"First Of All, How Dare You" A November 2015 TR! **New TR Link!**

Day 9, Part 4 - "Get Some Fab Pictures!"

Continuing on with the parade (because less pictures than usual doesn't mean few pictures at all..)


Whenever I see Merida come around now, I just think of a story we got told when we were doing our Keys to the Kingdom tour and were in the backstage area behind Frontierland, where they keep all the parade floats and do work on them and all.


And they told us about this one time there was rain in the area, but it seemed to have passed - or wouldn't be coming their way - so they decided to send the parade on its way anyway.

And of course, not even ten minutes in, the skies opened up and down came the rain.

Everybody was putting on the brave face (poor Beast was pretty much dying because he's already a pretty heavy, you know, headed guy, and then add all the rain to that fur, yikes. Gotta cause some back issues), but Merida was just being her cheery self up there, with that big mop of hair dripping all over and flopping around.

Must have been something to see.



I'm glad that through all the great theming of Festival of Fantasy, you've still got that one float/section with the random assortment of characters.


Although, I guess they'd all fall under classic.

Never will be as random as combining Dumbo and Aladdin (Looking at you Celebrate A Dream Come True).



The performers' outfits are one of the best part of this parade in my opinion.



And of course, the main mouse himself, and his fair mousey lady.


Thus concludes the parade.


Once it was over, we promptly made our way out of the park since we were hoping to stay late and as such would need a bit of a break.

We admittedly didn't rest much (well, I didn't anyway, since I can't nap. Amber may have napped). I took that time to get our stuff packed, so you know. A+ for productivity.

We met up in the lobby with the family once it got a bit later, because for pretty much the first time (in forever..), Aunt Sarah and her crew were coming back to the park for the evening! (Hollywood Studios having been the one exception of the trip thus far, since we had the Fantasmic Dining Package and all...).

Don't get too far ahead of yourselves, though. They weren't there to see the fireworks.

They did, however, want to see the castle lighting. So you know, there's that.

We got in line for the bus and Curtis displayed his (working) Glow with the Show ears (while I hid behind him).


We split up as we went in, because Mom wanted to get herself some Minnie Ears, so Amber stayed with her while the rest of us headed up toward the hub to find a viewing spot.


We found a pretty decent one, right by some of the low walls that are around the garden areas, so we got to sit while waiting for it to start.

We were too far to really see Anna, Elsa and Co, but we saw the lighting itself just fine, so we were good.


It was gorgeous as usual. This is really the one downside of going... well, any time other than November/December. There's really just nothing like the Castle all lit up.

We were all pretty hungry by then, so we decided it was time for dinner.

We made our way to Cosmic Ray's in two groups. There was unfortunately a bit of miscommunication (again...) as I headed with Aunt Sarah, Uncle Butch, the kids and Grandma, and we said we'd look for seats while the rest of them trailed in the back (Curtis got caught up in pin trading, and Kameron, Amber and Mom stayed back with him).

Well, once they arrived at Cosmic, instead of coming to see us so we could all establish food orders and send people forward without losing our tables, they went ahead and ordererd their food, assuming we'd already gotten ours.

You can imagine how happy Aunt Sarah was about that. Even Grandma was a bit upset at that (she is diabetic, so although she is used to eating kinda late, it was starting to cut it).

Drama lasts as long as drama lasts though, so we soon headed to get everybody's food settled, and order was restored in the kingdom.


Pulled pork sandwiches are pretty good at solving problems, so you know. (I wouldn't, I got a burger, but what's your point).

With dinner over, it still wasn't time for the usual deserters to head back (gasp!) so we decided to find one attraction we could all do in Tomorrowland, with minimal wait.


It turned out to be Monsters Inc Laugh Floor.

Everybody enjoyed it pretty well, although we were a bit disappointed that Uncle Butch wasn't That Guy.

He was really close to him, too. We could see his knee in the upper corner of the screen. Bummer.

One might have thought, since the fireworks were getting closer and closer, that we may have persuaded them to stick around just another forty minutes or so.

But no. They ended their trip at that and headed back to the resort for packing and such.

Now, it was getting near the time for Celebrate The Magic and Wishes. My big trip ending moments.

But Grandma wanted to ride the Peoplemover, since she hadn't been on it yet, and she'd be headed out right after the fireworks. So we headed over to the Peoplemover.

Celebrate the Magic started playing while we were on it. And I started getting really antsy.

Now, I'll admit it. I have my moments too. It had been a long trip, and although it wasn't disastrous or even bad, there were some not so magical moments for sure. We always tire ourselves out - we have a hard time stopping from always being on the go. It's even harder when we bring other people, because I want to make sure they have a great time. I want them to understand what this place means to me.

We got off the Peoplemover and started heading toward the Hub. We walked toward the Tomorrowland bridge, which was packed, and cut through the Tomorrowland Terrace, to head toward The Plaza, which was also packed.

We ended up stopping in a spot a little further down, with a few trees in the way.

And I started crying.

This was my wall.

Wishes is my big thing. We always make sure that, on our last night, we are in the Magic Kingdom, in optimal position, so that we can soak in every last drop of magic we can.

And now we were stuck behind crowds of people, with branches and lightposts in the way.

Thankfully, I have the best wife ever. She doesn't get annoyed with me when I start being cranky or overworked. She doesn't even get aggravated with me when I start turning down ever alternative she offers me to try and make it better, because at that point I'm tired and upset and good enough isn't actually good enough.

Still, she managed to sneak me through to a not too terrible spot, with minimal tree blockage, and we managed to enjoy our Wishes moment, even if it maybe wasn't as perfect as we typically try to make it.

Mom, Grandma and Kameron decided to take their leave right after the fireworks.

I wanted to as well. But I just didn't feel ready to leave yet. I was upset with myself for being so tired and drained and cutting my last Magic Kingdom evening short. We'd wanted to stick around until closing, but now I just didn't feel it anymore.

Amber and Curtis headed off to ride Journey of the Little Mermaid, since he hadn't tried it and Amber knew it was a short wait time after checking the app.


The walk seemed long and daunting to me, so I decided to stick behind. I thought maybe taking a short break while they rode, sitting at a table on the Tomorrowland Terrace, would give me a bit more energy to take up the rest of the night.

By the time they returned though, I had to throw the towel.

So we headed out of the park, with instructions to Curtis to take some fab solo pictures on Main Street once he'd be ready to leave, and a last Christmas tree shot for ourselves.


We, of course, got stuck in the midst of a rowdy group of teenagers once we arrived at the bus line.

We walked up right about in the middle of a group of ten or fifteen kids, with the majority of them behind us. And they wanted to skip past us because 'they group was ahead'.

We were definitely not having any of it at that point, so we told them if they wanted to keep their group together, then those ahead of us could move back with the rest of them.

They tried to be snarky and sassy, but their chaperone ended up telling them what we had. Nonetheless, it was a long wait and a long ride back. I was glad to collapse in bed and get some sleep.

Meanwhile, Curtis did follow our instruction of getting a solo shot on Main Street. He didn't quite grab the concept of fab, though.

So we kept the filter to demonstrate what we actually had in mind.


Lost Boys - 1. Curtis - 0.

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I've been following along, and let me just say you are a very brave woman to vacation with family. I've entertained the thought, but not for very long.
You know I'm over here DYING over the fact that you are going to the Star Wars dessert party in August, right??!!!! Yep D-Y-I-N-G!!!!!!! You must promise me to take lots and lots of pics, say hi to Kylo for me and just enjoy!!! The show itself is AMAZING and I hope you guys will love it as much as I did. I'm so hoping they are still offering the dessert party when we go back in May.

I must admit, the two lumberjacks on either side of you in that pic were, ahum, nice scenery!!! Oh yeah! You were just the update queen now, weren't you! Thank you!!! Love all the updates!!!
However, I wouldn't be wadding in strange bodies of water to catch a water Pokémon, or going down a sketch alley by myself at night cause there's a rare catch at the end of it XD I have a better awareness of my mortality :P

::yes:: I've heard some stories of not-so-nice people setting lures to attract kids, not pokemons.

We're having tough luck, really. My favorite coaster in MK, down. One of Amber's favorite rides (Dinosaur), down.



(Sorry, that was a cold blow and it came just days before our departure :sad:)

I get that. Definitely do.

That's true. With five trips in 4 years, we have yet to do the Hall of Presidents.

Did it last year.
I'm good for another decade or two.

I may not be using the proper name for it XD Then again, I'm not sure what the proper name for it would be? What I refer to as the Rose Room is the room with all the portraits, the giant Dancing Belle and Beast in the middle, and the giant Rose mosaic on the ceiling. Maybe it's the Library? Gallery Room? Who knows. I guess because it doesn't replicate an actual room from the movie, people bypass it a bit more.

The West Wing has never had seating in it whenever we've gone. It's always jam packed.

Oh. You may be right, too. I think you are. I think "Rose room" is where the Rose (under glass) is.

It is a lot more quiet to have lunch in. But you know, the Ballroom is so amazing looking. It's literally the movie.

::yes:: So I eat in the West wing/rose room and then take pics of the ballroom later.

Day 9, Part 3 - Try The Grey Stuff, It's, You Know, Pretty Good


(I did say 'practically anything', so no wisecracks here).

You're taking the fun out of it.

Aka, our food all got brought out at different times, with ridiculously large amounts of time in between


Gotta have a pantsless prince pic.

We decided to head over to Storybook Circus, because we hadn't been in that area and we had to ride a classic.

Never been there.
Probably won't this September either.

Aunt Sarah holding on tight to the idea that nobody in her family cares about fireworks,

Have they seen them before?

Well, they apparently don't care about parades either, so they decided to head out before it started.

Too bad. That's a good one.

Before too long, the parade started, and we took our due amount of pictures.

Can't be helped. It's too photogenic.

We admittedly didn't rest much (well, I didn't anyway, since I can't nap. Amber may have napped).

Me too. Ruby naps. I don't.

I took that time to get our stuff packed, so you know. A+ for productivity.

Atta girl.

One might have thought, since the fireworks were getting closer and closer, that we may have persuaded them to stick around just another forty minutes or so.

But no. They ended their trip at that and headed back to the resort for packing and such.


We ended up stopping in a spot a little further down, with a few trees in the way.

And I started crying.

This was my wall.

Awwwww..... Poor l'il thing!

Still, she managed to sneak me through to a not too terrible spot, with minimal tree blockage, and we managed to enjoy our Wishes moment, even if it maybe wasn't as perfect as we typically try to make it.


We were definitely not having any of it at that point, so we told them if they wanted to keep their group together, then those ahead of us could move back with the rest of them.

::yes:: Did the same thing last time I was there.
okay, I'm kind of in love with the fail attitude picture lol. I laughed out loud when I saw it!

And how can you not even try the parades and the fireworks?! They're just....so spectacular.
I've been following along, and let me just say you are a very brave woman to vacation with family. I've entertained the thought, but not for very long.

Thanks so much for following along :)

I think crazy is probably the better term :P And yeah, it was an experience alright. A 'once in a lifetime' kind of experience :P Although, our very first trip was with my Aunt and Uncle, back in November 2012, and we had a great time. But then, we spent most of our times doing our own things and met up for ADRs, so there wasn't much ground for things not going well ;) It really comes down to family relationships. We knew this trip was likely to be a bit crazy. The crazy just took a different route than expected.

You know I'm over here DYING over the fact that you are going to the Star Wars dessert party in August, right??!!!! Yep D-Y-I-N-G!!!!!!! You must promise me to take lots and lots of pics, say hi to Kylo for me and just enjoy!!! The show itself is AMAZING and I hope you guys will love it as much as I did. I'm so hoping they are still offering the dessert party when we go back in May.

I must admit, the two lumberjacks on either side of you in that pic were, ahum, nice scenery!!! Oh yeah! You were just the update queen now, weren't you! Thank you!!! Love all the updates!!!

We're so excited about it! And it was such a pain waiting for the availability to open up. Of course, it did right as we were waiting around at the airport, on public WiFi, so that was a fun time. If the fireworks last that long (which I mean, thus far they haven't said anything about them being limited) I'm sure they'll keep on doing the dessert party.

Pretty much ;)

And well, I gotta kick these updates out of the park! We're leaving on Saturday and I want to get this done before we go (only a couple of updates left so that shouldn't be a problem now)

::yes:: I've heard some stories of not-so-nice people setting lures to attract kids, not pokemons.

That's pretty messed up.

Did it last year.
I'm good for another decade or two.

Well, depending on what happens in November, I think it'll be a good idea for us to experience it at least once because if Donald Trump gets his own animatronic I'm definitely not stepping foot in there.

I can actually imagine it...

"We have made the elective decision to stop updating the Hall of Presidents. The current amount of president is good. We good. No more room. No robot is that orange."

Oh. You may be right, too. I think you are. I think "Rose room" is where the Rose (under glass) is.

Well, that would officially be the West Wing :P But yeah, the rose is in there, so you know. Perception :P

You're taking the fun out of it.

I have to admit I may not have thought to make such a mention before you started following along :rolleyes1


When it happened in 2014 in Restaurantosaurus, we actually went up to Guest Services. We're big on leaving good comments and rarely make complaints, but it was just ridiculous. By the time the last girl got to our table, four of us were pretty much done eating, and she and another girl (the fifth to get her food) had ordered the same thing. Thing is, we could see people dragging their feet and just not being up to par. The CMs taking orders, and the CMs in the kitchen, were on top of their game, but it was taking forever for people to basically just bring trays forward and call out number. And they weren't even calling numbers, they were saying them regular volume, so people waiting for their food were repeating them for them.

But yeah, you don't really see that for BoG, so it's like... "Hi, I'd like to complain, people took too long to bring me my food at peak lunch time at the most popular restaurant in the park"

Never been there.
Probably won't this September either.

There's not exactly a lot to do there when you don't have young kids, so that's fair. It is a pretty cute area though, and Big Top Souvenir does have a lot of the Confectionery treats without being quite as crowded.

Have they seen them before?

They have not seen them before that I know of - or if they did, it was back in the 90s. And I'm sure the kids would have loved it. I'm sure even Uncle Butch wouldn't have minded staying.

okay, I'm kind of in love with the fail attitude picture lol. I laughed out loud when I saw it!

And how can you not even try the parades and the fireworks?! They're just....so spectacular.

It did make for a great photo with the added Lost Boys :P Some of those filters are so random though.

I know! Grandma tried explaining to her that they were really cool fireworks, set to music and so on, and she just got snappy :rolleyes:
"We have made the elective decision to stop updating the Hall of Presidents. The current amount of president is good. We good. No more room. No robot is that orange."

:laughing: Sounds legit.

Well, that would officially be the West Wing :P But yeah, the rose is in there, so you know. Perception :P

It was so weird!
I was like... West Wing? But that's east! Isn't it?

Never reply to TRs when you lack for sleep.

Hmm.... Never mind. Based on that, I'd never reply to TRs.

and Big Top Souvenir does have a lot of the Confectionery treats without being quite as crowded.

Hmmmm.... Makes it sound more appealing.
Day 10, Part 1 - "I'm Gonna Eat That Pizza So Hard!"

Our last Disney day started up pretty early. Uncle Butch, Aunt Sarah and the kids were set to get on the road around six, and we wanted to see them before they headed off.

They were on a hurry to get going once we got to their room, because they had received some pretty bad news. Aunt Sarah's father, Grandpa John, had broken a hip and was in the hospital. So we had brief goodbyes, they thanked us for the trip, left us with Uncle Butch's MagicBand (they had a snack credit and about three quick service credits left) and were on their way.

We then headed back to sleep for a couple of hours or so, before getting up for good so we could see Grandma, Mom, Kameron and Curtis off.

They also left us with a MagicBand, as they had just about the same amount of credits left.

Once everybody was gone, we took the morning pretty easy, starting off with breakfast.

I got myself the bounty platter.


And Amber got some chocolate chip pancakes and sausage.


We then headed back to our room, as we did have to bring our luggage to the front of the resort before heading off to our last park stop.


Stopping for a pose.



We left our last MouseKeeping envelope, did a last check of the room and headed back to the lobby.


We left our bags out front, got our claim ticket, and got in line for a bus.


Epcot time!


I'd promised Amber we would make our last day Epcot, because it is her favorite park, but we do tend to spend more time in the Magic Kingdom.



We started the day off with Test Track.


Single Riders' style!

We did get to ride in the same car, so you know, there was that.


We then trekked across Future World to use up our FastPass, since of course we had to have one of those for Soarin'!

(Basically because we figured it'd be easier to standby Test Track with the single riders line)


Since we'd gotten in fairly late, time was already nearing for our last ADR of the trip, so we slowly started making our way toward the World Showcase.


Not without stopping for a PhotoPass picture though.


Amber had been saying all trip she wanted a piggy back ride picture, so there ya go!

We walked around through Mexico, Norway, and so on, until we found ourselves in Italy.

Sergio was out, and we'd never seen him perform before, so we paused briefly.


And then continued walking further in.


Via Napoli!



We were seated quickly, and placed our order.

I got my nommy, refreshing strawberry acqua fresca.


I may try the blood orange one someday. But I mean... strawberry!

We got our usual, and split the personal pepperoni pizza.


It was a pretty quick and efficient meal, because we were in and out in less than an hour I'm pretty sure.

We just so happened to catch Sergio again on the way out, so we stopped to watch the full of it.


We didn't have a whole lot of time to spend in Epcot sadly, since we did have to catch the Tragical Express in the late afternoon, but we took some time to explore the World Showcase some more.

We did a bit of Morocco exploration, since we hadn't really before and it is my favorite pavillion.


And then headed over to France to use up the snack credit left by the family, because I mean, why wouldn't we? It's France.

We both got the mint chocolate ice cream. Amber got hers in a cup, I got mine in a cone.


We sat down to enjoy our treats, and then completed our circle around the World Showcase Lagoon.


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:laughing: Sounds legit.

Totally legit :rolleyes1

It was so weird!
I was like... West Wing? But that's east! Isn't it?

Never reply to TRs when you lack for sleep.

Hmm.... Never mind. Based on that, I'd never reply to TRs.

I don't know, am I a compass? (For real though. Left? Cool. Right? Alright. NWSE? Yeah okay by)

That's a pretty accurate logic. I feel that as I'm getting older, there's just no catching up to missed sleep anymore. Like, it's over. I'm tired forever.

Hmmmm.... Makes it sound more appealing.

I'm pretty good at selling stuff :P But yes, they have all the chocolate covered goodies and candied/caramel apples and so on.
So I may have looked at the picture of the bus corral quickly and saw "Typhoon Lagoon" before I saw Epcot and was like "....okay, weird choice for the last day, but to each their own." Then continued reading. Duh. Fail on me lol.

And for all the time I've ever spent in the Italy pavilion (a lot the past three trips, because food) I've never seen Sergio perform :( I've seen the kids getting the balls for him, but by the time I get over to him his act's over. Someday!

I may try the blood orange one someday. But I mean... strawberry!

It's funny because I have that thought backwards! Lol! I adore the blood orange one and even though strawberry's one of my favorite flavors I'll always convince myself blood orange is the way to go because "nobody sells that flavor around here."

And mmm, ice cream. Makes me want some now!
So I may have looked at the picture of the bus corral quickly and saw "Typhoon Lagoon" before I saw Epcot and was like "....okay, weird choice for the last day, but to each their own." Then continued reading. Duh. Fail on me lol.

Yeah, that would be a big no for me XD Not even so much because of the fact that it'd be a weird last park day, but because I wouldn't be able to properly clean up afterward and I would feel gross the whole way home.

And for all the time I've ever spent in the Italy pavilion (a lot the past three trips, because food) I've never seen Sergio perform :( I've seen the kids getting the balls for him, but by the time I get over to him his act's over. Someday!

It was pretty cool to watch, although seeing it once, I'm good. We wouldn't make an effort to stop by again to purposely watch him, though if we were walking by, maybe, depending on what our plans were.

It's funny because I have that thought backwards! Lol! I adore the blood orange one and even though strawberry's one of my favorite flavors I'll always convince myself blood orange is the way to go because "nobody sells that flavor around here."

And mmm, ice cream. Makes me want some now!

They should make a combo :P I love the combination of strawberry and orange. Maybe it'd be even better! I think it's always the chunks of strawberries that sway me.

Everything they sell in France is so great. I always have a hard time getting a snack anywhere else. Although I really should try Karamel Kuche some time.
That's great you got to meet up with Courtney and spend some time with her!

Too bad about no 50% off merchandise but chocolate helps - and that is good that they want you to get your money's worth!

Bummer about that one set of pictures being fuzzy but the ones by the fountain are really nice. Sorry dinner was a bit of a letdown - but the ice cream shop in France is a good remedy! We got a few things there including the brioche but I have to say the ice cream martini put it to shame ;)

wow - so nice they invited you on the illuminations cruise - I am sure that meant a lot to both of you but especially Amber. side note - this last trip we had dinner at Spice Road table and had a great view of Illuminations from there and was low stress and got to eat dessert during it, etc. Plus the menu is a lot of small plates so you can do it for a reasonable price as well. Just a thought

Seems like smart idea to go to EPCOT and get an extra monorail ride in - those bag check lines were crazy though!

That's great that Elyse got those meets in with Tink and Mickey and then some fun Castle pictures - good start to the day

As is riding Big Thunder and then Haunted Mansion!

weird about the food at lunch coming out at different times ... annoying but glad everyone still enjoyed the meal

Bummer the kids missed the parade (but really, what kids enjoy parades ... or fireworks anyway? ;))

Sorry things didn't work out great as far as Wishes - definitely get wanting to get at least one good viewing of Wishes in from a good vantage point, etc. - glad Amber was able to make things a bit better though. sometimes you do just hit that wall though ... and at that point you should not have to deal with an annoying group of teenagers *sigh*

Sorry to hear about Aunt Sarah's father's hip - I hope he is ok now

love your Test Track ride photo!

nice meal too with the pizza and then ice cream!
Everything they sell in France is so great. I always have a hard time getting a snack anywhere else. Although I really should try Karamel Kuche some time.

Couldn't agree more about France! Even with my love of the Norwegian bakery I would live in the French bakery.

I've been to Karamel Kuche once and it was fantastic! It was right after it opened and Jey and I shared probably the biggest "apple pie" apple I've ever eaten!
That's great you got to meet up with Courtney and spend some time with her!

It was really nice to meet her! We're hoping she'll be able to fit us into her busy schedule again ;)

Too bad about no 50% off merchandise but chocolate helps - and that is good that they want you to get your money's worth!

I think F&W merch might be more popular than F&G so we should have expected it. But chocolate does always help ;)

Sorry dinner was a bit of a letdown - but the ice cream shop in France is a good remedy! We got a few things there including the brioche but I have to say the ice cream martini put it to shame ;)

I so want to try the brioche! Somehow I never end up getting it, I think cause we usually go for dessert and I'm always already full from dinner. Amber's one experience with the ice cream martini wasn't too successful if you'll remember :P Maybe she'll give it another try some other time too. I can't do that much alcohol though.

wow - so nice they invited you on the illuminations cruise - I am sure that meant a lot to both of you but especially Amber. side note - this last trip we had dinner at Spice Road table and had a great view of Illuminations from there and was low stress and got to eat dessert during it, etc. Plus the menu is a lot of small plates so you can do it for a reasonable price as well. Just a thought

It was incredible, we were so blown away when she invited us - and by the show of course!

That is good to know! We do want to try it some time so we'll try to plan it around IllumiNations time :) Although we usually don't mind staking out a spot early because we're usually done exploring a couple of hours before the fireworks anyway.

Sorry things didn't work out great as far as Wishes - definitely get wanting to get at least one good viewing of Wishes in from a good vantage point, etc. - glad Amber was able to make things a bit better though. sometimes you do just hit that wall though ... and at that point you should not have to deal with an annoying group of teenagers *sigh*

It was definitely a long week, so that probably didn't help at all. And there is no good time to deal with annoying groups of teenagers :P But granted, it's that much worse when you're already down. Oh well, we got past it ;) And hopefully we do manage to slow ourselves down a bit this upcoming trip.

I've been to Karamel Kuche once and it was fantastic! It was right after it opened and Jey and I shared probably the biggest "apple pie" apple I've ever eaten!

Oooh that sounds interesting for sure! I'll definitely make a note to finally stop there this time around.
Day 10, Part 2 - Who Doesn't Love Left Over Snacks Galore?

As we stepped in Canada, of course we had to take a bit of time to explore, since we hadn't really done so thus far this trip.


Not to mention, we had yet to see this masterpiece.


Ah, Martin Short. You give such a beautiful picture of our homeland.

We sang along as the movie ended, and made our way out of the pavilion.


We decided to stop by the Festival Center once more, to check out one last time and make sure that there was no merchandise we wanted to get, as I'd been debating about maybe getting a pin.



I wasn't really a fan of the selection though, so I ended up passing it up. We walked around a bit more.



And then headed out, trying to figure out what to do with the little time we had left.


Yeah, not that.

We headed toward Innoventions, and decided to cut through because, well, air conditioning really.

We ended up, completely by chance, finding our next activity of the day.



I'd read about it coming, but it wasn't actually supposed to be open yet, so I was really surprised to see it there.

There were only just a few people in line, so we hopped in, and ended up getting to go ahead as they called for a group of two and there was none ahead of us. Score!

The first room is really cool, though we have no pictures of it. We were also very excited to hear Ty Burrell tell us all about colors.

We then moved on to the second part, which consists of adjusting primary colors saturation to try and match the color shown as well as possible.


Not gonna lie, it's actually pretty tricky.


Finally, we moved on to the last part of the experience.



I mean, if you're gonna hand me a magical paintbrush, of course I'm gonna have a great time!


We had fun painting our interactive picture, though we didn't manage to email it to ourselves.

This is a really cool little activity to do. It's fun and it doesn't take too much time. We would definitely do it again.

I mean, who can pass up getting a little Ty Burrell with their Disney vacation?

Our Disney time was almost up by then, but we decided to make one last stop.



What better way to end a Disney vacation than Spaceship Earth?

It got my face this time!



We then had to give in to the reality of things. It was time to head back to the resort, so we could claim our bags in a timely fashion and catch the Tragical Express, so we started on our way out.


We had planned for quite a bit of time, not wanting to be in a rush, so the trip back actually ended up taking less time than anticipated.


We headed to the food court so we could make use of the two Quick Service credits we each had gotten from the rest of the family - by converting them to snacks! Which gave us six snacks to use a piece.

Amber got herself a Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich.


She also got Mickey rice crispie treat, and a few packs of candy.

I got myself a Mickey Ice Cream Bar.


I also decided to get a drink. I know, odd decision. But I had to bid farewell to my beloved pomegranate lemonade.


I got a few more rice crispie treats for the road, a cookie, and a pack of candy.

We enjoyed our treats, packed up the rest, and before too long, it was unfortunately time to board our ride back to the airport.


We ended up having to sit in the very back, and it was pretty uneventful.

We got checked in and decided to stop in the Disney Store before going through security, because it wasn't a madhouse and we had plenty of time to spare,since for international flights, the Magical Express picks you up four hours before your flight... which I don't really get, since when you're departing the country it's the same process as traveling domestically, merely going through security. But oh well.

I ended up making a few exciting finds with these three little cuties.


Honestly, the Disney Store at the airport had a better Tsum selection than Once Upon A Toy.

Heck, the Target we went to in Muskegon last month had a better Tsum selection than Once Upon A Toy, but I digress.

Our flight was a late departure, so we got some dinner at the Outback Steakhouse.

We boarded on time and arrived in Montreal right about on schedule. Customs went pretty well, but by the time we were through, it was close to two in the morning.

By then, the metro isn't running anymore, so we just got a cab back home. It ended up costing us about thirty bucks, though I had to give the cab drivers directions because he had no idea where we were headed (although it's literally fifteen minutes away from the airport) and I guess had no GPS. I ended up telling him to get us to the metro station closest to our apartment, and then directed him the rest of the way.

We came back to find the apartment as we had left it, which you know, is always a good thing, and promptly collapsed into bed.

Click for next post

So, that's it.

This is the conclusion of our family adventure.

Was it terrible?


Would we do it again?

Again, no.

I mean, at least, not in this way.

In spite of the fact that we wanted to make sure everybody could do what they wanted, we still ended up taking the bulk of the responsibility on our shoulders. Not that everybody made it heavy on us, but there were definitely rough times.

At the end of the day though, Disney is still Disney, and family is still family.

And in spite of the bouts of drama, we had a great time.

We also had some amazing experiences, and did some things we hadn't thought we would be able to do for years.

And as always, I am glad we were able to share these experiences with you all.

So thanks to everyone for following along! Thanks for the people who shared with us and kept coming back for more. We love interacting with new people - I mean, that's really the biggest part of sharing these trips - so please don't hesitate to even just say a quick hi!

And for those who want more, be sure to check out my PTR for our upcoming trip (which we're leaving for tomorrow! :hyper:), as I'll be sharing ways to follow along while we're there!

See you all real soon!

Oh wait. I never did say where the title came from, did I?

Well... prepare yourself... for the biggest, grandest, most epic...

Let down of all time.


It was really just the quote of the trip because it was the one we used the most, never really in all seriousness.

So I hope you haven't been following all this time just to find that out. If you have, I am terribly sorry. And I don't judge you for your weird TR following criterias.

Til later!

Safe travels tomorrow (today)!

Y'know, I've been racking my brain since you mentioned that they make you go 4 hours early for international flights, trying to remember if there was ever an airport I had to go through customs before I left America when I was splitting my time between Europe and America and....yeah, I really can't. That is a really weird rule in retrospect.

Unless it's my parents, I don't think I could ever do a Disney trip with another family member again, not after last year, so I don't blame you guys! It's tough. Especially when you're the one that planned the whole thing.

Confession: I've never seen O Canada! *shock!* Or, at least I don't remember ever seeing it. My parents swear we've seen it when I was a teenager and I know we've seen every other Epcot movie and I used to force us to spend the majority of our time in Epcot but I literally have 0 memories. I guess it's time to see it "again"!
I really enjoyed reading your trip report! We are headed to Disney in September, so reading about the highlights of your trip have really helped me to plan our trip. Thanks for sharing! :)
Glad to see you got some good last day Disney in before you had to head to the airport.

That Colortopia looks pretty fun! Glad they put something interesting in and nice that it doesn't take too long to complete

Always nice to have some snack credits to burn!

Pretty tremendous tragical express picture of you two

Wishing you a wonderful trip!!!
They were on a hurry to get going once we got to their room, because they had received some pretty bad news. Aunt Sarah's father, Grandpa John, had broken a hip and was in the hospital.

Oh, sorry to hear that. How's he doing now?

I'd promised Amber we would make our last day Epcot, because it is her favorite park, but we do tend to spend more time in the Magic Kingdom.

This is true for most, I think.

:laughing: Love that!

(Basically because we figured it'd be easier to standby Test Track with the single riders line)


:goodvibes Love that shot of you two! Look at those smiles!

Amber had been saying all trip she wanted a piggy back ride picture, so there ya go!

And she was right.

I got my nommy, refreshing strawberry acqua fresca.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you liked it?

We didn't have a whole lot of time to spend in Epcot sadly, since we did have to catch the Tragical Express in the late afternoon,


We did a bit of Morocco exploration, since we hadn't really before and it is my favorite pavillion.

Oh? Why is that?

I don't know, am I a compass? (For real though. Left? Cool. Right? Alright. NWSE? Yeah okay by)


That's a pretty accurate logic. I feel that as I'm getting older, there's just no catching up to missed sleep anymore. Like, it's over. I'm tired forever.

Oh, man. That's so me, too.

And then headed out, trying to figure out what to do with the little time we had left.


Yeah, not that.


We headed toward Innoventions, and decided to cut through because, well, air conditioning really.

Yup. That's always the best reason.

I mean, if you're gonna hand me a magical paintbrush, of course I'm gonna have a great time!

:laughing: I would think so!

This is a really cool little activity to do. It's fun and it doesn't take too much time. We would definitely do it again.

Huh. Maybe I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

What better way to end a Disney vacation than Spaceship Earth?

You could do a lot worse.

We enjoyed our treats, packed up the rest, and before too long, it was unfortunately time to board our ride back to the airport.


Oh, no! Look at those sad people!
Now be honest. Don't you hate (maybe just a little) when you're leaving and you see people arriving to start their vacations?

and we had plenty of time to spare,since for international flights, the Magical Express picks you up four hours before your flight...

I know. Oh... I know.

This is the conclusion of our family adventure.

Was it terrible?


Would we do it again?

Again, no.

Sorry about that.

And in spite of the bouts of drama, we had a great time.

Well, thank goodness for that!

Well... prepare yourself... for the biggest, grandest, most epic...

Let down of all time.


But thanks for the TR!
Even though I showed up late, I enjoyed it! :goodvibes


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