Food and Wine? Sounds Divine! An October TR - 12/2 A PTR Link!

I kept a lot of snacks and pouches with me on the plane so he would always have something to do. ARe you buying a seat for Dug Baby?
Nope, she'll be a lap baby and it doesn't look like there will be any open seats around us. Did you have to do anything special with the pouches when you went through security?

Great updates. Calvin does look so happy to be heading to Triceratop Spin! Very cute!

Too bad they weren't showing the one game your DH wanted to see.

Nice Photopass pictures!
Were you able to find the way to change FP+ times? I've changed a few of mine already, the only thing I don't like is that you're limited to 3 different rides and one park a day. Am I missing something?

Cute pictures all around.

Bummer about the game. It's not on the room TVs? I know nothing about sports...

I was able to change the times and attractions if I wanted, but I could only have a maximum of 3 attractions and it had to be at the same park that the other FP's were at.

Honestly, we didn't even think about him possibly going back to the room and seeing if it was showing there! Then he could have gotten our bags unpacked and everything. It more than likely wasn't showing though.

Sorry your DH's game was not shown at RF Cafe. But I just love all the photos you got!

Great FP line-up! I still wonder if the new FP plus system will be good for us or not. We change our mind far too often. ;)

Love the ride pics. We have never been on that ride (and I don't think we will, things that go around and around make me sick). Calvin looked sceptical about it too. :rotfl:

The one thing I did like about FP+ was the option to not race like a mad man to a certain attraction to grab a FP. This made touring easier, however planning of it takes more time!

:lmao:Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe how dizzy I got! I'm not a wimp either, I love me some big thrill rides, but this....this was too much!


Oh wait, I set MORE!

Let's see
  1. I have my wake up one (timed to allow for 2.5 hits of "snooze")
  2. The alarm that means make sure Evan is up
  3. The alarm that means make sure eric is up
  4. The 5 minute warning alarm before Evan's carpool arrives to ensure he is ready
  5. The 10 minute warning alarm before Eric's bus leaves to make sure he is ready
  6. The alarm that makes sure Eric actually leave
  7. The alarm that tells me to get in the shower. Which I hit snooze on WAY too many times and am often late to work! (though I am working often duyring all of this.

Not as many on vacation though...usually 2-3.

Oh. My. Goodness. Is this something i'm going to be looking forward to do one day if I add another child into the mix?! :eek::faint:

I haven't done this one in a bit bummer that it didn't sit so well

The thing is, I absolutely love big thrill rides, but this one did it for me. I couldn't believe the wimpiest looking ride is the one that almost got me!

:headache: Who did the Packers play that week? Must not have been a high profile game. You'd think there are enough Packers fans around that they'd show that game. :confused3

The Lions! Because I remember DH saying it was probably going to be an easy win. And you're right, I think there were other 'better' games on.

Well, if you can't handle the Prehistoric Dumbo, you've got no business on that... :rolleyes1

Never again!

FP+ might change that. Maybe an alarm 10 minutes before the FP time. Maybe another 10 minutes before the end of the window to make sure you don't miss out... :rolleyes1

This sounds like a plan Cynthia :thumbsup2

Ooh! What a nice set of PP pictures at AK.

I hope you liked the FP+ system and that it worked for you. Did you reschedule another FP+ on your band for later in the day or did you let it go?

No I didn't! I don't even think I thought about rescheduling another FP+ for later.

I was totally planning on buying that Lion King shirt for our AK day too!!!! :lmao: great minds

I saw it at Target the day before our trip and I knew I needed something to wear for AK! :lmao:

Calvin sure does express himself through his facial expressions! I'm glad that you avoided the Spew! :crazy2:

So did they figure out how to do the FP or did you have to just get a paper FP?

I ended up getting the paper. I don't think that CM knew what he was doing :lmao: It's going to be interesting to see what they're going to do about getting paper FP's with a MB :confused3

Nope, she'll be a lap baby and it doesn't look like there will be any open seats around us. Did you have to do anything special with the pouches when you went through security?

Great updates. Calvin does look so happy to be heading to Triceratop Spin! Very cute!

Too bad they weren't showing the one game your DH wanted to see.

Nice Photopass pictures!

I had all of DS's snacks and pouches in one bag that I pulled out along with bottles of water and told the worker scanning that there was food for my 1 year old. No problems whatsoever. They did have to scan the water bottles, which I knew since they did that last time, but they never even questioned it. They did question the amount of water bottles I brought coming home though because I brought a lot with me. The TSA agent asked me how long the flight was and I told him we were traveling to CA but had an hour and a half layover and no more questions were asked after I mentioned the layover:thumbsup2 I'm sure DugBaby will be great!
Happy Halloween everyone! :party::maleficen:hmghost:

For Christmas, DB and DSIL bought Calvin a Lightning Mcqueen car that he can be pushed in and when he starts walking around, he can push it himself. I thought this would be great to push him around in for Halloween to go Trick-or-Treating instead of the stroller, so we started researching Lightning Mcqueen costumes. But everywhere I looked, they were way too big for him. I ultimately decided to try and find a sleeper/jumpsuit that maybe looked a car racing outfit. And I found one! So it may not be a real racing outfit, but it's similar, cheaper AND he can use it as PJ's after :teacher: I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe time, no matter what you do tonight. And now an update!
After our harrowing hurl on the triceratops, we were off to visit another type of Dinosaur!

Wow. I promise I wasn’t drinking just yet!

That’s better

We went over to get a Rider Swap pass and DM and I rode first while DH waited for us in the gift shop. Phew! We made it with literally seconds to spare before the meteor hit. When we got off the ride, I saw DS on the floor laughing and flirting with 2 little girls. He was even holding one of their hands! :scared1:

Oh son. Don’t you know that they’re too old for you? This is when the flirting began on this trip. :eek: It was a non-stop ordeal the entire time. Smiling, waving, giggling. Sigh. I can already see DH in him and it’s scary.

DM waited for us in the gift shop, while DH and I used the Rider Swap pass. No waiting whatsoever. Not even time to take my camera out for a picture of Sally…is that the name of the big dinosaur in the waiting area?! :rotfl:

I don’t know how we managed it again, but we survived. No pictures to prove that we did. Just take my word for it :thumbsup2

It was time for our EE FP so that’s where we went. I’m shocked to say there were no pictures of anything! I’m kind of sad about it. We got the Rider Swap and I sat out the first time around while DH and DM rode. I decided to give DS a snack and a bottle while I waited for them. By the time his snack was done and he was onto his bottle, they came out. Very quick! Then DH and I rode. The Yeti almost got us but we escaped. I guess we were catching a break on this trip after all! :rotfl2:

I was dying of thirst when we got off. It was hot and water wasn’t quenching it. So on our way over to Kilimanjaro Safari’s there was a quiet stand by Flights of Wonder called Upcountry Landing where we purchased 3 beers. One didn’t make the picture though, because DH couldn’t decide fast enough.

Ah it was refreshing!

We stood around by the misting fans to cool off and drink our brewskies

While DS took a nap

See that blue thing he’s sleeping on? That’s the cooling pad. It was so long, I ended up cutting it into 3 small strips so we could each use one on the back of our necks if we needed and DS could lay on the large piece. That was the first and last time we used it. I don’t know if it was too humid, but it would quickly dry up. There are great reviews for it, but it just wouldn’t work for us.

While we were standing around a CM came over and whispered to me, “You’re allowed to bring your son in while he’s in his stroller since he’s asleep. We don’t tell people that unless their child is asleep.” I said you’re so nice but we have a FP reservation for Kilimanjaro Safaris in a few minutes and she said no problem and to remember it for next time. She was such a sweet little lady. In reality, we had plenty of time to watch this and ride KS, but I knew as soon as we got off KS, DH would want to make his way to ESPN Zone and I didn’t want to take any more time away from him.

While we were finishing up our beers, this older lady came over to us and said how cute DS was and we started talking about our trips, etc. I thought her hat was really cute and I mentioned it to DM that we should try and find her a hat that she could wear to protect herself from the sun, as she gets hot really fast.

Beers drained, we headed over to KS and look who we saw! Doesn’t she totally blend in?! It looks like she’s apart of that palm tree in the back

Do you see the guy in the back behind Devine? DH yelled out to him that it looks like everyone is taking pictures of him and the guy laughed and kind of moved out of the way. He was just chilling behind her eating ice cream

Her bone structure is amazing!

Happy Halloween! Yes, pictures please of Calvin, your idea sounds so cute. Definitely a bonus to get a dual use out if the pjs.

That Dinosaur! Love it!!! Looks like all that flirting exhausted DS, whew! :)
Poor little guy was all tuckered out from all that flirting! :rotfl: it was definitely hot that day! Sounds like you cooled yourselves off nicely!
All right hon, I'm getting caught up!

Wow, that was some impressive car packing your DB did. My Dad does the same thing. The man can pack a car like no one else I've seen before.

Glad you were able to finally find a pharmacy that had the prescription. What a hassle you had to go through!

Poor Calvin! I would hate to put him through an allergy test, because it's basically a scratch test, and I definitely wouldn't want to put a baby through that unless absolutely necessary.

I would have been totally annoyed too if the walkway was closed! That's one of the biggest perks to staying at SSR.

WOO HOO, die hard Packer fan in your DH. Nice. :thumbsup2 Got another die hard here. However, my Dad and I make exceptions when we're in Disney, and we stick to checking it life on ESPN.

Shoeless babies do not look like hicks. They just look cute. :lmao:

Oh man, missing your EE FP+ reservation? That stinks. FP+ = 1. Alicia = 0. :rotfl2:
Sounds like a great day, except for the humidity, at AK. Love the pictures and ds flirting. So cute. Its took bad that the cooling pad didn't work. Seems like such a great idea.
Wow. I promise I wasn’t drinking just yet!
Why not? :confused3 :rolleyes1

When we got off the ride, I saw DS on the floor laughing and flirting with 2 little girls. He was even holding one of their hands! :scared1:

Not even time to take my camera out for a picture of Sally…is that the name of the big dinosaur in the waiting area?! :rotfl:
It has a name???? :confused3

We stood around by the misting fans to cool off and drink our brewskies
Great way to celebrate still being alive after a couple of close calls. :rolleyes1

Do you see the guy in the back behind Devine? DH yelled out to him that it looks like everyone is taking pictures of him and the guy laughed and kind of moved out of the way. He was just chilling behind her eating ice cream
Great updates! Perhaps the EE FP Cast Member needed to read the memo about how to pull FP with a magic band. Sheesh! At least you were able to ride it after all that - an it is always a good ride when you survive the Yeti!

I've never been on the Tricera Top ride. Looks like Dumbo in the Cretaceous period. :)

I hear ya about the ick from the heat/humidity!

I'm sure Calvin was adorable in his Cars PJs last night. I think it is brilliant to combine PJs and a costume, makes it easier to transition from play to bed.
I also love your Lion king shirt :lovestruc

Bummer about the cool towel thingie not working out :( Luckily for the adults there's beer :)

Love the photos of Devine, also just AK in general since that's such an unfamiliar park for me.
Great updates. That was so nice that the Flights of Wonder CM approached you to let you know you could bring DS into the show in a stoller. I wonder though, if people have gotten mad over seeing some strollers allowed in and others not (if they didn't know the rule).

I was reading Easy WDW before and Josh mentioned how crazy parking at DTD has been lately with the construction going on. Of course, it made me think of you! :goodvibes
Ha, I love that Calvin was flirting with the "older women". :rotfl2:

Dug Baby is quite the flirt too...she doesn't get the whole "don't stare at other people" thing yet. Good thing they are so cute that people love it.

Can't wait to see pictures from Halloween! Good idea!
Happy Halloween! Yes, pictures please of Calvin, your idea sounds so cute. Definitely a bonus to get a dual use out if the pjs.

That Dinosaur! Love it!!! Looks like all that flirting exhausted DS, whew! :)

I'll post some tonight after I get through everyone's threads...hopefully! :lmao:

Poor little guy was all tuckered out from all that flirting! :rotfl: it was definitely hot that day! Sounds like you cooled yourselves off nicely!

Yes super warm. Not what we like. But for Disney i'll sacrifice :thumbsup2

All right hon, I'm getting caught up!

Wow, that was some impressive car packing your DB did. My Dad does the same thing. The man can pack a car like no one else I've seen before.

Glad you were able to finally find a pharmacy that had the prescription. What a hassle you had to go through!

Poor Calvin! I would hate to put him through an allergy test, because it's basically a scratch test, and I definitely wouldn't want to put a baby through that unless absolutely necessary.

I would have been totally annoyed too if the walkway was closed! That's one of the biggest perks to staying at SSR.

WOO HOO, die hard Packer fan in your DH. Nice. :thumbsup2 Got another die hard here. However, my Dad and I make exceptions when we're in Disney, and we stick to checking it life on ESPN.

Shoeless babies do not look like hicks. They just look cute. :lmao:

Oh man, missing your EE FP+ reservation? That stinks. FP+ = 1. Alicia = 0. :rotfl2:

Danielle great to see you! By the way, you're looking AH-MAZING! Keep it up :goodvibes

That's exactly what I heard about the allergy test and it sounds so painful. If I absolutely had to I would, but I don't think it's necessary right now thank goodness.

Catching up on the Dis and watching the Packers-Bears games. Poor Rodgers :sad2:

At least you gave that cooling pad a try.

Nice day at AK so far. :thumbsup2


Sounds like a great day, except for the humidity, at AK. Love the pictures and ds flirting. So cute. Its took bad that the cooling pad didn't work. Seems like such a great idea.

I was a little disappointed too, especially since it had really great reviews.

It has a name???? :confused3

Doesn't she?!...or he?! :lmao:

Great way to celebrate still being alive after a couple of close calls. :rolleyes1

Hey, we barely made it out of there. I needed something to calm the nerves :lmao:

Great updates! Perhaps the EE FP Cast Member needed to read the memo about how to pull FP with a magic band. Sheesh! At least you were able to ride it after all that - an it is always a good ride when you survive the Yeti!

I've never been on the Tricera Top ride. Looks like Dumbo in the Cretaceous period. :)

I hear ya about the ick from the heat/humidity!

I'm sure Calvin was adorable in his Cars PJs last night. I think it is brilliant to combine PJs and a costume, makes it easier to transition from play to bed.

Woot woot! Congratulations on your medal! :banana:

I'll hopefully be posting pictures tonight if it doesn't get too late from catching up on everyones threads ::yes::

I also love your Lion king shirt :lovestruc

Bummer about the cool towel thingie not working out :( Luckily for the adults there's beer :)

Love the photos of Devine, also just AK in general since that's such an unfamiliar park for me.

I bought it at Target like the day before our trip! I knew I needed a new shirt for AK and there's no better shirt for AK than the Lion King! Well, maybe a Bug's Life shirt if there were any...

Great updates. That was so nice that the Flights of Wonder CM approached you to let you know you could bring DS into the show in a stoller. I wonder though, if people have gotten mad over seeing some strollers allowed in and others not (if they didn't know the rule).

I was reading Easy WDW before and Josh mentioned how crazy parking at DTD has been lately with the construction going on. Of course, it made me think of you! :goodvibes

I know! I would hate to get dirty looks from people thinking I got 'away' with bringing in a stroller.

Thank goodness Josh was backing me up too! :rotfl:

Ha, I love that Calvin was flirting with the "older women". :rotfl2:

Dug Baby is quite the flirt too...she doesn't get the whole "don't stare at other people" thing yet. Good thing they are so cute that people love it.

Can't wait to see pictures from Halloween! Good idea!

:rotfl: Yes @ the bolded! In fact, he did this at Costco today and I couldn't get him to stop. They thought he was cute though :cutie:
Did I share this with you guys yet?

This was from a few weekends ago at our local Pumpkin Patch. Three pumpkins, for 3 Crows.

Halloween - because on a day where events are planned, nothing can ever run smoothly for us right?....The 'plan' was:

-DH gets home from work at 4:00
-Take DS dressed up in his costume to - DH's grandpas, DH's brothers, DH's parents, my grandparents, my brothers, my moms and then we would meet up around 6:30 with our neighbors so we could all tour the neighborhood together as a group.
-Go back at 8pm to hand out candy

However, the plan got totally mutilated when I received a call from DH at 3:39pm saying that he wasn't paying attention (did I ever mention that DH is not the best of drivers? :drive:) and he ran over two short poles that were sticking out of the on-ramp and he blew two tires.:headache: Now he was waiting for a tow-truck to take his truck to a tire shop and get new tires. He works 30 minutes away so I knew it would be a long time before he got home. I was glad he was okay, but irked that he wasn't paying attention. So our plan had to be modified - Dh's grandpas, DH's parents, my grandparents and then my brothers and we would just have to meet up with our neighbors wherever they were. He got home around 5:15 and we took off. Unfortunately, we had wanted to visit with everyone for at least 15-20 minutes, but now could only do 5-7. I felt so rushed and felt bad for our relatives, but still thankful that we were able to see everyone.

Here's DS at DH's parents

And then receiving his 'treats' - my SIL is a kindergarten teacher, so she knows to give books to replace candy:thumbsup2

We met up with our neighbors around 7:40 - super late but we made it. One house a couple blocks from us does a 'Bat Cave' where he transforms his entire garage into a maze where he has the riddler and the joker in cages. It was pretty cool!

It wasn't until around 8:45 that we got home. I left our lights on outside because I had 3 HUGE bags of candy that needed to be gone.

Not one person came.


I remember back in the days, people would be ringing our bell at like 9:30! What happened to everyone??

So now i'm stuck with a ton of candy. I made peanut butter snickers cookies the other day and sent them off with DH for his co-workers. But now I need to find recipes for twix, milky ways, peanut butter cups, hershey's bar, etc...Anyone have any ideas?!:rolleyes1

Hope everyone had a great halloween! I'll update later today :)
Halloween - because on a day where events are planned, nothing can ever run smoothly for us right?
Uh oh... I know how it is though... :sad2:

(did I ever mention that DH is not the best of drivers? :drive:)
Maybe once or twice. I'm starting to feel bad for the guy getting called out for it. :rolleyes1

I felt so rushed and felt bad for our relatives, but still thankful that we were able to see everyone.
But you at least got to all of them. And most importantly, they got to see Calvin. I mean let's face it, that's all they really cared about anyway. :rotfl2:

Here's DS at DH's parents
I like how that costume worked out. Nice job!

I remember back in the days, people would be ringing our bell at like 9:30! What happened to everyone??
We had the same thing. Although they "postponed" Halloween here due to a storm system moving through. Most local towns moved it to Friday so that kids weren't out during weather that could possibly form tornadoes on Thursday night. We went to BiL's on Friday to hang out there and pass out candy and they had 1 trick or treater show up all night. They usually have a ton of them. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

But now I need to find recipes for twix, milky ways, peanut butter cups, hershey's bar, etc...Anyone have any ideas?!:rolleyes1
My MiL makes these cookies with peanut butter cups. Basically a cookie dough ball with a peanut butter cup in it and she bakes it. I can destroy a plate of those things in no time at all. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bummer about the candy, did you leave it out for folks to take or just plan to hand it out once you got back?

We usually don't get more than 5 or so kids (cul de sac off of a busy street, not ideal for foot trafiic. Can you re-use it in Christmas Stockings?


Or take it to the office. I don't make anything "with" candy so I am of no help ion the recipe front.

HUGE bummer about the tires, that is not cheap. I need new ones and OUCH!
Maybe once or twice. I'm starting to feel bad for the guy getting called out for it. :rolleyes1

I want to say three or four times by now. I shouldn't say he's a bad driver, more of a distracted driver. Don't feel bad! I know you men have to stick together, but he openly admits that he gets distracted easily!

But you at least got to all of them. And most importantly, they got to see Calvin. I mean let's face it, that's all they really cared about anyway. :rotfl2:

Before having DS, we used to get all the attention. Now that he's here, we get nothin'. :rotfl2: I miss it!:rotfl:

I like how that costume worked out. Nice job!

Thanks! It was definitely easy to put together and DS went right to bed afterwards in his 'costume' :thumbsup2

We had the same thing. Although they "postponed" Halloween here due to a storm system moving through. Most local towns moved it to Friday so that kids weren't out during weather that could possibly form tornadoes on Thursday night. We went to BiL's on Friday to hang out there and pass out candy and they had 1 trick or treater show up all night. They usually have a ton of them. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

I always wondered what happens if there's a major storm or something. Do they announce it on local news websites or something about moving it? How does that work?

My MiL makes these cookies with peanut butter cups. Basically a cookie dough ball with a peanut butter cup in it and she bakes it. I can destroy a plate of those things in no time at all. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Omgosh, my SIL makes the same ones and I refuse to eat them! I think she puts like 3 sticks of butter in one batch :scared1: She calls them PB Secrets but I know the secret = 3 sticks of butter! :lmao:

So cute!!!

Thanks Steph!


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