Famous people at WDW

saw Johnny Depp on pirates and Rick Moranis on honey i shrunk the audience but the biggest celeb i saw was british prime minister Tony Blair on test track. ( or was that a crash test DUMMY ).
Ive seen a famous world series pitcher from the yankees get off the monorail into the MK, and ive seen Hines Ward, WR at MK.
I saw Robert Plant at MGM in 2000 outside of the TOT. It was really cool because it was my honeymoon & my wife is a HUGE Led Zepplin fan. It really made her day.
We got to meet Vincent D'Onofrio from Law and Order CI at MVMCP in 2005. I love him :love: . Very nice guy.

It wasnt at WDW, but on the Disney Cruise that I saw Slash from Guns n Roses. We were dining in Palo's on the same night and I couldnt help but stare at him LOL. The next day when we were getting off to go to COsta Maya we saw him and his family leaving the beach area and I gave him the sign you make with your hands that means love( you know the one people in the audience at a concert do) and said "rock on Slash" LOL what a dork I am:lmao:

:lmao: Actually, the sign that people do at rock concerts is the love sign without the thumb out....it's devil horns! Not quite the same thing.....
It's not my intention to be mean by pointing out your error but reading it cracked me up!!! :banana:


"I Love You" in sign language


Devil horns sign

It's all in the thumbs, man! :)
This last December my sister and her famly saw Donny Osmond. THey took pictures. He was on one of the buses going to his resort. They got pictures. It was neat. I couldn't believe he would ride the regular buses like us "common folk". LOL

Donny Osmond is a very down to earth guy. I met him about 2 years ago in Vegas and he was exactly as I had imagined. He was very polite and seemed to be interested in what I was saying. I actually don't remember what I said to him as I was so nervous.
ok, I have to say first.. I would never think to see Slash on a disney cruise!! haha.. it just seems too um.. non -rock n roll to me! :rotfl2:

secondly.... to the people who saw johnny depp and Vincent D'Onofrio .. did you get to talk to them? what happned? what did they say? OMG, I am IN LOVE with both of those men... someone would have to hold me back so I wouldn't jump on top of them! :hippie: :love:

and for my celebrity encounters...

I used to work at celebrity eyeworks studio in downtown disney...

1. once a co-worker said jennifer lopez was eating at house of blues... some of my other co-workers ran over there to see her but I didn't.

2. The lead singer of REO speedwagon came in the shop one night and I could tell by his conversation on his cell phone that he was someone in the music biz so I struck up a conversation with the guy...

me: are you having a nice vacation?
him: actually i'm here working. my band is playing house of blues tomorrow night.
me: oh cool.. what band are you in?
him: REO speedwagon.
none of my coworkers heard of the band besides me - they were all in their early 20's, I was about 27. I think the guy was just happy that I knew who they were! He ended up giving me free tickets and backstage passes! :woohoo: (not that I'm a huge REO speedwagon fan. it was a good show though!)

3. A woman walked into the store and I could tell she was someone famous just by the way she was walking around and looking self important.. I helped her in the store... she tried on at least 15 pairs of sunglasses. :3dglasses she would take the sunglasses to the mirror and kinda suck in her cheeks at herself and pout her lips and pose with the glasses on her face :laughing: .. she ended up buying like 6 pairs of sunglasses and they were all in the 800 - 1200 dollar range. As I was walking behind her in the store to get the glasses for her.. she FARTED :eek: (yes! farted!) and acted like it didn't happen. After I made the sale (and got great commission off of her) I asked my manager who she was...

it was Carrie Fisher of Star Wars fame! haha.

4. Once I heard that R. Kelly :rolleyes: came into the store to buy a LOT of sunglasses .. they were supposedly going to be given to his backup dancers and used in a video they were shooting... I didn't get to see him though, I just missed him by like a minute or two!

5. A co-workers boyfriend met Steven Tyler on Buzz lightyear and said he was a really cool guy, not stuck up or mean at all! :hippie: :thumbsup2

I think that's it!
My friend constantly reminds me of the time she met "Doogie Howser" at Disneyland (Neil Patrick Harris now, but because of the time she saw him he's still Doogie Howser in the story)

I met him at 50's Prime Time and he even posed for a picture-very nice. I told him I loved his new show (How I Met Your Mother.) I have also met Joe Rhode (have a picture/autograph) at an Imagineering talk and Ming Tsai at Food and Wine. We have seen a lot of the stars here for the 50th and the Christmas parade. Page Davis (Trading Places), Diana Digarmo (American Idol), Patrick Warburton (Puddy, Kronk, The Tick), Alan Cumming (Nightcrawler-X2), Giada Delaurentis (Everyday Italian), The High School Musical kids, Kelly and Regis, etc..
Recently, I saw Glady Knight waiting at the exit of EE with a VIP Host. No, I didn't make a fuss!

Our "supremo forever" has to be Dec 2001... We stayed in the room next to Julie Andrews and Blake Edwards (they had one of the suites, we didn't!) at the Boardwalk. Rode the elevators with them, walked the halls with them and stood with them out on the concierge balcony, waiting for a rocket launch that never happened. Julie was there in a dressing robe and wet hair (very, very short!), while Blake and I discussed the fact that nothing was going to happen. Finally, he said to me, "I feel like an idiot", and left, with Julie following behind. Days later, we did take some pics as they were leaving and climbing in to the limo, and I was amazed at the way the VIP treated them! Like they were saying good bye to their best friend.

She is an incredible personality!

I would have just gone into shock and passed out! Julie Andrews is on my list of top 5 people I would love to meet if I could meet anyone famous. She is just so very talented! I have always loved watching her in anything she has done and now my kids do, too! I have to admit though that as much as I love Sound of Music, Mary Poppins & Princess Diaries (both), Victor/Victoria is my absolute favorite - she is amazingly and versatile funny in that!
LOL although I know that Julie is an amazingly nice woman, the probability is that the VIP had made a LOT of money working with them for their stay AND she's probably a great tipper.

They make about $8/hour and are not allowed to accept tips. :sad2:
I would not go up to a celeb at Disney as much as I wuold probably want to. It's their off time and one little picture could lead to them being SWARMED.

That said, I had lunch with the oldest son from Home Improvement and his family and we did take a picture with him. What happened was, we were at ESPN cafe in boardwalk the day it opened and it was just a clusterXXXX all around. We waited over 2 hours to get our lunch. They were at the table next to us and we just bonded. We didn't even realize it was him until he said he was there for a disney promotion (all the ABC stars of the Friday night line up were there at the time). When we finally got our food and ate, we asked if we could take a picture.

That same week we saw Corbin Bernson on Tower of Terror and all the kids from Boy Meets World.

Another time, we saw Evander Hollyfield and his family coming out of The Living Seas. This was right after the Mike Tyson incident and I sooo wanted to make a joke but I was a good girl. :angel:
we saw the basketball player "Dr.J" in Epcot, he had just done in interview and he was walking very quickly..... My Dh was all charged up over that one.
OH! I just remembered that we saw David Copperfield coming off of ToT! actually.. my mom, sister, and I rode it and my dad was waiting for us when we got off.. he told us he saw David and filmed him.. and we got to watch the video back..

david was getting on an elevator from down in the basement going up and my dad yelled at him "YO DAVID!!" and david copperfield waved at my dad just as the doors of the elevator were shutting and got it on tape! haha. it was pretty funny to watch it back later.

that dude is SOOO TALL and SKINNY (we saw him in magic kingdom later on our trip) and he always wears his signature black pants and black shirt! (maybe he had on a black leather jacket, I can't remember!)


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