Flight of Passage + People of Size = Disappointing

Disney should have placed some stagnate seating in the back. At least people would have been able to see the graphics even if they could not experience the motion aspect. JMHO.
Strangely enough, it appears to be muscular calves.

So what I saw was not fat people kicked off the ride, but athletic people. But I imagine it could impact fat people as well.

What is weird is the leg restraints seem like they could so easily have been more adjustable.
I am a runner and weight lifter. My calves are large for either, but not large compared to some of my friends who either ride (horses) regularly or who are simply overweight. I only post this to point out that, in spite of my large calves from exercise, the leg restraints did not even touch my legs on any of my 3 rides. I think that it is more complicated.

I sat up straight (did not lean forward at all) and had to get up on my toes to accomplish this since I am only 5'8". This meant that the front pad was against my belly instead of my chest, but it worked out great! I could look around much easier than if I were leaning forward.

I loved the ride "vehicle". I thought it was perfect for this attraction. I felt like I was on the back of a banshee. IMO, they couldn't have done a better job. To achieve more comfort they would have had to sacrifice the feel of the ride. I am glad that they didn't.
Disney should have placed some stagnate seating in the back. At least people would have been able to see the graphics even if they could not experience the motion aspect. JMHO.

They would have to redesign the seating. The seats in back would have to be elevated in order for them to get a clear view.

Not every person is going to enjoy every ride. And I really don't think Disney needs to try and make it so they do. So if you re-design so people can sit and not move, well, how about people that get claustrophobic, should their always be a way out? What about if it would disturb or take away from the experience of others? What about the circle vision movies Disney has, should they have to put seating in for those who don't like the feeling you are moving? What about Dinosaur, should they have vehicles that don't bounce around? Or trips with the lights on for those who don't like the dark?

See how hard it gets trying to make every ride suit every person?

And that car doesn't move like this. I'm not arguing about it I'm just saying there is a reason for the design and we have to accept that there is no One Size Fits All for something like this. I think Disney is very accommodating for larger people more so than most other parks.
I had seen posts about this. I was in AK the day pandora opened. The fact that this ride probably wouldn't accommodate me was a major factor in my decision not to bother waiting in the line to get into Pandora.

I'm not embarrassed to try the seat out front, however I've been in that situation before elsewhere and people passing by don't even bother whispering while they are making fun of you ( some not all of course) is it worth getting upset by rude people? Nope.
could also be some one is testing just to see if they can get on the thing.. My mom already said she wont do it, but she would be the guest that would need to check if she can even swing her leg over... There are people who might have issues besides weight.
I completely agree with the section I put in bold. I used to be plus-sized, and I was able to ride every single ride I wanted in WDW (and I was nervous about the overhead restraints on RnR where there is a disclaimer posted). However, I was not able to ride everything in DCA when we were there in 2001 because of my size (and I was not even at my heaviest weight at that time).

We have been to Universal Orlando, and I was far too self-conscious to attempt any tester seat that was in the open. If I was still plus-sized and saw the test seat right in the open at FoP, I would not try it and be a bit disappointed in this setup. I haven't been to WDW since the opening of Pandora so I don't know where this seat is located with respect to the actual line. Is there a reason why they can't put a screen around it and add a sign about having a test seat since the ride has size restrictions? I saw pictures of the test vehicle; it's not shaped like a banshee so it's really not necessary for people to use it for a photo op like Dumbo and other locations with test vehicles.

I was just curious- what couldn't you ride at DCA? Maybe California Screaming? That's the only thing I can think of and actually that has pretty generous chest space if I remember correctly.

I'll agree that Universal is pretty miserable. I could ride almost everything, but it was borderline and pretty uncomfortable.
I was just curious- what couldn't you ride at DCA? Maybe California Screaming? That's the only thing I can think of and actually that has pretty generous chest space if I remember correctly.

I'll agree that Universal is pretty miserable. I could ride almost everything, but it was borderline and pretty uncomfortable.

Weight restrictions on Paradise Pier. I was over the limit. California Screamin' was my favorite and had no issues riding multiple times.
Weight restrictions on Paradise Pier. I was over the limit. California Screamin' was my favorite and had no issues riding multiple times.

Sorry, still puzzled. PP is the name of the land, I think? I'm guessing the swings or the wheel? I'm not sure if I have ridden either. (I'm sorry, I don't mean to embarrass you, I was just considering a DCA day in august and i gained weight over the winter.)

California screaming is awesome. It's the first upside down coaster I rode and it's still one of my favorites!
Sorry, still puzzled. PP is the name of the land, I think? I'm guessing the swings or the wheel? I'm not sure if I have ridden either. (I'm sorry, I don't mean to embarrass you, I was just considering a DCA day in august and i gained weight over the winter.)

California screaming is awesome. It's the first upside down coaster I rode and it's still one of my favorites!

Yes, it was the swings. I'm not embarrassed to admit that as it no longer applies to my current situation. I was over the weight limit at that time. I did the wheel as well, although in a stationary car. The swings were the only thing I wanted to do and could not, but I accepted it and moved on.
Yes, it was the swings. I'm not embarrassed to admit that as it no longer applies to my current situation. I was over the weight limit at that time. I did the wheel as well, although in a stationary car. The swings were the only thing I wanted to do and could not, but I accepted it and moved on.

Do you remember what the weight limit was? I can't find it online
They would have to redesign the seating. The seats in back would have to be elevated in order for them to get a clear view.

Not every person is going to enjoy every ride. And I really don't think Disney needs to try and make it so they do. So if you re-design so people can sit and not move, well, how about people that get claustrophobic, should their always be a way out? What about if it would disturb or take away from the experience of others? What about the circle vision movies Disney has, should they have to put seating in for those who don't like the feeling you are moving? What about Dinosaur, should they have vehicles that don't bounce around? Or trips with the lights on for those who don't like the dark?

See how hard it gets trying to make every ride suit every person?

Hey, as I stated, Just my humble opinion. I am super thin, so no skin off my nose. Just concerned for others.
I just wish people on this thread would stop with the "there's other stuff that you can do/ride" answer.

I get it. I was in those shoes at one time in the not so distant past. I understood that there would always be a possibility that I would be restricted from riding something based on my size and enjoyed the things I could do instead. My husband is deathly afraid of heights, but there is no place for him to view the film as a non-flyer.
I don't see one on allears.net, but there are hip width restrictions so perhaps that is what stopped me. It was nearly 16 years ago so hard to remember.

Lol. I had misread your original post as 2011. That is indeed a while ago. Thanks for looking, though! I don't know if you'll get a chance to go back, but DCA has really grown- carsland is amazing and something I definitely wish DhS had:)
So that's the key fat calfs?

Yes, partially. My BF had no problem with the body restraint, but it was the calf restraint. He said it was a combination of the calves and where his knees hit, making it impossible to move in enough on the seat.

I already stated this in the first post, but he's not been turned away from rides, even at Universal. He's heavy but not overly so, since he's on the taller side. I think this is more to do with legs and calves than anything.
Wow! That seat looks small. I am 5'5", serious runner and my weight fluctuate between 109 and 115, so no worries for me. My son is a high school football player - 5'11" and 240. I don't think he can fit in there. Is anyone willing to provide their height and weight and if they fit? If this is too sensitive, I am sorry!!! I just don't want to get his hopes up!

If he has normal or only slightly thicker calves he will most likely be fine. What are his calf measurments?
I just wish people on this thread would stop with the "there's other stuff that you can do/ride" answer.

No kidding. Folks can also just never go to Disney World at all! Problem solved! That sort of binary response is useless.

The point of discussion is to hope for improvement. This ride could definitely be improved. Not only in the quality of the ride itself, but in the flexibility of its seating and training of the CMs.

Also, has anyone else noticed the insane amount of wasted space on this ride? I mean it is incredibly cool and atmospheric, but 90% of the space is unused and just kinda blah. It seems incredibly inefficient.


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