February 2021 W.I.S.H. - Being your own Fabulous Self

It was an ok week. I ate too many pieces of reese's pieces! They're in a storage-ish room in that giant costco container. I would just grab handfuls! :sad2: So I put some in a tiny container in the kitchen. I'm hoping that will be my visual cue to take just a small amount (because that's all there is!).

Our school district is gearing up for in person learning next month. We discussed how impossible it would be to keep students six feet apart while walking places. It's okay because they're moving--not standing there breathing each other's air through their masks for 15 minutes. So I think everyone feels better once we thought about it in those terms. I get my second vaccine tomorrow. Most employees in our building should have had it and the two week period before students return.

Tomorrow grandparents are going to take the twins for an overnight! Super excited to have quiet time with just DH. :love:
This week was definitely strange. I’ve been in person teaching since the beginning of the year. For the first 6 weeks it was hybrid (half came M&T, the other half came Th&F, everyone was synchronously virtual on W, the other days they were asychronously virtual on the days they weren’t in school). But then my class went 100% live in school mid October. (My class is the lowest kindergarteners according to our screener at registration). So I’ve been in school without virtual instruction for months now. Due to the snow storm, Monday was an asynchronous virtual day, Tuesday was off, Wednesday was a synchronous learning day, Thursday & Friday were back in school without recess since the playground was covered in snow/ice. So I had to quickly relearn how to do the virtual stuff. And our district didn’t really give us much notice in terms of planning. so it was a long week and I think I fell asleep around 8:30pm last night!

For those of you about to back, my class of kindergarteners are pretty good about wearing their masks. But they don’t always have ones that are the right size or they need adjusted. No have 2 girls that have a terrible time keeping it over their nose. We had one student in my class have to quarantine because dad tested positive. Other than that, my class has been great! I focus on mask wearing, sanitizing and try to keep them 6 feet apart (but in line it’s almost impossible)! One thing that has helped me is my mom bought me this belt so I always have quick access to hand sanitizer.
554530https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00122OW8G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NDZ5DW9KHGFP3WFKHKB7?psc=1This way I always have hand sanitizer as I go around the room/school helping students with things, especially opening their milks at lunch time. Or helping them form their letters when writing. I just do a quick pump of hand sanitizer before I help them and then sanitize again after.
Love Actually, Crazy Rich Asians, Bridget Jones Diary, Serendipity, Down with Love, Pillow Talk, A Summer Place.

Bridesmaids, All Jerry Lewis movies, What's Up Doc?, Adam's Rib, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, School of Rock, Grownups.

Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, The Santa Claus trilogy, Miracle on 34th Street.

DISNEY:stitch2: :tink:
Lilo & Stitch, Moana, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan.
This week was definitely strange. I’ve been in person teaching since the beginning of the year. For the first 6 weeks it was hybrid (half came M&T, the other half came Th&F, everyone was synchronously virtual on W, the other days they were asychronously virtual on the days they weren’t in school). But then my class went 100% live in school mid October. (My class is the lowest kindergarteners according to our screener at registration). So I’ve been in school without virtual instruction for months now. Due to the snow storm, Monday was an asynchronous virtual day, Tuesday was off, Wednesday was a synchronous learning day, Thursday & Friday were back in school without recess since the playground was covered in snow/ice. So I had to quickly relearn how to do the virtual stuff. And our district didn’t really give us much notice in terms of planning. so it was a long week and I think I fell asleep around 8:30pm last night!

For those of you about to back, my class of kindergarteners are pretty good about wearing their masks. But they don’t always have ones that are the right size or they need adjusted. No have 2 girls that have a terrible time keeping it over their nose. We had one student in my class have to quarantine because dad tested positive. Other than that, my class has been great! I focus on mask wearing, sanitizing and try to keep them 6 feet apart (but in line it’s almost impossible)! One thing that has helped me is my mom bought me this belt so I always have quick access to hand sanitizer.
View attachment 554530https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00122OW8G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NDZ5DW9KHGFP3WFKHKB7?psc=1This way I always have hand sanitizer as I go around the room/school helping students with things, especially opening their milks at lunch time. Or helping them form their letters when writing. I just do a quick pump of hand sanitizer before I help them and then sanitize again after.
I’m going to show this to my daughter! They go back the end of the month and she usually has a lunch duty-in a K-2 building you open a lot of stuff for them!
Anything with Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart. And Tom Hanks. I want to see the western he’s in because I enjoyed the book. Love the old Hitchcock thrillers. If we come across the Jurassic Park movies channel surfing we end up watching til the end. The recent adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels have been very good.
We watched The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix and loved it. Watched it in two sessions. I have recorded PBS mysteries for years. Haven’t seen Prom yet, but it’s on my list. My husband really misses going to the movies, but I actually prefer watching in my pjs with my own popcorn and a glass of wine!
What are a couple of your all time favorite movies... movies that you watch over and over again, movies that touched you and possibly changed your life?

Different "over and over" movies at different times in my life - Annie, The Sound of Music, the Harry Potter movies...

Now & Then is special to me, because it's the last movie I watched with my mom.

There are lots of movies that I'll leave on if I'm flipping channels and come across them (even if I'm still going about whatever chores I'm doing and they're just on in the background) - Steel Magnolias, Sweet Home Alabama, National Treasure, 50 First Dates, Jaws, Jurassic Park...

I can't think of a movie that I'd say changed my life, though.
When I was a kid there used to be old movies on TV Sunday afternoon and I watched a lot of the Bette Davis and Joan Crawford tortured career woman movies... not the best subliminal messaging and impressionable girl should be getting, and they may have influenced some of my choices.

I love the Meg Ryan rom-coms and will watch them periodically and there are actors I watch out for, Tom Hanks is probably top of the list.

For genres I like period movies that immerse you in a different time and place. And lighter romantic comedies.

Say Anything is a movie that really stuck with me as it was the first time I saw depiction of a man dedicating his life to a woman. I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark five times in the theater when it first came out. I was a fan of the first three Star Wars movies. The first time they were shown publicly back to back was during the Seattle Film Festival one year. I went, waiting in line all afternoon and then fell asleep half way thru #2.
I’m all over the place with movies. I’ll watch almost anything....from Disney to rom-coms to dramas to action to thrillers, but not so much westerns or horror. In terms of favorites, that’s hard to choose. I feel like I go through phases with movies.

I think two that were impactful to me were A Time To Kill and Hidden Figures. I think they both helped to me feel the difference in the time periods. I tend to really immerse myself into movies and those definitely helped me gain a perspective of how things were (and maybe still are in some places, sadly), but also helped me to want to honor the past by creating a better future. One small act of courage can make a big difference!
my class of kindergarteners are pretty good about wearing their masks. But they don’t always have ones that are the right size or they need adjusted.
If my littles noses keep peeking out- esp with those masks that arch up at the nose- does that make sense? I have them put them on upside down. The straight side often will fit their little faces better w/o slipping down!

Movies... annually I usually watch Pride & Pejudice, Becoming Jane, Young Victoria & Cinderella live action... love them all. Love Actually around the holidays. Most Disney classics I’m game to distract myself into...Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Tangled & Moana top my list there ✨
If my littles noses keep peeking out- esp with those masks that arch up at the nose- does that make sense? I have them put them on upside down. The straight side often will fit their little faces better w/o slipping down!

Movies... annually I usually watch Pride & Pejudice, Becoming Jane, Young Victoria & Cinderella live action... love them all. Love Actually around the holidays. Most Disney classics I’m game to distract myself into...Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Tangled & Moana top my list there ✨
Great idea. So many of my students arrive in the morning wearing ill-fitting adult masks. I hand out child-size disposable masks all day.
If my littles noses keep peeking out- esp with those masks that arch up at the nose- does that make sense? I have them put them on upside down. The straight side often will fit their little faces better w/o slipping down!

Movies... annually I usually watch Pride & Pejudice, Becoming Jane, Young Victoria & Cinderella live action... love them all. Love Actually around the holidays. Most Disney classics I’m game to distract myself into...Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Tangled & Moana top my list there ✨
Yes. Some of mine end up putting them on upside down after snack or lunch anyway. The nose piece ends up fitting quite nicely on their chins 😄. My one little girl just lacks awareness. So she has no idea when her nose pops out. I literally told her to cover her nose 5 times during unpacking the other morning. We’ve tried so many different masks. I’ve given her the disposable kid-sized ones and even pinched the wire over her nose. We’ve added a strap that goes around the back of her head. She just really struggles to keep it up. But crazy enough, so far our class has stayed healthy! 🤞
What is on your self-care agenda today? How are you taking care of yourself?

I mostly lazed around yesterday (self-care Saturday instead?) so I’m kind of catching up on housework today.

I do plan to walk on the treadmill this afternoon, which is much-needed self-care considering the Super Bowl snacks we’ll be having later. 😆
It’s snowing again here in south central PA-we’re going to get 4-8 inches before it’s all over. Was hoping to get a walk in this morning but it started snowing earlier than predicted. But it’s nice sitting here by the fireplace waiting for the game tonight. I have our snacks made-we’ll just snack for dinner.

Have a relaxing day, everyone!
We’re also getting snow south-eastern PA, but 3-5 inches expected. After my workout, I went out to help clear the driveway since my son has to go to work. He works at the local grocery store. My husband drove him and did our grocery pickup. Since I was already out, I decided to go for a walk in the snow. I was pretty much the only crazy person out in it around 10:15 this morning. It was so beautiful and peaceful. When I got home, I helped unload and put away groceries. Then my husband and I watched our live-streamed church service. Now I have food prep to do for the week, followed by baking banana bread for our school nurse as part of our school’s appreciation for all her hard work during the pandemic. I hope to have time to sit and read as well before the Super Bowl. I’m not much of a football fan, but my husband and son usually watch it at the neighbors. Since that’s not happening this year, I’ll try to be supportive and make it fun for them. 😊
5-8 inches of snow predicted here. Hoping for a remote from home teaching day tomorrow, but I'm mentally preparing myself for going in. I brought my school MacBook home just in case I get lucky.

My knee is killing me, but I forced myself to walk 20 minutes on the treadmill because lack of activity can stiffen me up.

Nothing else planned. DD and I will be watching tv in the playroom when DH takes over the living room for the super bowl.
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I feel kind of guilty, but it is gorgeous here today... clear skies and sun and in contrast to yesterday, no wind. It looks springy, but it is cold.

Plans today are weekend chores, knitting, reading, getting out for a walk and watching the game. I finished my book yesterday so at some point I’ll go up to the book store and order her next book, which picks up where this one left off.

hope everyone has a lovely day.


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