First POST-COVID long-term Care Center opens. Median age: 36-38

Through this I found out how they are treating potential Covid in kids--THEY AREN'T TESTING KIDS!!! I cannot believe this, that is ridiculous. Apparently their son was the first one in the family to get sick, they took him to the doctor who treated him, prescribed some things to help his symptoms, and sent him home without testing!

Yep! There are no standards for when to test kids and most testing sites won’t do it. We all got tested here (Ohio) including my 9 and 6 year old only because we “lucked” out that the governor was doing a pop up all ages testing the day we needed it. We were negative.

My pediatrician posts every day how they don’t know what to do about testing kids. There aren’t tests to test the exposed but asymptomatic kids. So they are only referring the sickest kids. And the rest are out there trapsing around.

That’s “fine” for now when many kids are still at home. When school opens this will be an issue.

I teach special needs preschool. We are exempt from mask orders for students and staff. I will be one of the only ones wearing a window mask, and until last night I thought I wouldn’t be allowed. And I still might not be.

So how do we know when to close or warn people? We can’t say there is Covid without a positive test. So a bunch of Covid kids will be going around spreading it because we can’t close for presumed cases, but we can’t get confirmed cases in the kids because they won’t test them!

What a freaking nightmare. I’m so worried.
Yep! There are no standards for when to test kids and most testing sites won’t do it. We all got tested here (Ohio) including my 9 and 6 year old only because we “lucked” out that the governor was doing a pop up all ages testing the day we needed it. We were negative.

My pediatrician posts every day how they don’t know what to do about testing kids. There aren’t tests to test the exposed but asymptomatic kids. So they are only referring the sickest kids. And the rest are out there trapsing around.

That’s “fine” for now when many kids are still at home. When school opens this will be an issue.

I teach special needs preschool. We are exempt from mask orders for students and staff. I will be one of the only ones wearing a window mask, and until last night I thought I wouldn’t be allowed. And I still might not be.

So how do we know when to close or warn people? We can’t say there is Covid without a positive test. So a bunch of Covid kids will be going around spreading it because we can’t close for presumed cases, but we can’t get confirmed cases in the kids because they won’t test them!

What a freaking nightmare. I’m so worried.
If they aren't testing kids, we won't know Covid is present until teachers start getting sick. It sucks because the school district won't even commit to paying us if we need to quarantine. As a single parent I can't afford to lose 2 weeks (or more) of my pay, and I only have 5 sick days right now.

I work with kids on the spectrum in a k-4 public school, they are all low functioning and mostly non-verbal. We have been warned that the kids will not wear masks. There is talk of plexiglass partitions, but I don't know how that is going to work out because we will still have to work to keep kids behind them. We have used big clear shields that we hold up in front of us for kids that spit or poke eyes, but to be completely honest a return to school doesn't mean sn kids are going to start getting services again. Most likely they are going to end up being expected to sit at a desk all day long and play on an ipad. ABA, speech therapy, PT and OT can't happen without contact. Not to mention, what happens with toileting, feeding, what happens if a kid has a meltdown? Many of our kids can't change a pull-up or wash their hands by themselves, or wipe their noses by themselves, some can't feed themselves--how do I do any of that from a distance?! I am worried sick over thinking about all the ways I'm going to be exposed to Covid next school year if we are forced to go back. I love my job and my students but I am seriously considering finding another job and I'm pissed about it because if I leave I will never see those kids again. Until we have a better idea about how to limit the spread in schools, or a vaccine or foolproof treatment, schools are not safe and we should not be returning.
Through this I found out how they are treating potential Covid in kids--THEY AREN'T TESTING KIDS!!! I cannot believe this, that is ridiculous. Apparently their son was the first one in the family to get sick, they took him to the doctor who treated him, prescribed some things to help his symptoms, and sent him home without testing!

Since they have to stick a swab up their nose to the back of the nasopharynx, I can see why they aren't. I'm guessing the youngest you could get a kid to agree to sit still for that would be around 12. No way a little kid is going for that. It's not that the medical community doesn't want to know, but it's probably not possible to get a reliable test.

Some kids would let you, I know. In my job I have to flip lids and get things out of kids eyes pretty regularly. Some kids freak the moment you come near them, others will sit still if I'm quick. My best rockstar patient was a 4 year old that let me take stitches out of his cornea in the office.
Mild generally means you aren't in the ICU. That's it.

I know that, but when you read about "mild" cases, that makes it sound innocuous. Like you have the sniffles. So finding out mild cases can last for months, it doesn't sound too bad, until you really know what that means.
MrsCobra, I teach that same population but they’re 3. I am also not in public school. I have some hard kiddos next year, too, who will require physical help to stay safe.

And yes it will take teachers getting sick. We have three per room! So do we quarantine the whole class? That won’t happen. The other two teachers have to just remain if the other is positive, even though we’ve spent all day together and very close? No one can figure this out.

It’s impossible! I love my job to death. I love my school. But I don’t see how ANY schools can function without this turning into a cluster. I’m not high risk and I’m not a super high risk age, but I don’t want it and I don’t want to bring it home OR give it to the kiddos!

Schools need to open but I don’t see how they can STAY open lol.
just found out some of my family members in their 20s, who weren't taking it seriously and have been visiting family and friends and taking kids on outings to the zoo, chuck e cheese, etc., received a positive test result. He was feeling under the weather and only got tested because his employer forced him to so who knows how many people he exposed to the virus. He has been sick for over a week, so has his son who was kickedout of daycare when he got sick but family members have been babysitting, and his wife who has also been working with the public while sick. They exposed most of my family; my kids and I are pretty much the only ones not exposed because we have refused to visit, babysit, or go to family events. I'm really upset that my 84 year old grandma was potentially exposed!

Through this I found out how they are treating potential Covid in kids--THEY AREN'T TESTING KIDS!!! I cannot believe this, that is ridiculous. Apparently their son was the first one in the family to get sick, they took him to the doctor who treated him, prescribed some things to help his symptoms, and sent him home without testing!

I’m so sorry your family is going through this. How upsetting and scary.

Is it just your local area not testing kids or your entire state? I know they are testing kids here.

ETA: although I have no idea at what rate. It might just be the really sick kids as others have stated. Or if there is an age range where they’ll start.
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“Since they have to stick a swab up their nose to the back of the nasopharynx, I can see why they aren't. I'm guessing the youngest you could get a kid to agree to sit still for that would be around 12. No way a little kid is going for that.”

DH and I had to GIVE that swab to our 9yo and 6yo after we did our own. That was fun. The testing guy talked us through it through the rolled up window. They hated it, but moved quickly.

There are kids of all ages with diseases and disorders having to have it done every single time they need a procedure.

Its not fun, but you CAN do it and it needs to be done to keep people safe.
Mount Sinai Health System treated a good majority of the COVID-19 patients in New York City, the former COVID-19 epicenter. They've been finding many patients are having long-term post-COVID symptoms.

"Mount Sinai Hospital Health System in New York City has opened a new care center designed specifically to treat patients with lingering COVID-19 symptoms.​
Ed Hornick was diagnosed with COVID-19 in mid-March and spent a night in a London ER where he was living at the time.​
But the virus continues to plague him with memory loss, brain fog and constant fatigue.​
"It's been three months now, why haven't I gotten better, why am I still fatigued, why do my lungs still hurt even though i'm testing negative," Hornick said.​
The 40-year-old online news editor is hardly alone.​
As many as 5-15% of patients are dealing with lingering issues according to experts at the Mount Sinai Health System​
"This is a real thing, our data categorically shows it's a real thing," David Putrino said.​
Putrino is a doctor of neuroscience and the Director of Rehabilitation Innovation at Mount Sinai.​
"These individuals are experiencing fatigue, dizziness, nausea, GI symptoms, pain ... spine and chest," Putrino said.
To help these long haulers, Mount Sinai opened the first of its kind center for post-COVID-19 care in Union Square.​
"Everyone is coming together from all specialities to discuss the best way to manage these people who are coming in with all over the map symptoms," Putrino said.​
It turns out that many of these patients skew younger.​
The median age is about 36-38 years old, and in most cases, they didn't have a severe case of COVID-19.
Which shows that there is still so much we don't know about this virus.​
"So many stories have been focused on people dying and being on ventilators," Hornick said. "What happens when you're a long hauler like me?"
Hornick wants to not only find out, but he hopes to get better by enrolling in the new post-COVID-19 care center in the next several weeks."​
(Bolding mine.)

I'm estimating that in about 4 months, the age range will go down further as many people in their 20's, who are nonchalantly risking getting COVID now, will also be showing up at centers like this. :(
It’s no wonder.
I’m so sorry your family is going through this. How upsetting and scary.

Is it just your local area not testing kids or your entire state? I know they are testing kids here.

ETA: although I have no idea at what rate. It might just be the really sick kids as others have stated. Or if there is an age range where they’ll start.
This is the first people I have personally known that have a positive corona test and have young children. I did a quick Google and it looks like kids can be tested but only with a physician order. I have a friend who waited 5 days for an order for a test for herself, so if kids get it milder than adults I bet many are feeling better by the time they get the ok to go get tested. If it was my kid, if they were already feeling better by the time we got a test order I wouldn't get them tested, I'd just keep them home for 2 weeks.
And the Covid parties? Really?

Speaking of COVID parties, this was on the news today: :sad2:

"30-year-old dies after attending 'COVID party' thinking virus was a 'hoax'​
"I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it's not."​
Those were the final words of a 30-year-old patient who died at Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, this week after attending a so-called "COVID party," according to the hospital's chief medical officer.​
Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children’s Hospital, said in a recorded statement that the unidentified patient told nurses about the party, which she said is hosted by someone diagnosed with coronavirus.​
"The thought is people get together to see if the virus is real and if anyone gets infected," Appleby said.​
Appleby said she shared the story not to scare people, but to make sure they understand that the virus can affect anyone."​
OK, that's not true either.

My point was that the OP is trying to make a point by saying the median age of the patient. My point is that these are the people who survive. Of course these are the people who are getting rehabbed. These are the people who still have jobs to get back to and children to raise.

They had built us a big field hospital at the event center and moved all of the elderly out of one nursing facility to turn it into a dedicated sub-acute rehab facility but the field hospital was closed without ever really being used and the rehab facility is in the process of being converted back to its original purpose.
My point was that the OP is trying to make a point by saying the median age of the patient. My point is that these are the people who survive. Of course these are the people who are getting rehabbed. These are the people who still have jobs to get back to and children to raise.

I think you're missing the point of the post. The issue is that people in their 30s are getting so desperately and chronically ill from this virus that they cannot go home.
My point was that the OP is trying to make a point by saying the median age of the patient. My point is that these are the people who survive. Of course these are the people who are getting rehabbed. These are the people who still have jobs to get back to and children to raise.

They had built us a big field hospital at the event center and moved all of the elderly out of one nursing facility to turn it into a dedicated sub-acute rehab facility but the field hospital was closed without ever really being used and the rehab facility is in the process of being converted back to its original purpose.
They may find come fall and winter that they may need these field hospitals. Don’t think it is close to being over.


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