Fear the Walking Dead - anyone?

I was surprised they would kill Travis off, well he better be dead. If they have him survive falling out of a helicopter while bleeding out of a main artery I'll be p-oed. Like the poster above said there is nothing else on, so I guess I will watch. It wasn't too bad last night. I would like to see Strand find them again I think it will be better with the group all together.
Im glad they went in the direction they did....the Chris and Travis characters were annoying as hell, and i think they know they need to introduce more relateable characters
Ha, I feel like I'm always in the minority.

** spoiler moments for anyone who hasn't watched**

I thought the show improves with every season. I was shocked about Travis, mainly b/c he was FINALLY starting to not be awful (I was so happy Chris died last season, even though it ended up being a super weak reveal). I personally love Madison. I feel like she's not afraid to take care of business, even though she loses it from time to time and makes rash decisions. I can also relate to her - you'd better believe I'd be scooping somebody's eyeball out with a spoon to get my family back together too!

Also loved Strand walking to the car...ready for them to be reunited, he's my favorite. I really thought that lady was going to stab him, not jump off the balcony.
That's too bad because she ain't no Rick.

Overall the show was a pretty good start for the season.

I agree. I would buy Alicia, Strand, or even Nick as the Rick of the group before Madison...and that's saying A LOT!

It was a good start. I think they could have done a better death for Travis but, eh. Oh well.
So the things that were dumb in the season opener....
1) The gang is captive and the show acts like we know these new characters and our gang knows them. Need more introductions.
2) After Madison 'spoons' crazy guy's eye, he rescues her and Nick as they leave and then drives them while grinning ear to ear...huh? Maybe the show is trying to depict how cray cray he is.
3) Helicopter girl is allowed to just skip off into the night for a wiz. In zombieville. Uh, okay. Then she gets dead...no surprise there. And she looks silly just laying there dead.
4) Oh yeah...back at the captive place....the one bad guy sees rats pour out of wall and as he investigates he gets eaten by the wall...dumb and just added for shock factor and gore factor. Hate that these writers do that. If they want shock and gore there are plenty of more fitting ways to do it and not just randomly shoving it in the script. MOO!
5) Spoon eye crazy guy is just walking around as if he only had an eyelash in his eye for a second. Me thinks he would be down and out for some to time...maybe even with a brain injury. Spoon in the eye ain't no small thing.
6) why would any of this new community even care about our group especially since lady Rick, Madison, spooned one of their eyes?

One more little thing...when Strand sees the car he says 'and it's my color too'. My DD replied 'uh, it's just black'. Not like it was a little red Corvette...just a black sedan????

Also the Travis death had to be explained on Talking Dead...as I have said several times, if they have to explain after the show then they aren't doing something right.
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Also the Travis death had to be explained on Talking Dead...as I have said several times, if they have to explain after the show then they aren't doing something right.

What had to be explained?
What had to be explained?

I think they had to explain that he actually died. They never showed Travis dead, or in walker form, or getting a gun to the head etc., just falling from the chopper. Yes, it was too high to survive, but with tv you never know. I recall Chris Hardwick asking the director, "Is Travis really dead?" He said, yes Travis is definitely dead.
I was beyond stunned that they killed off Travis. So I guess those rumors last year were true -- they want to make Madison the female Rick. So kill off Travis and she can be she-woman now! UGH -- I liked him, I can't stand her!

And why does his death have to be explained -- he got shot in the neck (a death sentence without immediate medical care) and then threw himself out of the helicopter several hundred feet up. If he didn't bash his brains open, he's a walking dead for sure.

Too much back and forth between the two episodes -- the family was separated, then they found each other, then they were separated........and so on!

And oh geez -- why did they have to go back to that ridiculous group of people at the hotel -- just so we could see the widow throw herself off the balcony! I thought we were done with them.
[QUOTE="RedSox68, post: 57705813, member: 231727"]I was beyond stunned that they killed off Travis. So I guess those rumors last year were true -- they want to make Madison the female Rick. So kill off Travis and she can be she-woman now! UGH -- I liked him, I can't stand her!

And why does his death have to be explained -- he got shot in the neck (a death sentence without immediate medical care) and then threw himself out of the helicopter several hundred feet up. If he didn't bash his brains open, he's a walking dead for sure.

Too much back and forth between the two episodes -- the family was separated, then they found each other, then they were separated........and so on!

And oh geez -- why did they have to go back to that ridiculous group of people at the hotel -- just so we could see the widow throw herself off the balcony! I thought we were done with them.[/QUOTE]

I was actually just starting to like him! LOL! He said jokingly on TD that whenever there is a couple, one gets killed off. Kind of true (Lori, Glenn, Abe, Bob all part of a couple.)

I kind of forgot last season, so I was kind of fuzzy on what happened. I kind of remember bits and pieces. I guess I should have watched the last episode or two. On TD, they did a thing about "where is Ofelia?" I kind of forgot all about Ofelia. Don't even know when they last showed her.
I think they had to explain that he actually died. They never showed Travis dead, or in walker form, or getting a gun to the head etc., just falling from the chopper. Yes, it was too high to survive, but with tv you never know. I recall Chris Hardwick asking the director, "Is Travis really dead?" He said, yes Travis is definitely dead.
What had to be explained?

Also the thing about sitting on helmets because helicopter guys would get shot at from below and that Travis had a bullet come up from bellow and go in his gut slicing open where his guts were falling out (did you guys notice his guts falling out?), went through his boday and exited out his neck. We just assumed the gut wound was from the attack in that pit he was in and that he didn't tell them he was wounded until he then got shot in neck. And they explained on TTD. They were giving homage to the WWII guys who sat on their helmets or whatever.
Oh, and what about that odd little incestuous hug between Madison and Nick...I know so she could let him know of her gun, but EWWWW! And my DD said how Travis, Nick and everyone gets way more hugs from Madison in one day than poor Alicia has all show.
Also the thing about sitting on helmets because helicopter guys would get shot at from below and that Travis had a bullet come up from bellow and go in his gut slicing open where his guts were falling out (did you guys notice his guts falling out?), went through his boday and exited out his neck. We just assumed the gut wound was from the attack in that pit he was in and that he didn't tell them he was wounded until he then got shot in neck. And they explained on TTD. They were giving homage to the WWII guys who sat on their helmets or whatever.
And why does his death have to be explained -- he got shot in the neck
Yeah - that was not intuitive at all - because the thing is he WASN'T shot in the neck. I was confused by the guts spilling out...I'm thinking ok so he got scratched or bit by a walker and was prepared to die anyways - that's why he let himself fall from the plane. I never considered being shot from below and the bullet exiting the neck. I guess it's insignificant in the grand scheme of things but just made me more confused about his death and distracted from him actually dying.
Oh, and what about that odd little incestuous hug between Madison and Nick...I know so she could let him know of her gun, but EWWWW! And my DD said how Travis, Nick and everyone gets way more hugs from Madison in one day than poor Alicia has all show.

That was weird. I thought it was a little.......um strange. They mentioned it on TD as well.


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