Religion: Catholic (non-practicing)
School: University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Major: Middle School Education
Allergies: None
Siblings: 5 brothers; 2 sisters!
Pets: None
Location: Walt Disney World
Role: Quick Service Food and Beverage
Program: Fall Advantage 2014
Move-In Date: May 12
Wellness or Non-Wellness: Non-Wellness
How many people do you want to live with? 3
Preferred Housing Complex: Patterson (Chatham as a second choice)
Do you party? I enjoy partying but not excessively. I can appreciate and calm night with friends.
Do you drink? Yes
Do you smoke? No
Do you like to cook? Yes
Night person or morning person? I'm definitely a night person!
Do you snore? No
Health Issues? None
What does your room look like? Clean or organized chaos when I get too busy
Do you like your room hot or cold? Cold at night but not freezing during the day
Would you rather stay in or go out? It definitely depends on my mood but we only live once and will only be in Disney for a short time so I want to explore what I can but some nights you just need to slow down and relax.
What do you like to do on days off/weekend? PARKS PARKS PARKS! I also can’t wait to meet new people!
Do you work out a lot? I wish!
Three words that describe you: friendly, positive, outspoken
One good quality: I like to see the good in things
One bad quality: I can be impatient
Are you outgoing or quiet? Outgoing
Do you like to hang out with people or keeping to yourself? Both; I think everyone needs their down time alone but what fun would it be going through without anyone to laugh with?!
What would you want in a roommate? Some one who is considerate, laid back, but still likes adventure!
Are you messy or organized? I hate being unorganized!
How do you feel about sharing? As long as you ask first I have no problem
Do you like having people over? Of course
Favorite Music: I’m all about country
Favorite TV Shows: Friends, Walking Dead, How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Movies: Pretty much anything that says Disney lol
Favorite Food: I could pretty much go anywhere and get a burger and be totally content
Favorite Candy: chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
Favorite Drink: I drink mostly water
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Book: haha I have no idea!
Favorite Characters: Goofy!
Favorite Movie: People can actually choose favorites??
Favorite Princess: Cinderella
Favorite Prince: Prince Eric!
Favorite Disney Couple: Cinderella and Prince Charming
Favorite Villain: Hans!!
Gender: F
Orientation: STUDENT
Relationship Status: SINGLE
Birthday/Age: 7/14, 25
Current Location: INDIANAPOLIS, IN
Major: PSYCH
Are you allergic/allergies to anything? DUST
Do you have any siblings? NOPE


Are you applying for WDW or DL? WDW
Flying or Driving: DRIVING
What program are you applying for? ALREADY ACCEPTED, May 19
Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? NON
How many people do you want to live with? 2-3
Which housing complex would you like to live in?: NOT VISTA
Alumni? NOOOO


Do you party? How often? Does card night count? Lol
Do you smoke? No
Do you drink? Occasionally I'll have a bloody mary
Can you cook? yes, and I love seafood
Are you a night person or morning person? night
Do you snore? no, but I do toss and turn
What does your bedroom normally look like? I keep it pretty clean, but I do have some clutter
Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? COLD!
Would you rather go out or stay in? I'm an introvert, I prefer a book versus a night out, but I do get the occasional need to be social
What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Read, go to the park, maybe just walk
Do you work out a lot? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.


Three words that describe you: sarcastic, liberal, blunt
One good quality: I adapt easily
One bad quality: I cuss...a lot
Are you outgoing or quiet? introvert!
Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? I prefer small groups or myself
What would you want in a roommate? respect, intelligence, quiet, common sense, logic and funny
What are your biggest pet peeves/dislikes? stupid.
Are you messy or organized? happy middle?
How do you feel about sharing? eh, to an extent. I'm fine with sharing if it's an even split, or the person who 'bough' it gets majority. I don't like to get something and then get the short end of the stick
Do you like having people over a lot? no
Favorite thing to do: read
Favorite Music: I don't do country or rap
Favorite TV Shows: I don't really watch TV
Favorite Movies: princess bride, star wars, firefly...
Favorite Food: sushi
Favorite Candy: twix
Favorite Drink: tea!
Favorite Color: orange


Favorite Character: Mulan
Favorite Movie: oh, this is hard....mmmm...Lion King? It just had great music...
Favorite Disney Channel Show: hahaha, Alice in Wonderland! old school, eh?
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Ride: Haunted Mansion
Hi Erin!

I'd think we'd be a pretty good match! Here's my own survey

Gender: F
Orientation: STUDENT
Relationship Status: SINGLE
Birthday/Age: 7/14, 25
Current Location: INDIANAPOLIS, IN
Major: PSYCH
Are you allergic/allergies to anything? DUST
Do you have any siblings? NOPE


Are you applying for WDW or DL? WDW
Flying or Driving: DRIVING
What program are you applying for? ALREADY ACCEPTED, May 19
Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? NON
How many people do you want to live with? 2-3
Which housing complex would you like to live in?: NOT VISTA
Alumni? NOOOO


Do you party? How often? Does card night count? Lol
Do you smoke? No
Do you drink? Occasionally I'll have a bloody mary
Can you cook? yes, and I love seafood
Are you a night person or morning person? night
Do you snore? no, but I do toss and turn
What does your bedroom normally look like? I keep it pretty clean, but I do have some clutter
Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? COLD!
Would you rather go out or stay in? I'm an introvert, I prefer a book versus a night out, but I do get the occasional need to be social
What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Read, go to the park, maybe just walk
Do you work out a lot? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.


Three words that describe you: sarcastic, liberal, blunt
One good quality: I adapt easily
One bad quality: I cuss...a lot
Are you outgoing or quiet? introvert!
Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? I prefer small groups or myself
What would you want in a roommate? respect, intelligence, quiet, common sense, logic and funny
What are your biggest pet peeves/dislikes? stupid.
Are you messy or organized? happy middle?
How do you feel about sharing? eh, to an extent. I'm fine with sharing if it's an even split, or the person who 'bough' it gets majority. I don't like to get something and then get the short end of the stick
Do you like having people over a lot? no
Favorite thing to do: read
Favorite Music: I don't do country or rap
Favorite TV Shows: I don't really watch TV
Favorite Movies: princess bride, star wars, firefly...
Favorite Food: sushi
Favorite Candy: twix
Favorite Drink: tea!
Favorite Color: orange


Favorite Character: Mulan
Favorite Movie: oh, this is hard....mmmm...Lion King? It just had great music...
Favorite Disney Channel Show: hahaha, Alice in Wonderland! old school, eh?
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Ride: Haunted Mansion

Here's my room mate survey!! I'm fairly flexible on things such as number of room mates and which apartment complex. :)

Name: Erin Earley

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Birthday/Age: September 13, 1991, so I will turn 23 on the program

Hometown: Colorado Springs, Co

School: Pikes Peak Community college

Major: Baking/pastry

Year in School: Junior

Religion: Lutheran, though not overly religious

Are you allergic to anything? animals, dust, smoke

Where do you work? Build a Bear and a local pizza joint

Do you have any siblings? a younger brother

Do you have any pets? Two dogs that I love so much that it doesn't really matter that they make me sneeze

Who do you live with? My parental units


Are you applying for WDW or DL? Walt Disney World

What roles did you accept: QSFB which wasn't my first or second or...third choice, but it's all about what you make of it right?

What program are you applying for? Fall advantage

When do you arrive?: May 19th!

Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? Non Wellness preferably, just for security purposes. I'm not a fan of getting in trouble for things other people do.

How many people do you want to live with? I’d prefer 2-3 bedrooms but will go up to 4

Which housing complex would you like to live in? The commons is my first choice, then Chatham and Patterson.


Do you party? How often? I'm not a party-goer, unless it's like...game night or something. haha.

Do you drink? not typically, but I have and do occasionally. I'm a great DD :)

Do you smoke? Nope

Do you like to cook? I do! It is my major after all.

Are you a night person or morning person? A night person typically, but can an will get up early when needed.

Do you snore? I've been told I don't and I'm a rather light sleeper.

What does your bedroom normally look like? Honestly not always the tidiest, but I know I will keep things cleaned up in the apartment.

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? Prefer cold, easier to adjust that way i.e with blankets or hoodies.

Would you rather go out or stay in? I typically stay in, but plan on using Disney as a way to broaden my horizons and get out there, have fun.

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? I want to go to the parks and Universal, maybe go to the beach. Just explore Florida!!

Do you workout a lot? I want to get into a better routine/habit of working out. IT's just hard to find the time.


Three words that describe you: Nerdy, caring, fun

One good quality: I love people and making people happy. It makes me a fairly easy-going and flexible person.

One bad quality: Once you've done something to make me dislike you (which can be hard to do) it's hard to make me like you again.

Are you outgoing or quiet? Quiet until I get to know someone!

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? I like to hang out with people, but being an introvert I need some alone time to recharge every one in awhile.

What would you want in a roommate? Easy to get along with, somewhat tidy, wants to get out, Fun, and trustworthy.

What are your biggest pet peeves? People trying to parent me or acting superior when they are not.

Are you messy or organized? organized as much as possible!

How do you feel about sharing? Sharing is caring! To an extent. Rules need to be in place and followed/respected by everyone involved.

Do you like having people over a lot? Not large amounts of people at one time, but one or two people occasionally

Favorite thing to do: I'm fairly attached to my computer, but I'm excited to go out and play at the parks and other things in Florida

Favorite Music: I listen to pretty much anything and everything.

Favorite TV Shows: Dr. Who, Glee, Law and Order, I'm pretty willing and happy to watch anything.

Favorite Movies: Harry Potter and any Disney movie really

Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent, anything John Green wrote.

Favorite Food: I'm always willing to try anything, but I would have to say Asian food in general is my favorite.

Favorite Candy: Twizzlers and Starbursts

Favorite Drink: Sprite, Orange soda

Favorite Color: Green!


Favorite Character: Mulan

Favorite Movie: Mulan, Monsters Inc and Monsters University

Favorite Prince: Flynn Rider

Favorite Princess: Mulan

Favorite Villain: Ursula

Favorite Park: Either Epcot or Hollywood Studios.

Favorite Disney Channel Show: That's a hard one. Definitely 90's Disney Channel was the best, but I don't think I have one favorite show.

Favorite Ride: Tower of Terror, but Splash Mountain is a close second

Favorite Animal Kingdom Ride: Everest

Favorite Hollywood Studios Ride: Tower of Terror

Favorite Epcot Ride: Test Track

Favorite MK ride: Splash Mountain

Number of times to WDW: A lot, mostly when I was younger but quite a few in the past few years since my best friend started working down there.

If you have any questions let me know!!!! :)


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