From 2008: Snake in the Contemporary Resort Room - Updated 10/23 snake nest

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Love snakes, hate bugs. So I would take that snake anyday as opposed to the 3 millipedes that we found in our room at POFQ earlier this month! they were small, but one was found crawling on the bed! :scared1:
Don't cry! If I can live through that anyone can.

I had to be strong for the kids. I'm actually slightly less afraid of them than before,if that makes any sense.

That that does not kill you makes you stronger and all, right?
Don't cry! If I can live through that anyone can.

I had to be strong for the kids. I'm actually slightly less afraid of them than before,if that makes any sense.

That that does not kill you makes you stronger and all, right?

Oh yes it might make me stronger but it would also make me :crazy2:
Don't cry! If I can live through that anyone can.

I had to be strong for the kids. I'm actually slightly less afraid of them than before,if that makes any sense.

That that does not kill you makes you stronger and all, right?

:scared1: Last year I was typing away (probably on the DIS) and heard a strange noise that I figured out was coming from inside the wall on the corner of our house. I freaked and figured it was a mouse. A few hours later I came downstairs to find a lizard (blue tailed skink i think DH called it) in my foyer, a few feet from the location of the noise :scared: Somehow I chased it out the door (not sure how I got past it to open the door and then got it out the door, but I did). Now I'm constantly thinking there are more living in the walls, though that was the only one we ever saw and it was over a year ago. Every time I mention it DH thinks I'm nuts! A snake in my room would seriously freak me out. DH and I are ready to buy at BLT, but now I'm a little worried... I don't want our first DVC stay to go like this :eek: :scared1: :crazy2: :sad: :faint:
Just reading all this is making me feel FREAKED OUT:scared1: I would much rather have Palmetto bugs than snakes. Roaches are just gross.

So I guess now I have to check for both bed bugs AND snakes before letting the family settle in the room. How will I explain that one without alarming my kids? For the bed bug check I just tell the kids that "mommy is making sure they changed the sheets." What do I say when I am checking the curtain rods? "Mommy is looking for hidden mickeys?"
Just reading all this is making me feel FREAKED OUT:scared1: I would much rather have Palmetto bugs than snakes. Roaches are just gross.

So I guess now I have to check for both bed bugs AND snakes before letting the family settle in the room. How will I explain that one without alarming my kids? For the bed bug check I just tell the kids that "mommy is making sure they changed the sheets." What do I say when I am checking the curtain rods? "Mommy is looking for hidden mickeys?"

You can tell them that you are looking for Kaa from the Jungle Book.;)
Well, not only do we have to check eveywhere when we check in but every time we come back from the parks... My DH will flip when I tell him to do this every day but it will keep me some what sane ... I think
It's not a DISNEY solution, but I know whom I'm taking along if I ever stay at the Contemporary...


(Rikki Tikki Tavi to the uninitiated. I'll be happy to do my RTV impression on the podcast cruise. It's actually funny after only one or two drinks!!)

I am totally holding you to this!! Better start practicing! I loved Rikki Tikki Tavvi as a child. It was a great show. I think they showed it this time of year too??
OMG - some things are better left unknown. Why did I open this thread???

And more importantly, why did I continue reading it????:scared:
I'll take silly little king snakes and roaches over what lives here in Arizona. I've only seen one scorpion, and none in or near where I live now, but a friend of mine was seeing three or four a day. Thankfully he lived on the other side of Phoenix.
Now, if it had been a rattlesnake or cottonmouth or water moccasin, then I've got issues.
On the other hand, it might be naive, but the last place I'd expect to find a snake is in the $300+ a night Contemporary. Sheesh!
I am a snakeaphobic...that said I lived through a nightmare that might shake up some of you folks. Last year a rat snake laid a nest of eggs in the walls of our Houston area home. Yes, they can get in through very tiny openings to do this and go many places you would not expect. We never saw the Mama snake but when the babies hatched they started appearing all over our house...the kids bathroom, my bathroom, living room, kitchen, utility room. It was a daily occurrance...kind of like Where's Waldo...where will the next snake surprise you? :scared1: It was truly awful. After 10 was over and they did not return

We moved in the Spring, but I don't think I will ever fell truly safe in my home again! Yeah, I know snakes are good for the environment...yadda, yadda...but this felt like a takeover!

Your story makes it hard for me to breathe...... in HOUSTON!! :scared:

UGH :eek:

I can't even imagine..........

so sorry this happened - I would have moved and left it all behind......

OK. So I am doing a little research and found this:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Habits[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Kingsnake derives its name from its habit of eating other snakes. It is most famous for eating rattlesnakes and copperheads and for being immune to viper venom. The Kingsnake is actually a diet generalist and will eat, small rodents, snakes, lizards, [COLOR=blue! important][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]birds[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] and their eggs and even turtles and [COLOR=blue! important][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]frogs[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]. It is usually active in the morning and late afternoon but in extremely hot conditions will be found abroad at night. The Kingsnake locates and identifies its prey at night by using its sense of smell. If the prey item is a rattlesnake, the Kingsnake, being a constrictor, will bite the snake and immediately throw several coils around it and constrict it until it is disabled and exhausted and it will then be eaten, whether still alive or dead.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Although considered a gentle snake, when a Kinsnake is threatened, it may hiss, strike and vibrate the tail as do many harmless Colubrid snakes. When attacked, or picked up by a human, Kingsnakes will roll up into a ball with the head in the center and smear the offender with musk, a strong smelling substance, and feces.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Life Cycle[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kingsnakes generally mate from March through June. The female lays a clutch of from 4-20 eggs between May and August. Incubation is about 60 days but varies from 47 to 81 days. Hatchlings are about 8 to 13 inches in length and reach sexual maturity in about 4 years. After the female lays her eggs, she will leave them and show no more interest nor any maternal feelings toward the young.[/FONT]

So apparently this thing would protect you from other yucky creatures like rats and such (although there is still no protection from roaches and palmetto bugs . . . shucks!) while not posing a threat to people. Not saying I want to find a snake in my hotel room. I guess I am just trying to see a bright side?:confused3

And if Disney removed the snake to another location as opposed to killing it, it doesn't seem that the snake would have a reason to return since there are no maternal instincts or territorial behaviors.

What I have not found out is whether a snake will lay more than one nest at a time. 20 eggs is a lot of eggs. Would they all fit in one nest? Oh horrors! I just had a thought. What if the snake that was found was from a previous "clutch" and not the mother of the nest? I think I am going to be ill.:sick: Why do I have to have such an active imagination? WIll my vacations in WDW ever be the same? Someone please tell me they are thoroughly investigating all the surrounding rooms and air ducts.
I'll take silly little king snakes and roaches over what lives here in Arizona. I've only seen one scorpion, and none in or near where I live now, but a friend of mine was seeing three or four a day. Thankfully he lived on the other side of Phoenix.
Now, if it had been a rattlesnake or cottonmouth or water moccasin, then I've got issues.
On the other hand, it might be naive, but the last place I'd expect to find a snake is in the $300+ a night Contemporary. Sheesh!

we live in an area like that....

my worst encounter was about 16 years ago.....DS (5 years old at the time) and I were in the basement putting toys away...i was on one side he was on the other....
suddenly he says "mommy......"
i turned to look.....i realized he was trying to think of the word for what he was pointing at on the floor....
i saw what he was pointing to and thought it was one of those rubber toys that you use to frighten people....a toy scorpion......
that is until i saw the tail curl up......this thing was HUGE....

oh oh.....i yelled "scorpion" and sprung into action....
i took off my sandal and came across the basement and began wacking that thing with every bit of my strength.....i'm not sure how many it took as i was kind of in a wacking frenzy......but when i stopped, it was dead....thank god...

anyway...we were pretty freaked out by that experience....the fact that it was a black rather than the deadly yellow scorpion calmed us a wee bit...but only a wee bit..

more recently i encountered a viper up close and personal....though thankfully not in the house....
it was slithering along the top of the wall next to the driveway....
though i have always known that vipers are native to where we live and that there are even vipers living in the bushes in the park across the street from us (since a boy was bitten there a few years ago and had to be rushed to the hospital for the antidote), i hadn't personally seen one other than in the zoo....
so i was shocked when i saw it on the wall slithering was quite large.....not something i want to run into again......and certainly not in the house....even on the wall (10 feet from the front door) it totally creeped me out....and of course, i told DD, DS and DH not to leave the front door open so that they can't slither in...yeah right....we always have the front door open (so the dog can run in and out) and the patio door and the windows.....and no screens if they want to come in, the welcome mat is waiting....:eek:

as for cockroaches - we have those huge flying ones that you can saddle up and ride... i think they're what people call palmetto bugs, but they're not called that they're called Jukim (local language)....cute name for a hideous, disgusting bug that you have to learn to live with since they all the spraying in the world doesn't get rid of them entirely....

but still, between the three, scorpions, vipers, and palmetto bugs, i'll take the palmettos any day....
This might sound odd but I'd rather have a snake in my room than roaches or palmetto bugs. :)

It's funny you say that because 2 years ago me and DBF stayed at the Dolphin and came back late one nite to find a gigantic roach (or palmetto bug because it flew) in our room. The maintance guy was even scared of it. Needless to say they moved us immediately and comped our room for the nite. Looking back it wasn't that bad but when the thing started flying I almost fainted.:rotfl:
It's funny you say that because 2 years ago me and DBF stayed at the Dolphin and came back late one nite to find a gigantic roach (or palmetto bug because it flew) in our room. The maintance guy was even scared of it. Needless to say they moved us immediately and comped our room for the nite. Looking back it wasn't that bad but when the thing started flying I almost fainted.:rotfl:

i would have cried, screamed, had a mental breakdown, etc. roaches/locusts/cicadas are my all time biggest fear. i have NO idea why :( ugh!
Okay I got some news about the snake nest. My mil spoke to the couple last night and asked where the nest was located in the room. The snake nest was above the curtains on the black board where you see the snake or some would say cornice board (sic).

Could you imagine getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stepping on this snake. Omg I would die! Or could you imagine coming in from a long day at the park and walk in to twelve baby snakes that justed hatched. That is so gross. I need a shower!:rotfl:
Okay I got some news about the snake nest. My mil spoke to the couple last night and asked where the nest was located in the room. The snake nest was above the curtains on the black board where you see the snake or some would say cornice board (sic).

Could you imagine getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stepping on this snake. Omg I would die! Or could you imagine coming in from a long day at the park and walk in to twelve baby snakes that justed hatched. That is so gross. I need a shower!:rotfl:

:scared1: :eek: :scared1: :eek: :scared: :scared1: :eek: :scared:
OMG!!!!!:scared1: :eek:



Well, I looked up the snake and it says it's a constrictor type snake, which could have posed a danger to any small children, toddlers who were in the room asleep. I'm sure the child would have cried prompting quick attention from parents, but could you imagine waking up to find that snake wrapped around your child... YIKES!!
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