First DLR Trip was magical! TR (3/09) Heading back for more magic! TR w/pics (4/10)

Glad you had a great time - can't wait for your report! Trip reports definitely help with the wait for our July trip!
This trip was always quoted as a "once in a lifetime" trip and that it was. As expected, it went by quickly. Before I knew it, we were boarding a plane on our way back to Texas. I took over a 1,000 pictures. It is going to be hard to post only a few. I am ready to start this Trip Report while the emotions and experiences are still fresh in my memory. Here we go ...
Sunday - April 11, 2010

This is the first and only trip we have taken on our own since our first child was born almost ten years ago. So, it took a lot of pre-trip preparation not only to make sure DH (Bill) and I had all our bags packed. But, I had to make sure the pantry was stocked and my Mom and the Nanny had all the information and tools they needed to care for our children for a week. My Mom watched the kids during the evenings and on the weekends. The Nanny was hired to watch DS4 during the daytime and take DS9 and DD7 to school and pick them up in the afternoon and entertain them until my Mom got home from work. I was exhausted before this trip even began. I didn't get any sleep on Saturday night. I was busy doing laundry and making sure Bill didn't oversleep. We planned to depart around midnight. I am better off not sleeping at all than trying to sleep for 2/3 hours and try to wake-up. I usually feel more tired. I reluctantly woke Bill up out of a deep sleep around 11:45. The bags were all packed and just needed to be loaded into his car.

Believe it or not, even though Southwest is based in Dallas (Love Field Airport), we found cheaper non-stop flights on Southwest out of Austin to LAX.

We left our home north of Dallas around midnight to make the four hour drive to Austin. Our flight wasn't until 9 am. Meaning, we needed to be at the airport around 7 am. We were parking the car at an off-site lot and taking the shuttle to our terminal. So, we factored in that time and stopping once for gas and leaving time for any unexpected stops. We arrived near the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport around 5 am. We found the off-site parking. But, it was way too early to just sit at the airport. We passed a Waffle House on our way into the Airport. So, Bill made a u-turn and we decided to start the trip off with a nice breakfast. Since having kids, we haven't been to Waffle House that much. I got the cheese omelet and hashbrowns. The omelet was light, fluffy and oozing with cheese. It was yummy! Bill got the same with a waffle added. Of course, we both downed a couple cups of coffee. The caffeine was well needed! We slowly ate breakfast and still had over an hour before most people for our flight would arrive.

We decided to head back to the off-site parking. So, we could get our bags checked and just relax for a bit at the airport. I had two new books to read this trip and I couldn't wait to get started. Bill bought me Spinning Disney's World and Designing Disney right before the trip. Checking our bags was a breeze and at this time of the morning, security should have been quick. But, we encountered the Kansas State gymnastics team entering security at the same time as us. So, the line went from zero people to over sixty people in a matter of minutes. We had the time. So, this was only a minor inconvenience. I was getting a kick out of the students. More than half had on cowboy hats. I know I have nothing on me, but I always breath a sigh of relief when I get through the metal detector without making it go off. However, it did go off. I took off all my jewerly and watch. The TSA Agent just did the wand and let me go on my way. I still don't know what made it go off because coming back home, I had on almost the same outfit and the metal detector didn't go off at LAX. Go figure.

Bill overheard a Southwest employee tell someone that our flight was overbooked and was telling me when the announcement came over the PA. They were "begging" for six people to fly out later. They offered all kinds of incentives (free flight later, $200 AND a free voucher for a one-way flight within the next 12 months.) It was very tempting. But, we had ABD waiting for us at LAX (or at least we thought). So, we stayed put. The flight was uneventful, which is always good.

This is what two adult looks like on their first trip without the children ...


We landed at LAX on time. What a chaotic airport! Bill and I made our way down the escaltor to the exit expecting to see a smiling driver holding an ABD sign. However, we only saw RCI and Carnival cruise signs. Maybe, they were over by the baggage carousel. So, we headed over there to get our baggage and still no ABD driver. We got our luggage and decided to check outside. Maybe, they were waiting for us outside. No such luck. We waited more than 45 minutes before Bill finally called ABD. He got hold of a person that had no idea about our reservation and what he was talking about. Yes, very frustrating. It was a Sunday. So, we obviously got the low man on the totem pole. But, they took Bill's mobile number and said she'd call him back. Thirty minutes later, still no call. So, Bill called ABD back again. The person told him they hire out the drivers. It is a third party. She could see our reservation and arrival information in the system. But, didn't see where there was a confirmation on who was picking us up. So, she said she would call the shuttle service and call us back. Fifteen minutes later, she called back and told us our best option was to just take a cab to the hotel and they would reimburse us. It was a minor hiccup in the trip. So, we went back outside again and found the taxi stand. Our bags were loaded and we were on our way to Hollywood!

Photo teaser ...
Sunday - April 11, 2010 (Continued)

I have never been to LA. So, I was stretching my neck in the taxi trying to soak in the sites. The hotel, Hollywood Renaissance Hotel, seemed so far from the airport. Once the driver exited the highway, I got even more excited. I would finally get to see the infamous Hollywood. Like any major city, it has it's good and bad areas. My first sites of Hollywood were spray-painted buildings and people hanging out on the sidewalks. Yes, I made sure the taxi door was locked. The area got nicer and nicer the closer we got to the hotel. Phew! I was scared for a minute. But, I knew ABD was a class act and the hotel would be nothing but fantastic and I was right. I could see the high-rise hotel in the distance. When the driver pulled up out front, I honestly couldn't believe we were finally here and ready to start our California Adventure. It was surreal!

The Hollywood Renaissance Hotel

We entered the Art Deco looking lobby and found the registration desk. Bill nicely asked upon check-in if we could get a room with a view of the Hollywood sign. However, she said that was not part of the ABD standard room price. She must have seen the disappointment on our faces because she said, "Hold on. Let me see what I have." Still thinking we didn't get a room with a view, Bill accepted the room keys and off we went to find our room. We entered the room and it was really nice with a HUGE king bed.

Our room.

Of course the first thing I did upon entering the room was check the view. This is what I saw ...

(this is super zoomed in.)

This is what it looked like without a zoom lense. Not a bad view!

Thank you to the woman at the check-in counter and to Bill for asking! Free upgrade. Yay!!!!!!!!
Sunday - April 11, 2010 (Continued)

After taking a little nap, we were famished for lunch. It was around 1 PM by this time. So, we exited the hotel right into the Highland Shopping Center. This hotel is in a prime location!!!!!

Me at the Highland Shopping Center. You can see the Hollywood sign faintly in the backround.

Before getting lunch, we had to peek over the side of the shopping center onto Hollywood Blvd. This is the home to the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame, El Capitan Theatre, Masonic Temple (Jimmy Kimmel Live) and The Disney Soda Fountain and Store. We could see all of these from the shopping center!




That's Bill above.

The shopping center and hotel are on the same side of the street as the Kodak Theatre and Grauman's Chinese Theatre. We'll see them later after lunch. After taking a couple of pictures, we decided to finally get some lunch. We found a Johnny Rockets in the shopping center. Burgers and shakes sounded good. They were busy. But, we still found a cozy booth in the back. Both Bill and I got a cheeseburger and vanilla shake. Yummy as expected! Bill had been posting our adventures on Facebook. I caught him in the act during lunch.

Bill making a Facebook and DIS post.

After lunch, we walked around upstairs for a bit and decided to venture down to Hollywood Blvd. It was VERY crowded! You step right onto the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Stars left and right as far as I could see. It was neat to actually see them in person. I am one of those people that spent more time looking down than up. Sorry to the people behind me, I was walking like a drunk woman. We found some familiar names ...

Hollywood Walk of Fame



We decided to stop along the way for some photo ops along Hollyood Blvd ...

A crowded Sunday on Hollywood Blvd.

We are going to take a walking tour of Hollywood Blvd. with the ABD Tour on Wednesday on our way to breakfast at the Disney Soda Fountain. Today, we wanted to take our time to soak in the atmosphere and characters. There were people dressed up and down the street in costume. It was a site!!!!

The Kodak Theatre. Home to the Academy Awards.

Grauman's Chinese Theatre.


My kids (and Bill and I) like the Harry Potter movies. So, I couldn't resist taking a picture of their handprints and footprints. They even dipped their wands in the cement. Also, the other one below is such an old classic. Gone with the Wind is one of my all-time favorite movies.


We weeded our way through the crowds for about an hour and then decided to head back up to the safety of our room. On our way up we ran into a couple of DISers from the ABD Tour. We had all posted our pictures on the thread. So, we could put faces to names. It really helped out when meeting them in person.

Once in the room, Bill started not feeling too well. It may have been lunch at Johnny Rockets because I started feeling ill too. Not as bad as Bill luckily. It felt like food poisoning. Which was good and bad because we knew the sickness was only temporary and it would soon pass. (no pun intended). Bill went out to find some Tums while I relaxed for a bit. When he came back, we fell asleep for a few hours. The whole being up more than 24 hours was taking a toll on me too. Tomorrow, we planned to drive the Pacific Coast Highway. I wanted to be 100% to enjoy the experience. So, being the party animals we are, I ran downstairs to the Highland Shopping Center to grab some pretzels for dinner and we called it an early night.

Tomorrow, we would be cruising in a convertible on the PCH! Yahooooooooooooooo!
Jennifer, I'm so sorry I didn't know you had already started your TR!!! I can't believe I missed it!!! Anyway, I'm so glad you are posting this. I'm trying to talk Robby into doing this one day. I'm so jealous you got to go to Club 33!! Can't wait to read more!! :thumbsup2
Ok, I'm reading this one. No fair with the teaser picture! That's still a few 'days' away.

Nice work Bill for getting the room upgrade, I never ask, but I guess I really should.
Just love that view of the Hollywood sign. We felt priviledged to have that view too!!!! Didn't you love the Reniassance for it's convenience to so many cool things?
Ready for more.
Just love that view of the Hollywood sign. We felt priviledged to have that view too!!!! Didn't you love the Reniassance for it's convenience to so many cool things?
Ready for more.

This hotel is so convenient. It was perfect! Especially since we had never been to Hollywood. Everything you would want to see in Hollywood was right outside your door.

The one thing I forgot to take a picture of at the Highland Shopping Center was the "casting couch". If you have a picture, I'd love to see it.

:goodvibes Jennifer
Ok, I'm reading this one. No fair with the teaser picture! That's still a few 'days' away.

Nice work Bill for getting the room upgrade, I never ask, but I guess I really should.

One thing we've learned in our travels, it never hurts to ask. The worst they can say is no. :wizard:

:goodvibes Jennifer
Love that you got the Michael Jackson one! I am going to make a point to see that when we visit that area!

If you want to tour Hollywood Blvd. without lots of feet in your pictures, go during the week. It was VERY chaotic on Sunday. We saw all the stars we wanted to see but Walt's. It was a little further down the block than we traveled. I found a list with the location of every star on wikipedia.

If interested it is:

List of Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Jennifer, I'm so sorry I didn't know you had already started your TR!!! I can't believe I missed it!!! Anyway, I'm so glad you are posting this. I'm trying to talk Robby into doing this one day. I'm so jealous you got to go to Club 33!! Can't wait to read more!! :thumbsup2

:thumbsup2 I HIGHLY recommend this trip. This trip well surpassed my wildest dreams. Soon, you will find out why ...
Monday - April 12, 2010

We awoke this morning to an overcast sky. The view was still spectacular.

Sunrise in Hollywood.


Our Adventures by Disney Backstage Magic Tour didn't officially start until tomorrow evening for a Welcome Dinner. So, we had all of today and tomorrow to play tourist. Bill rented a car online prior to our arrival. There is a Hertz right inside the hotel. So, we quickly got ready and hopped into our silver Chrysler Sebring convertible that was waiting for us downstairs.

Bill enjoying the convertible.

Bill and I were both feeling much better today. Bill was still not 100%. But, being a trooper. The plan for today was to drive up the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to Monterey and maybe Pebble Beach.

First, we had to make a pitstop for coffee and a light breakfast. Bill travels to Seattle often on business and has come to really enjoy the coffee chain Tully's. We don't have them in Texas. He did a search online and found that there is only one in the LA area. Believe it or not, it is located inside Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. So, we typed the address into our trusty GPS. (We brought our GPS from home to help navigate the CA roads.) We were on a mission to find Tully's. On our way to Cedars-Sinai, it started to lightly drizzle. The weather forecast for today was scattered showers. This would be a battle we would fight for most of the day. It's no fun to be in a convertible, when you can't put the top down!

We had no problem finding Cedars-Sinai. I was going to run in and get our drinks while Bill waited. But, there was absolutely no curbside parking. So, he parked in the parking garage and we ventured inside to find caffeine. The smell of coffee was calling us. I am not a big coffee drinker. I usually get tea or hot chocolate when we visit Starbucks. The only time I drink hot coffee in the morning is if I am really really tired. On this morning, hot chocolate sounded good. To have a double dose of chocolate this morning, I got a chocolate croissant too. Yummy! Bill has a favorite cold frozen coffee drink he likes from Tully's. I had to look it up. It's called a Mocha Bellachino. He had a cinnamon roll to eat. We grabbed our goodies and headed back to the car. We planned to have breakfast in the car to make up some time.

Our Tully's breakfast.

Bill savoring his drink.

Traffic in LA is horrendous! We entered the highway to an already slow-moving traffic jam. Once, we got further from downtown LA, the traffic thinned out and I finally saw this sign ...


Bill and I both love the ocean and mountains. Why aren't we living in California?!?!?!? Oh yeah, the housing prices!!!! We had always dreamed of this moment, driving the PCH in a convertible with the ocean crashing. Pure heaven! The journey of a lifetime was about to begin.
Kim and I never saw the Hollywood sign. I have seen it before so I didn't care, but I felt bad for Kim. I can't wait to here about your trip up the coast.


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