first time to wdw--here's what we thought(somewhat disappointing)

this is a response specifically to baileybrad's questions. we stayed at the dolphin the entire wdw stay. we thought it was really nice. we did ch dinner's at wl(pooh), ltt(goofy and gang), and the villain's dinner at gf. we didn't go to any of the water parks, but we went to dd(not dq however).we really enjoyed the ch meals, the absolute magnitude of the whole place. we also are fans of disney movies--especially anything pooh and tigger. after reading all the responses to my post i guess i need to reiterate that we really enjoyed our trip at wdw--just not to the extent that we thought--and i can truly say that we will be back when our son is a little older and can appreciate more things at epcot,ak,etc. thanks to all for all the kind response
I think your trip report was very important and brought up some excellent points. I have a 13yr old who loves WDW for what it is and the memories it holds for us, some things you have to do because that's what we do when we go to the world. We also have Six Flags season passes (we are theme park junkies LOL) and my three children enjoy that place for what it is, but there is a definite difference, and it is good to know that.

'81CR, Poly
I must admit I had the same exact experience that stwyatt did when I first went to Disney.

I, too, am a thrill ride person and went to IOA first, so Disney seemed a bit washed out to me.


I went back May of the next year and took my time. I began to GET it. No magic yet, but I think I got what everyone was talking about...

In September of the same year I came back yet again. This time I GOT IT! It took time but now the thrill of Disney is much more than the thrill rides.

I'm sort of confused about all the discussion of Six Flags, though, since stwyatt NEVER mentioned it, the third poster did. Six Flags and Disney are as different as night and day. I'm a thrill person and they couldn't come close to anything in Orlando.

So, stwyatt, give Disney another try. Maybe, after awhile, you might GET it... ;)


Mother of Michael

Proverbs 3:5-6
<font color=red><marquee behavior=alternate>Rejoice in the Joy of the Season!</font></marquee>
<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> wdw--after all the hype, all the visits to the dis, and after all of our imaginations ran wild, we were disappointed in the parks. [/quote]

I suspect you have a lot in common with many visitors. When we have so much information about what magical things happen to other families, we are disappointed when those same things don't happen to ours. This board stresses posting the positives, but it's important to hear not-so-postive experiences, too, to keep everything in perspective. I could have easily lost the magic on our last trip, but thankfully we had a baby and two children who did see the magic to slow us down.

I agree, give it another try. Try a slow approach and let your child lead you to the magic. Go during a slow time of the year if you can.
I felt the "magic" this year, but I must say it is definitely related to the crowds. MGM used to be my favorite. But this year during Thanksgiving it was so crowded during early entry that I got disappointed and left. Epcot will always be exciting. We could go there everyday! But Magic Kingdom really surprised me this year. We went on E-night and would not have even gone if they didn't have it when we were there. It was so exciting to see the Christmas decorations, and see the Castle lite up at night. Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Railroad were a blast at night. And so was Haunted Mansion! We were so surprised at how much fun we had - and my kids are older and expect a lot too! I can say in all honesty though that if it had been really crowded I might not have felt the same way!
I too just need to say my piece. When I
was thirteen it was my family's first "real" vaction and we went to the MK. I was in awe and said I'm coming back here. It wasn't until I was 21, had a job and pay for my own trip back that I finally made it back. 8 long years I waited and saved for the magic. I've been many times and still feel like it's not enough. The attention to detail is amazing. When a six year old can find Gus and Jac in the castle and be thrilled because "they're Cinderalla's friends" This makes me very happy. WDW is not for everyone, that was my family's one and only trip to WDW. I guess I was the only one sprinkled with pixie dust! In a way it's like the new movie everyone is talking about, you hear all about it, can't wait to see it and when you do you're disappointed in the outcome of the film. What was all the fuss about?
Hope you try again someday, not for the thrill of the ride but the thrill of just being there.

[This message was edited by tink&pan on 12-13-00 at 01:17 AM.]
This is a very "personal" topic, when I say personal I mean that everyone is different. My Fiancee and I are visiting WDW (staying onsite)for 3 weeks next May for our Honeymoon and we are REALLY looking forward to it. We both love Disney and its films and we both love the magic of Disney, however, in my honest opinion I prefer IOA to any of the Disney themeparks. I guess for me it is because the atmosphere, the themeing, the music, the way each land is unique and seperated, plus I love the twinkle music as you walk over each bridge which fades the music in and out...its awesome. I totally "GET" IOA and appreciate it for what it is trying to do. And its the same principle to "Getting" the Disney Magic feeling, some people do get it and others don't.

This doesn't mean I will enjoy my stay in Disney any less, in fact it will enhance it. Thats the beauty with Orlando, it has everything you need for your holiday...after all, thats why we visit!! :)

Just my 2 cents worth: I first went to Disney the year it opened , and have been EVERY YEAR since.(Living 3 hours away helps) After our DS turned 3, we have had his Birthday there EVERY YEAR----he will be 19 in Jan. While over the years things have changed-(some of my favs. are gone). Disney is like a HOME coming everytime we go. A lot of my friends do not GET the way I feel about Disney. They do not understand how we can go 3-4 times a year and STILL like it (haha). Well I could live right on MAINSTREET USA. (and I am sure I would have lots of roommates). Our son is grown now, but I still get a THRILL when we first enter the MK, and see his face STILL light up--(when he doesnt know I am looking of course). We always talk about going to visit other places while we are there......then never make it HUMMMM...... And Pirates----outdated? THAT IS A CLASSIC that should never change,,,,,, we sing the song for for days after...I really hope you have the chance to visit again and maybe the MAGIC will be there then- A DAY WITHOUT DISNEY-UN--TINK--ABLE-

I love you for who you are and for how I feel when I am with you. Obviously a love peom, but really how I feel about WDW. I can allow myself to be taken back in time to a simpler place, where I have few responsibilities and I feel set free when I am there. My kids aren't embarassed that mom acts like a teenager, even though she's 40 :) I agree that the Magic that I feel when I'm there hasn't anything to do with thrilling rides. I just can't get my DH to understand that. He has no desire to go to WDW with the family next Dec. 2001 :( He doesn't like amuzement parkd because he doesn't like to ride rides. He just doesn't seem to understand that there is so much more to WDW than riding thrilling rides.
Sorry you were disappionted or actually maybe you expected so much more. My first trip I really didn't have a clue to the WDW magic. It was justr a place that I had always dreamed of going to. Gerri

I am the opposite. I love Disney because they have so many rides that are not 'thrilling' except in details. I have no sense of balance and a merry go round can cause me pain. I fear that the trend is going toward 'thrill' rides at Disney. I have found a couple of rides that have had a bit of a drop added to them to my (unpleasant) surprise. It took me a couple of trips to get over the , get my money's worth, and enjoy my surroundings and do what I feel like instead of what I feel like I MUST do. If I consider how many rides/shows I do versus the cost of the ticket it could be daunting but instead I focus on the fun of the place and realize that my ticket buys the cleanliness, friendliness and overwhelming courtesy and efficiency. Ah, if my real life could be so wonderful!

...and I can understand how the "thrill rider" in you would find "the World" not to your liking. As the mother of a 20 year old , I am close (but not TOO close) to the time that I will take grandchildren to "the magic". I am afraid that Disney will pander to those who, like you, do not find Disney exciting enough!!! Please... for the sake of all the little ones who have not yet experienced the wonder of seeing that castle for the first time or who have not yet been hugged by Chip or who have not sang "Its a small world.".. over and over and over again.... DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT THIS PLACE!!!

Nadine and Fred
I just love it when everyone speaks of the "magic" of WDW and DL. I still get shivers when I think about the first time I saw "Fantasmic" at DL ("Some imagination, huh?"). I realize it's not for everyone though (good thing too, it's already way to crowded). Maybe someday I will try IOA, but until I do, I will be most happy at the wholesome, happy atmosphere that only Walt Disney's theme parks can offer.
I'd like to say thanks for posting your honest feelings, it is difficult to go " against the flow" and brave to speak up.

I think that posts like this ( honest but not disparaging of WDW) help to give others realistic expectations of a first trip.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Disney offers attention to detail like no one else, much of "the magic" is taking the time to notice. AK is my favourite park because it has taken that facet to new hights, IMHO even amongst diehard WDW fans there are many that don't take sufficient time to appreciate AK fully. But IMHO Disney does lack a little in the "thrill" department. Hulk,Dueling Dragons and Kracken are all head and shoulders above any WDW "thrill ride", but RNR and TOT at MGM prove Disney can mix thrill and themeing pretty well when they so chose.

Thanks again for putting a little "realism" back on the agenda. IMHO too high expectations invariably lead to disapointment.
I have not read every response completely, so I apologize if this has been mentioned.

Aside from the fact that folks who seek big thrills will likely be disappointed, there is another factor.

I think that this kind of first-time disappointment must happen more often than we know. Particularly to folks who frequent this board before their first trip.

They read countless posts about how everyting is so wonderful from folks like me that eat, drink, and sleep the place (literally... about 50 days a year.)

What happens is first-timers get a pre-impression of the place that cannot possibly be lived up to by WDW (except in some instances.) They really enjoy their trip, but feel that WDW wasn't quite what we have been selling it to be.

Some do come home feeling that it is, however. And those folks are hooked for life

Por favor mantengan se alejado de las puertas
I agree with you. If you like rides there are other places. I hate rides and I found Disney to be wonderful, so their rides must be tame compared to others. I loved Pirates of the Carribean. Lots of artwork and detail. I go for the enjoyment of seeing what others have imagined and created. I am 44 yrs old and interested in the history of Disney also.


Disney was made for Kids! If you think your child will grow out of it, you might be mistaken. I visited disney world for the first time when I was seven with a broken arm. I couldnt go on some rides because I couldn't get my cast wet. I felt terribly sad that I couldnt go on anything at Tyhoon Lagoon, which was like a water park dream come true for me! Listen to me man, I've been almost everywhere a kid could go. Both Busch Gardens, Disney World, Disneyland..I've even been to Maui twice, Cancun, and recently Grand Caymans all top of the line hotels and resorts, and may I tell you, no where on earth can you ever get the feeling of your childhood other than disney world!
Sorry if I kind of went off, but I thought I had expensive taste, obviously your kids have it worse...

It is my duty to protect and serve....Disney.

Although I already posted a response earlier, something has happened since....I took my whole family, 16 of us to WDW for 13 days this Christmas. And guess what??? My brother and his 2 girls ages 12 and 10 disliked it! They wanted to know where the THRILL rides where??? I told them they should go to IOA, they did visit Universal July 1999. They hated the shows, totally Missed the MAGIC of the whole place. I felt very bad since I really wanted them to enjoy it as much as I do. But oh my mom said, less people for us to invite next time! BTW everyone else loved it! So I had to chuckle when I though of this Post. Imagine, part of my family not liking Disney. Go figure.
When we first took our son (7 at the time) last year he was expecting thrill rides and started off disappointed. We had to work the "magic" into him then he had a blast. Granted Peter Pan and Snow White aren't his favorite rides but he likes them ok. One of the things he LOVES about disney is not hearing "you're not quite tall enough". He's now 52" or so and that missing it by an inch or two at other parks for the best rides and it drives him NUTS. He also feels the "magic" these days and points out everything more than I do anymore, even the "babyfied" (sp?) stuff.

That's not to say I don't still enjoy the thrill rides. I grew up with Cedar Point, Geauga Lake and Kings Island (the Beast was my first BIG coaster as a kid!) in my "backyard" (grew up in Canton, OH) so I really expect a LOT from my thrill rides. We also went to WDW a few times and I enjoyed it as a kid as much as now.

Disney isn't everyones favorite and that's understandable. It's like the resort preference, different people are attracted to different things.

ºoº Beth ºoº

Taking a break from reality, goin' to see the M ºoºuse!

Yacht Club January 13-21, 2001
Polynesian 11/00
Disney Wonder 11/00
Disneyland Hotel 5/00
Disney Pacific 5/00
Contemporary 2/00
Port Orleans 2/00
I am sorry to hear about your trip! Last year was my 1st trip and I was in awe! Our only disappointment was we didn't manage to see everything!We are planning to try to cover more on our trip this June. I too grew up with Disney and was even more excited than my kids! They all knew ahead of time the 1st thing for mom was to ride the tea cups!!LOL I even rode dumbo!! To me it was a dream come true to actually get on these rides after seeing them on TV every Sun. night while I was growing up! Tinkerbell too!! I agree if you don't feel the magic and are more into thrill rides WDW is not for you! Regardless family vacations are about being with and spending time with your family so I hope you have a wonderful time on your next vacation wherever that may be!!
When I was a kid, we would spend Sundays at my grandmother's and we would watch Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and the Wonderful World of Disney. The Castle! I still remember watching the show and wishing I could go. Well, I finally got there in '98 at the age of 33. (I was a late bloomer!) I will be going back for my 5th trip in 18 days.

On my first trip, I had to go to MK first, to see the castle. Well, what a sight. I just stood in the middle of Main Street staring. My DH, not as much of a fanatic as myself, kept trying to get me to move out of the way!

Needless to say, I discovered the magic. While my DH has only gone on two of the trips, my snowbird parents are happy to meet for a few days in the land of magic.

Glad to see your second post, that the trip was good, but a little anti-climatic. That is so easy to happen when it gets built up into THE BEST TRIP EVER.

AS January 2001
DL September 2000
AS February 2000
ASM February 1999
DL September 1998


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