February 2009 - Walt's Warriors!!


I'd rather be on Main Street in WDW!
Feb 27, 2008
OK, Here it is.

Walt's Warriors February Thread!! Taaadaaa. (It's Magical You know.)pixiedust:

Feel free to write about your times, miles, triumphs, ups and downs and questions.

This will be the area that total at the end of the month will go.
To view our spreadsheet that some of our members are posting their miles:

I will also post any races that anyone is doing for the month of February so we can all cheer you on. I would encourage any and all Warriors to complete at least one charity event this year. I am raising money and doing a walk on Mother's Day. Money goes for Breast cancer support networking group.
Volunteering for an event would be great for anyone who has never done so. It is quite a different experience on the other side of an event.

Good Afternoon my fellow Warriors!!

I had 8 miles on tap today. I did a 5min warmup, then out for my 8 miles, after around mile 4 I got a sudden feeling that I needed a pit stop. (won't go into details.) Glad I usually pass a store of some sort or another at most of the bigger intersections. So I have to make a pit stop at the Winn Dixie, funny how my Garmin can get a signal in the back of the store so I got some mile credits while walking through the store. Then back on the road. I ended up going 8.20 miles!! Extra .20 for the pit stop. Then a cool down and stretching for 10min. Total time was 2hr19min.

I have a team database program set up with Goggle docs. If you want to insert your own times and miles you can. I would just need your email address.

DOn't forget that races count double!!!

Have a great day Warriors!
Hey Warriors,

I know it has been awhile since I checked in but I have been busy in the miles/minutes department. I restarted C25K this past week in hopes of shaving some more time off of my 5K PR and have been doing pilates/and some other core stuff.

LOVE the new Warriors signature picture!!

I probably will post my miles/minutes every couple days but have also made a spreadsheet for myself so I can easily post a monthly total.

I have at least 1 race in February. On the 28th, Delena and I are doing the Gasparilla stroller 5K. And the next day (3/1) I am doing the Gasparilla 1/2 marathon.

I will be out for a 4 miler soon before superbowl eating and drinking starts!
Amy: Pssstttt. we can be Warriors and on TEAM EDWARD!!!

Hey team!

I'm following an 8k training schedule, even though I won't be doing one (filled up too fast, grrr). I did 2 miles today, and have 2 more weeks of 2 miles pretty much. I have no wind in my pipes, so my goal is to built endurance. On Thursday it took 25 minutes to do 2 miles, and today it took 23.53 minutes. Not exactly a huge improvement, but an improvement none the less. I can do a 1/2 mile without stopping, but then I pretty much do 1/4 mile walking, 1/4 mile running until I hit 2 miles. I'm hoping in 2 weeks I can run the first full mile without stopping!

I also totally agree about doing a charity run and volunteering. I am doing a charity 5k in May and already hit my fund raising goal! And as soon as I can sign up, I am going to volunteer for the Chicago marathon.
Hey Team!

Just got back from my 5 miler this morning. Took me 1:10. Did have a little trouble with the leg again, but not too bad. Hopefully it's getting better...although I hear to completely get an IT problem to go away, you are supposed to stop running all together for a while. Well...that ain't happening unless I just can't walk anymore. :rotfl:

I know the official mileage thing starts in February, but I just thought I'd post that my total for January was 78.05!!! I was shocked!!!

It looks like I'm way ahead of you Tracy (like that would ever happen;) )...I did the Lou Gehrig 10k in January and I am volunteering at Robert's (ultramm) race in April! Yeah...two goals down...only like a million more to go!:faint:

Off to get ready for the Superbowl!! Have a great week Warriors!
Hey Team! Happy February!

Logged 4.5 miles today. With some extra stretching, etc. for a total of one hour.

I signed up for a tri on March 8th. No races this month for me. At least not yet. :goodvibes
Hey Team- Can you believe it's February already?!

No times or distance to report for today. This is one of my resting days... i did walk some around Walmart today! haha maybe I should have measured that. But I do have some good news to report! I weighed myself today and in the one week of C25K I have lost 4 pounds!!! (Started at 170- now at 166) I'm amazed! It's such good motivation to keep going!

Have a good day everyone- Happy Super Bowl and GOOO STEELERS!!!! :cheer2: pixiedust:
Tracy pop my email on and i'll fill in miles and mins. I'll PM u in a bit. Well done on your 8.2 miles- that pit stop did good in the end!

Amy great work keeping your miles and mins up. Hope 4 miler went really well

Katie actually that's an amazing improvement so quickly and over that distance so don't you be putting yourself down. Good effort following a plan too. It helps so much.

Michelle wahoo for your 5 miles. I know exactly what you mean IT band wise- stopping running= grumpy warriors. It's in my family's interest to keep me running :rotfl2: 78.05 miles is sooo impressive too :cheer2:

Erika yay for your 4.5miles and extra stretching. Tri in march sounds fab.

Katarina 4pounds in 1 week :hyper: i can tell you're going to be a determined warrior! Fantastic effort.

I did my longest outside run for a while- 9.5miles in 86mins and 10 mins stretching. IT band kicked off about mile 7 but it was runable so kept going. Feeling much more positive about making it around princess now. Oh oh and it's very lightly snowing, i'd love some real snow so will be sleeping with my fingers crossed. Have a great week everyone
Happy Sunday Warriors!!

Today I got in 40 miles on the bike in 2:20.
Happy February! I started the month off right with a Monday 2 1/2 mile run. Then I went to Walmart and they had wii's and 1 wii fit. Well since my birthday is only 8 days away I went ahead and bought it!!! I didn't have time to open it though, the superbowl was way more important. Today is my off day, and I have a date, so will be running tomorrow.
MArcie - I'm hooking up my wii & wii fit tonight. Got a package from walkmart.com! BTW, love teh quote in your sig!

Kate - WTG on the long run! You are crusin'!

Jim - You never cease to amaze me.

Erika - WTG fro signing up fro teh tri!

bella - WTG on the weight loss!!

Michelle - Great job on teh January mileage!

PrincesShea - YOu will get there. If you really feel like you're hurting fr lung cappacity, slow it down a bit. TOo much too soon ican be bad. WTG on your training!

AMy - GOod to see you! WTG for beign signed up for races already!

Tracy - Thansk again fo keeping things on track!

I want to point out that I don't want anyone here to feel like they are doing less than anyone else. We are all working hard and oding what we can. We've all been starting runners (I say run, I mean run/walk.jog/wog). We here to encourage everyone to do their best.

FOr those of you that I have not learned your irst names yet. Forgive me. I'll have them down soon.

OK, I have been a slug. Hope to wii fit tonight and get back on track tomorrow. Things have been crazy at home and both dh and I were sick. Lots of excuses, some fo them good ones, but time to get it in gear again!
Hey Warriors!

I was just looking at my GREEN calendar and realized I've done about 60 miles for January. Considering that I interpreted the "taper" very liberally before the half (as in ran maybe 5 miles in the two weeks before;) ), I'm rather pleased.

Went out yesterday with both boys in the double stroller and Emma on her bike. We took up the whole road! We did 5 miles before ending at a park. I was supposed to do 6, but my crew was threatening to mutiny.pirate:

Greetings to all our new teammates! Post whatever you like- we're here to commiserate or celebrate (or both!) My first 5k I was DLF. I was so embarassed at the time. My WISH friends talked me through that first DLF and have kept with me through a Goofy and a bunch of other races over the last 2 years. I know I would have given up long ago without my WISH peeps. :thumbsup2

Jen in GA
I wanted to check in and say hello to everyone. I am going to post my miles on a weekly basis. I am also going to post my weight. I really need more help staying on tract there than I do with the running so, if I post it I will be inclined to make it drop. My starting weight for February is 262.8. I will let you know how many miles and what my weight is at the end of the week. Thanks for being there everyone!!
Hey everyone! Made it to the rec center today. It was tough getting motivated to get there... I had a hectic morning (trying to get Springsteen tickets and get to class on time is tougher than it sounds..) and didn't want to leave my room. But i got there and started my second week of training. about 1.5 miles today (25 minutes). I was proud! Have a great day Warriors!
princess: Katarina
MArcie - I'm hooking up my wii & wii fit tonight. Got a package from walkmart.com! BTW, love teh quote in your sig!

Thank you! It's helped motivate me. I will be eager to hear how your fit goes. Tomorrow night after I run I am trying it out.

Sunday run.

My Garmin pegged me at 10 miles even, 1:40:22. I had a couple of walk breaks, to take in the view of the ocean off Diamond Head.
HI Team!

Does the Wii fit count toward our weekly work out minutes? Maybe I should try turning mine on every now and then...LOL

WOW I feel like such a slacker, I took Superbowl Sunday off and pretty much watched TV all day.

I went to spin class for an hour this morning. My goal is between 15 - 20 running miles per week, hopefully I'll come close to that goal.


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