Forget this Christmas cheer, lets talk Christmas misery....


Feb 1, 2001
Anyone else got a Christmas shaping up to be less then cheerful?

My brother-in-laws son (21 years old) just got arrested for DUI and possession of cocaine and marijuana. He had been clean for over a year and with the help of his parents who thought it was time to give him another chance helped him buy a truck so he could be independent again.

The next night after helping him get the truck he was arrested.

His next court date isn't until January 22nd and they do not plan to bail him out for Christmas.

They always throw a big Christmas Eve party and still plan to, should provide a really festive feeling.
We’ll do OK but it certainly isn’t shaping up to be our best ever. We just buried a very close loved one on Monday. He had been terminally ill and we were all on pins-and-needles for months as his death became imminent. We deferred making any definite Christmas plans and now we find it’s a little too late. We’ll be home on our own Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which we’ve never done in our lives. Weird and a little melancholy.
Yes. We moved last weekend so we have no decorations other than a ceramic Christmas tree, and no gifts are wrapped. I also don't know where I put the Christmas cards, or if I even bought them.

Other than that things are quite well. :)
We’ll do OK but it certainly isn’t shaping up to be our best ever. We just buried a very close loved one on Monday. He had been terminally ill and we were all on pins-and-needles for months as his death became imminent. We deferred making any definite Christmas plans and now we find it’s a little too late. We’ll be home on our own Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which we’ve never done in our lives. Weird and a little melancholy.

Sorry for the loss of your close loved one, ronandannette--I know somewhat how you feel

Other than having the usual seasonal 'blahs' for me, my husbands boss's father passed away yesterday morning. Everyone in the office is very close to the boss, and are all very sad. Her Dad was in hospice for the last few weeks. They called her to his bedside Monday, saying it would be a only be a couple of days, or up to 2 weeks. Her Dad told her Monday night that he was 'going home to God' on the 21'st, because he didn't want to ruin anyone's Christmas :(
He only made it till the 19'th. So having to go to a wake and a funeral over the next 2 days is going to be a very sad start to the holidays for all of us.
Yeah, kind of meh. Just found out a few days ago that my aunt (whom I spent a lot of my childhood and teen years with as she babysat me when my mom was always working) has ovarian cancer. Thought it was an intestinal blockage caused by a previous gallbladder surgery that had adhesions. Full pathology came back with ovarian cancer. She's been in the hospital for 2 weeks already and just got released to rehab so she will be spending the holidays trying to get back on her feet. We are all just shocked.

Besides that, things for me and my immediate family are good and I can't complain.
First Christmas without my Dad alive.. But hadnt spoken to him in 6 years beforehand anyways.. long story.. Now his wife is most likely sitting in a depressed state, alone over christmas. She burnt so many bridges within our family.

The too nice part of me has a guilty feeling for her. Like maybe we should have asked her to join us. But I figure if she and my father cut us out years ago , why should I hand over the olive leaf again... this leaf was handed over many times while he was still alive and never taken. Plus we live across the country.
I did send her a gift though. and will call her on her birthday.
My favorite niece is just starting to go through a divorce. We go see the lawyer this afternoon. She has two small children (7 and 2) and I am not sure how it is going to work out. He is struggling with his own family who is very unhappy with his behavior that led to the divorce, so his aunt/uncle who normally host Christmas Eve have stated that they are having celebration as normal and whoever comes, comes and whoever doesn't, doesn't. His brother has stated if soon-to-be ex is there, he isn't coming. My DN feels that her boys should go, but she shouldn't, which I agree with. She doesn't need to spend any time with husband at this time. He is a master manipulator.

I just know that as the favorite great-aunt and uncle, we will spoiling the boys this Christmas at our house.
My dog is not doing well. He is 12 1/2 so has def. lived a long and happy life. He has a very large cyst on his side that the dr. does not want him operated on. We tried draining it but it comes back almost immediately. Although he is still himself and not in pain he just cannot travel to my mom's in NY. So we are only going up and back home in the one day (about a 3 hour trip each way). My bro in law was nice enough to volunteer to come over and let him out and feed him/medicate him for us. It's just very sad as I am super attached to him. Glad he is still with us so the kids can spend time with him while they are home from college.

Sorry to everyone going thru a rough time.
My new daughter in law will be here. Her dad died in Oct. Just two months after their wedding.

At Thanksgiving I sat and talked to her and held her hand. She was crying for 45 min.

I think they might bring their new puppy. Her 14 year old dog had died too. I hope that brings her some joy. I might be doing a lot of consoling again.

The holidays are not easy for people who are struggling. My heart goes out to all.
Two years ago on Christmas Eve day I took a serious fall, and thought I might die and be found by my son on the holiday. Obviously, that didn't happen, but I had excruciating surgery on Christmas Day, then spent my 50th birthday trying not to scream in agony as I was transported from the hospital home. You would *think* this would make me appreciate a normal Christmas, but instead the memory of it is still very fresh.

We had to celebrate Christmas already last weekend due to DS's work schedule, and I was actually kind of glad. I think the date of Christmas might be moved permanently in the future ;).

(And my best friend's mom died of breast cancer on Christmas Eve when we were in high school, and I know the holiday has been difficult for her, even now, decades later....)

It has been a bit hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year. We are celebrating post Hurricane Michael. We are in a house that has tarps for ceilings in our dining room, master bedroom & bath. We have a tarp on our roof and have found that there is a hole over the master bathroom. My daughter & granddaughter’s room is fine but my husband & I are sleeping on the couch. We do have a couple cots, but they aren’t as comfortable. Soon we will be in our garage while they work on the inside of the house.

There is still debris on about every road. Few trees are still standing. Where there would be plenty of Christmas decorations left on the shelves, this year they are just about bare. We decided to help a child that would have gone without gifts and trying to find something for her & her siblings was difficult. Then there wasn’t any wrapping paper left in Walmart.

The day after Thanksgiving my brother called to tell me my mom passed away. She had Parkinson’s Disease and after finding out that she couldn’t travel to go to my sister’s for Thanksgiving, I think she basically gave up. She was looking forward to that trip and then not being able to go just helped her already declining health. Her Parkinson’s had come on aggressively and she was having trouble walking. I talked to her on a Thanksgiving Day and let her know that I loved her and that my daughter & granddaughter loved her. Her friend & caretaker was with her when she passed and said she was asleep and when she passed she got a very peaceful look on her face. I was glad to find out she was not alone.

Yesterday I got the paperwork for one of the trusts my mom had. I already know settling the estate is not going to be easy. My mom put that a certain amount was to come out of my share and divided between my sister & brother. When I asked my brother about it, he said she told him that it was money that was loaned to us to fix a car and we didn’t get the car fixed. There were two separate amounts on a list. One of the amounts we had borrowed and my dad sent the money. I set up an automatic withdrawal to repay it and fully repaid that amount. The other amount is something we never borrowed. We did have problems with one car and my mom kept asking what it would cost and I didn’t know. My husband was going to fix it. He would not let me borrow money from my parents for it. If we had borrowed the money to fix the car, it would have gone into the car as we really needed two cars. Still do, but still only have one running. Plus the amount was way more than we would have needed to fix this particular car. I also have a copy of the list stating that it was paid in full with her signature.

The bank I was using at the time I paid my dad back, we haven’t used since 2007. Plus I don’t know if they would have the records prior to that since the hurricane. Our neighbor found that when she went to a branch out of our county, they could not see her balance because the branches in our county backup separately from the other local counties. Normally they would, but with everything down after the hurricane, they couldn’t access it. I have sent an email to the lawyer with a copy of the list with my mom’s signature. I told them I can’t sign the consent since I do not agree with the one section. I consent to my brother being the executor, but not the one stipulation. I told then that if need be, we would get a hand writing analysis to prove that she signed this note. My sister is going to be totally ticked off about this, but I am not going to be penalized for something that was paid back and one thing that I never borrowed.

About the only good thing is that the community has come together to help those in need of Christmas. Our local Salvage Santa, who has been doing this for over 35 years, was featured on Good Morning America Tell TJ. Last year Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame selected him for his Returning The Favor program.
My dad passed away on Friday, not expected. Arrangements have been made for after Christmas, except for the repast catering. Still need to finalize the obituary. My sister and her family are flying in Wednesday evening and will be staying at his house, I got his cleaning lady to come in that day, not her normal schedule.
I had 2 funerals this past week. My BIL was on Thursday. He had been ill and fought cancer several times but he knew that he was never getting out of the hospital this time. He was the only sibling my husband had left, he was 19 years older than my husband so lived a long life, and my in laws died years ago so I was happy my husband at least had a chance to spend some time with his brother in the hospital before he passed.

My cousin was buried on Monday. It was one of the hardest funerals I have been to in a long time. My cousin turned 37, my sons age, the week before he committed suicide. He fought drugs for so long and just couldn't do it anymore. His 13 year old son found him and that poor child looked so lost my heart was breaking for him. My uncle was devastated. The only thing that came out of the death was seeing my uncle again after 17 years. There was a family fight that was stupid but now both sides want to make amends.

A friend who I love dearly but is not the sharpest tool in the shed is going through a rough time with her husband. He was actually arrested for violating a protection order trying to break into the house. She keeps reaching out to my husband and I for help/advice but there is so much we can do if she won't follow our advice.

My nephew's wife left him the week after their 23rd anniversary. No word, no warning, just left. We always do Christmas Eve at their house and she did all the cooking/baking. I have been put in charge of desserts. After not baking much the past couple of years I have been in the kitchen for 3 days and still have more to do. It's also the first holiday there without my BIL so I think I am over compensating.

I can't wait for the New Year.
I’m so terribly sorry for all of you. I’m currently in my bed, crying and feeling sorry for myself over something really stupid. This puts things in perspective. I wish there was something I could say to make things better for all of you. Suffering and sadness is tough at any time, but extra hard during the holidays.
We have been dealing with a serious family emergency within my immediate family the last two weeks. No one passed, but it is something we will be dealing with for the rest of our lives. It has certainly put a damper on our holidays.
Nothing as bad as most of these, but the holidays just seem to bring out the worst in my kids, and I really just want to get it over with and get back to normal routine. I think they feel the added stress, lots of projects are due right before the break, schedule and routines are out of normal, and there are a bunch of extra things to do. Even though they're supposed to be fun things, it's still extra work. I really understand why some choose to take a vacation over Christmas rather than stay home. Maybe once my kids are older they will be okay with trying that and just kinda ignoring that it's Christmas.


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