Fit for the Fairytale/looking good on "THE" day~beauty & weightloss ongoing chat~

Ok I am back and PROUD! Well I lost 3 pounds last week! More water drinking and less food eating! I am up to 13 pounds now....20 more to go! I am even more impressed since I lost the weight on a week that is normally a HUGE WEEK TO GAIN (if you know what I mean!) I am slowly getting to the gym but HOLY COW IT's hard! The weekend plan is to go out and enjoy this great weather and take some great long walks! Good luck everyone
Thanks to someone's advice of cutting back on carbs, I've lost an additional two pounds! Whoo hoo! I've lost a total of 7 pounds since January. My goal was to lose 8 pounds, so that's not too shabby! (Just so you know, I didn't cut carbs out entirely; just made sure I put more protein and veggies on my plate instead of my usual pasta/bread/etc.)

We bought a pedometer last night. It won't help with wedding weight loss (obviously) but we've always been curious how far you actually walk when you're at Disney! It seems like you're miles and miles but I wonder how much you actually cover...

Stay tuned and I'll let you know next week!

And congrats to Belle, for losing an additional 3 pounds!
Just thought I'd hop in on this thread :) I want to inspire and be inspired!

I have lost 6.8 lbs in about 3 weeks of working out and changing my diet. I eat healthier foods and anything carb related that I eat... I eat whole wheat.

And let me just say... I have not been perfect. I have cheated (bad... can we say chipotle??) and I have NOT exercised 6 days a week like I am supposed to... and I've still dropped the weight. The exercise program I am on is just that awesome. Since I've seen such amazing progress even without me committing 110%, I am really going to try to buckle down and improve.

And my wedding dress is bigger already. I am hoping that I have to send it back and get a smaller size :) That would rock my world!
Well, I'm not engaged, but since I am officially the most OVERplanned unengaged wannabe DISbride, (BF and I have been together 5 years, but I've been planning my DFTV for 10 years, lol) I have to join! I cut and paste dresses, flowers, everything else I like but losing weight is just as important (some might say more so!)

I have been up and down many times- even losing 97 lbs in high school (went from a size 20 to a loose size 6) and I've never been able to stay at a healthy weight. Last summer/fall I lost 30 again, but gained 7-8 back and have been at a standstill ever since.

Tomorrow I am starting the LA Weight Loss plan and I really hope it will be successful for me. I am supposed to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and I am going to give up my late night eating. (I often eat dinner at 9:30 when I get home from my second job - I think that may be responsible for the plateau problem). Anyway, you girls are doing so great here and your enthusiasm and planning might help me to keep on track. Ideally, I would like to lose 30 lbs,. by August 10 (our next WDW trip).

Congrats to all who have done well so far. Let's remember what is really important. I know that I am taping a picture of the wedding dress I really like to my fridge so I will be reminded before I nibble.
The weather is getting nicer so I hope you girls are taking long walks or going outside or getting some type of exercise!!!

Alot of you are close so get those walking shoes out & warm those legs up & get em ready for all the walking you'll be doing.

Carry around those water bottles everywhere & put one in the car.

apply sunscreen so you dont get dont want to be glowing or peeling on your big day!!

anyone want to add???:yay:
Use lots of chapstick! I get chapped lips all the time and had to consciously remember to keep applying chapstick.

In other news, I was a bad girl on the honeymoon and gained 3 pounds back. In a week! Eep! And just now I had not only a small piece of ice cream cake but also a small piece of lemon meringue pie.

The good news is that I'm not nearly as stressed about my weight, post wedding, so have cut myself some slack. The GREAT news is that before I started eating better, those small pieces would have been large pieces. Points for effort, right??
Use lots of chapstick! I get chapped lips all the time and had to consciously remember to keep applying chapstick.

In other news, I was a bad girl on the honeymoon and gained 3 pounds back. In a week! Eep! And just now I had not only a small piece of ice cream cake but also a small piece of lemon meringue pie.

The good news is that I'm not nearly as stressed about my weight, post wedding, so have cut myself some slack. The GREAT news is that before I started eating better, those small pieces would have been large pieces. Points for effort, right??
Congratulations!! Looking forward to reading about your wedding.

I have been bad BAD BAD!!!!! I went to Virginia Beach last week for work and stuffed myself full of seafood all week long!!!! I now have to get back to being dedicated and refocus!!
Don't be so hard on yourselves guys! You can still eat the foods you love its all about moderation!

I am down 13.5 pounds and I have 20 more to go before the wedding and there are some days I have that HUGE slice of pizza and some I eat really well....You can't deprive yourself. Weighing in tomorrow here is hoping I have lost.:scared: fingers crossed!
We bought a pedometer last night. It won't help with wedding weight loss (obviously) but we've always been curious how far you actually walk when you're at Disney! It seems like you're miles and miles but I wonder how much you actually cover...

Stay tuned and I'll let you know next week!

Soo..... how many miles did you cover in WDW? :)
I completely fell off the wagon these past couple months and I haven't been exercising or really eating as good as I should have been.

My dad mentioned that he had done the Special K diet and lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks (he only ate it once a day instead of twice). I figured I would give it a shot and see what happened.

I got DF on board and we both chose our own cereal as neither of us likes Special K. DF chose Corn Flakes and I chose Kashi Organic Promise Cinnamon Harvest. I've been eating yogurt for breakfast, Lean Cuisine for lunch, fruit for a snack, and the cereal for dinner. We've still been going out to eat once a week as a treat to ourselves. I've lost 4 pounds in the last week and a half. DF doesn't keep track of his weight, but he thinks that the Corn Flakes have made a difference for him as well ;)

Just thought I'd share in case anyone else wants to try it!
I got DF on board and we both chose our own cereal as neither of us likes Special K. DF chose Corn Flakes and I chose Kashi Organic Promise Cinnamon Harvest. I've been eating yogurt for breakfast, Lean Cuisine for lunch, fruit for a snack, and the cereal for dinner. We've still been going out to eat once a week as a treat to ourselves. I've lost 4 pounds in the last week and a half. DF doesn't keep track of his weight, but he thinks that the Corn Flakes have made a difference for him as well ;)

Just thought I'd share in case anyone else wants to try it!
I tried this once. I had the Special K cereal for breakfast and dinner and had a salad for lunch with either chicken or tuna. At night I would have plain popcorn with the Morton Lite Salt for snack...but I ended up gaining 2 pounds. I tried so hard for 2 weeks and was spot on with the skim milk, etc. I have no idea what I did wrong!! But good reminder thanks. I think I want to try it again.
I'm glad this thread got bumped, it keeps me inspired...even though I am not planning a wedding and mostly just lurk here, I'm always up for losing a few pounds!

Lately I've taken up yoga and that makes me feel stronger and more flexible, and also less stressed. I go to a beginner class once a week, twice if I can fit it in. The other days, I walk/run in the evenings after work, and do crunches/squats, and I bought a 8-lb hand weight for my arms. Discipline is my biggest issue though.

I try to focus on eating well, and for the most part I do...a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains. But again, discipline is hardest thing to maintain.

Good luck to everyone, and keep up the great work!
Since last spring I have gone from 132 lbs. to 106 lbs. Not actually for a wedding, but for my 5-year high school reunion LOL. (I refused to be the girl that everyone was like, "Whoa, SHE gained weight!") I'm only 5'1", so 132 was a little bigger than I needed to be, but now I'm down to my ideal weight for my height. I've also gone from a 31" waist to a 26" waist. And I did it all by just making little changes one at a time.

Here's how I did it:

1. While watching tv, instead of sitting on the couch, I started doing some crunches. I started out doing 100 a day, usually in sets of 40-40-20 (resting a few minutes between sets) until my abs got stronger. Then I moved up to 200 a day, in sets of 60-40-60-40. Eventually I got to 300 a day, doing 100 at a time. I now to between 400-500 a day (100 at a time), and it's made such a difference! I now have defined obliques and a completely flat stomach. I also do cardio such as swimming or running for a half hour each day.

2. When I crave ice cream, instead of going to Coldstone Creamery or eating Godiva White Chocolate Rspberry Swirl ice cream (which I used to keep in the house...another no-no :sad2: ) I either eat a frozen fruit bar, or, if I absolutely have to have ICE CREAM, I eat a Weight Watchers ice cream sandwich (they're only 120 calories each and you can get them at most grocery stores).

3. I snack on air-popped popcorn instead of potato chips, and eat things that are high in fiber.

4. I only drink soda as a treat when I go out to eat, but I usually go with lemonade anyway.

5. I try to be aware of portion sizes, especially at restaurants. I usually only eat half, and take the rest home for a meal the next day.

I found that by making these changes one at a time, they eventually have become part of my lifestyle, and no longer require much thought or discipline. And trust me, if a lazy person like me can do it, anyone can! :cheer2:
Since last spring I have gone from 132 lbs. to 106 lbs. Not actually for a wedding, but for my 5-year high school reunion LOL. (I refused to be the girl that everyone was like, "Whoa, SHE gained weight!") I'm only 5'1", so 132 was a little bigger than I needed to be, but now I'm down to my ideal weight for my height. I've also gone from a 31" waist to a 26" waist. And I did it all by just making little changes one at a time.

Here's how I did it:

1. While watching tv, instead of sitting on the couch, I started doing some crunches. I started out doing 100 a day, usually in sets of 40-40-20 (resting a few minutes between sets) until my abs got stronger. Then I moved up to 200 a day, in sets of 60-40-60-40. Eventually I got to 300 a day, doing 100 at a time. I now to between 400-500 a day (100 at a time), and it's made such a difference! I now have defined obliques and a completely flat stomach. I also do cardio such as swimming or running for a half hour each day.

2. When I crave ice cream, instead of going to Coldstone Creamery or eating Godiva White Chocolate Rspberry Swirl ice cream (which I used to keep in the house...another no-no :sad2: ) I either eat a frozen fruit bar, or, if I absolutely have to have ICE CREAM, I eat a Weight Watchers ice cream sandwich (they're only 120 calories each and you can get them at most grocery stores).

3. I snack on air-popped popcorn instead of potato chips, and eat things that are high in fiber.

4. I only drink soda as a treat when I go out to eat, but I usually go with lemonade anyway.

5. I try to be aware of portion sizes, especially at restaurants. I usually only eat half, and take the rest home for a meal the next day.

I found that by making these changes one at a time, they eventually have become part of my lifestyle, and no longer require much thought or discipline. And trust me, if a lazy person like me can do it, anyone can! :cheer2:

I'm sorry...when I started reading your post I looked up an told DF...this girl better only be 5ft tall!! haha! Good for you...I hope to discipline myself as much!'re gonna knock them dead!'s my 10 year reunion and I am so not going! :P
Since last spring I have gone from 132 lbs. to 106 lbs. Not actually for a wedding, but for my 5-year high school reunion LOL. (I refused to be the girl that everyone was like, "Whoa, SHE gained weight!") I'm only 5'1", so 132 was a little bigger than I needed to be, but now I'm down to my ideal weight for my height. I've also gone from a 31" waist to a 26" waist. And I did it all by just making little changes one at a time.

Here's how I did it:

1. While watching tv, instead of sitting on the couch, I started doing some crunches. I started out doing 100 a day, usually in sets of 40-40-20 (resting a few minutes between sets) until my abs got stronger. Then I moved up to 200 a day, in sets of 60-40-60-40. Eventually I got to 300 a day, doing 100 at a time. I now to between 400-500 a day (100 at a time), and it's made such a difference! I now have defined obliques and a completely flat stomach. I also do cardio such as swimming or running for a half hour each day.

2. When I crave ice cream, instead of going to Coldstone Creamery or eating Godiva White Chocolate Rspberry Swirl ice cream (which I used to keep in the house...another no-no :sad2: ) I either eat a frozen fruit bar, or, if I absolutely have to have ICE CREAM, I eat a Weight Watchers ice cream sandwich (they're only 120 calories each and you can get them at most grocery stores).

3. I snack on air-popped popcorn instead of potato chips, and eat things that are high in fiber.

4. I only drink soda as a treat when I go out to eat, but I usually go with lemonade anyway.

5. I try to be aware of portion sizes, especially at restaurants. I usually only eat half, and take the rest home for a meal the next day.

I found that by making these changes one at a time, they eventually have become part of my lifestyle, and no longer require much thought or discipline. And trust me, if a lazy person like me can do it, anyone can! :cheer2:
This is so inspiring to me. I am printing out your post and putting it up at work and at home to remind me little steps count!! Thanks. :goodvibes
Soo..... how many miles did you cover in WDW? :)

Sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread! My pedometer was pretty solid around 5 miles every day. However, I don't know if I quite finagled the set up right (the instructions were pretty complicated: measure ten steps, in put it, walk 100 steps, confirm the steps are correct within ten, then adjust the pedometer settings up or down...riiiiiight). Anywho, I'm going to go with about 4 miles a day, which isn't bad for having a great time while doing it! On the second or third day of the honeymoon, I was pretty sore, so that's got to count for something! :goodvibes

Alas, since the wedding, which was a scant 6 weeks ago, I've gained 3 pounds back (I *may* have gone a little overboard enjoying both the honeymoon and married life :cutie:). But I've starting swimming again in the morning, which is really good for arm muscles and overall fitness. Right now I can only manage to get my lazy butt up for 25 minutes 3 days a week, but I'm hoping to increase that soon. Have to fit in the dress I bought for princessdisneybelle's wedding on July 2! :eek:
Thanks for bumping this...I really need some motivation to get off my fat rump! I'm so nervous about my wedding dress not fitting. I think I was overly ambitious when I ordered it. :sad2:


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