"For the Love of Disney" February 2021 Exercise Challenge

Good morning, everyone!

Team total is up to 35%, and today's quote is:

"This is love. You’re not gonna find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I’ve looked."

Just to make everyone feel better - I wouldn't have known all the quotes myself, either! I got them from a list I found online. (I think without it, I'd have been about 5 for 11 right now, maybe 6 with a lucky guess.)
Good morning, all, and congrats on our newest color change - lisam427!! :tigger:

Nothing for me yesterday, but team totals are up to 2,903!! (37%).

Today's quote is:

"Love always finds a way, it’s true. And I love you.”

The Princess & the Frog (Ray)
245 minutes - horses (was able to spend 2 hours with them before ice storm event), walking (indoors), mat pilates, clearing out room so walls can be repainted (not a fun way to earn minutes, by the way)


@PollyannaMom, thanks for the good wishes for the horses. I didn't see them yesterday but am going to attempt to make it out there today. Unfortunately, we have more bad weather predicted for next week - up to 19 inches of snow and ice within a 3 day period. That's going to completely shut everything down and be a massive problem. We don't know how to deal with that down here. Fingers crossed forecast changes because I am very worried about the chickens and horses if this actually happens. Also, low temps of 1 degree. Um, what? Some of you are probably used to this sort of thing, and I used to think I would love it, but not so sure now that we're faced with the possibility of it. Yikers! I might finally have snow shoveling as an exercise activity! So much for February being a monsoon month. "Just rain" decided to take a vacay and let Jack Frost fill in.

ETA: almost forgot! Trivia: 1/12 :rotfl2:
whoops.... 5/10 now. LOL

Was supposed to exercise yesterday, but got burnt out after giving the doggy a bath. LOL.

I danced for 20 minutes today for my exercise. I would have done more but had a Dr's appointment over an hour away and it was a very unpleasant kind of visit and I'm not feeling particularly energetic now.

So sorry you had an unpleasant medical appt. :hug: Hope you are feeling better now.
too to.see.someone else that does Chloe ting. Going to start that up again!!

Thank you!

I tried Chloe Ting because Elizabeth Smith was giving it a go, and I was curious. I don't think I'm doing the massive workouts that Elizabeth is, but I do feel like it's a worthwhile program. I've started with short videos and am working my way up. I also can't do all the jumping because of a meniscus tear that will not ever fully heal w/o surgery (and I'm holding out as long as I can).
thanks for the good wishes for the horses. I didn't see them yesterday but am going to attempt to make it out there today. Unfortunately, we have more bad weather predicted for next week - up to 19 inches of snow and ice within a 3 day period. That's going to completely shut everything down and be a massive problem. We don't know how to deal with that down here. Fingers crossed forecast changes because I am very worried about the chickens and horses if this actually happens. Also, low temps of 1 degree. Um, what? Some of you are probably used to this sort of thing, and I used to think I would love it, but not so sure now that we're faced with the possibility of it. Yikers! I might finally have snow shoveling as an exercise activity! So much for February being a monsoon month. "Just rain" decided to take a vacay and let Jack Frost fill in.

Oh No. Those temps are horrible. We have been in the teen's and single digits for like 2 weeks now. This is normal for us but usually in January. Snow normally doesn't ever totally shut us down but maybe for an afternoon or morning. It is looking like we will be getting about an inch a day. This is no big deal but around Wednesday it looks like we will have a significant amount. I have lived her all my life and It all stinks. I would rather have 70 and sunny then either of the extremes. We do get the high heat and humidity in the summer too. Hopefully it won't be too bad for you next week. If your weather guys are like ours they are never right. Hopefully our guys will be wrong again and we won't get the big snow on Wednesday. DD has her horseback riding lessons that night and I hate driving in the snow.
30 minutes running at 7am this morning. Adopting a puppy got delayed, and I wallowed instead of exercising for a few days - but now I'm back! And still failing at trivia. :rotfl2:


Sorry about the puppy delay. (As I mentioned to someone else, the "like" is just keeping track of entries/totals.)

But you are up to orange, now! Congrats, Raya!! :tigger:
I'm 6/12 now.

Have another 60 minutes. 20 from yesterday and 40 today. I'm feeling totally better from the Dr. appointment stuff on Wednesday, but now I'm having some inner-ear dizziness issues. Ah. It's always something. 🙄 I probably won't be doing any Chloe Ting exercises until I can move my head without feeling like I'm on the Tea Cups. 🤣

Good morning, everyone!!

A whopping 10 minutes yesterday for me (just to preserve the slot in the routine. - This week exhausted me!) 230/500

Team totals are at 3,335 minutes and 43%. We are only 545 minutes from purple!! :cheer2:

And today's quote is:

"My heart has wings and I can fly."

(Hint - I'm pretty sure it's from a song lyric, not a line of dialog.)


21 minutes in sleet and ice. I have to gush here: ice storms are amazing. There was a solid half inch of ice on things and this great tink-ing noise from the frozen rain hitting. Now it was scary as heck to try to walk in it (hence the short duration) but so so neat to see. Never gonna drive in that needs for sure....

I need to get about 30 minutes of exercise time in each day until the end of the month to meet my goals so you'll probably be stuck hearing this Florida girl talk about winter a lot. ☺️



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