Feeling Hot Hot Hot! The Rain Curse is Broken! Two Weeks of Fun in the Sun! COMPLETE

Today was my last day of class for the school year! Woohoo! :woohoo: I just have three exams to take and then I am on summer vacation. Now that class is over I should have time to update more often and this report will probably wrap up by the end of the month. Almost at the one year mark of the trip! :laughing:
May 24th continued

After a fun ride on Everest it was time for a bathroom break. Erich also took the opportunity to examine his wound from his encounter with the tree the previous night.





Erich's quick eye spotted something that I had been wanting to see since 2007. DeVine! I walked right past her, if it weren't for Erich I would have missed her.



We spotted a photopass photographer in a new location, well, it was new to us.


I think you can really see that I was sick in this photo. I was not feeling good at all at this point, the meds were not working! I was really pale and sweaty and yucky.



We stopped by the safari to grab some fastpasses and I finally located the cart that sells the Jalapeno Cheese Stuffed Pretzels. Even though I was not feeling well I had to buy one, when would I have another chance?


It was okay but I think my dulled taste buds lessened my enjoyment. I will have to try it again whenever I get down to visit.

We had some time before the fastpasses became available so we decided to go see our favourite thing at Animal Kingdom, Festival of the Lion King!


We had just missed the start of a show so we had some more time to kill. What do you do in Camp Minnie-Mickey to kill time? Character photos of course!

I nearly died from happiness when I saw Thumper out. Not only was Thumper out but he had Ms. Bunny with him as well! Now, at the time I am writing this nearly a year later it seems like no big deal but last May Thumper and Ms. Bunny were still a new and novel thing. I think I squealed in happiness when I saw them.




Don't you just love them? Too cute!



We showed the other characters some love as well.







I didn't stand in line for Chip and Dale as it was cutting pretty close to showtime for Lion King but I did snap a picture as they came out.


Festival of The Lion King was amazing as usual although somewhat marred by the obnoxious lady sitting behind us. When they were trying to fill the theatre they kept asking everybody to move to the end of their row, she planted her family right in the center and refused to move even after being asked several times. All she did was sit there and complain about how she shouldn't have to move and she had a right to sit where she wanted and if they moved they wouldn't be able to see, blah blah blah. :rolleyes:

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OUCH. That wound looks painful.

Love the character photos! I would have been really excited to meet Thumper and Miss Bunny too! :cutie:

Congrats on being almost done with school... good luck with all your finals! :thumbsup2
Too bad the jalapeno pretzel wasn't as good as it would have been if you hadn't been sick. I understand the need to get all your favorites toward the end of a trip, no matter what.
Love the character photos! I would have been really excited to meet Thumper and Miss Bunny too! :cutie:

Glad it is not just me that gets overly excited to see unusual characters! :laughing:

Congrats on being almost done with school... good luck with all your finals! :thumbsup2

Thanks! So nice to be halfway done with nursing school, only two more years to go!

Too bad the jalapeno pretzel wasn't as good as it would have been if you hadn't been sick. I understand the need to get all your favorites toward the end of a trip, no matter what.

Yep, I had to get that pretzel, I had no idea when I would be back!
Thumper and Ms. Bunny are too cute aren't they? :cutie: So glad you got to see them! So sorry the meds weren't working that day but what a trooper you were to still get out and enjoy your vacation.

Congrats on school being over and good luck on your remaining exams! :goodvibes
Congrats on nearly being done with the semester, and good luck on your exams!

What luck finding thumper and mrs. bunny! I haven't really seen them out and about, so I think it was an awesome character find!

That scrape on Erich's arm looks pretty nasty! :scared1:
Thumper and Ms. Bunny are too cute aren't they? :cutie: So glad you got to see them! So sorry the meds weren't working that day but what a trooper you were to still get out and enjoy your vacation.

Congrats on school being over and good luck on your remaining exams! :goodvibes

Thanks! I have been studying for two days now and my brain already feels fried. :laughing:

Do you have any vacation plans yet for this year?

No Disney plans. If I am lucky maybe I will get to go down and visit Erich during my break in October but that is unlikely as I often have papers to write and exams to study for during the fall break week. I will most likely be going out to British Columbia to visit my Dad at the end of the summer. :)

Congrats on nearly being done with the semester, and good luck on your exams!

What luck finding thumper and mrs. bunny! I haven't really seen them out and about, so I think it was an awesome character find!

That scrape on Erich's arm looks pretty nasty! :scared1:

I was so excited to see Thumper and Ms. Bunny, they were adorable and were previously really rare characters!
Loved The Greeting Trails by FOTLK !! Always find some greta characters there !! I am pretty sure we caught Thumper and the Mrs in August and the girls were thrilled !!!
Loved The Greeting Trails by FOTLK !! Always find some greta characters there !! I am pretty sure we caught Thumper and the Mrs in August and the girls were thrilled !!!

The character spot in Camp Minnie Mickey is one of my favourites. The lines are not usually too terrible and the characters are adorable in their safari outfits.
I've just caught up on several of your updates and boy am I glad that I did. Your pictures at Goofy candy company and the jalapeno cheese pretzel at AK have reminded me of several treats I need to seek out when I get to Disney tomorrow!! Thanks :thumbsup2

And congrats on finishing up school for the semester! I can remember what that feels like!
Great update, Lessa (sorry I'm late...my boss and his wife were both in the hospital and the engaged couple were home for a few days and I'm way behind again).

Love the photos with all the characters -- very cute.

Your brother's arm looks horrible.

I LOVE Thumper and Miss Bunny (we saw them two years ago).

I'm sorry you still weren't feeling well.

I DESPISE people who will NOT move to the end of the isle...it really infuriates me (we had that happen with Christie on our January trip when we went in with her with her GAC pass. Just plain rude!
We returned from our trip on Saturday. It was an amazing 7 days and the kids (ages 6 and 4) are already asking to go back this Summer lol. Even though we were there during peak time, we were up early every day and as a result got to do/see everything we wanted to. My 6 year old son insisted on riding Everest three times in a row and well since it was walk on I foolishly rode with him. I felt sick for the rest of the day. :). I will try to put together a trip report, I took over 800 pictures, but wanted to thank you for your reports, they were awesome! FOTLK was absolutely amazing, I had tears in my eyes watching. :)
I've just caught up on several of your updates and boy am I glad that I did. Your pictures at Goofy candy company and the jalapeno cheese pretzel at AK have reminded me of several treats I need to seek out when I get to Disney tomorrow!! Thanks :thumbsup2

And congrats on finishing up school for the semester! I can remember what that feels like!

You are in Disney now, I am so jealous!

Great update, Lessa (sorry I'm late...my boss and his wife were both in the hospital and the engaged couple were home for a few days and I'm way behind again).

Love the photos with all the characters -- very cute.

Your brother's arm looks horrible.

I LOVE Thumper and Miss Bunny (we saw them two years ago).

I'm sorry you still weren't feeling well.

I DESPISE people who will NOT move to the end of the isle...it really infuriates me (we had that happen with Christie on our January trip when we went in with her with her GAC pass. Just plain rude!

I totally understand, I have been terrible at keeping up with trip reports lately. Only 8 more days until exams are over and I will have lots of time to sit down and properly read reports! :laughing:

We returned from our trip on Saturday. It was an amazing 7 days and the kids (ages 6 and 4) are already asking to go back this Summer lol. Even though we were there during peak time, we were up early every day and as a result got to do/see everything we wanted to. My 6 year old son insisted on riding Everest three times in a row and well since it was walk on I foolishly rode with him. I felt sick for the rest of the day. :). I will try to put together a trip report, I took over 800 pictures, but wanted to thank you for your reports, they were awesome! FOTLK was absolutely amazing, I had tears in my eyes watching. :)

I am so glad that you had an amazing trip!

Definitely write a report and then post the link here, I would love to read about it!
May 24th continued


It was now time to use our safari fastpasses!

We ended up seeing tons of animals and even got to see the face of a lion (usually we don't see them at all or it is just their backs). However, the safari guide was a dud, he didn't even say Jambo!

These pictures may be slightly out of order, my apologies!














Pumba! We had never seen a warthog before on any of our previous "safaris".




After the safari we saw this guy having a nice nap.



There was a photopass photographer nearby so Mom and I got some pictures taken.






We decided to leave the park after that. I was feeling absolutely rotten and it was starting to get nice and hot again.



Goodbye Animal Kingdom! I was so glad that we had finally had two sunny days at Animal Kingdom, on every one of our past trip it was always pouring rain on the days we were at AK.

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Another great update Lessa! I LOVED the photos of the lion! I love lions and we never seem to be able to see their faces when we go by. You got some awesome photos! :thumbsup2

Can't wait for the next update :goodvibes
Another great update Lessa! I LOVED the photos of the lion! I love lions and we never seem to be able to see their faces when we go by. You got some awesome photos! :thumbsup2

Can't wait for the next update :goodvibes

Yeah, the lions are almost always hiding, we got lucky!

Great safari pictures, Lessa. I'm so glad you got sunny days at AK this trip.

Yeah, finally! It only took 4 years! :laughing:


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