Food poisoning while at Disney?

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Final comment:

That is quite literally what I asked in my initial post. “Has anyone had this happen and contacted Disney.?? That was my question. Period. Go back and look.

Then people started making assumptions about things (why didn’t you contact emergency services, why didn’t you contact guest services? Why didn’t you tell housekeeping (which I did). My responses were to those questions.

My daughter can be very very ill, and I can also hope she gets better quickly before we leave. Even though in the back of my mind, I know it’s extremely unlikely. it’s a once in a lifetime trip so you hope for a miracle. Lots of thoughts going the my mind at that time. You are not me. You didn’t feel the feelings I did. Or the stress. People can say they have empathy but your comments say something different. You don’t have empathy. You want to be right.
Wow. You need to go back and read your post yourself. You said a lot more than just that question, and that's what generated the questions back at you.
I’m very sorry that your daughter got sick and that it made your trip less magical. Hopefully the days before she got sick allowed your family to create some wonderful memories that will with time overshadow the day that she lost.

Perspective is such a funny animal. Personally, I would have been so mortified at the mess that was left for someone to clean, embarrassed for causing so much extra work (from the maintenance needing to deep clean to the cast member who will need to tell the next guests that they don’t have a room ready for them) and, quite honestly, relieved that I didn’t incur extra charges for the cost of the cleaning and need to take the room out of service, that it wouldn’t occur to me to want something more than that in return.

It does seem reasonable that her unused ticket might be able to retain some value, so hopefully you will hear some good news with that.
Monday morning quarterbacking?

The TL;DR version of your original comment is that your child got sick and you blamed Disney's buffet without a shred of evidence or reason to suspect them besides eating there, and you want compensation from Disney. Is that not accurate?

You probably would have found more people to be in agreement with you if you had wanted a reimbursed park ticket for a missed day, cost of your daughter's meal, and the LL ticket as it didn't get to be used, etc. Instead, your post pretty much implied you wanted a bit of 'Disney Pixie Dust' of freebies and services as if it was owed to you because Disney failed on behalf of your child.
I think the one problem with message boards (and even texting) is sometimes it is hard to convey context and therefore information is not received well.

OP put context into the answers she got that I don't think were there. Folks were answering based on the info that was shared, simple no bias answers. There was no reason to come here to ask about requesting refund on ticket, LL and possibly dinner ~ there are tons of posts about that already. But she still got the answers that were logical for the situation.

Agree many posters took what OP was saying is that she was quantifying Grandma & Daughter memory into possible compensation (pixie dust). I think most responses were simply, she got sick, most likely from another guest, can't hold Disney responsible ~ so stick with refunds.

OP wanted IDEAS (she got that although it would have been common sense info anyway) and SUPPORT ... Of course we all feel bad her DD got sick, some of us have been through that, we know the stress, we know the lost days, some of us more than once 🥴 it's that part of vacation you always hope to avoid but know it's lurking. I think many felt bad for her situation. I think she got both.

Hopefully they can focus on their time together before DD got ill and the memories made.
Wow!!! I can’t believe this thread is still going 🤣🤣

I feel like people are still misunderstanding. I was not looking for pixie dust. I went back to my original post and nowhere does it say that. Did I say pixie dust in a follow up comment? I’m too tired to go look. I don’t recall saying that and if I did it was not meant in that context but it for sure was not in my initial post. What I was *asking* is whether it would be worth it to contact Disney to get my daughter’s ticket and LL refunded. Perhaps people read it as *all* of our tickets? Here’s what I said:

The next day she missed an entire day at Magic Kingdom. It was our last day and my Mom (her grandmother’s) first trip to Disney. Because she was so sick, the remaining 3 of us took turns going to the park. Needless to say, our trip ended on a far from magical note.
Is it worth contacting Disney to see if they can do anything? My daughter lost a full day as well as the mine train ride I paid for. The rest of us got small shifts at the park I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for but if we get sick on Disney’s food, we shouldn’t have to pay for a day in the park we couldn’t use as well. But I have a feeling we’re out of luck. It just really sucks.

By saying “having to pay for a day in the park” I don’t mean all of us. I was referring to my daughter’s day in the park that SHE did not use and I was ASKING if ANYONE had ever contacted Disney in a similar situation. (Getting park tickets refunded). Perhaps my bringing up the food is what’s ticking everyone off? Even though I admitted in the OP I have no proof?

Emotions play very little in this. I brought up the stress and sadness parts because people were judging me because I didn’t call guest services or whatever people thought I should have done, but didn’t. Of course I’m sad about it, but I’m not asking for Disney to pay for my sadness. That’s ridiculous.

By the way, someone insinuated I should be embarrassed over my daughters vomit. I was. Thanks pointing it out. Horrified actually. The thing is, I can simultaneously be embarrassed and horrified while trying to figure stuff out. I’m pretty flexible like that. And I paid generously for the cleaning. And left a note. And told the front desk. And apologized.

Some of you are still going to want to make me into an entitled monster because that’s how message board are. I’m ok wit that. Great! 🙂

On the other hand, good news!! Guest services did respond an hour or so ago and I am more than satisfied with the outcome which I will NOT share here. Interesting that I almost said word for word what I said in my initial post. And they were very understanding. It restored my faith in Disney and humanity in general.

Happy New Year! 😉
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It is easy to think food poisoning when ill but could easily be something else.
When I went to the ER for mine they grilled me like none other because I'm sure many of us have said that it was that when it was likely something else. Mine was because H1N1 was around so it was like "what makes you think it's food poisoning and not the flu" it was def. not the flu but it was the nurses job to ask these questions as it depends on the care and potential exposure to them.

It's been just over 13 years and I still vividly remember it. I bounced back fairly quick after the hospital stay but was grateful for the IV bags, potassium and morphine-like anti-nausea meds. Granted I'd say my case was severe but I wouldn't wish it on anyone to feel it :sad2:
The one time DH got what we assume was chicken wing poisoning, we were just happy to not be charged for going home a day early.

It was man-flu times infinity.. so, it was either take him home or knock him out. :)

OP, glad it is resolved.
FYI, trichinosis has been all but non-existent for almost 50 years. We're talking single-digit number of cases/outbreaks in that time.
Agreed regarding trichinosis. I'm pretty sure it wasn't. I was thinking more like salmonella.
On a trip about 6 years ago, DH and I got sick. Family trip, but we were staying three extra days to enjoy the parks at our speed. The morning the rest of the family leaving, DH got sick . About 36 hours later, I got sick. Worst sickness in ages. We spent the three extra days in the room , mostly checking if the other was still alive.

No one else in the family got sick.

And after that trip, we had hand sanitizer with us ALL the time with disney. So far so good.
Sorry OP. I think I got too many spices at Tiffins while dehydrated, and then paid the price that night. Then we literally paid a price by missing dining reservations and half a day in a park. It was just 2 of us then. It's really unfortunate when it happens to a larger group. All that time and money into a trip and it can go south so quickly.
Once at Disney, I started to feel…. Wait a mi minute. No one gives a flying fig about what happened.
Sorry OP. I think I got too many spices at Tiffins while dehydrated, and then paid the price that night. Then we literally paid a price by missing dining reservations and half a day in a park. It was just 2 of us then. It's really unfortunate when it happens to a larger group. All that time and money into a trip and it can go south so quickly.
“Too many spices” and “[Disney restaurant]” has been mentioned in the same sentence for the first time ever.
I will summarize the thread:

1. OP got understandably frustrated and upset that her daughter got sick at Disney
2. She blames the Disney buffet for her family member getting sick.
3. She wants Disney to compensate her somehow
4. Nobody else in her party got sick and the timing of the vomiting does not suggest she got food poisoning from the Buffett. Likely daughter got a "stomach bug" somewhere else a day or 2 prior
5. 99% of replies point out what I just described, saying there is no way you can prove Disney was at fault and is hard for Disney to compensate you for that
6. OP got upset and defensive and did not like those answers. She already had her mind set even before she posted the thread and no answers would change that.

I think that is it. Maybe the mods should just close it down as she requested
We just came back Christmas Eve from a short 3 day/four night trip. On our third night, we at at Germany as part of the Candlelight processional package. At around midnight that night, my daughter woke up projectile vomiting. Not to be gross, but it was violent and sudden. She continued to be sick the next morning. By the following night, she was somewhat better but dehydrated and weak.

The next day she missed an entire day at Magic Kingdom. It was our last day and my Mom (her grandmother’s) first trip to Disney. Because she was so sick, the remaining 3 of us took turns going to the park. Needless to say, our trip ended on a far from magical note.

I know there is no way to prove she got food poisoning but given that Biergarten is a buffet (will never, EVER eat there again sadly) and the quick and violent nature of her illness, and the fact that no one else got sick, I would put money on it. It’s the only thing that makes sense. She had no fever or any other symptoms. And she started to feel sick as soon as we were leaving the park.

Is it worth contacting Disney to see if they can do anything? My daughter lost a full day as well as the mine train ride I paid for. The rest of us got small shifts at the park I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for but if we get sick on Disney’s food, we shouldn’t have to pay for a day in the park we couldn’t use as well. But I have a feeling we’re out of luck. It just really sucks.
This happened to my family beginning of December at Topolinos for breakfast. My mom and oldest daughter threw up multiple times within a couple of hours of eating. It was our travel day home too. The next day my dad called and Disney basically asked what he wanted and he wanted to let the restaurant know. In order to do that they would need to start an investigation and he would have had to fill out a long report. It is almost like they don’t want you to do it so they make it a long process.
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