Finished the Minnie 5k and now attempting the Princess 1/2 - Am I nuts!?!

Hi Stacie, I am so glad you had a nice Mother's Day. That is so sweet that your dd' dot's her i's like that. She is my kinda kid! I think that Raynaud's disease is definitely the deal sealer. That is too bad your dh has that. Dh and I also talk about moving to Orland and working at Disney. We want to work side by side at the ice cream carts over by Spaceship Earth! Maybe we'll all be there happiliy retired (and warm) together!

I am so proud of how well you did at the Minnie. I am betting its normal to have a period where you feel tired after an event like that. You'll get your groove back and be training for the half marathon very soon. You can do it!

I'm sorry I haven't checked in, I have been off WISH lately and also missed your journal, you changed the title!

Welcome Home, again I am super proud of you! You did it!:woohoo:
Hi, Stacy. First off, I wanted to say how great it was to meet you in person at WDW last week. I am glad you and yours had a safe trip home and that you are planning on another Disney race!

I also wanted to say thanks for all the support and encouragement you have given me on my journal, both before and after the race. It means the world to me.

I agree with what others have posted about listening to your body. I know you have to get training for your next race, but you have time and you need to make sure you don't get injured or burned out by starting off too quickly with too much. You'll find your groove, I'm sure of it!

Hope you have a great day - take care!

Hey Stacy! Glad you made it back safe and sound!!! Whew. I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things! It sounds like you had a great race!!! Yay! Way to go!

Congrats on signing up for the Princess 1/2! You can totally do it. Did you ever get Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham? It has some training plans in the back.

I'm doing the 1/2 in January so I'm tring to figure out what to do as well. I think I may do 2 runs during the week for time (30 min/45min) and then on the weekend do one for mileage. Not sure yet. Then about 14 weeks before the 1/2 I will start the actual training and start increasing my mileage and following a closer mileage plan.

Sorry to hear about DH! I hope it's a mild case.

How cute about your DD and her Mickey Head I's.

It was really great to meet you guys!!! Glad you enjoyed your stay at GF! I'd love to stay at the Poly one day!

Welcome home!
Thanks guys!!! I decided i am gonna post some pics from Minnie weekend.. cuz iam bored tonight! LOL But, i am not gonna do a big TR -- so bear with me. ;)

dd waiting for check-in at the Grand.

The lobby

Entering the WWOS expo

Us (Me, My sis and my mom) and you know the other two! :rotfl:

This was pretty much our spot for the weekend..


One night while walking, we saw a bride come up in the carriage with the footmen and all, OMG, it was so cool!!!! I told dd that is what she is doing for her wedding. (Yes, she is only 7!) :lmao:
Me and my sis over at the Poly one windy night.. :rotfl2: (Nice hair i got going on huh?!)

This was over at Epcot for the F&G show:


My mom and sis

This is Stacie and her dh Matt crossing the 15k finish! :banana:

And my sis after she finished the 15k.

Me and my MIL over at MK (i am exhausted at this point)

And dd settling into bed: (My lil' drama queen!) :lovestruc

Thats all for now!
Seeing those i just realized how much more work i still gotta do to get to where i want to be...:sad2: And ican't believe that's after losing 20lbs!!:scared1: Oh well. I have 3 mo. before my cruise and 6 mo. before my Thanksgiving trip... full speed ahead... :thumbsup2 By the 10 mo. from now til the 1/2, you won't recognize me then.... :cutie:

But, wow.. seeing those pics is a reality check.. :scared:

Sorry.... done with my lil' pity party now.. :headache:
Great photos - you were really resorting that weekend. :) The carriage is pretty spiffy - you're lucky to have gotten to see it!

Incidentally, did you see that ginormous plant at Epcot - come to think of it, it was on the way to Ellen's Energy Adventure - not the sort of thing you're likely to just happen across. I wish I had a photo of that one though. And I wish I'd gone into the butterfly house - it just didn't happen.

THanks for sharing your photos. :thumbsup2
Hey Stacie. LOVE the pics! I was thinking you didn't bring your DD for some reason. Guess I'm the only one that ditched the little ones that weekend. :rolleyes1 :laughing: The GF looks awesome, especially the cabanas! I could definitely relax there. :thumbsup2

You look GREAT! 20 pounds is nothing to sneeze at!! You're running and you're doing it! It doesn't happen overnight - and you're in control! Stay strong and you'll get where you want to be. Don't get down on're rockin' it, girl! :thumbsup2
Hi Stacie, I love the pictures, your dd is adorable. And you look GREAT!!! Its so easy to pick oneself apart and that is too bad, I know I do the same thing :sad2: . But I can honestly say, I look at you and see a young, beautiful woman with a very healthy looking physique! I think you look awesome. Just think about how far you have come. Twenty pounds is a very amazing amount of weight to lose, being able to gain the muscle and endurance it takes to run and walk like you do, is something just as incredible. You really do have a double victory to celebrate!

The GF looks so nice, maybe someday I'll get to stay there!

Enjoy your weekend!
Stacy...THANK YOU for sharing the pics :). They are great! Sorry I've been MIA from your know I think the world of you and so proud of what you accomplished Minnie weekend!

How are you doing? Any other races on the calendar?
Hey there Stacy, fellow Princess runner! Just catching up on your journal, and wanted to tell you I think you look great in your photo's. Losing 20 lbs is very hard, I did it once, and boy do I need to do it again!!

Can't wait to meet you in March! :)
Stacy you look awesome in the pictures, and you should be very proud of how far you have come. Yes, you have an ultimate goal, but that does not diminish the 20 pounds you have lost. You are absolutely right, in 10 months we will not ba able to recognize you. BTW, DD is gorgeous.

Great pics!!! 20lbs is fantastic!!! I know what you mean about looking at pics though... I feel the same way. ugh.

Keep it up! You'll get there!!!

Hi guys!! Swim-mom, thanks for that link -- but we are cruising the DCL the first week of Sept, so there goes that.. one trip per month.. LOL

Not much to report, been slacking on the running, but did 2 hr. yoga last night.
2 hours of yoga doesn't sound like slacking to me! You are probably still a bit wiped out from the Minnie. You'll get back in your running groove pretty quick here.
Go for it!You can do it, did you think you would be able to do what you have done so far? Small steps at a time and you will succeed!

Glad you had a great time with everyone at the Minnie.Keep up the great work,
Hi, Stacey. GREAT pics. I think you look FABULOUS - I would KILL to look that good in pictures (well, maybe not kill, but I'd do something really dramatic;) ). Anyway, just keep on truckin', girl - you are doing SUPER great!

Looking forward to following your progress as you prepare for the 1/2 - what an AWESOME thing to do. You and my sister awe me, you really do. Hope you have a super weekend!

Hi Stacy,

Great pictures!!! You look great!princess: Congratulations on the 20 pounds lost!!!:banana: You have accomplished so much in the past year....Great job!:cheer2:

Did you say that you did 2 hours of yoga?!?!?:eek: That is wonderful!!!!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great day! :hug: Keep up the good work!:cheer2:
Stacy: I love all your pictures. It's great to put names with faces, I was frankly quite envious of the cabana-hanging at the GF (makes me want to stay there once, even though I loved the Poly), and I think you look so darned good! :goodvibes

Still, I know what you mean by not being happy with how we look in pictures. I generally avoid having any pictures taken of me whatsoever. And if the pictures motivate you to do good things for yourself, then that's great. But I hope you can focus on how much you've accomplished and what a strong, healthy woman you are. I admire you for all that you've done and for your spirit! :woohoo: that I've said all those nice things, you think you have enough space for another person on your DCL trip? I can't afford to go, so maybe you could spot me? :rotfl2:

P.S. Since when is 2 HOURS of yoga slacking?


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