fed up with weight


<font color=#FF0066>Future Belle on Broadway<br><f
Aug 30, 1999
I can't take it anymore! I've been wanting to loose at least 20 lbs since 8th grade, and the weight just isn't going anywhere! Two summers ago, I lost 5 lbs waiting tables, and just last year, I was down to 135 after the WDWCP college program. I did a ton of walking at WDW because I was always playing in the parks on my days off, but in 4 months I lost only 5 lbs. Over the school year, I gained it all back. Right now, I'm up to my heaviest ever- nearly 150 lbs. :( *cry* I know a lot of you will say that's not that bad at all, but I'm only 5' 3 1/2" tall with a dream of being an actress or at least a Disney princess. My eating habits aren't all that bad, except when I eat out at resturants which isn't very often. At home, I've hardly been snacking at all, and the meals my mom cooks are normal sized portions.

My biggest problem is excersise....I hate it. I'm in terrible shape and tire easily. I've been a lump all summer because I hardly have anything to do. But I've even spent weeks at summer camp when I was younger and didn't even loose any weight after all the hiking. It seems like a lost cause. Unless I can loose the weight, I might as well kiss my dream of playing Belle goodbye.
Hang in there Angie! I hate exercise too.... I know I have to start moving or this weight is NEVER going to come off. I have started walking- every other day now and I will work up to EVERY day gradually. I'm also trying to make sure I keep myself hydrated by drinking lots of water and cutting back on caffeine. Why don't you try to make a little change- some habit you should break or one you should start.... when that becomes routine, pick another! You can do it- don't give up on your dreams! ~Mermaid:sunny:
Hi Angie,

I heard ya,

I have a very hard time losing weight no matter what I do. I finally figured out I needed to eat more protein and less carbs.

I just joined WW online and that is hleping me a lot. It's less expensive than going to meetings and it is a great technical website that is easy to use. .

Good luck.

Do you have a Curves for Women anywhere near your house? They have a great student rate, and you don't need to be in fabulous shape to really enjoy it. It has worked well for me and for many other DISers, including Cathy Canada. :)
You can do this!

Park your car at the farthest lot from your classes and walk. As I recall that was a long way at UT!

Just keep your dream in front of you and focus on that!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} I have always had a weight problem too. I also hate to do exercises. I have started walking and hopefully I will loose some of my weight. Good luck!
Thanks for the encouragement...I'm trying. I've cut back on desserts this week and I've tried to run around the family room to a cd every day. I think I may have lost a pound or two. I've decided that if I can loose 20 pounds, I get to buy a new American Girl doll.
Angie, I can totally identify with you. I'm about your age (22) and have had a weight problem since late elementary school. I am not severely overweight, but I definitely feel better when I'm thinner. I am 5 feet 1.5 inches tall and weight about 142 lbs. I am doing Weight Watchers, which has worked well for me, even though I have taken a very long time doing the plan. I too need to exercise more. The only tips I can think of are to watch your portion sizes (it's so easy to eat more without even knowing it), be careful to not eat too many high fat foods, and drink plenty of water. {{{HUGS}}} for you. Remember, the most important thing is having a good self-image, regardless of the number the scale says.
{{Hugs}} Angie...I know how you feel! I'm 23, about 5'4'' and a month ago I weighed 157...an all time high for me! I was sooo depressed for the longest time because my clothes weren't fitting right, I thought that nothing looked good on me, etc. I gained about 10 pounds in college, then I gained about 20 during law school because I never exercised! I would just sit on my butt and study. Finally, I decided that I had enough! I've been dieting for a month now and I'm down to 138. :) I am doing LA Weightloss (I just have a copy of the diet..I haven't actually gone to the place). It basically teaches the right foods to eat and in the right portions. It's worked so far! And I cheat for one meal once a week.

A few things that I have learned:
Drink lots of water.
Try not to eat anything 4 hours before you go to sleep.
Eat fruits and veggies.
Exercise!! Also, small hand weights to work your arms are great since muscle burns more calories!
5 small meals a day is better than 3 large meals.
Don't starve yourself...it slows down your metabolism.

Hang in there! It's tough at first, but once you start seeing results, it'll get A LOT easier!! I know for me, I always tried to lose weight on my own, but I didn't really know what I should do, eat, etc. I needed a structured diet to tell me exactly what to eat to get me on track...now I just know what I should eat and in what portions. Maybe something more structured will help you like it did me. :)

Good luck, Angie! You can do it!!
Keep working at it Angie. I hated exercise too, but this summer I started riding my bike. I used to be tired all the time, but I found that as I began exercising, I had way more energy! Now if I don't get a bike ride in I feel very sluggish.

Try to find an exercise you might like....walking is great....and once you start and try to get a routine going, you may find that it becomes something you want to do!

Good Luck!


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